View Full Version : big dogs

12-03-2010, 02:36 PM
i love big dogs. they're so huggable! i have a 110-pound pit bull mix & he's so awesome. i love breeds like great danes, mastiffs, rottweilers, etc. does anyone else love big dogs?? :D

12-05-2010, 01:09 AM

Big Dogs are great !, and your comment on the "huggable", brought back a memory, that I'll hold for the rest of my life.

One day, a LONG time ago, I was about 4 years old. My Dad and I were walking around the block, you could do that back then, it's not so safe now a days.

But, when we walked by this old Lady's house, she was sitting on the Porch, and her German Shepard was out in the yard, near the sidewalk. He was VERY big for his breed, I'd say near 100 pounds, and his name was Bosco.

We stopped and my Dad said hello to our neighbor, and Bosco came up to me/us, and his and my head were at about the same height, he looked me straight in the eye.

Most little kids would be frightened of a large animal moving up so close to them, but, the way he looked at me, was something special. I just reached out and hugged his neck, with NO question about my safety. My Dad made some comment about me finding a new friend, and truth be told, I had.

Large animals have not been a major part of my life, as you can see, I have Yorkies now, and are TOTALLY in love with my little guys. But, I'll never forget Bosco, and the impact he had on me, which started a life long love, appreciation and respect for beings which are SO underestimated.

Have a good Day ! :)

12-05-2010, 06:54 PM
that's such a cool story! :)

12-05-2010, 07:12 PM
I adore big dogs!!! I had a rottweiler mix named Jenny for 10 and a half years and she was my soul dog. I miss her terribly.. she died almost 2 years ago. :( Rocky was a black lab but more medium but a love and also my heart dog. He died 2 years ago on the 14th of this month. :(

12-05-2010, 10:15 PM
I have always been partial to big dogs. I am partial to one big dog in particular. Koko is a lean 100 pounds even though she looks much bigger. Despite her large size she is a kid magnet, no she is just a people magnet. I do love that pup. :love:

12-06-2010, 06:55 PM
me, me, me. I love large dogs as well. I got Tip because I thought he was an Alaskan Malamute and was going to be big. He's only medium size 57lbs. It's always amusing to me when people say he's a big dog. But I luv him like he's a big dog and he thinks he's a big dog LOL.

12-06-2010, 11:27 PM
Speaking of them "thinking" they're big, my Male Yorkie does NOT know fear in any sense. He goes absolutely nuts, when a strange person or other Dog approaches our little Female Becca. She's his sister actually, but, I think he thinks that she's HIS puppy ! HA !

Have a good Day :)

12-07-2010, 07:10 AM
*raises hand* I LOVE big dogs too!

My Bon boy is 157 lbs of :love:
He loves to lay in your lap!

12-08-2010, 06:34 PM
Hand raised here!:D I love big dogs!:love: My Layla is 70#. Most of my dogs have been around that size except my RB Corey who was 95#. My Jake, well he's a smaller pup at 35#(as was my RB Casey, many years ago), but loved just as much!:)

12-08-2010, 09:02 PM
*raises hand* I LOVE big dogs too!

My Bon boy is 157 lbs of :love:
He loves to lay in your lap!

WOW 157lbs he is a BIG boy. I LUV that picture of him.

12-10-2010, 01:42 PM
*raises hand* I LOVE big dogs too!

My Bon boy is 157 lbs of :love:
He loves to lay in your lap!

he's one big, beautiful dog