View Full Version : Willy: How'd they DO that?

12-01-2010, 08:12 AM
I am sure you have all "read" the expression on your fluff's face at one time or another. Last night, Willy was darn right PUZZLED!

We went to class. I walk him about a bit before we enter the building.

There are some lovely evergreen bushes. This particular one, the lowest branches are up off the ground and just about above Willy's head. Picture that. OK? Now for the puzzle.

There was DOG PEE MAIL on those branches! :D

Of course, I know they have all sorts come to class - Great Danes, Bull Mastiffs, Bernese Mountain Dogs and lots more LARGE breeds, who could easily lift a leg and water those branches. But Willy? He was really trying to figure this out.

Sniffing and smelling, turning this way and that to lift a leg but not "going" as he wasn't going to be able to over mark this way, nope that way won't work. Hmmmm :confused:

It was just hilarious! I do hope I've written it well enough for you to picture this. Silly boy, Willy!

12-01-2010, 08:35 AM
Oh yeah!!! - I can definitely picture that. Sparky would be in the same state of bewilderment if he encountered such a situation - just the type of little imp that he is.

Willy boy - it just won't work the way you would like. Just be content in taking care of those lower spots! :D

BTW - when is Mom going to add YOUR pic to her siggy pic? I think it's overdue.........:p

12-01-2010, 08:37 AM
BTW - when is Mom going to add YOUR pic to her siggy pic? I think it's overdue.........:p

Willy is a foster dog; he is not staying. :(

12-01-2010, 10:00 AM
Willy is a foster dog; he is not staying. :(

Oh sure - I think I read that somewhere before. :eek: You really aren't going to take him away from Dad and all of his fur sibs - right??? :(

12-01-2010, 11:09 AM
Willy is a foster dog; he is not staying. :(

There is a law in Freedom's town that restricts the number of dogs per household. However, I am quite certain I only saw three dogs. Yep... three ;) They walk together, you know, so it's hard to tell which paws go with which fluff. But I am confident that I counted three. Therefore... room for one more :D

12-01-2010, 11:13 AM
There is a law in Freedom's town that restricts the number of dogs per household.

Law says max 3 per house. I already got 4.

12-02-2010, 11:20 AM
Law says max 3 per house. I already got 4.:eek: I didn't know they had a law about how many dogs, is that for Providence?

12-02-2010, 12:34 PM
So hilarious Sandie! I can totally picture it!!!

I once saw a doberman lift is leg almost halfway up a telephone pole! Talk about Alpha! I remember my dad and I (leaving Cody training class) had our jaws almost on the ground! (Aha! A human stunt that the doberman couldn't do!!! :p

12-02-2010, 02:22 PM
Pat, that is for East Providence. Every city and town does it differently. We have the 3 dog limit, for cats we have an anti hoarding law.

Some limit to 4 dogs, 5 cats, every place is different.

To keep more than 3 dogs, I n a kennel license, and to get THAT I need kennel facilities, which are pretty specific. NOT gonna happen!

K9Karen, THANK YOU for getting us back on track, ha haaa. Willy is so smart, I am sure he has been pondering this all week. :D

12-03-2010, 03:13 PM
So, Willy, what happened? Did you use a branch you could reach?

Could you have mum or granddad give you (and Marlin, Tasha, Sugar and Lacey) a hug for me? However long you are in your foster home I'm glad you are learning new skills. You are so smart, it hasn't taken you long to catch on. You are special, Willy!