View Full Version : Foods that are not safe for cats

11-10-2010, 02:00 AM
This information is from a pet advice website:

Healthy or Hazardous? Foods for your cat to avoid.

As human digestive systems work differently to those of the feline family, foods that are considered healthy for your own consumption could actually be deadly for your cat.
For example, those table scraps or that chocolate biscuit may seem harmless, but you could actually be poisoning her.

While cats are considered quite fussy when it comes to their food, their decisions are largely based on texture and smell. When given the opportunity, cats can ingest foods that are harmful to their health on their own accord. With this is mind, you need to keep an eye out for any food left around the house.

To help avoid any emergency trips to the vet we have listed the top foods you need to avoid feeding your cat.


All alcohol contains ethanol which is extremely deadly for cats. It can cause slowed respiratory rates, cardiac arrest, induced coma and even death.
While you’re probably not intentionally feeding your cat alcohol, unattended drinks and minor spills can be common in the household. Alcoholic drinks with a high sugar content (e.g. mixer drinks) are particularly inviting to cats, so keep all drinks out of paws reach and clean-up any little spillages immediately.

Chocolate and caffeine

Chocolate contains caffeine and theobromine which are both poisonous for cats. The chemicals are diuretics and can cause dramatic fluid loss (through vomiting and diarrhoea). Other serious symptoms include heart attacks, reduced blood flow to the brain, comas and in severe cases, death. Avoid feeding your cat any foods with a cocoa or caffeine content and ensure all crumbs and scraps are cleaned up immediately.

Animal bones

While bones are not toxic, their ability to splinter is extremely dangerous for your cat. They can cause cuts and lacerations inside your cat’s mouth as well as their stomach and digestive system. Bones can also cause obstruction in your cat’s throat and digestive system which can result in choking or suffocation. Just remember, bones are not a treat, they’re a potential threat to your cat’s health.


Cats are naturally attracted to the alluring smell of a ripe avocado. However, avocados contain persin which is a fatty acid that is extremely harmful to cats. Symptoms of avocado poisoning include vomiting, diarrhoea, respiratory distress, congestion, fluid build up around the heart and in severe cases, death. If you’re an avocado lover, just ensure you keep them out of temptations way for your cat.

Onions and leeks

Even the smallest amounts of these substances can be toxic to your cat. They are also just as dangerous when cooked as they are when raw. They can cause anaemia, which results in the destruction of red blood cells. Symptoms to look out for include blood in the urine, a rapid heart rate and a pale mucous membrane.

There are also a host of other foods which can be harmful to your cat. These include grapes, raisins, currants, macadamia nuts, dairy products, raw eggs, mushrooms, raw fish, citrus fruit, green potatoes, tomatoes as well as salt when eaten in large quantities.

11-10-2010, 07:11 AM
Thank you for posting this. Some I knew about and some I didn't. Fortunately, my Fur Posse truly are picky and won't eat most human food but it's still good to be cautious. :)

11-10-2010, 07:57 AM
OMG!! Thanks for the heads up! I was eating homemade guacamole and chips last night and Butchie was in my face!!! He LOVES the stuff!!

Onions, onion powder are also on the list.

11-10-2010, 09:27 AM
Toby ate some onions and mushrooms from a pizza I was eating a couple weeks ago. He seemed perfectly fine afterward, but I now know not to give him any more.

smokey the elder
11-10-2010, 10:55 AM
Bubba has decided he wants chili, which has about half of the banned substances in it!:p

11-10-2010, 12:23 PM
:) Very Good Advise && Thanks for Posting..

11-10-2010, 02:02 PM
The only human food i give my cats is meat, and chicken, i have never been one to give them scraps especially junk food, just as well it seems.,but such a good idea to post this as i know many kitties do get human food.

11-10-2010, 02:59 PM
Of the things mentioned, I have never given Fister any of the food on the list, except raw fish and he doesn't seem to get sick from it at all. I do give him small pieces, though. When Fister was blocked, the vet said not to give im ANY shrimps, not even one! That has to do with the amount of... uhh, I can't remember what it was, but I'm sure one of you guys know. ;)

Btw, people with a high cholesterol level should keep from shrimps also.

I think we've all seen cats eat a variety of raw fish in harbours when fishingboats come in, so I do wonder...

Anyway, thanks for posting this. :)