View Full Version : Fish oil anyone? Or Glucosamine?

11-06-2010, 11:41 AM
When I walk fast for more than 45 min. my hips start hurting, actually my knees a bit, too.

I went for an x-ray of my hips and then my doctor told me I have a little bit of rheumatism. So I asked what I could do about it and also asked if Fish Oil might help. I've never taken that before, but I've heard it helps for many things.

My doctor also mentioned something called Glucosamine which is supposed to strengthen the gristle?. However, I have read that you might get some side effects, even though not many will - but I can do without those! It would also take quite a while before you can feel the effect of it.

So.... I'd love to hear if you have tried any of these and if it helps?

11-06-2010, 11:48 AM
My assistant at work swears by glucosamine and condroitan (spelling on that one not sure of). She takes OSTEO BI FLEX for her joints and for her back. Says it makes a world of difference.

Hope you find something to make you hurt less! HUGS!!

11-06-2010, 11:50 AM
I use fish oil for the heart and the joints.

11-06-2010, 12:46 PM
Fish oil is very beneficial to your joints and your circulatory system. It helps keep your cholesterol down also. My cholesterol was just slightly elevated and my doctor told me to take fish oil capsules, and it was down in just a matter of a couple of weeks. I take no meds for high cholesterol or blood pressure, unlike most folks my age.

Glucosamine/chrondroitan is widely prescribed here in the states for bone/joint strength - for animals as well as people. Both my dogs have bad knees, and they have taken it for several years, and it definitely helps them keep mobile. I took it for almost a year, but it had no beneficial effects for me. But I have advanced osteoporisis and arthritis and am facing a possible/probable hip replacement in the very near future, so maybe I was just "too far gone" for it to work.....:eek:

11-06-2010, 12:54 PM
Yes, to both. I've taken Glucosamine for years. It helps my knees be less stiff. My dr put me on fish oil for my cholesterol. My problem is forgetting to take them. I've not had any side effects from them. Chrondroitan does upset my stomach so I don't take that. :love:

11-06-2010, 01:48 PM
Another yes to both. Have taken both for many years with no discernible side effects.

I had to go off the Glucosamine for several weeks before my craniotomy, and definitely noticed a change in my joints - especially in the legs.

11-06-2010, 02:33 PM
I take both of them. Fish oil (Omega 3) for heart and I just started taking the Glucosamine/chondroitin a few weeks ago for aches and pains that I seem to have now that I have turned 50. I highly recommend both. Make sure you take the fish oil before you eat, otherwise you will be burping up nasty fishy taste. :D

11-06-2010, 04:07 PM
"Yes to both," here, too. Been taking them for several years now.

I get Schiff's Move Free Advanced, in the green box, for glucosamine and chondroitin. It also includes joint fluid, which is what I need, as I have no cushioning left between the bones in both knees. Double knee replacements are in my future. :( Osteo Biflex is the only other brand I've ever heard a medical person recommend. Often, shops here will offer 2 for the price of 1 deals on those 2 brands, as well.

Fish oil helps reduce inflammation. IN addition to the other things someone already mentioned.

Here in the US, neither product is regulated by the FDA. This means it varies widely from brand to brand, what you are getting, in the amount, in any additives used, etc. So when you find one that works, stick with it. Switching for "the one on sale that week" is definitely NOT recommended for these types of products. One brand will work and another won't, because the dosage can be quite different. You may or may not be able to figure out the differences from the labeling.

Your last question, does it help? Definitely! If I miss either one for 3 days, I KNOW IT! AND, I developed arthritis in my neck. Only way I learned this was I ran out of the Schiff's and tried waiting for a sale. Suddenly I had limited head movement, ouch!

BTW, here, arthritis and rheumatism are treated differently, have different causes and issues.

11-06-2010, 07:42 PM
I never could remember to take the Glucosamine/Chondroiton pills so I never did know if they actually worked for me (mom and hubby swear by them though).

What works for me is an 8oz drink with Glucosamine/Chondroiton in it called Elations (http://www.elations.com/). I'm normally skeptical of things by nature but after getting tired of cussing every time my knees or hips would pop I decided to get a 6 pack of this stuff. After only 5 days I noticed a difference, and if I run out for more than 4 days I notice the pain returning. It doesn't stop the poping in my joints, but does make it so it doesn't hurt anyway.

You can buy it at a bunch of different stores (their website says where) but I found that Walgreens is the most expensive, and Wally's World is usually the cheapest unless another store is having a sale. I rarely pay more than $6 for a 6 pack of it.

It comes in 3 flavors, although most stores only seem to have it in 2. While it might list cranberry on the label, I can tell you it's not an overwhelming taste because I HATE cranberry juice but I can drink this stuff just fine.

Worth a try, you'll know after a week or so if it's gonna work. You just have to drink 1 8oz bottle a day. They do have a powder you can mix yourself but you have to mix it in like 18oz of water so it isn't convienent for me as it takes half the day to drink it up that way.

11-06-2010, 08:01 PM
I never could remember to take the Glucosamine/Chondroiton pills so I never did know if they actually worked for me (mom and hubby swear by them though).

What works for me is an 8oz drink with Glucosamine/Chondroiton in it called Elations (http://www.elations.com/). I'm normally skeptical of things by nature but after getting tired of cussing every time my knees or hips would pop I decided to get a 6 pack of this stuff. After only 5 days I noticed a difference, and if I run out for more than 4 days I notice the pain returning. It doesn't stop the poping in my joints, but does make it so it doesn't hurt anyway.

You can buy it at a bunch of different stores (their website says where) but I found that Walgreens is the most expensive, and Wally's World is usually the cheapest unless another store is having a sale. I rarely pay more than $6 for a 6 pack of it.

It comes in 3 flavors, although most stores only seem to have it in 2. While it might list cranberry on the label, I can tell you it's not an overwhelming taste because I HATE cranberry juice but I can drink this stuff just fine.

Worth a try, you'll know after a week or so if it's gonna work. You just have to drink 1 8oz bottle a day. They do have a powder you can mix yourself but you have to mix it in like 18oz of water so it isn't convienent for me as it takes half the day to drink it up that way.

Is there a carb count on the packet? Can't find anything about it on their site.

The cost of those packets is way too much for me. That's a dollar a day. I can buy a bottle of Schiff Glucosamine at CVS - 150 caps - for $19. That's 13¢ a day. A savings of $130 over the 5 months the bottle will last me. And if I get the CVS brand, it's cheaper yet.

11-08-2010, 11:08 AM
Thanks so much for your replies. :) I haven't decided which I want to try yet, but my doctor said, try one OR the other, to see if it has any effect.

A woman my friend knows have taken Glucosamine for some time now, she was almost on crutches, but is walking without problems now. I think I'll have a chat with her.

I really don't like taking any kind of medicine, if I can avoid it, but I do take a Calcium/Vitamin D every day and the occasional 1/2 sleeping pill if the 6 young people upstairs are driving me crazy with their noise - and if I have an important meeting the next day.

Anyway, I guess fish oil won't do any harm. ;)

11-08-2010, 02:50 PM
I tried both. Neither worked. I wound up burping fish. UGH!!! My joints still ache. Especially today because we got snow. It's now cold and wet out and my joints are do NOT like it!!

11-08-2010, 06:21 PM
I couldn't handle the fish oil; it upset my stomach too much. Chondroitin and glucosamine worked quite well for me in the beginning but after a while it quit working. Not sure why.

11-08-2010, 07:36 PM
I've had 2 spine surgeries, need 2 more (genetic defect) and need both hips replaced. The docs can't believe I'm still active (gym) and walking. I din't feel great, but, I've been taking glucosamine AND Omega 3 fish oil. So had Ms Logan.
Like mommy, like daughter!

11-08-2010, 08:16 PM
I've taken fish oil caps since I was a baby and I've always continued with it. I'm sure my cholesterol would be a lot worse if I stopped taking it although I do take meds for it. I know one thing it does help with and that is colds or flus, I don't seem to ever get either one and I don't take the flu shots.

11-09-2010, 10:35 AM
The glucosamine can take a week or so before you can tell it's working. I thought mine wasn't working after a while so stopped it. I could sure tell the difference after a few days. :love:

Oh, when you cook, use extra virgin olive oil. I can't remember if it helps the joints but it's wonderful for cholesterol control and bunches of other stuff. Plus stir fry tastes really yummy if you use just a touch. :love:

11-09-2010, 04:59 PM
Is there a carb count on the packet? Can't find anything about it on their site.

The cost of those packets is way too much for me. That's a dollar a day. I can buy a bottle of Schiff Glucosamine at CVS - 150 caps - for $19. That's 13¢ a day. A savings of $130 over the 5 months the bottle will last me. And if I get the CVS brand, it's cheaper yet.

Actually it's costing you 39 cents a day. I looked it up and to get the same amount of glucosamine (1,500mg) you have to take 3 capsules a day!

That's why I don't like taking the pills, I don't like pills anyways and taking 3 at one time or trying to remember to take one 3 times a day just doesn't work for me, but drinking an 8oz drink in the morning I can handle, and remember.

The carb info for Elations is on their website HERE (http://www.elations.com/categories/products/overview.php)

11-13-2010, 12:45 PM
Thanks to you all for your inputs about this. :) I have decided to try Cod Liver Oil - a spoonful every day!

11-13-2010, 10:07 PM
I've been taking Flax Oil in the soft pill form for several years now. I started taking it to help my joints but it's also supposed to help your heart. It's also supposed to help with hot flashes when I start going through menopause. I still get aches and pains though. I also take extra vitamin D, calcium, and a multi-vitamin every day.

Randi, when I had guinea pigs I used to give them some cod liver oil every day. I thought is smelled awful and I can only imagine how it tasted. Good luck.:)