View Full Version : Angus's Exciting Day!

10-27-2002, 08:24 AM
Bet you all thought I'd have pictures didn't you? Saddly, no:(
But it was fun none the less!
First he got to go to SuperPetz to get dog food, and got a brand new ball! I also bought Roxey a new buster cube since Huney got ahold of her other food ball and pretty much shredded it into small pieces!
He got to get lots of head pats and scratches in his "special spot" (right under his neck and chest)!
Then.....he got to go car shopping with us! Can you even believe the looks we were getting? It was so funny:p Now you all know Angus is a big pussycat, but so many people think he's mean & going to "tear them up"! We had so many comments like that yesterday! We are looking for something that we can fit all 3 dogs in (my Intrepid doesn't work too well for all 3, nor Marks little Cavalier!). So Angus even got to take test drives with us! It was really alot of fun, but he was soooo tired and ready to come home.

10-27-2002, 08:40 AM
Awww, how cute!! I bet Angus had a great day!! Huney, you naughty girl!! Glad Roxey, Angus, and Huney all had a wonderful day:).

10-27-2002, 09:08 AM
Ah, the handsome Angus and the gorgeous Roxy! :) thanks for sharing :)

10-27-2002, 09:12 AM
Glad to hear Angus had a great time :) Cute pictures ;) ;) But........WHere's Huney? :p :p

10-27-2002, 09:15 AM
Cute pictures! Sounds like Angus had lots of fun! And just dare those salesmen to cheat a Rottie :p he may lick them to death or something!

10-27-2002, 09:17 AM
Sounds like Angus had a great time!! I totally relate with the car shopping experience. When I graduated from college May 2001, I went shopping for a new car and took Draker with us because I had to be sure he had room to ride if there was anyone else riding in the car. I was going to buy a VW bug and the dealership threw a fit about Drake riding for the test drive. So, I took my business elsewhere!

10-27-2002, 09:52 AM
Oh gosh, whenever I see pics of Angus, I just melt. He just looks sooooo huggable and sweet. You better keep me far away from him Anna because if I ever saw him in person, I think I'd run off with him :eek: :D

10-27-2002, 10:20 AM
What a great day Angus' had...... he must be grinning from ear to ear.... :D

10-27-2002, 03:21 PM
Sounds like he had a great time!!!! Glad to hear it!!!
Did you decide on what car to get? Your Intrepid is a gorgeous car. Did you try SUV's? I love my Alero but I wish I would have gotten a Ford Escape or Jeep Liberty. So I could put a barrier in the back and let Keegan have the back of the vehicle. Oh Well Maybe someday.

Good Luck. Give the babies a hug!

10-27-2002, 03:57 PM
What a fun day, Anna!! I'm sure Angus was in "dog heaven" with all that one on one attention!

As for the car thing.......just a little while ago, I was driving Helen to catch a bus for a concert her choir was giving this afternoon, and she said "Look, Mom, that old lady is driving a sports car". Then she said, "when you get old, I hope you will drive a sports car". Hehehe! I quickly told her that I thought I would be in an SUV forever. Can't imagine not having lots of room to haul my dogs and those I transport. She said that would be ok and SUVs are still "cool". I have a Jeep Grand Cherokee. The funniest thing she said was "No Buicks, please". She thinks Buicks are for the oldest of people!!!! :p

10-27-2002, 04:28 PM
Awesome pics! ! I sounds like everyone had a great time ! Like many of you I also have an suv I have a 2000 Rodeo and if you ask Tucker where his seat is... Well he thinks its the drivers seat lol even with all the room in the back !

10-27-2002, 04:51 PM
Great pics!!! What a fun day!

For my two big guys, we have a red Suburban with the third seat removed. It is wonderful!! I think I might even have room for more dogs!!! hehehe

10-27-2002, 05:56 PM
I hate stupid people! I'm glad Angus had a good time though. Hmmm....let me think psychically for a moment...I....see....a Mini Van in your future with the middle seat(s) taken out for maximum poochie comfort.

10-27-2002, 06:40 PM
A mini van? Tell Mark that! That's personally what I'd get, better gas mileage & all, but ya know how a man is!!!

And Aly, He let you take him in a minute, just not so sure he'd like the others you have at home though:eek:

Ya Souraya, I thought they'd be like "You can't take him", but the guy even tried to help us get him in the back of the Durango! Man was I surprised!

Angus was happy to go, but he was REALLY happy to be home, the poor old boy was sooo tired!

Still not sure about what kind of vehicle to get, but when we do decide, you better believe I'll get some pics of the pups in it! After all, it's for them too!

10-27-2002, 07:19 PM
Wow, Angus!!:eek: A pupster couldn't ask for a more funner day!:) Boy, you must be pooped!!:D You've got one terrific Mommy there, sweet Angus! I've had, and loved driving, three sports cars. But since becoming a "Mom," it's been all SUV'S! Currently it's a Isuzu Trooper LS. Lots of room for all the kids and EVERYONE gets out of the way!!:D

10-28-2002, 09:18 AM
Anna, what great pics! I bet Angus had a ton of fun. :)

Once Kia got Andy and I free parking in a ramp. At the booth, she ohhed and ahhhed over Kia, pampering her with pets and treats and told us no charge for parking. :D

10-29-2002, 01:33 AM
Originally posted by Logan
The funniest thing she said was "No Buicks, please". She thinks Buicks are for the oldest of people!!!! :p

LMAO!!!!! I have a Buick! Hehehe I always call it my "Old Lady Car" (actually it's true nickname is Sparky the Gutless Wonder lol lol). It's a old 1989 dark blue Buick Century....my parents old car they sold to me after THEY got an SUV! hehehe. Hey man, that thing has a huge truck, and a nicely sized back seat for a doggy named Nebo, and a front seat for a doggy named Reggie. Too bad the seats are dark blue, and the shedding fur is white!! :eek: It truely fits the "old people car" description from the outside, but inside there is a new cd player, and some bobble-head dogs inside for character! ;)

My car is ok with one big dog seatbelted in the back, but it really sucks to try to take Nebo *and* Lady. UGH. It was even worse with Melissa's tiny 2-door Toyota Tercel....the manhole got the best of that car.....I'm hoping her next vehicle will be something bigger--for the dogs of course! :D

Those pics are great, Anna...I really love the one of Angus trying to "stare down" the ball. LOL.

10-29-2002, 06:45 AM
We got a new vehicle, we went with a Durango. I think the dogs will approve of this one, it rides like a dream & plenty of room for everyone! This is just like ours (but not an actual pic of it)
I will get some pics of the pups in it later! Everyone will have to take a little ride!

10-29-2002, 07:10 AM
Congratulations on the new ride, Anna!!! I swear, once in an SUV, sitting up higher, I could never go back to a car!! I feel like I"m in a go cart when I drive a regular car now!!! LOL!!!!

Your new car is beautiful, and won't your puppies love it???? :D

10-29-2002, 07:11 AM
I know just what you mean Logan, I feel so totally high! Nothing like riding in a car, I feel so much TALLER than everyone else! So Cool!:p

10-29-2002, 09:02 AM
Wow!!!!!:eek: :eek: Nice car!!! I'm sure the furbabies will like it , can't wait to see their pictures inside the car! Wow , these furbabies have a better life than some people :D :D I can picture Roxey saying ' Hey, 'wanna see our new car?:p :p '

10-29-2002, 09:49 AM
I know my dream car.. it's a Ford Ranger XLT :D I dream everyday til' the day I actually own one!

10-29-2002, 03:43 PM
Congrats!!! I love the extra height in my Ranger...I feel so far below everyone when I driving the Mustang or the Shadow. I wish my ranger was an extended cab though...gets alittle crowded with me and the girl on in the front and there is NO WAY all four of us can go anywhere in it!!

Dakota's Mommy
10-29-2002, 04:20 PM
Congrats on the new vehicle! I love Durangos. Our neighbor has one and it works great for them and their two girls. It will also be nice for when the child on the way is born. I would love to get an SUV so we would have more room for our girls but a new car is definately not in our near future since we just got the Camry a little over a year ago and we just got our truck at the end of June!

10-29-2002, 04:58 PM
*Droooool* I am soooo jealous!!! Congratulations! That looks like so much fun!! :D

10-29-2002, 08:23 PM
Well, Roxey just had her first ride in "her";) new car! We put her in a kennel in the back & she didn't mind it at all, she was really good. It was too dark for pics, but I'm taking all 3 of them to get groomed on Thursday so we'll get some pics of them then!

10-29-2002, 11:23 PM
I can't wait to see it at the Next PetTalk meeting!!! Tiny little Anna in this big Durango!