View Full Version : Memo From the IG's: Please Help Us! Our Mom is MEAN! *pics*

10-08-2010, 09:40 AM
Rocky: Can you believe this? Just LOOK at us ... all three of us squished up in ONE little dog bed!

Gia: The horror! The abuse! Won't someone please help end this torture? Please send cheese and hotdogs right away!

Iggy: Yes, for pennies a day, you can save a poor IG! We suffer so, all of use having to share ONE bed! Your donation of one package of hotdogs per day will feed three IG's!

Rocky: Call 1-800-FEED-IGS today! All major credit cards accepted!

Gia: Ummm .... what's mom saying? That there are seven more dog beds throughout the house, as well as the couch, loveseat and recliner? What?

Iggy: I don't hear anything. Talk to the paw, Mom.

Rocky: Now, as we were saying ... the abuse of IG's is horrific. Please look at the pictures, if you can bear it ....

10-08-2010, 09:49 AM
Awww, Rocky, Gia and Iggy, I can't believe what your mom is putting you through. I think you should just pack up and come out to California. I'll give you each your own bed and all the hot dogs you want. :p ;)

Beautiful pups! I'm still wanting an IG as my next dog.....some day. :)

10-08-2010, 10:04 AM
Um, guys - check out Dino (http://DogoftheDay.com/archive/2010/October/08.html) - at least you all FIT in your bed ...

The better to snuggle with?

Come on up to Massachusetts, if you can stand the cold, I've got a whole couch I'll share with you!

10-08-2010, 10:08 AM
Um, guys - check out Dino (http://DogoftheDay.com/archive/2010/October/08.html) - at least you all FIT in your bed ...

The better to snuggle with?

Come on up to Massachusetts, if you can stand the cold, I've got a whole couch I'll share with you!

Karen, that link made me actually LOL.

10-08-2010, 10:13 AM
OH MY!!! The torture...the abuse! How can your mom be so cruel?!?

(LOL...love this. Thanks for the smiles.) :love: :D :)

10-08-2010, 10:48 AM
Hahaaaa, that is what happens when there is a chill in the air. Thy all start snuggling together. So glad you grabbed the camera!

After seeing Dino, I don't think you IG's have a very strong case.

10-08-2010, 12:16 PM
Uh oh, IG aboose...

Could you all have your mum give you some petting and hugs from me? Cos you gave me a big smile today, look --> :D

10-08-2010, 12:53 PM
Oh those poor IG's!! All smooshed together... their chiropractic bills must be through the roof!! :p;):D

Pinot's Mom
10-08-2010, 01:56 PM
AWWW! Poor IG's! I know of a kitty lawyer on this site, but, I'm sorry I have no knowledge of a doggie lawyer. Anyone?? This situation MUST be dealt with!!! :rolleyes:

10-08-2010, 04:27 PM
Actually I think you all look soooo comfortable snuggled up together.:love:
I can still send some extra hotdogs if you need them though.:) LOL

10-09-2010, 07:13 AM
You poor little babies!:p

10-11-2010, 09:27 PM
Hi Rocky, Gia, and Iggy,
Our friend Cassie alerted me to your situation. I'm Groucho the Lawyer and my practice includes cases of aboose. Even though I'm a kitty lawyer, I can represent you as there's really no difference between kitty and puppy law. If you would like my help, I'll represent you pro bono.

From your original post I can see that you definitely have a cause of action. What is this about no hot dogs? Then all three of you have to sleep all scrunched up together in one tiny bed? This is not acceptable!

If you'd like my help, please call me on my cell phone or send me a message on this post. We need to talk so a legal strategy can be planned.

Your friend,
Groucho the Lawyer

10-11-2010, 10:03 PM
Dear Mr. Groucho -

Finally! Someone hears our plea! And none too soon, either - things have progressed from bad to worse around here.

Yesterday, we were subjected to outright torture, cruel and unusual punishment, in our humble opinions. We were dragged into mom's grooming shop (she calls it that, ha! It's really the shop of horrors!) where we were nearly drowned by scalding water, had some vile acid-type liquid poured all over us and rubbed in, then nearly drowned again! Then, as if that weren't enough ... we were then subjected to some torture device with blew blasts of burning hot air on us, and THEN she cut the ends of our toes off with some evil clicking device! We almost died, I kid you not! And what did she have to say after this sadist treatment .... "There! You all smell better now!" Whaaaatttt?!?!

Furthermore, today, it could not have been more than 60 degrees outside, if that. Freezing, horrendous conditions! Why, there were actually clouds in the sky part of the day - no sun! And what did she do to us?! You won't believe it - she put us outside for an eternity! At least ten full minutes! It was so traumatizing, we may need therapy for the rest of our lives! And what does she say for herself when she finally opens the door, in the nick of time, just as we were about to die from hypothermia ... "Did you go potty?" Unrreeeeealllll!

Your kind services are most appreciated, sir!

Sincerely yours,

Gia, Rocky and Iggy
The Abused IGs

10-12-2010, 08:03 AM
Hi again Rocky, Gia, and Iggy,
I just saw your message and I'll be happy to represent you and defend your puppy rights in light of the continued and escalating pattern of aboose you are being subjected to.

Just a few questions so I can start working your case. Are you being fed at all? Do I understand correctly that you are forced to go outside when the weather is at its worst?

What I find especially disturbing is your Mom taking you to that chamber of horrors! We pets should never be subjected to chemical experimentation then end up having our limb parts chopped up.

I have an early case in Cat Court this morning. As soon as we're done I'll contact my purralegals and start the research and investigation into your case. Do you have cell phones? We definitely need to talk about this. I'll be in touch.

Your friend,
Groucho the Lawyer

10-12-2010, 10:07 AM
Hi again Rocky, Gia, and Iggy,
I just saw your message and I'll be happy to represent you and defend your puppy rights in light of the continued and escalating pattern of aboose you are being subjected to.

Just a few questions so I can start working your case. Are you being fed at all? Do I understand correctly that you are forced to go outside when the weather is at its worst?

What I find especially disturbing is your Mom taking you to that chamber of horrors! We pets should never be subjected to chemical experimentation then end up having our limb parts chopped up.

I have an early case in Cat Court this morning. As soon as we're done I'll contact my purralegals and start the research and investigation into your case. Do you have cell phones? We definitely need to talk about this. I'll be in touch.

Your friend,
Groucho the Lawyer

Oh Oh, someone's in trouble now.:eek: Go get em Groucho.:)

10-12-2010, 02:20 PM
Just a few questions so I can start working your case. Are you being fed at all? Do I understand correctly that you are forced to go outside when the weather is at its worst? ... Do you have cell phones?

Oh, the horrors of our diet! You have NO idea. We NEVER get steak, or hamburgers or hot dogs. Sometimes our dad sneaks us a piece of cheese, but we are so weak with hunger by then that we can barely drag our bodies across the floor to take it! We have to eat hard, dry kibble ... all day, every day. It's horrible. Once in a while, in bright light, if we suck our bellies in REALLY hard, you might actually catch a glimpse of a rib!

And OH! The weather ... let me tell you what! It SNOWS here. Snow! Can you believe it! And she expects us to actually STEP in that stuff! No way, no how. We pee on the floor, you better believe it! Not happening! She thinks putting coats on us is going to change that? Ha!!

Please call us at 1-800-ABOOSED as soon as possible. If we are not too weak or cold to crawl to the phone, that is!


Iggy, Gia and Rocky
The Martyred Ones

10-12-2010, 08:09 PM
Okay Rocky, Gia, and Iggy here's the deal. On November 1 the Catmobile will be heading out to Wyoming with a crack team of investigators and purralegals. That way we can all get together and put your case together. Go over to Cat General and check out the post "Groucho the lawyer needs volunteers" for valuable updates.

Help is on the way!

10-13-2010, 08:17 AM
OK, the CREW is ready to go, all 26, I think we need a bus.

10-13-2010, 11:10 AM
OK, the CREW is ready to go, all 26, I think we need a bus.

The Catmobile will be tuned up, oil changed, tires inflated, windshield washer full, tires rotated, coolant level checked, and fully stocked with warm blankets, soft pillows, clean litter boxes, tons of food, and on the road by November 1. The CREW will get a call on their cell phones when the Catmobile reaches their neighborhood.

10-13-2010, 03:46 PM
The Catmobile will be tuned up, oil changed, tires inflated, windshield washer full, tires rotated, coolant level checked, and fully stocked with warm blankets, soft pillows, clean litter boxes, tons of food, and on the road by November 1. The CREW will get a call on their cell phones when the Catmobile reaches their neighborhood.

Oooooh boy .... we wonder what Mom's going to say when she opens the door and there's cats and cats and cats on the porch!? :eek:

You all are nice kitties, right? Cuz we're kind of little, shy dogs, and kitties kind of scare us sometimes. Our barks are, um .... well, frankly ... WAY worse then our bites. (Cuz we don't have any bites.) :o

Rocky, Gia and Iggy
The Weenies

10-13-2010, 09:22 PM
Oooooh boy .... we wonder what Mom's going to say when she opens the door and there's cats and cats and cats on the porch!? :eek:

You all are nice kitties, right? Cuz we're kind of little, shy dogs, and kitties kind of scare us sometimes. Our barks are, um .... well, frankly ... WAY worse then our bites. (Cuz we don't have any bites.) :o

Rocky, Gia and Iggy
The Weenies

Dear Rocky, Gia and Iggy,
Cassie is a little shy with new friends. Once she gets used to you though, you will be fine. She will hide for a bit and then she will explore :)

10-13-2010, 09:32 PM
There's absolutely nothing to worry about, Puppy Pals. We're a very nice group of kitties and we're teaming up to help you resolve your awful situation. Your Mom isn't going to suddenly find a multitude of cats on the porch, We'll be picking you up in our eco-friendly hybrid Catmobile so that our discussions about your case will be private and your attorney - client priveledge will be secure. By the way, do you guys like fried chicken?

Your friend,
Groucho the Lawyer

10-14-2010, 03:50 PM
:love: How dare you mom be so mean.. I am calling doggie 311 on you..

They are all three so Cute & Adorable all in one bed.. Huggss & Cuddles

10-14-2010, 08:21 PM
There's absolutely nothing to worry about, Puppy Pals. We're a very nice group of kitties and we're teaming up to help you resolve your awful situation. Your Mom isn't going to suddenly find a multitude of cats on the porch, We'll be picking you up in our eco-friendly hybrid Catmobile so that our discussions about your case will be private and your attorney - client priveledge will be secure. By the way, do you guys like fried chicken?

Your friend,
Groucho the Lawyer


10-20-2010, 11:05 AM

Dear Iggy, Gia and Rocky,

Here is how my food lady makes chicken for me. She said she would make some extra for you too.

I am not allowed to have onions. The doctor said they are a health hazard for cats. So when my food lady cooks chicken, she cooks a a little piece for me as a treat in the pan first, while hers is marinating (she usually uses Italian dressing as a marinade and the label lists onion as an ingredient). Then she cooks hers while my piece cools down. When mine is cool enough for me to eat, and hers is done, we both eat. My food lady usually buys boneless, skinless chicken breasts, a couple at a time and takes them from the freezer as we need them. We hope you like chicken made that way.

Cassie Cat

10-20-2010, 07:31 PM
Dear Iggy, Gia and Rocky,

Here is how my food lady makes chicken for me. She said she would make some extra for you too. ... Purrs, Cassie Cat


We don't get anything like that. :(

But, I guess that would take a lot of chicken .... cuz we have five other doggie brothers and sisters, too. Eight pooches is a lot to cook chicken for!

10-20-2010, 09:33 PM
[QUOTE=Twisterdog;2307044:eek:ddddrrrrrooooolllllls sssss:eek:
we have five other doggie brothers and sisters, too. Eight pooches is a lot to cook chicken for![/QUOTE]

Thanks for the info, puppies. Now we know how much fried chicken to bring and Cassie can order enough Chicago pizza for everyone. Our ace legal team will be heading your way sometime next week. We'll be in touch. You have my cell phone number, feel free to call me should anything change.

Your friend,
Groucho the Lawyer

10-21-2010, 12:43 AM
OMG - the humanity!!! :p

I am so glad Groucho has stepped in to look after your cause ... and that Cassie Cat's hooman is coming to the rescue.

How could we let this happen right before our eyes? I am stunned .... :D

10-21-2010, 12:32 PM

We don't get anything like that. :(

But, I guess that would take a lot of chicken .... cuz we have five other doggie brothers and sisters, too. Eight pooches is a lot to cook chicken for!

Okay! I will have my food lady make chicken for eight pooches! Could you please have your person give all of you some hugs from us?

Cassie Cat and Elyse

Ginger's Mom
10-24-2010, 09:42 AM
Oh the horror and indignity of it all. Would it help if I told you you look adorable, and I couldn't resist sending you a carton of hot dogs?

10-24-2010, 01:16 PM
Oh the horror and indignity of it all. Would it help if I told you you look adorable, and I couldn't resist sending you a carton of hot dogs?

Darn ... we weren't supposed to look adorable ... we were supposed to look emaciated, starved, tortured and aboosed! Foiled again! :confused:

But, hotdogs always help!! :D

10-31-2010, 03:44 PM
Hi Rocky, Gia, and Iggy,
Just to let you know that you haven't been forgotten, the Catmobile and our ace investigators and purralegals will be leaving for Wyoming sometime tonight. We have been working on your case and are ready to take action.

The Catmobile never goes anywhere without plenty of food and snacks. We're stocked with plenty of fried chicken, Chicago pizza, a few cases of hot dogs, Eli's cheesecake from Chicago (yummy stuff, to die for!), and more than enough cheezburgers for everyone! Along with that is all of the cool spring water you could possibly drink. If there's something else you'd like us to bring just let us know.

We're getting an escort from the security at our local no-kill animal shelter to make sure we have clear sailing with no delays. We'll call you when the Catmobile gets to your neighborhood, be ready to come on in. We'll discuss our legal strategy then.

We're on our way! See all of you very soon.

Your friend,
Groucho the Lawyer

10-31-2010, 07:51 PM
1-800-FEED-IGS...I'm on the phone right now;):D