View Full Version : Post pics of your first dog

09-27-2010, 09:32 PM
Karen's poll about being born an animal lover made me think about this photo from when I was a little girl. I am guessing this photo was taken around 1965. I would have been 5 years old. This is my two brothers and myself and our dog Tippy. :love:

The second picture is a few years later with myself, my friend Melissa and Tippy. :)

Makes me a little sad to think that Tip was tied to a dog house but he got a lot of attention, got to go hunting and we would also take him for walks.

09-27-2010, 09:47 PM
I don't think I have a picture of my first dog, however I was 5 and she was a "Miniature" Toy Poodle named Sugarbritches. Someone had been mean to her; a little boy dropped her out of a window :( and my mom took her in and rescued her.

Technically, though, my first dog was a Lhasa Apso named Rusty, he was around when I was born through my first few years of life, I think.

09-27-2010, 10:02 PM
Simba was my first dog when I was 10 years old. He will be 13 this year. :)

He's totally the one to blame for my love for dogs. He's such an amazing boy and has taught me so much growing up. :love:

09-27-2010, 10:13 PM
We had a few dogs before I was born, and one when I was just born, but I don't consider them my "first dog". These pictures still break my heart, Sassy died too young:
One of the first pics we ever took of her as a puppy.
This was her in her glory days, before arthritis struck.
This was the very day she died. :( June 13, 2008, one of the worst days of my life.

While some people think 10 years is old, it's not, especially for a dog of Sassy's size. She still could've lasted at least 2 more years, maybe even another 7. 10 is just too young. My mom's first dog lived till she was 18. It scares me to death knowing the same thing could happen to my current dog, I just can't imagine loosing a dog who has so much to live for like that. She still had so much fight left in her and I think that's what upset me the most about the whole thing.

09-27-2010, 10:23 PM
Shadow was my first dog. :love: I still miss her a lot, it's hard to believe she has been gone for 2.5 years.


09-27-2010, 10:56 PM
We had a few dogs before I was born, and one when I was just born, but I don't consider them my "first dog". These pictures still break my heart, Sassy died too young:
One of the first pics we ever took of her as a puppy.
This was her in her glory days, before arthritis struck.
This was the very day she died. :( June 13, 2008, one of the worst days of my life.

While some people think 10 years is old, it's not, especially for a dog of Sassy's size. She still could've lasted at least 2 more years, maybe even another 7. 10 is just too young. My mom's first dog lived till she was 18. It scares me to death knowing the same thing could happen to my current dog, I just can't imagine loosing a dog who has so much to live for like that. She still had so much fight left in her and I think that's what upset me the most about the whole thing.
Alyssa *HUGS*

10 is too young, but she had a great ten years with you.

I feel the same way about Roxy... 8 was way too young to lose my brown-eyed girl.

So, maybe I consider Roxy my first dog, after all. She was the one who taught me everything and who stole my heart. Definitely my soul mate.

09-28-2010, 12:39 AM
When I was growing up, my family only had one dog. My mom named her Lucky because she was born on Friday the 13th. We got her when she was probably about 8-9 weeks old and she was a Beagle/Schnauzer mix. She lived to be about 15-16 years old I think. She sure was a great dog.


09-28-2010, 10:36 AM
Snap wasn't really my dog. My sister got him when she was 9, I think (I was born a year later). He belonged to all of us though. Actually he pretty much belonged to all of us kids in the neighborhood.

I'm about 4 years old in this photo. My grandma took it right outside her front door. I don't remember much about Snap but obviously from this picture you can tell he was GREAT with kids. I'm actually fast asleep on his head and he never moved an inch.

I can't say my family took very good care of him. But I don't think he thought he has such a bad life, considering that he was basically wandering around the village exactly how he pleased and there were plenty of kids more than happy to pay him attention. Actually, whenever me and my cousins were playing outside, Snap was never far off.
I remember that he always had a limp. He was hit by a car when he was very young and broke his hind leg and the fracture never healed properly. Something, which of course, could have been prevented if somebody had made sure that he rested and all... And not to mention that he didn't walk where he pleased and got hit by that car in the first place...

Anyway. It was my family's irresponsibility which finally was the end of Snap. He was shot by some farmer.... most likely because he chased his sheep. He was at least 10 years old by that time though.

First dog which was really mine though, was Tiki. I got her when I was 14 and she's 12 years old by now and still as active as ever. :)
Here's a picture of her taken a minute ago. She likes to sleep in Taggart's toy box, hehe.
You can see part of Taggart's leg and tail too. He's always lying underneath the computer desk when I'm at the computer.

09-28-2010, 12:34 PM
My parents had a black lab pup and a collie pup before I was alive. They weren't animal people at all. But I never had one until I was 12... I was so surprised they let me have one. That is Honda girl. She died last year in May from cancer. Only 9 years old. That's so young. :( I miss her so much, but she's to blame for my insane infatuation with dalmatians. <3




09-28-2010, 05:07 PM
My first dog was actually my sister's, but he was really a family pet. His name was Fritz or Fritzie, as we called him. He was a standard dachshund. Fritz was a great guard dog and never wanted leave his yard. He passed when he was about 12 of a heart attack, we think. He was a great dog.

Here is my older sister, Sandy, with her birthday present, little Fritz. I think she was about 8 or 9.


Here is a picture of Fritz and me. I must have been maybe 5 or 6, maybe?.....


09-28-2010, 06:08 PM
Attached is a picture of me with Sheba, dunno how old I was, but still obviously in diapers - and yes, I was blonde then. Sheba was the smartest dog in the whole wide world, bar none, and not only put up with everything I did to her as a baby, but taught me a whole lot as well. We always thought she was a German Shepherd/Doberman mix, but as she was a stray, we never knew for sure.

That's us with my mom, by the way.

09-28-2010, 06:12 PM
http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/ruffxmas91.jpgHere is our first dog Ruffles,a Black Miniature Poodle,picture was taken in 1991 when he was 5 years old at my sister's cottage in Campbellford,Ontario.We had to put him down in April of 2002 due to old age,he was 15 and a half,he was a great pal,so is Fritz.

10-03-2010, 11:56 AM
maggie was our first dog, My dad got her when i was about 5 or 6 and she died just a few years ago at 14 yrs of age.

me and her before my HS graduation

10-03-2010, 07:20 PM
My first housedog was Sally, a mini dachschund. Born 1984-Died 1999.

I loved her so much and remember her dearly. She was a sweet dog. After her I got Honey a rat terrier and after she died, I got LilGirl a chi-terrier mix and have her now.

Photos are Sally as a puppy. Kay in NC

Suki Wingy
10-06-2010, 11:00 AM
When I was young I lived with my grandparents and my mom and they had a big old Shepherd/Golden mix named Jake. I'm not sure if I have pictures anywhere online but I have tapes of me hanging off him when I was about three. He lived to be 14 or 15 which is very long for such a huge dog!

10-13-2010, 09:55 AM
His name was Benny. He was my best friend. He lived to be 17 years old. He was a Yellow Lab/Beagle mix.


My brother and I, laying on the floor with him. Benny was always by my side.


These pictures are of Benny when he was older.. I have a bunch of young pictures of him, including a 8 week old picture that my dad took of him when he brought him home. I was born 2 years later. :)