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Lori Jordan
09-26-2010, 11:21 AM
I have not been around here alot lately,I am living my dream! Finally!

I have loved horses since i was a little girl,Growing up on a Dairy Farm we mainly had Cows but there was one horse that changed me,Her name Penny Sue she was a Paint.She has been gone for years but she truly made me love the species.Back in May my husband called a friend of his to see how he was doing,He mentioned he was pulling his hair out trying to find this pregnant mare a home,Thw owners were divorcing and were going to send her for meat that Monday.Jamie(husband) was in a real down mood for the remainder of the day,Finally i asked him what was going on,He told me.I called our friend back and told him to bring her right away.So sunday was the day i was going to meet our girl.I got up in the trailer with this gigantic girl,All she had been through she was the sweetest soul.Now this is were Fayte and Reeyson came into our lives.
We were told that Fayte would foal withing the month..WRONG! We got her Sunday May 9th and she gave birth Thursday May 13 at 4:30 in the morning.
We are truly blessed.Fayte is great she has some marks on her from her prior owner,I cannot imagine hurting this animal she is truly a gentle giant.Would not hurt a fly.Onto the pictures : )
My Husband and Fayte



Last but not least,My little guy Deezle,Two was not enough i guess and i added this little Overo Paint Baby,He has my heart.He is just over 4 months old was weaned from mommy and is doing excellent.
http://i69.photobucket.com/albums/i79/JamieLori/34748_10150226554425612_621730611_13892370_6061539 _n.jpg

Lori Jordan
09-26-2010, 11:31 AM
Udated photos

Reeyson first time in Cross-Ties...Not so Happy,But he did well.
Reeyson and my Husband,Jamie is very proud of his boy!
Fayte being ridden for the first time,My daughter is in Heaven!
http://i69.photobucket.com/albums/i79/JamieLori/59500_10150263974195214_544490213_14949831_1078541 _n.jpg

09-26-2010, 11:34 AM
Wow- this wonderful news. And all the horses are so beautiful- especially baby Reeyson:)

09-26-2010, 06:48 PM
I absolutely LOVE horses. Congratulations on your beautiful new additions! :love:

09-26-2010, 06:54 PM
Great horses and thanks for rescuing the poor girl! Blessings abound!

09-26-2010, 07:22 PM
The words "living my dream" really grabbed me. Thank you for rescuing this dear one and congrats to "finally" (as you said) being able to live your dream. How wonderful! :)

09-26-2010, 07:35 PM
.....your news really made my day!!!

Lori Jordan
09-26-2010, 08:33 PM
The words "living my dream" really grabbed me. Thank you for rescuing this dear one and congrats to "finally" (as you said) being able to live your dream. How wonderful! :)

I have loved horses my entire life,Never had the room to have one of my own,I am at complete Peace caring for the 3 of them,We have all bonded and have great relationships,They are all gentle souls,And i look forward to what is to come on our Journey!

Lori Jordan
09-26-2010, 08:41 PM
Great horses and thanks for rescuing the poor girl! Blessings abound!

Thank You Karen! Never in my life have i ever bought anything that i never laid eyes on,When i heard that her life was in jepordy it did not matter to me,My mind was focused on getting her home!

We now say"It is Fate,that brought "Fayte" into our lives"and there is a Reason why "Reeyson" was born.

Both there lives were going to be taken,As sad and cruel as it would have been,There is a reason why Jamie called his friend that day out of blue,It truly is a miracle in my eyes,and i cherish every second i spend with the two of them.Reeyson at 4months old is like a pet dog,I never tie him he walks to the barn into his stall when its feeding time,I am going to get a video of it.He is doing so well with his training,Some say you can never fully trust a horse,They say that there unpreditible.I think that is complete crap i trust the pair of them fully.Im cautious at all times but they have proven that theory wrong every day : ).

09-26-2010, 08:50 PM
Congrats on your new additions!!!:) They're all gorgeous. I'm glad that you're finally able to live your dream now.:)

Lilith Cherry
09-26-2010, 10:18 PM
Your horses are beautiful Lori! I am so glad you could rescue them and love them so well!

Now I am back from China I am only living about half an hour the other side of Alexandria ( Ste Anne de Prescott) so perhaps one day i could come over visit them?:)

Lori Jordan
09-26-2010, 11:00 PM
Your horses are beautiful Lori! I am so glad you could rescue them and love them so well!

Now I am back from China I am only living about half an hour the other side of Alexandria ( Ste Anne de Prescott) so perhaps one day i could come over visit them?:)

Sure Anytime!

09-26-2010, 11:01 PM
Congratuations! I love Reeyson! :love:

09-26-2010, 11:18 PM
How Beautiful! I've always loved horses too. I'm so happy you saved them! What a blessing for everyone!!

I read about a woman, close to where I live, who uses horses in her (mental) therapy sessions. It's hands-on with the horse, who seems to understand and feel everything from the patient's hands, and is beneifcial in helping them heal. How cool is that? But I bet you already knew these sweet, gentle souls could do that!

Please give Reeyson and Fayte extra hugs and carrots for me!!

09-27-2010, 02:22 AM
I can't imagine she would have been sold for meat and the little guy would never have seen the world. Thanks for what you have done. I wish they have a long and happy life with your family :)

Lori Jordan
09-29-2010, 05:20 PM
Updated photos of the boys
Reeyson & Deezle
"CC Deezle Powerd by Tyme" (Tyme is his Mothers Name)

finn's mom
09-29-2010, 09:44 PM
that's so cool. that's one of my dreams, too. fayte is beautiful, she looks like a sweetheart!

09-30-2010, 02:27 AM
They are BEAUTIFUL! I love horses and hope to own a few Clydesdale one day!

Thank you for showing us dreams can come true - and THANK YOU so much for rescuing these magnificent creatures! YOU ROCK!

smokey the elder
09-30-2010, 07:20 AM
Fayte looks like she has some draft horse in her. Draft horses tend to be very mellow.

I think this qualifies as a "Who rescued whom?" situation!:)

09-30-2010, 08:00 AM
Congrats!!!! I love horses, but Belgians make my heart pitter patter. :love:

Love the photos. :D

Lori Jordan
09-30-2010, 07:44 PM
Fayte looks like she has some draft horse in her. Draft horses tend to be very mellow.

I think this qualifies as a "Who rescued whom?" situation!:)

Belgians,Clyde's and Percherons are Draft Horses,There all considerd "Work Horses" Kinda like dogs Look at all the breeds in one class.

I think your right i think we both rescued eachother!

Lori Jordan
09-30-2010, 07:44 PM
Congrats!!!! I love horses, but Belgians make my heart pitter patter. :love:

Love the photos. :D

Thank you,I too love Belgians : ) they are such gentle souls!

Lori Jordan
09-30-2010, 07:45 PM
They are BEAUTIFUL! I love horses and hope to own a few Clydesdale one day!

Thank you for showing us dreams can come true - and THANK YOU so much for rescuing these magnificent creatures! YOU ROCK!

Thank you!! I too like Clydes they are also a beautiful breed : )

Lori Jordan
09-30-2010, 07:47 PM
that's so cool. that's one of my dreams, too. fayte is beautiful, she looks like a sweetheart!

Fayte is nothing other than a Doll..I love her to pieces,She is Perfect!
Thank you for the compliment.It makes me a proud Momma when im told she is beautiful!