View Full Version : Hyperthyroidism in Murphy...

09-21-2010, 03:13 PM
A friend of mine consulted a Homeopathic Veterinarian about her cat Pugsley's hyperthyroid medicine, Mathimazole. It's a transdermal cream that is rubbed into the ear.

The vet told her that while the medicine IS helping his hyperthyroidism, it is killing his kidneys and will die of kidney failure within 6 months.

It's the same medicine that my 16 year old Murphy is on!!! Murphy has an appointment for a CBC at the vet on Friday. I will be asking him about weaning or cutting back on the dose for Murphy. I'm in between a rock and a hard place. Do I take her off and have her die of the hyperthyroidism or keep giving her the cream and have her die of kidney failure???

She is so thin (5.3 lbs), I just want to keep her happy and comfortable. Any suggestions?? The homeopathic vet told my friend she can reverse the damage that was done by the Mathimazole.

09-21-2010, 03:30 PM
Yes that is a side effect of the medicine. I've had 3 cats developed hyperthyroid disease, and all of mine died soon after diagnosis (less than a year).

I didn't know it came in a cream now, I was always having the pill form.

At 5.3 pounds, he isn't going to last much longer either way, you do realize that? Last one my vet scolded me for waiting too long to bring her in, she was a bit under that weight but not by much.

I've not read of any way to "reverse" kidney failure. You can treat it, with sub Q fluids, I did that on my RB Amber. and give a low prrotein diet, which puts less stress on the kidneys, thus slowing down the course of the disease. I'd be interested in hearing how the homeopathic vet would address this.

And wouldn't you, for Murphy, as well?

09-21-2010, 06:06 PM
I would be very careful about checking the credentials for any "homeopathic" vet you find. No one can "reverse" kidney damage, unlike the liver, the kidney cannot repair itself.

09-21-2010, 09:10 PM
I'm going to talk to my vet tomorrow. I take homeopathic vets with a grain of salt. I question her ability to reverse the hyperthyroidism.


I know that her days are numbered. I just want her to be happy and comfortable. I rescued her 2 years ago from the CT Humane Society, a kill shelter. She was 15 years old at the time and on death row, waiting euthaniasia because she had been there for a long time and was being passed by. So I figure the amount of time she has with me is going to be her best years ever!!!

10-11-2010, 11:34 AM
Sydney has been on hyperthyroidism medicine for over a year and a half. We actually had to up her dosage to one whole pill twice a day - in order to get her levels under control. I have been taking her in monthly for blood tests to check her kidney function and her levels. Just yesterday I brought her in and her levels were still within the normal range. My vet seemed to indicate that if your cat already has a pre-existing kidney issue, then yes - this medication can damange the kidney's beyond repair. However, if your cat has normal functioing kidneys, then they can live on the medication well past 6 months. Hope this helps some. :love::love::love: