View Full Version : Bright Red Blood in Cat's Stool - Poo found in Tub

09-21-2010, 07:48 AM
Last week my husband told me that one of our kitties pooped in the tub. I was very surprised and he told me there was a small amount of red blood. When I got home, he left it for me, isn't that sweet...I looked at it and saw a bit of red blood but I just thought someone was ticked at me or something and that's why they did it.

Well last night I did litter boxes I do them twice a day, I found more poo in the tub. There was bright red poo on it again and I looked at it with a bag around it of course, and it appeared that one part was really really hard so I was thinking maybe someone was constipated and had to poo out the plug first and then came the softer stuff.

I looked online about cats having blood in their stool and I'm getting a tad worried about cancer. My one girl just turned 8 years and Anika passed away when she was 8 years. I was just wondering if anyone else has come across that....Claudia has had to have her glands expressed....could this be a reason why there is blood because she needs her glands expressed??

I don't know if it's her for sure, since we have other cats in the area where she stays too but I'm we think that it might be her since she is a tad overweight and has had some butt issues.

Thanks for any advice,

09-21-2010, 08:28 AM
Separate them so you can figure out WHO, and then off to the vet.

Note that, if what you suspect is correct, during the time you take to ID which cat, this will all clear up and you won't ever really know which one it was.

This is one of the problems with multiples; as I well know. Finding out WHICH ONE has the box problem.

09-21-2010, 08:51 AM
Yes, it's definitely a question for the vet! But don't panic - blood in the stool indicating cancer is usually from higher up in the intestinal tract, and comes out partially digested and black. Bright red blood is more often, as you surmised, an indication of constipation.

Please keep us posted!

Love, Columbine