View Full Version : Eek! SCHOOL!

09-14-2010, 11:23 AM
As many of you know, I am 13 and a student. I had holidays till 14 September. Its gone now! I had my first day at Grade 8. Its was boring, please oh! please pray my second day goes well. Its night here at my place meaning very less hours are left till school! I went today and there were many new teachers, students. Well, the school isn't VERY big, but it still has quite a lot students, 15 in my class, last year there were 20. I got homework. Its was quite easy, but the school is still sick! Its not the type I'd want. :(
Anyway, the thing I hate the most is that my last year's math teacher...I'M STUCK WITH HER AGAIN! :(She's been with us for 3 years and its horrible. Right now she has eye infection so she can't come. We don't have an English teacher yet which is awesome news. FREE ENGLISH PERIODS!!! :DBut still, I am very not happy about school. But, still I am feeling happy I didn't become sick on the way to school yesterday. I kept telling everybody, I'M CHILLIN',:cool: and in school I found out how much I was chilling.:rolleyes: Its not nice. I wanted this year to be perfect, didn't even come near to perfect on the first day.:( I hope I have a good 8th year...

09-14-2010, 11:28 AM
aw the first days of a new year can be the worst! Hang in there and it will get better as you fit in more and more and find some friends. Take care! (((sana)))

09-14-2010, 11:47 AM
Thanks sirrah, I have a few friends from last year. Almost all my class is my friend. Its sad, many of my friends left. Really miss some.

09-14-2010, 12:13 PM
You can tell them you practice writing and reading in English every day here on Pet Talk! :) I hope the next few days go better for you! What other subjects are you taking?

09-14-2010, 12:26 PM
I have:
English, Maths, Urdu (mother language), Science (Bio, Chem, Physics), History, Geography, Islamiat, Computer, Quran Class, not sure about Arabic, I can't choose which subject I want, that's cause the school's sucky, if I was to choose, I would choose nothing. Other than the studying periods there are, games, art, library. These are the best periods, I have arts tomorrow. There's english which will be free, there's maths, free YAHOO!! tomorrow might be a great day. There are a few more periods and then I'd be back home! Yes! and then I'll try turning on pettalk. maybe I will at night, meaning your morning. I hate school's comes in between family and fun, My father was out of country and I couldn't go to get him because of SCHOOL! I couldn't see the petoftheday at 11 like I always do because of school! ugghhh!!! I can only play computer if I have done homework> I hope they don't give too much homework because I wouldn't be able to play computer.:(:(:(

09-14-2010, 12:34 PM
Learn to enjoy school, and absorb all of the knowledge that you possibly can. Some day, you really will be glad that you did, even tho you don't think so right now. Life really is more than playing games and Pet Talk - it really is!!! :p

09-14-2010, 12:34 PM
Sounds like you have a full load, in any case. Well, at least you know all of us now, if you ever need help with English homework!

09-14-2010, 12:40 PM
haha!! yeah! Karen, I'll ask you guys about my english homework. ;)

09-14-2010, 01:14 PM
Hey, I am a few years older than you.... and I went back on the 3rd of September... the first day is always one of the worst. Like you, some of my friends left and I didn't really know anyone in 3 of my classes, but now I am meeting some new people and it is fine. You should get used to it and feel a bit better about it in a few days once you get used to being back :)

As for teachers, I had a really bad maths teacher a few years ago (I no longer do maths.. I am in what we call 6th form here, so I only do 4 subjects now) who was quite horrible actually... he made a little 11 year old in one of his classes cry (we were waiting for lesson and saw her run out) and then he laughed about it... but I made it through 2 years with him as my teacher, and I got a good grade at the end of it, so just keep trying and doing the work and you will make it through the year ;)

I hope you don't get too much homework... I have got about 8-9 pieces in the last 2 days (and 7 of which are in for this week... and they include essays and pieces which take a really long time).... when I was your age, I got a lot less homework than I do now, so enjoy it while you can ;)

If you need any help with geography or biology at all in the future, I might be able to help.. they are 2 of the subjects I chose to carry on at 6th form :)

09-14-2010, 02:05 PM
Thanks Whisk Luva! How old are? Anyway, I'd really like help in geography, haven't had any class yet, I think I have one tomorrow. The good thing is that even if I don't have any friends in this class I will always have a good cousin. My cousin and I are in the same grade. She lives across the street, we go and come back from school together. :D
Thank God! God made me a girl who was independent from birth. really never needed a playing companion when I was young. I didn't need my mom to play with me so I am usually able to go through a school year without a friend, Thank God! I'll be able to manage even if I don't have a friend. But still, cousin's rock! The one thing good about this school is that there is a policy that only 3 homeworks can be given in one day and the bad thing is that one teacher can give a homework for at least 1/2 which is bad because the teachers can make an excuse if they have given a lot of homework. the excuse is that we can do it in no time. That's what she thinks and so she gives a lot of homework. She can do it in no time but I can't!
Well, do pray I have a good day tomorrow! Thanks guys or gals!
Bye, its good night here. Its night here meaning I have to go to bed and get up early tomorrow to go to school! :(
Bye! Sana:love:

09-14-2010, 02:34 PM
Great news, tomorrow, I have Arts, Urdu, English and Q.Class and Islamiat. That's it! YAHOO!! As you know I have no English teacher, so free! My Q.Class teacher is the Vice principal you can say or head mistress. So she might be a little late. So I hope it'll be a good day tomorrow. It's gonna be a little free tomorrow. Two english periods down the hatchet and add about ten mins because my teacher would be busy. So in conclusion, tomorrow we will have about 1 1/2 hour free! YAHOO!!!:):D

09-14-2010, 02:42 PM
Okay, but still, get some rest so you can do well in the classes you do have! :) Hey, one good geography project would be taking a world map and marking all the places you know Pet Talk people from!

09-14-2010, 02:46 PM
Yeah, I sure will. Aussies would remind me of Wom and Newton, MA, USA, duh! you!:) Well, good night, see ya all tomorrow! Bye!

09-14-2010, 02:59 PM
I'm assuming that'd be 8th grade in America, so you only really have 4/5 years left in school. I hope you enjoy 8th grade though, it was awful for me but I do hope you like it. School is just school, I don't think many kids like it. lol. Good luck!

I am so glad I am getting out of public school this year!

09-14-2010, 08:43 PM
going to school! wish me luck! and please do pray! :)

09-14-2010, 08:47 PM
You're going to do great, Sana. You're bright and quick, intelligent and a fast learner. Just watch you fly! :)

09-14-2010, 10:34 PM
Can I adopt you? You are SO cute!

I think we "old folks" have felt like you, many,many years ago. It is always hard to start school after a nice, long, wonderful summer break!

I agree with our PT friends....you are so smart, you'll do great. I already give you top grades in English!!!!! You'll make lots of new friends soon. I still have the same friends for 47 years, I am seeing one on Wednesday. She is coming from Denver Colorado with the husband. Her brother is coming from Connecticut.
I'm sure she and I will laugh for hours at dinner and nobody else will know what we are talking about!!!!

I know you will do excellent in school!!! Remember that Pet Talk comes 2nd. Your studies are important, and they come 1st. :love:

09-15-2010, 05:16 AM
Thanks soooo much guys!!! I am back from school, still in uniform, I at once wanted to turn on to pettalk.:D The second day was good. A free period and I met a few new teachers, did my first class work in copy today. Did a lot of writing in my urdu lesson. I got a strict teacher for urdu.:( She was our teacher in grade 6. She's an ok teacher. I am already missing my summer vacations. I really hope this year goes great! or gr8, ;) There was a new class fellow in my class, she's rude :rolleyes:and she had a long fight with another class fellow of mine. My friend and I tried to stop the fight and the fight is lessened now. Thank God!:) Well, gotta go! Bye! guys and gals, I didn't get any home work today. Really happy. :)

09-15-2010, 05:34 AM
I didn't get any home work today. Really happy. :)

Well we know that you're not really happy about that, so we have decided to all give you extra homework to do :eek::eek:

09-15-2010, 06:19 AM
haha!! Wom, I'd never do that H.W. cause I know you're gonna give the weirdest ;) jk, I am really bored of school. It was a good school, but I don't want Home work. Anyway, so Wom, what pets do you have? Never thought of that question.

09-15-2010, 08:53 AM
Pets ????
Okayyyyyyyy.....I've got Bear (Border Collie)
Ruby (Border Collie)
Shirley (King Charles Cavalier Spaniel)
Fonzie (Budgerigar)
About 6 un-named Goldfish
And a spider that lives somewhere in my car. :p

09-15-2010, 08:54 AM
haha!! Wom, I'd never do that H.W. cause I know you're gonna give the weirdest ;) jk, I am really bored of school. It was a good school, but I don't want Home work. Anyway, so Wom, what pets do you have? Never thought of that question.

And what pets do you have ????

09-15-2010, 08:57 AM
So why not name the goldies, can't tell them apart? I have a pair of doves in my garden, daily visitors and they sometimes lay eggs in our garden's exhaust fan, loads of birdies and bulbuls in the tree in my garden, my corgie (One Down), german shepherd (Michelle) and loads of chickens, and they all work so hard that by the end of the weekend we only get half a dozen eggs alothough there are about above 20 female chickens, we have some chickens who are supposed to lay an egg everyday but they manage to lay one egg by the weekend, lol weird chickys. Many crows visit my garden and sometimes a male cat whose wife gave birth to a kitten and the mom and baby live in my cousin's house across the street. hahahah!!!! :D

09-15-2010, 09:03 AM
ohh!! yeah and there used to be a visitor in my garden, an oriental hornet, he worked so hard, you could see him work hard, his name was Buzzy, he was a lovely one. He never bit me, he used to come to Squirtle Pond to drink water since it was extremely hot those days, really miss him, he doesn't come anymore.

09-15-2010, 09:09 AM
April my daughter has names for the Goldfish......but they are really weird names....hee hee.
We have lots and lots of wild parrots and doves that visit our front garden.
I have 3 feeding baskets hanging on my front trees, and I top them up with wild birdseed mix every morning.
There is also a possum living in my roof......I leave fruit out for him, otherwise he goes and eats the birdseed. He likes all fruit except banana. At the moment he is hibernating.....but I'm sure the greedy guts will be awake for more fruit soon. :p
The neighbours on each side of my house also have dogs....just dogs. On one side there is Prince (Samoyed) and Bruno (German shepherd), and on the other side is Tiger (Pig Dog) and Honey (Rhodesian Ridgeback).

09-15-2010, 08:46 PM
Going to school, pray i have a great day today, really wishing it'll be nice. :)

09-15-2010, 09:27 PM
Have a great day, learn lots! :)

Miss Z
09-16-2010, 04:36 AM
I had a couple of teachers whom I couldn't stand whilst I was going through school too, but I suppose I was fortunate in that there was always some class clown or another who would tick them off for the class's viewing pleasure. :p

But in all seriousness, no matter how strenuous it can be in some classes, it's always the best way to keep your head down and do the best you can! You might then find that the teachers you dislike actually like you quite a lot, and make life easier for you!

I've just left my sixth form college (which followed on in the same institution as my high school) to go to university. I'm going to miss it like I don't know what. So many memories of growing up, meeting friends for life, and yes, being taught by the good teachers (that always outnumber the bad ;) ) who have had a hand in shaping my future.

It seems my time there has whizzed by and I'd do anything to go back and relive it - so as others have said, get everything you can out of your school! Work hard, play hard, join clubs, do something you've never done before, grasp as many opportunities there as you can handle; in a few years when you leave, you will feel proud of yourself.

Best of luck with the studies, and I echo Karen, studies come first! I took a lot of long breaks from PT during my school and college days, and will do so for university too. We'll all still be here when you come back for a breather. :)

09-16-2010, 05:40 AM
Well, I'm back! School was hard today. We did alot of studying and at hometime my car came late but it was ok for me. And guess what, I met a few of my family members in school. And there's something else! We found a frog in school, it was in the water basket under the AC pipe. It was fun taking it out of there, many of the girls around were afraid, I wasn't because I knew it wasn't going to bite! :) It went in the hole in the wall and the wall is of the library, think about it! There was a meeting going on there! I wonder what would be their reaction if the frog jumped in the middle of the table?! hahaha!!! :D:D:p
Well, today's home time wasn't boring but studies don't even ask about them. Our school's head, the big guy, The school owner came in our class to check if our new english teacher was fit enough for us. I wish they wouldn't keep her. I don't like Miss T. We call her that! :p Oh! and our maths teacher is back. She had a viral eye infection and she is still coming, she wears a pair of sunglasses because the disease is contagious, two of my class fellows have it and so they are on leave. Poor girls, although kinda twincy lucky not to be in school. I am sure that I would miss these days when I grow up and go to college. :p:D

09-16-2010, 09:04 AM
School will go by super quickly, enjoy it while you can! College is a whole new level. I almost miss high school just a little bit :p.

09-16-2010, 10:04 AM
Today wasn't a very nice day for me, although today might have been a great day for my sister because today's her birthday. Once, I found bird poop on my shalwar, and next I found I had a cut on my tongue, then two deaths in the family and then I had so much home work, I didn't have a great day, I just found out. I hope tomorrow will be good.

09-16-2010, 11:12 AM
Once, I found bird poop on my shalwar,

That is supposed to bring good luck.
I guess your day wasn't totally a fizzer then. :D:D

09-16-2010, 06:10 PM
Eww!! Who'd say that is lucky, a garbage loader? eww.... I'd say I don't want luck now! ;)

09-16-2010, 06:41 PM
I am so sorry to hear about the deaths in your family. I am wishing you and them peace.:love:

09-16-2010, 07:47 PM
Thanks Catty1, :)

09-16-2010, 08:19 PM
Well, I'm gonna get ready fr school! pray I have a good day, I think it will be nice, because todays Friday. :D

09-16-2010, 09:22 PM
Well, I'm gonna get ready fr school! pray I have a good day, I think it will be nice, because todays Friday. :D
It's so weird that you're saying that because it's 10:22pm here, haha.

09-16-2010, 10:47 PM
It's so weird that you're saying that because it's 10:22pm here, haha.

Haven't you ever heard of NIGHT SCHOOL ???? :p:p

09-16-2010, 11:06 PM
Haven't you ever heard of NIGHT SCHOOL ???? :p:p
Of course, LOL! But night school would be weird at almost 10:30. Does doing my homework at midnight count as night school? :p

09-16-2010, 11:10 PM
Of course, LOL! But night school would be weird at almost 10:30. Does doing my homework at midnight count as night school? :p

You do homework at midnight ????

09-16-2010, 11:31 PM
You do homework at midnight ????
Yep, almost always do homework at midnight. It sucks though and is probably bad for me since I have 8am classes LOL!

Middle of the night, night school is a lot better than super early morning school :D

09-17-2010, 03:59 AM
I wouldn't want school at night, I would want it at my home so I don't have to go in the sun, I would like a teacher at home! aaahhh! life would be good! :) Today was a good day, We had cooking clubs (just wrote recipes) and we had games period which we spent in the class, we didn't want to die due to heat. ;) Our S.St period was free because we didn't call the teacher. We did maths work. It wasn't that bad. We studied the congruent shapes. It wasn't that bad today. Friday is a short day for us. Home time at 12:15 instead of 2:30 :):):)