View Full Version : Zoee's strange behavior. I figured it out! #11

09-07-2010, 06:30 PM
Zoee always follows me around the house. But not to this extent. She is literally on my heels constantly. I can't figure out why. Usually she'll lay in the hall and be content if I'm in the office. But she has been following me from room to room even though I'm only in the room for a second.
Last night Bruce called her to him. She went and sat by him and looked back at me. It's like she can't take her eyes off me or be away from me. I don't get it.

Any ideas what could be going on?

There have been several things lately going on. I have to leave work now, but I'll post about them when I get home.

09-07-2010, 07:09 PM
How can I respond when you leave with THAT cliff hanger? LOL

Maybe she is now part bichon? LOL The behavior you describe is quite normal for them.

I'll wait for the rest of the story!

Daisy and Delilah
09-07-2010, 08:29 PM
One of my son's Aussies is doing the same thing. I have no idea what it could be. Maybe Zoee was scared by something and it's comforting her to look at you, Cindy?
Good luck!!

09-07-2010, 10:43 PM
Sorry, got busy after work.

Ok, the things that have changed (a little) are that she went to the vet weekend before last because she was excessively licking her behind. They shaved right around "the" area and I had to apply ointment to it until the redness went away. She had developed hot spots from licking and her anus was beginning to look infected. So she is on meds until this Saturday. The ointment only lasted two days, it cleared up quick.
Another change is I bought a Bark Off. Google it if you don't know what it is. It's a device to help stop excessive barking. We've only really used it a few times. It didn't even seem to really work anyway.
Our neighbors behind us had been on vacation for 6 weeks. It seems they came home late last week so the dogs were going crazy at the back fence because their poodle was home, along with the kids Golden.

So those are the changes. Nothing major. But tonight she doesn't seem to be as bad. She stayed in the hall while I ate dinner and cleaned up. But right now she is right by my chair. And I'm going to take a shower and she'll be right outside the shower on the mat. (But that is actually normal.) She doesn't seem to be clinging to me as much tonight. She doesn't have that look in her eye. Maybe it was the long weekend that confused her.

I just don't know. I'll let you know if she does anymore strange things related to this. I almost thought she might have been having an attack (what I called anxiety attacks, but were labeled petit-mal seizures by the vet). But it wasn't. And she hasn't had one of those since we brought Taggart home back in Nov of 08. (YAY!! :D) Unless it was an extremely light version.

I'm sorry, now I'm rambling. Thanks anyway for reading this and thanks Freedom and D&D for your responses. You know she could have been scared by something and I just don't know it. It's always a possibility.

09-08-2010, 01:45 PM
Maybe she knows something is going on with you, and you don't know it yet? I've heard of dogs having very strong instincts about that sort of thing..

09-08-2010, 01:53 PM
I thought of that too. What am I supposed to do about that!? I don't hurt anywhere, and she's not focusing in on one spot on me.

Or there is something wrong with HER, and again, how am I supposed to know what or where? She's been eating and pottying fine, playing with Taggart and Jax just fine.

I think she must have been spooked by something, because she seems to be relaxing a little more. I'll see tonight how she acts, because last night was pretty normal behavior from her.

Thanks Rachel! :)

09-08-2010, 04:46 PM
Anything weather wise? Maybe some subtle earth quakes, or high winds?

Glad she seems to be settling back to usual.

09-08-2010, 04:52 PM
I was thinking the exact thing that Rachel mentioned. Dogs are neat in that sort of way, it's kinda scary though!
I hope Zoee's strange behavior gets resolved soon!

09-08-2010, 04:59 PM
Myndi has always stuck to me like glue, but even more so if she doesn't feel good, or she senses that I don't. Could be something along those lines. Just one more idea for you...;)

09-08-2010, 09:58 PM
Thanks everyone.
Sandie, the weather here has been mild. It's been windy the past couple days, but nothing this weekend. No earthquakes that I heard of either. Good thought though.

So I guess I'll just stay in tune with me and her to make sure nothing seems more strange and that neither of us are ailing.
Again tonight, she has been sticking to her old ways. Hanging out in the hallway instead of right beside me, unless I stay in a room for a longer period of time.

Hopefully it was just a fluke thing this past weekend.

Thanks again!!! :D :D

09-20-2010, 07:34 PM
It's the Bark Off that is causing this behavior. I had a feeling it would have this affect on her. She is so ultra sensitive to things.
But it does get her to stop barking. Mainly because she won't even be in the same room with it. The reason I got it is for when Bruce is working and talking to a client.

Well, mystery solved.

09-21-2010, 11:47 AM
How peculiar, but at least you know the reason, now! Gotta love a mystery solved!

09-21-2010, 01:28 PM
How peculiar, but at least you know the reason, now! Gotta love a mystery solved!

Yes, glad to know why she's acting like this. I told Bruce not to use the thing because then I have to deal with her when I get home. But we will see what happens. Maybe she'll get used to it, or I'll just throw the darn thing away!!
I got my mom one too and she used it for the first time yesterday. The dogs didn't stop barking. LOL Oh, and my 19 year old niece could hear the sound it was making. My mom asked her if she was part dog. LOL Those youngsters and their hearing.

Daisy and Delilah
09-21-2010, 01:46 PM
Glad you figured it out, Cindy!! Good job!!:)

09-21-2010, 10:41 PM
Oh goody! I hate unresolved mysteries. Drive me nuts and I think about it constantly. Yay! Mostly, I'm just glad she's not sick. Poor baby didn't know how to tell you.

09-22-2010, 01:21 PM
Glad you figured it out, Cindy!! Good job!!:)

Thanks! :)

Oh goody! I hate unresolved mysteries. Drive me nuts and I think about it constantly. Yay! Mostly, I'm just glad she's not sick. Poor baby didn't know how to tell you.

Yes, I am VERY glad she is not sick or having her "attacks" again. I have told Bruce that if he needs to use it to only use it while he is on the phone. Don't leave it on for long periods of time. But he probably won't use it often now that we know what it does to her.