View Full Version : Look what was dropped in MY lap!~New Pic #30

Laura's Babies
08-26-2010, 03:15 PM
Patty, Samantha's former Mom just came by and dumped this little baby on me and would NOT take "NO!" for a answer no matter what I told her. Hell, I don't know if I will even be able to take care of myself next week this time and told her that, but she didn't care.. I am getting fed up with THIS "shift" that she keeps pulling, taking in every cat nobody wants and expecting me or Mike to deal with them. This is the third time in 3 months! (Total of 4 cats!)

I been on the phone trying to figure out what to do with her.. Called Mike and he flat turned her down, probably was able to do that by not opening the screen door so she couldn't dump it on him like she did me.. Anyway, he came got it and will drop her off at his vets on the way to work this evening... he said they will not turn down a bottle baby there. She looks to be 2 to 3 weeks old? Her teeth are coming in but not much yet.

Here she is, this one is by my iPhone for size..



08-26-2010, 03:29 PM
Oh my, Laura she is so pretty!

Good for you! Once in MY house, they don't leave..

08-26-2010, 03:35 PM
awwwww!!.. I would not be able to let her go

ship er over to me!! ;) sheŽs so cute.. awww

08-26-2010, 03:43 PM
Neither would I Husky_Mom.:cool::cool:
She would be at Our Vets too being looked over :love::love:and be spoiled rotten by Melanie and Leigh,:D:D
What a Sweet Little Classy Calico, and we are praying that she will find a Furr Ever Home.:love::love::love::love:

08-26-2010, 03:46 PM
She is adorable, I'm so glad I don't have any friends like that....or I would be in BIG trouble, plus with our crew now....it just seems that some are becoming special needs now with meds and such so taking another one in is a BIG NO NO.

Why didn't she just take it to a vet office and tell them she found it but can't take care of it?

Take care of yourself,

08-26-2010, 03:58 PM
Oh my goodness, I don't think I'd have been able to let her go either. I'd have been up all night bottle-feeding her.

08-26-2010, 04:24 PM
oh my she is gorgeous, she reminds me of one of Ellie-Mae's that i rescued, but she was a lot bigger, but similar in colourings.

Gosh that so called friend of your's needs a talking too, i understand how hard it must be to not keep her, but you have yourself as top priority at the moment, that is the last thing you need a baby kitty to take care of.

I am sure the vets will take wonderful care of her and she will be in a happy furever home soon, our vets do the same thing and always find great homes for them ,or they end up taking them themselves, our vet has a few new furbabies than what he started off with i can assure you.:)

Laura's Babies
08-26-2010, 04:49 PM
What got me was I kept telling her I couldn't keep it because of what I am dealing with and face possiable surgery, I can't even drive to go get it milk and bottles and she walks aways say "I can't keep it or my dogs could kill it!".. and off she goes. :rolleyes:

She was a cuite.. White with gray spots and tinges of orange so light that I thought it was dirt..... and a little SCREEEEEEEEEAMER! LOL!

MIke just called, the vets office took the kitten for the night but he has to pick it back up tomorrow so we are still stuck with what to do with it!

08-26-2010, 05:09 PM
yes i totally agree with you, as if you can do this right now or even want to, you have enough to cope at the moment, any chance of keeping us updated on her, if she gets adopted and how she is doing?

Laura's Babies
08-26-2010, 06:12 PM
OK, I called Barbra, the one that we trapped the cats for and she will take the baby to bottle feed until she is old enough to eat on her own. She has that one bottle baby that she found after we trapped the strays for her and he (Mikey) is eating on his own now. So we have a temporary solution for now! PHEW! Once older we will have to find a home for her and hopefully Blaine can help us with having her fixed and getting her adopted. Barbra will come get her Sunday so I will get to have her for a few days!! YAYYYYYY! :D

So, to answer your question Carole, I think that is a sure thing!!! Hopefully pictures as she grows into a toddler and a jet kitten, zooming all over the place like Mikey is now.

08-26-2010, 06:20 PM
She is adorable!! So does she get a foster name??

I haven't had a bottle baby since I was a child myself. If I had one "dropped in my lap" I'd have to bring it to work with me. And then I might lose my job anyway. LOL

Thank you for helping this baby, Laura! :D

Laura's Babies
08-26-2010, 06:39 PM
I was kind of thinking calling her "Peanut" or Wee Bit"... But I bet Barbra will name her. They had names for all those strays over there.

08-26-2010, 07:32 PM
Oh my God.... She's just adorable!

Pinot's Mom
08-26-2010, 10:03 PM
L'il Bit is adorable!:)

As Jenn Librarian knows, I really would like to take more kitties, but I can't.:( I wish I could help, I'm sorry. Good luck L'il Bit! :love:

08-26-2010, 11:18 PM
My cousin got a kitten years ago and named him Little Bit.
Her mom asked her "what about when he grows up?"
Reply: "Then I'll start calling him Big Bit"...... :D

08-27-2010, 06:36 AM
Oh she's just adorable! I definitely would've failed at letting her go, so I can sympathize w/you, Laura. However, I would have a come to Jesus meetin' w/this "friend" of yours. She's awfully self absorbed that she would do that to you w/all that you've got going on right now. I would have a closed door policy w/her until she sees the light.

08-27-2010, 07:23 AM
What some people are able to do is amazing! On one hand it means she cares for the kitten enough to ensure it will be in good hands...many others would have thrown the little one away...it's clear she wanted to let you no other choice :(. On the other hand I just can't imagine such a cheek :eek:

I hope you find soon a good solution. What an adorable cutie pie :love:

Laura's Babies
08-27-2010, 04:21 PM
OK, Mike picked her up this afternoon and brought her back to me. The vet checked WeeBit out and said she is in great shape and healthy, estimates her to be 2 to 3 weeks old (like I thought). She is GOOD with that bottle, sucks great but looking for her Mama when I put her down, trying to suck and make happy feet. Poor baby, WISH I knew where there was a Mama cat..(or better yet, that Samantha would mother her)

Mike said "Oh, by the way, the vet said it is female!".. I said "well, yea! She calico!".. He never realized she was gray and white with orange spots. I had to show them to him

Anyway.. It's been a LONG LONG time since I had a bottle baby. I use to know how much they should eat in a days time but that was so long ago.. Help me please.... how much should she have per feeding and in a days time??

08-27-2010, 04:36 PM
:love: Now you are using a kitten nursing bottle right?? If she is 3 wks old she should be suck 3/4 of the bottle per 6 hour feeding.. I have nursed bottle babies at a whole bottle per 6 hour feeding if 3 wks old.. Now if she is 2 wks old then about 1/2 bottle per 6 hour feeding.. I have at 4 weeks had nursing babies to start on wet mush.. KMR milk to soak kitten dry to a wet mush.. Make sure its Kitten Milk to feed && Please dont forget to Burp the Baby after each feeding.. Last of all Remember to stimulate the bottom for pee pee & poo poo with a warm wet cloth.. Oh Lots of Whisker Kissess & Cuddles & getting up in the middle of the night & early mornings feedings.. I think that should do it.. Good Luck.. She is a Cutie Pie for sure.. Oh I know your going to be a Great Mom..

Laura's Babies
08-27-2010, 07:41 PM
Now you are using a kitten nursing bottle right?? If she is 3 wks old she should be suck 3/4 of the bottle per 6 hour feeding.. I have nursed bottle babies at a whole bottle per 6 hour feeding if 3 wks old.. Now if she is 2 wks old then about 1/2 bottle per 6 hour feeding.. I have at 4 weeks had nursing babies to start on wet mush.. KMR milk to soak kitten dry to a wet mush.. Make sure its Kitten Milk to feed && Please dont forget to Burp the Baby after each feeding.. Last of all Remember to stimulate the bottom for pee pee & poo poo with a warm wet cloth.. Oh Lots of Whisker Kissess & Cuddles & getting up in the middle of the night & early mornings feedings.. I think that should do it.. Good Luck.. She is a Cutie Pie for sure.. Oh I know your going to be a Great Mom..

Yes, I have a kitten bottle and the KMR milk. A kitten can drink that much at a time? :eek: LOL! I never dreamed they could eat that much at one feeding. I finally found my maginfying glass so I could read the lable on the can (had to search forever for it!) and it says 2 tablespoons per 4 ounce of body weight 3 times a day at 3 weeks. I weighed her and she weighs a half a pound.. I haven't measured it out into the bottle to see how much that makes in the bottle yet.

I did get her to potty and I was stunned. That little thing must have been FULL. LOL! I had no idea something that small could make that much poo! I'm telling you, it has been (I bet) 40 years or more since I have bottle fed one and had to do all this.

Remember, I only have her until Barbra comes to get her Sunday. I must remember I only have her until Barbra comes to get her Sunday! I must remember I only have her until Barbra comes to get her Sunday! I must remember I only have her until Barbra comes to get her Sunday! :D Barbra is taking her until this things with me have been settled, then me & Mike get her back to find her a home.

08-27-2010, 07:50 PM
I must remember I only have her until Barbra comes to get her Sunday!

Now write that out on the blackboard 100 times....:D:)

08-27-2010, 10:09 PM
What a beautiful, precious little baby! I'm happy to hear that her vet check went so well. And a big thank you to Mike for helping you out!

What is wrong with that person? How can she be so insensitive and indifferent to your current problems that she just "dumps" a virtual newborn kitten at you? Why couldn't she take the baby to a vet or contact a shelter herself?

Have you considered calling local vets or a shelter to see if a nursing kitty mom might be available? Just a thought.

Laura's Babies
08-27-2010, 10:56 PM
momcat, I would be afraid the shelter would just put her to sleep and that place can be (not saying it is right now but could be) full of disease that could kill her..

I looked at the baby bottle and it is marked by tablespoons, it will hold 4 tablespoons.. I just don't see how that tiny thing could eat that much at one feeding! :eek: Since I have had her back at around 3 pm, she has had about 3 ounces and it is 10:30pm now and she looks like she is about to pop! She wasn't nearly this plump yesterday but there is no telling how long it had been since she ate..

Look at that tummy!


08-27-2010, 11:12 PM
She sure is a cutie pie.:) I've never dealt with a bottle baby before so I hope that everything will go well. Good luck and please continue to keep us updated about her.

08-28-2010, 03:57 AM
Aaawww- what a sweet little thing.
I hope she eats well and keeps growing.
I am sure I couldn't let her go.

08-28-2010, 06:43 AM
In my experience with bottle feeding, the kitten needs to eat every 2-3 hours. The rest of the time she'll sleep. Her eyes are open so she's probably about 3 weeks old. Normally, a kitten will eat a couple of ounces at a time. I use the lines on the bottle as a guide. I'd mix two tsp of warm water to one tsp of KMR. Mix is up real good (I used a whisk) to get all the lumps out.

I'm so surprized that your friend put this on your shoulders after all you're going through. Call around to local shelters and see if there's a lactating mama who has kittens around her age. Another week and you can probably start weaning her.

What I do is mix KMR with canned kitten food. Put a tiny bit on a spoon, open her mouth and put it in. Be careful she doesn't aspirate it.

She'll eventually get the idea. Is there ANYONE that can help you with her? Bottle feeding is alot of work, time consuming and you get sleep deprived. You need your sleep. I only wish I lived close to help you out.

Another thing you want to do is maintain her body heat with a heating pad set on low underneath a towel. Make her sleep in a cat carrier. I'll send you a "sock buddie" and LuLu's bun-bun. When I was bottle feeding Phoenix (now known as Molly) she loved to curl up next to her bun-bun.

Laura's Babies
08-28-2010, 08:18 AM
I keep her in Amy's kennel/carrier with a stuffed toy and in a really soft fluffy blanket that she seems to really like. She slept all night and I had to wake her to feed her this morning. After 8 hours of sleeping, she only took about 1 1/2 tablespoons of KMR, I put her on the blanket on the floor and let her wander around for a few minutes before she fell asleep again. I can hear her purring... it is such a sweet sound coming from her.

Donna, she is a project between me, Mike and Barbra. Barbra is coming to get her tomorrow to keep until I find out what's going to happen with me & the neuro doctor. I will have her when I can take care of her and Barbra will have her when I can't and if she has something going on, Mike will take her. Barbra is the only stay at home 24/7/365 so she is the better bet for most of her care but Lil Bit will make #12 in her house of fur kids so Barbra has her hands full already. We just need somebody to take care of her if I end up unable to for awhile. Lil Bit really isn't that much trouble to take care of at this point, eat and sleep is all she does but I am sure that will change in a few weeks.

I have some very unhappy fur kids in my house now. Samantha's feelings are so hurt that she won't come near me anymore and is staying hidden somewhere and I can't find her. :(

08-28-2010, 08:47 AM
Bless you Laura for taking on this precious baby.

Here is a very good link on how to raise an orphaned kitten.
Please read it throughly and you should have no problems with this widdle one.

I'm wishing you all the best of luck.

08-28-2010, 11:55 AM
awwwWWWWWWW!!!!!!!... I really really want her.. sheŽs so cute and precious..awwww

if we wereŽnt so far and shipping wasnŽt so expensive/such a hassle for international.. IŽd really really have you send her to me.. canŽt resist that much cuteness :D

Laura's Babies
08-29-2010, 08:16 AM
Rie came yesterday just in time to give her the bottle so I was able to get this picture.. Sooooo Cute!


In total yesterday, she took 6 tablespoons of milk, that is 1 1/2 bottles. This morning she drank only a little less than a tablespoon. When she gets enough, she wiggles and squirms and won't take the bottle anymore and I won't try but once or twice before I stop. Her little tummy is so full!

I feel so sorry for her, she is constantly looking for her Mommie, rooting around with her head, wanting to suck on something while making her happy feet.

08-29-2010, 08:58 AM
such a sweet little kitten. Hope she has a good childhood or kittenhood ;)

08-29-2010, 09:19 AM
Oh my how adorable!

Is she peeing and pooping OK? Never had a bottle baby. Have read on here from others that you need to stimulate them but I don't know if she is still that young, or if she "goes" on her own?

Oh Samantha, dear, no worries, mommy still loves you! Come on out; the wee one is much to small to harm you!

08-29-2010, 09:37 AM
Are you sure she isn't a baby lemur? ;) She is so adorable!

08-29-2010, 02:19 PM
Oh Laura, Without a doubt that is the cutest picture ever! She looks so comfortable and content snuggled up in her blanket. It must tug at your heart seeing her looking for her mommy though. Please give her a gentle smooch for me?

08-29-2010, 04:22 PM
Ohhhhh, how adorable is that?!!!!!

PRECIOUS baby, you are already loved by so many!

08-29-2010, 06:21 PM
What a wonderful picture of a precious little girl.:) I hope she'll continue to do well and thrive. Good luck.:)

08-30-2010, 08:20 AM
youŽre killing me with that cute pics.. but IŽd die happily.. what a cutie baby!!

you are doing a great job with her... awwwwwwwwwww

08-30-2010, 09:40 AM
Awww, she is toooo cute! And I have to say I love her name. (My mom's little rescue pup is named Little Bit, or as they say it, Itta Bit.) :D

Pinot's Mom
08-30-2010, 10:11 AM
Good luck, little one, you've got a whole team looking out for you! :love:

08-30-2010, 10:45 AM
:love: Your doing good Laura.. This wittle one is for sure a Cutie Pie..

09-06-2010, 01:41 PM
Hi Laura,
How is the baby doing? Is she still with you? I don't know that there's a cuteness overload warning strong enough for this precious little sweetheart. Could I ask you to give each of your fur crrew lots of scritchies and lovies from me?

09-10-2010, 06:24 PM
Hi Laura,
I don't know that there's a cuteness overload warning strong enough for this precious little sweetheart.

I don't think there is! What a dumpling, darling baby kitty!

Laura, could you please give each of your babies some hugs and snuggles from me too?