View Full Version : MRI Results are in....UPDATE 8/30

Laura's Babies
08-20-2010, 07:35 PM
First let me warn you not to panic! The words are frightening to a lot of people..(including me!) I was caught completely off guard by what they found, NEVER expected ANYTHING like this... I was just thinking something would show up in my ear that a quick surgical procedure could fix and I could get on with my life...

The MRI showed a Memingioma tumor on my brain. Very small, they are slow growing and usually benign . Mine is 1.0Cm. My ENT is sending all my records to a neurosurgeon and they should call me next week with an appointment. THAT is all I know right now..

I was upset at hearing the words when they told me.. She had me write it down and I looked it up and what I found is VERY encouraging so I am not in panic mode..

All my family know now so I can tell all my online friends/family..

08-20-2010, 07:51 PM
Don't worry too much - I had a brain tumor myself, it was an acoustic neuroma, and it was removed over ten years ago. Like yours, it was small and slow-growing and usually benign, but I was glad to get rid of it before it could do more damage. I am now deaf on one side, but I don't drool or have half my face unresponsive, so I was fortunate!

And if they send you to Boston for your surgery - dunno how uncommon your type is - let me know!

08-20-2010, 07:54 PM
Well, if you won't worry, then neither will I, Laura, since it is you that it's happening to. But you'd better keep us all UTD, girl, or I'll be naggin' ya! :love:

08-20-2010, 08:46 PM
NEVER expected ANYTHING like this...
Oh WOW! Not what I ever expected you to write either~!

OK, if you say this is not time for panic, I'll abide by that.

Prayers rom RI that they do what they gotta do, and you feel better quickly!

08-20-2010, 08:48 PM
Like I told you on the phone, my phone is on 24/7. Don't hesitate to call anytime day or night.

I also have someone else here on PT that wants me to PM you with his #. He has an extra shoulder and ear he'd like to extend to you.

You'll get through this, Laura. Hell, look at my kid. She's a 19 year survivor of a brain tumor. You've got alot of people who love you and are pulling for you. Like Karen said, if you're not fretting over it, I won't either.

Daisy and Delilah
08-20-2010, 08:51 PM
Thoughts and prayers going out to you, Laura.

08-20-2010, 09:06 PM
Laura's type of tumor is on the dura - the stuff that is between the brain and the skull. Mine was actually on the hearing nerve, so also next to but not inside the brain. Laura if we ever meet in person we can compare scars! ;) One great side effect of mine is I no longer get motion sick at all, and I used to ALL the time as a kid, and even as a adult. So, I am half deaf, but hey, I probably won't throw up on you if you're next to me on a boat or ferris wheel now! I hope it takes away your vertigo completely!

08-20-2010, 09:39 PM
Laura if we ever meet in person we can compare scars! ;)

That's if you can find the scar. Nowadays they don't shave heads, or even large patches, unless it's a case of head trauma.

They part the hair where the incision will be made, then tape it down. Then they shave a strip 1/8th to 1/16th inch in width. So when it's all done, you can just comb your hair over the incision - and it won't show. Be careful of those staples, though. Your comb might catch on one.

08-20-2010, 10:03 PM
Ok, Laura, I respect your wishes not to fret, but I admit, I will just a bit-it's what I do best. I'm sure you'll be absolutely fine, but having had my share of surgeries, it's always a bit scary. Besides, you're part of my PT family, right?

08-20-2010, 10:37 PM
A friend of mine on FB had the same tumour - she had been having mild seizures. I guess depending on where these little suckers show up, they affect different things (obviously).

Were you told what area of your brain it is in?


08-20-2010, 11:04 PM
That's if you can find the scar. Nowadays they don't shave heads, or even large patches, unless it's a case of head trauma.

They part the hair where the incision will be made, then tape it down. Then they shave a strip 1/8th to 1/16th inch in width. So when it's all done, you can just comb your hair over the incision - and it won't show. Be careful of those staples, though. Your comb might catch on one.

I had stitches, not staples, and they did shave almost half my head, but left enough so that my hair would cover the area when it was down. In my case they needed to cut a square "hatch" behind my ear, the scar extends down my neck a bit. This was done 14 years ago this September, so things may have changed since then, but as they needed to cut a square, it would have been more than a simple line anyway. And as the surgery was mid-September, so for Halloween, I pulled my hair back and spirit glued plastic bugs near the scar, which freaked some people out pretty nicely. It was kind of funny, as when I was out that day, before I had added the bugs and just had my hair pulled back, I heard one older man snidely say "Check out THAT haircut ..." to his companion. I turned and looked him in the eye and said, "Hey, I just had brain surgery 5 weeks ago!" He turned bright red and mumbled an apology.

08-21-2010, 12:23 AM
Laura, I'm sure you were in shock as I was when I read this:( but at least you now know what's going on and I hope that your surgery will go well and that you'll recover quickly too. Lots of prayers and positive thoughts are being sent your way. Please take care. (((HUGS)))

Laura's Babies
08-21-2010, 01:46 AM
Were you told what area of your brain it is in?

I don't know, the nurse that called just said it is there..

Meningiomas are tumors that originate from the meninges which are membrane-like structures that surround the brain and spinal cord. The dura, which is the outermost (and toughest) of the meninges covers the entire interior of the skull and invaginates into the brain creating "dural folds" and compartments within the interior of the skull such as the falx cerebri which separates the right side of the brain from the left side and the tentorium cerebelli which forms a "tent" that separates the cerebrum from the infratentorial space that contains the cerebellum and the brainstem within the posterior cranial fossa.

Typically, meningiomas are benign and slow-growing tumors, but instances of malignancy have been reported. Only about 10% of meningiomas occur in the spinal cord, while the majority occur intracranially. Intracranial meningiomas may occur in variable locations of the brain as dural-based, dome-shaped, round or oval, solitary masses. Rarely multiple concurrent meningiomas occur simultaneously in different locations of the brain. An unusual appearance for meningioma, called meningioma-en-plaque, has a flattened appearance that conforms to the curves of the brain and the inside of the skull.

Meningiomas represent the second most common type of tumor of the brain, accounting for approximately 20% of all primary intracranial tumors in adults. They are most common between the ages of 40 and 70 and they are more common in women than in men. Among middle-aged patients, there is a marked female predominance, with a female:male ratio of approximately 3:1. Meningiomas are extremely rare in children and only 1.5% of the total cases of meningiomas occur in the pediatric population.

08-21-2010, 04:17 AM
Laura just wanted you to know i am thinking of you and wishing you all the best for your future surgery, i must admit it was a real shock to read your thread, as i am sure it must have really been to you .

It sounds very positive and that you will be just fine,take much care and HUGS.

08-21-2010, 07:58 AM
Laura - sending prayers and good vibes out to you, that the surgery will be successful, and you bounce back to your old self in no time.

08-21-2010, 08:38 AM
Sending good thoughts and prayers your way.

08-21-2010, 08:54 AM
Oh Laura, no wonder you were shocked to get the result, but now that you know what it is, you get something done about it. Since it's small and slow-growing, I feel positive that you will get rid of it. It's reassuring to hear others have had the operation and is doing well. :)

Fister and I will keep our paws and fingers crossed for you and send lots of positive thoughts. :love: You will get through this!

08-21-2010, 01:09 PM
Sending prayers and good vibes that everything will work out for the best as I'm sure it will.

Felicia's Mom
08-21-2010, 02:56 PM
Sending you prayers and positive vibes. God Bless!

08-21-2010, 08:47 PM
It's hard to know what to say to someone about this. Just know that Calvin and I are sending you positive healing thoughts. Namaste.

Laura's Babies
08-22-2010, 08:15 AM
What amazes me is how common these tumors are. Everywhere I go I am running into people who have had one or know someone who does and it really makes me wonder what's up with that? What is causing these things that they are so common? Is there something in our environment or food that causes these things?

A lot of you remember my g.nephew Brandon... He had this exact same tumor when he was 9 years old, they did surgery and removed it and it came back and they did surgery on him again at about the age of 12.. The tumors he has now are of a different kind and they said has nothing to do with the kind he had before. BTW, Brandon is still doing great and having himself a good life.

I talked to a guy I worked with that keeps in touch with me. He has a 9 month old grand baby that has a brain tumor and a pretty large one. A BABY! He don't know what kind of tumor it is but he is having surgery to remove it. Poor little baby!

LOL! My Captain called me again last night to check on me, said the crew all day is asking if he has heard anymore from me. Said they are all worried and praying..They get off Wednesday and I am keeping my fingers crossed that I CAN go back next trip (is that to much to hope for?)..

Karen, I am so prone to motion sickness that it isn't funny! Have been almost all my life too. Yea, I know it's funny that I am easily prone to motion sickness and work on a boat but these boats don't rock.. IF ONLY removing mine would get rid of that it sure would change my life! As short as I wear my hair, any hair removal would show but I wouldn't care as long as I get rid of it! I could wear a hat or scarf if it bothered me and I sure wouldn't hide if they shaved my whole head! I'd get myself some big gold loop ear rings and some bright red lipstick.. :eek:

08-22-2010, 08:33 AM
It sounds like you are positive about this which I think makes a big difference. You'll be in my thoughts, I hope you have a swift recovery.

08-22-2010, 09:51 AM
Yes Laura, you do have a very positive attitude about this. Positive Pittsburgh prayers and thoughts are coming your way from Concordia.

08-22-2010, 02:48 PM
Laura, this is an amazing report, and your attitude is fantastic.

My kitties and I are all sending you love and prayers and healing energies..

Also prayers that you will be back to work the next trip!

God bless,
Pat and the gang :love::love::love::love::love::love:

08-22-2010, 02:55 PM
I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers Laura. Stay positive!

08-22-2010, 03:13 PM
(((HUGS))) Keeping you in my thoughts, Laura!

Good that you're not in panic. You know, something similar happened to me; 8 years ago, I was diagnosed with a prolactinoma in my pituitary gland. It's still there, very small, and not growing so far. When I first heard the word "tumor", I was in a state of shock, and I guess you felt the same way, 'cause this is really something you don't expect... But once you realize it's most likely benign, you'll get used to the fact that there's something in your brain, and it's not so scary anymore.

Best wishes for your surgery, I'm sure you'll feel much better when that thing is gone!!

08-22-2010, 06:11 PM
I am also in awe of you, and admire your great courage and being so positive, and you even have a sense of humour about it, not all of us can do that, it will indeed be helpful in your recovery, i am just so sorry you even have to go through all of this and will be thinking of you and hoping for a good outcome and speedy recovery,HUGS.

08-22-2010, 06:22 PM
Karen, I am so prone to motion sickness that it isn't funny! Have been almost all my life too. Yea, I know it's funny that I am easily prone to motion sickness and work on a boat but these boats don't rock.. IF ONLY removing mine would get rid of that it sure would change my life! As short as I wear my hair, any hair removal would show but I wouldn't care as long as I get rid of it! I could wear a hat or scarf if it bothered me and I sure wouldn't hide if they shaved my whole head! I'd get myself some big gold loop ear rings and some bright red lipstick.. :eek:

If they do shave any major area, remember - sunblock! Your scalp probably hasn't seen the sun on full since you were a baby!

08-23-2010, 08:27 AM
I am also in awe of you, and admire your great courage and being so positive, and you even have a sense of humour about it, not all of us can do that, it will indeed be helpful in your recovery, i am just so sorry you even have to go through all of this and will be thinking of you and hoping for a good outcome and speedy recovery,HUGS.

Ditto! My prays and hugs.


08-23-2010, 12:40 PM
Thoughts and prayers are going out to you from here in PA. I hope that everything can be resolved quickly and easily. I know you can't wait to get back to work!!!

08-23-2010, 01:03 PM
freaking or not.. youīll still be on our thoughts ;) hoping only for the best..

when my hand cyst was diagnosed.. I panicked and literally got LES thinking something superbad was gonna happen to me.. then I read up.. and found out what it was really.. and then knowing many Pters also had one made me less panicky and more in control... now I really donīt worry as much... I know a brain tumor isnīt comparable as a cyst.. but surely the words can frighten anyone who is not used to them..

gladly is a type thatīs benign and can be removed... if they do shave youīll look very pirate-y in those earrings :P

Laura's Babies
08-23-2010, 04:28 PM
I am seeing a neurosurgeon next Mondy on August 30th!


08-23-2010, 11:59 PM
I am seeing a neurosurgeon next Mondy on August 30th!


I hope that everything will go well. You continue to remain in my thoughts and prayers. Please take care. (((HUGS)))

08-24-2010, 12:06 AM
Lots of prayers and positive thoughts are being sent your wayhttp://www.safejourneyfamilyboarding.com/smileynormal.ico

08-24-2010, 06:41 AM
Oh good, you're in next week. Great news.
All the best sent from downunder Laura ;)

08-24-2010, 10:27 AM
.....lots of positive thoughts go with you.....

08-24-2010, 12:45 PM
:) Same here.. Lots of Prayers & Huggss being sent from Texas..

I hope that everything will go well. You continue to remain in my thoughts and prayers. Please take care. (((HUGS)))

08-24-2010, 01:57 PM
Good Thoughts & Prayers Sent Your Way Laura. (((HUGS)))

08-24-2010, 02:03 PM
I am seeing a neurosurgeon next Mondy on August 30th!


Good luck! Between now and then, make a list of all your questions you might have, and type it out to bring with you. Every little thing - I did, ended up with something like 30 questions, and my neurosurgeon answered them all, gladly, even the ones I thought were pretty stupid.

smokey the elder
08-24-2010, 02:52 PM
I'm glad you got a diagnosis, as alarming as it might have seemed at first. The worst is getting an "I dunno" from the doctor! I hope everything comes out all right.

Laura's Babies
08-30-2010, 12:04 PM
Back from neuro doctor.. NO surgery. He said the risks of surgery on one this small far outweighs the risks so we are just going to watch it. I have another MRI in 3 months and on a regular schedule after that.. YES! :D

This all is in the ENT's hands now and he is on vacation and I see him on the
7th of Sept.. Looks like I just may make that Sept 22. crew change if we can get this ear stuff streightened out between now and then..Still having days of dizziness and vertigo.. :rolleyes:... BUT, I am going to be driving myself now on the good days!!

08-30-2010, 12:13 PM
Did you get to look at the MRIs? Isn't it cool to see your own brain in slices?

08-30-2010, 12:20 PM
Lots of prayers and positive thoughts are being sent your wayhttp://www.safejourneyfamilyboarding.com/smileynormal.ico

same here, Laura!

Laura's Babies
08-30-2010, 01:53 PM
Yes, Karen, I asked him if I could see that thing in my head and he showed it to me.. I told him "Hummmm. I thought there was more empty space in there!"... (meaning I didn't have much up there).. He gave me the MRI CD to bring home so that I will have it for the next one and the radioliguist can compare this one to the next one.. I opened it but can't figure out how to get anywhere in there. Mine is at the front top of my head, right in the middle of my head.

Can ya'll believe they charges me $60 for the doctor to fill out the paperwork for my company on todays visit!!

Pinot's Mom
08-30-2010, 02:45 PM
I'm so glad surgery is not in order! Prayers you're straightened out in time for your boat! :)

08-30-2010, 02:53 PM
Yes, Karen, I asked him if I could see that thing in my head and he showed it to me.. I told him "Hummmm. I thought there was more empty space in there!"... (meaning I didn't have much up there).. He gave me the MRI CD to bring home so that I will have it for the next one and the radioliguist can compare this one to the next one.. I opened it but can't figure out how to get anywhere in there. Mine is at the front top of my head, right in the middle of my head.

So, like between your eyebrows but up toward the hairline? Just curious. Mine was just behind my right ear, so no one can see my scar if my hair is down. Not that my scar bothers me, actually.

Laura's Babies
08-30-2010, 03:48 PM
Karen- I asked him where and he pointed just behind the hairline about between the eyes, up front just about in the middle. He said he LOVED cutting these things out but it just isn't worth him giving me a head ache and putting me through that right now. I have one friend on my facebook page that says they have watched hers for 20 years! Hers has just been there doing nothing all this time.

Yea! I got my HOPE UP HIGH for next crew change!

08-30-2010, 03:56 PM
Karen- I asked him where and he pointed just behind the hairline about between the eyes, up front just about in the middle. He said he LOVED cutting these things out but it just isn't worth him giving me a head ache and putting me through that right now. I have one friend on my facebook page that says they have watched hers for 20 years! Hers has just been there doing nothing all this time.

Yea! I got my HOPE UP HIGH for next crew change!

Here's hoping yours stays stable for a long time to come, and you get back to the boat next trip! I am sure they miss your cooking!

08-30-2010, 04:56 PM
Well, that's just great, Laura! So glad you do not have to have surgery at this point. Sounds like the doctor really knows what he is doing and will be keeping on top of this all as time goes on.

More good wishes that you are back at work next time around!

08-30-2010, 06:43 PM
This is fantastic news, Laura!!!!! Groucho and I are here doing the Happy Dance for you! Please be assured that my prayers for you will continue. :love:

08-31-2010, 12:13 AM
Laura, I'm so glad to hear that you won't need surgery.:) Hopefully your vertigo and dizziness will go away and stay away too. All paws and fingers are crossed here that you'll be able to go back to work on the next trip.:)

08-31-2010, 08:12 AM
I'm so glad that surgery is not in order. I got an email from Father Rick and he said you've been in his prayers everyday!!!

08-31-2010, 08:24 AM
I am so slow in reading all the threads that it took me until now until I heard about your meningioma. I had one myself, it was the size of a walnut and was pushing on my optical nerve- so I went to the eye doctor first. I also suffered from dizziness and terrible headaches- but I thought that was all stress. This was in 1994- I had surgery and am just as good as before.
They told me I may have had it for more than 20 years- so it had time tio become as big. I can understand that they want to check now how slow it grows.
Surgery in the brain is always a problem as the brain is so full ;) In my case they didn't want to hurt the optical nerve but depending on where exactly these things sit it could be the hearing nerve or the fazialis as well (the latter would result in a paralysis of the face :(
Meningiomas can come back but in my case it didn't.
I can remember very well how scary this sounded when I first got the diagnosis and saw my MRI (still have it)- but after all I must say I was lucky- and I know you will be too.
Sending all my best thoughts.

08-31-2010, 08:35 AM
Laura, it's one surprize after the other, isn't it, but this one sounds good! I'm glad you can avoid surgery. Just make sure you get checked now and again.

I hope you'll be able to join the crew on Sep. 22 - good luck! :)

08-31-2010, 10:19 AM
Laura, thinking of you. Should have known nothing bad could happen on my bday but I was busy celebrating and missed your news. Calvin and I are joining Groucho and momcat in a happy dance. All the best and hoping you are 100% and sailing soon!
Claudia & Calvin:love:

08-31-2010, 10:30 AM
:) Great News of No Surgery.. I say the same as Tracey did.. Prayers Prayers being sent..

Laura, I'm so glad to hear that you won't need surgery.:) Hopefully your vertigo and dizziness will go away and stay away too. All paws and fingers are crossed here that you'll be able to go back to work on the next trip.:)

08-31-2010, 12:52 PM
I'm so glad to hear that they won't need to perform surgery yet. I hope it stays the same and you won't need it. I'll still say some prays for you though.

Take care,