View Full Version : Suggestions?

10-23-2002, 09:48 PM
Okay so Winter (or at least that's what my family thinks) has taken to jumping on the dinning room table when we go out and destroying anything that's left on it. They seem to think it's Winter 'cause she's hopped up on the table a couple of times when we've been home but Smudge is more then capable of doing the same thing. After all he's the reason that something heavy gets placed on the garbage when we go out so he can't open it.

Does anyone have any ideas to keep the guilty party off of the table? I have a feeling that if it keeps continuing one or both of them might have to be crated when we go out and I really don't want that to happen to gruesome twosome, and locking them in a room won't work because all our rooms have stuff that if they so desired could be trashed worse then something off of the table.

10-23-2002, 09:55 PM
Make sure the table's cleared before you leave? That and a good, distracting toy - peanut-butter filled Kong comes to mind ...

10-23-2002, 11:25 PM
How about turning the chairs upside down and placing them on the dining room table. So that the "bum" side is on the table with the legs sticking in the air.

Worth a try ............ ??

10-24-2002, 12:56 AM
You could set booby traps .. like using double sided tape or one of those plastic carpet runners. If you put the carpet runner on the table upside down , the little pokey things will be facing up so when the dog jumps up, he won't like the pokeys.

Dakota's Mommy
10-24-2002, 08:39 AM
Captain, I absolutely love the pic you have under your name. That is so cute!

10-24-2002, 06:29 PM
Thanks guys I'll give them a try or at least talk my family into giving it a try. Usually when I go out and nobody else is home I give them the kong with peanut butter and for added confusion a cookie or two and that usually keeps them busy but my folks and sister don't always think about stuff like that, they just worry about stuff that can be destroyed.

10-28-2002, 01:57 PM
I've heard of people using very light-weight mouse traps to eliminate couch-jumping and "counter-surfing." The theory is that they jump up there and get a little snap and won't do it again. Of course the people I 've heard this from use the super-light weight traps with plastic spring, etc so the dog gets nothing more than a snap on the paw and a loud snapping noise. Never tried it myself though.