View Full Version : Aug 14: VJ Day

08-14-2010, 03:59 PM
Sixty five years ago today, the Axis surrendered and WW II ended. VJ Day is a state holiday here in RI; we celebrated it last Monday.

Today Dad and I attended the Tribute to WW II veterans, which was well attended; in fact, they sold out tickets 5 WEEKS before the deadline to sign up!

They had several Jeeps and Seabees artifacts on display, as well as items from the Quonset Air Museum.



The program was a bit over 4 hours long, with a full course luncheon served. Veterans attend this Tribute for free.




More to come.

08-14-2010, 04:00 PM

The program included a show by the USO Liberty Belles, and a viewing of a portion of the new film documenting RI Veterans' remembrances of D-Day in Normandy.



There was also a pinning ceremony, w/ each veteran receiving a ribbon and a Commemorative Medal, in honor of their service.




The oldest WW II veteran in attendance was honored, he is 103 years of age.

When they started the ceremony, they had the Presentation of the Colors. When the Commander called, "Present Arms!" every veteran there stood up a bit straighter, and saluted.

Thanks for looking.

Scooter's Mom
08-14-2010, 04:10 PM
Sandie, your dad looks great! I love what you said about the veterans all standing up a little straighter.

08-14-2010, 04:13 PM
Crystal, it was SO noticeable. My Dad can't remember much any more, but he remembered to salute at the call to arms! I was stunned, to say the least, lol.

08-14-2010, 04:26 PM
Thanks for the pics Sandie. Dad really does look good. You must be so proud of him too. You look great too.....:D

Oh - I remember Quonset and Davisville well. I met my ex at Quonset and my firstborn made his entrance into the world at the Naval Hospital on base. Kinda sad that it's not there anymore (as a Naval facility). :(

08-14-2010, 06:12 PM
Another one born in Rhode Island checking in. Wonderful pictures - thanks for sharing. Your dad looks great.

Rhode Island is the only state that still commemorates VJ day.


08-14-2010, 07:07 PM
Rhode Island is the only state that still commemorates VJ day.

Yes, that is correct!

LOVE that: RI = 3% bigger at low tide, he heee.

08-14-2010, 07:39 PM
What nice photos, of what a fine occasion. Thank you, Sandie!

Your father looks wonderful, especially with his medal. So proud, and so he should be.

And you look wonderful too! I'd never seen pictures of either of you before.

Please thank your father for me for his service to our country in such a great cause.

Pat.. who spent four years in Rhode Island, and I miss it!

08-14-2010, 10:34 PM
Nice Pics.
I'll print those off if you don't mind, and take them down to an old mate of mine. He was a Seabee, and was from Oregon originally. Fred married an Aussie nurse and has lived here for years.......they are both near 90yo now, and are the nicest people.
Thanks for sharing those pics.

08-15-2010, 09:33 AM
Nice Pics.
I'll print those off if you don't mind,
Thanks for sharing those pics.

I don't mind, go right ahead!

They played the radio announcement by FDR when Pearl Harbor was bombed (the start of the war, for the USA). Later on, they had the old news reel showing the signing of the surrender: the Emperor of Japan and another dignitary for their side, then all the ones on our sides: USA, NATO, Australia, France, Netherlands and on and on it went, lol.

08-15-2010, 03:53 PM
Thank you so very much for sharing this wonderful and well deserved celebration! Please give your Dad a hug and a heartfelt thank you from me for his service? During WW II my Dad was at Omaha Beach. If he were still here, I'd share this with him in a heartbeat.

Let's remember our veterans everyday!

08-15-2010, 08:00 PM
Hi, Sandie and Mr. S.! Sandie, I agree with everyone, your dad looks wonderful. It looks like a very nice event and look at all the people in attendance! Thank you for the pictures!

08-15-2010, 10:27 PM
I loved the photos too, Sandie! Thanks for sharing such a beautiful tribute. I agree that your dad looks great, very handsome and distingished with his medal. I love his tie.
I guess all the WWII vets are up in age now. My uncle is 97 and served in the Air Force in Britain, fixing B52's (I think). He can remember every detail of his service. He's still as proud as can be! I salute you, Sandie's dad!