View Full Version : We went to the beach!

08-08-2010, 08:05 PM
Today we took Zoee and Taggart to the beach. It was misty and freezing!!! But the doggers had fun. We met up with a friend and her dog.

I'm too lazy to upload to photobucket so I'm just going to attach them. Sorry.

The first and last pictures are Taggart and a Golden.

The second picture is Taggart, Watts (our friends dog) and Zoee's butt. Do you see the small Aussie in the back? We kept running into him all the way down to the beach and back up. :)

The third and fourth pictures are Zoee. She was soo excited!!

Five more pictures in next post.....

08-08-2010, 08:11 PM
The first picture here is Taggart, Zoee and random dogs, including the little Aussie guy and his human.

The second picture is Zoee on time-out. She gets too excited and tends to be a bit aggressive and not listen.

The third picture is Taggart. I really thought he would be afraid of the water. Boy was I wrong! He had a blast!

The fourth is when we got back to the car and got cleaned up.....a little.

The last is two thirsty dogs. Luckily Watts' human remembered a dish. I had water but not a dish. Zoee had drank from my hand earlier.

That's it! Even though we were cold and wet we still had a great time!

08-08-2010, 08:16 PM
Really nice pics! All the dogs are adorable, especially yours!;) It looks like you had a nice day.:)

08-08-2010, 11:04 PM
Your dogs are adorable as always and I am jealous...I love the beach. Which one did you go to?

08-09-2010, 09:27 AM
Thanks guys! :D

We went to Fort Funston. The trail down to the beach was a doozy. Then Bruce took us the wrong direction so we had to climb another hill. My legs feel okay today, so I'm guessing they will be sore tomorrow. But the dogs had a blast and that's all that matters. :D

08-09-2010, 09:33 AM
I see some doggies who had FUN! Nothing like romping freely on a beach with your buds, eh Taggart? Zoe, those waves do chase ya, ha haaa.

You may have been wet and sad with the mist / fog and all, but the pups LOVED it! "Thanks, Mom, for a great outing!" He heee.

08-10-2010, 11:48 AM
Thanks Sandie! Yes, they had a blast. I wish I could take them there more often.

When we got Taggart we were hoping his calmness would rub off on Zoee. Then we thought Zoee's behavior might rub off on Taggart! :eek: But luckily that hasn't happened. Taggart is so calm even when Zoee is freaking out.

08-10-2010, 01:36 PM
They are soooo cute!!! Looks like they were in hog heaven!!

08-10-2010, 02:11 PM
Looks like they had a great time! Thanks for sharing the pictures with us all. In the second-to-last picture, what's the structure behind Taggart?

08-10-2010, 03:05 PM
Looks like they had a great time! Thanks for sharing the pictures with us all. In the second-to-last picture, what's the structure behind Taggart?

Bruce thought it might be where they had cannons and were able to move them around. But we aren't sure.

Fort Funston (http://www.parksconservancy.org/visit/park-sites/fort-funston.html)

With the invention of aircraft, open-air gun batteries became giant bull's-eye targets, and the army began building casemates over batteries to protect and camouflage them from enemy aircraft. Completed in 1938, Battery Davis was the first of these casemated batteries. The barrels of its two massive, 16-inch guns weighed 146 tons apiece. Battery Davis served as the prototype for all 16-inch gun emplacements built in America after 1938. Explore Battery Davis from the Sunset Trail.

Soldiers to Students
When the first flag went up over Fort Funston's parade ground in the early 1900s, the San Francisco Chronicle remarked that it looked more like a frontier post than one near a heavily populated city. Later, this unassuming place became a base for some heavy weaponry: first, the 16-inch guns of Battery Davis, and later, Nike missiles. Today, the barracks have more friendly occupants—the schoolchildren attending programs at the Fort Funston's environmental education center.

08-10-2010, 05:09 PM
You found a place with some freezing mist? That alone would be a treat
for me & my pups.:D They look like they had a great time. I so wish I had
some place like that beach to go with them. Is it very far for you to drive?

08-10-2010, 06:25 PM
You found a place with some freezing mist? That alone would be a treat
for me & my pups.:D They look like they had a great time. I so wish I had
some place like that beach to go with them. Is it very far for you to drive?

It's about an hour. Longer if you hit traffic, which you usually do on the bridge. Also, we couldn't find it at first, so that took about 10-15 more minutes. But it should only take about an hour. :)

08-10-2010, 06:50 PM
Casey loves the beach I need to take her soon!

08-10-2010, 06:54 PM
It's about an hour. Longer if you hit traffic, which you usually do on the bridge. Also, we couldn't find it at first, so that took about 10-15 more minutes. But it should only take about an hour. :)

An hour isn't far to go for a whole afternoon of exercising the dogs.
They sleep so well when they really get to do some running.:)

Daisy and Delilah
08-10-2010, 08:32 PM
Looks like a great time was had by all!! Fantastic pictures!!

Cindy:: Sorry to tell you but, if it's misty and freezing, I'm moving in with you. Please clear some space. Thanks!!!;) ;) ;)

08-10-2010, 09:43 PM
An hour isn't far to go for a whole afternoon of exercising the dogs.
They sleep so well when they really get to do some running.:)

You're right. But I can't take them by myself and getting Bruce to go with me is near impossible. We planned this trip out a week in advance.

Looks like a great time was had by all!! Fantastic pictures!!

Cindy:: Sorry to tell you but, if it's misty and freezing, I'm moving in with you. Please clear some space. Thanks!!!;) ;) ;)

LOL We have a couple spare rooms. You might have to share with Jax though. :p Well, it's not freezing and misty at my house. Just near the ocean. And I read on the site I posted above that late March through October is the best time for the hang-gliders because it is super windy. Not so good for my long hair when I forget to bring something to tie it back with. :rolleyes:

Daisy and Delilah
08-11-2010, 10:57 AM
No problem. Me and the girls will love bunking in with Jax.;) To get away from this heat....I'm packing right now.:D