View Full Version : Four

08-03-2010, 10:32 PM
One of my co-workers is a 27 year old man. He is married has two boys and another baby on the way. J and I get along great. I call him 4 because he is like a fourth son to me. And he calls me Jmomma. We joke, and tease, and hug and well I just love this kid. He really reminds me a lot of my oldest Slacker.
The other day he said to me "isn't it time for you to bake brownies?
I said "J doens't your wife bake?" His reply "yes but they taste better when mom bakes them" LOL Like I said he is my 4th son.
Yesterday J took his two boys to the store to pick up some food. The boys are 6 and 2. There was a homeless man with a sign saying he needed food so J went over to talk to him and found out the man came up here from WV looking for work and found none and now had no money or food to get back home. He was living in his car.
So J went into the store bought $50.00 worth of food, had the man follow him home and gave him a huge cooler to put the food in.
His son asked him why and J said "this could happen to anyone and people need to help if they can".
What a great lesson for a 6 year old, one he will never forget.
I think I will have to bake a double batch of brownies for J.
What a wonderful young man he is.

08-03-2010, 11:27 PM
I would not only bake brownies, but give them your recipe. If the boys want to learn how to make them, you could offer to teach them After all, he and the boys both earned "brownie points!"

08-04-2010, 07:47 AM
That is amazing. Your co-worker is very nice to have done that.

08-04-2010, 08:49 AM
What a great person & good example to his son, & everyone. Thanks for sharing. :)

08-04-2010, 09:20 AM
How wonderful! Thanks for passing this along to us.

08-04-2010, 12:02 PM
Thank you for sharing that, Marigold. I need to see things like that sometimes because I'm a bit immune to it sometimes. Having spent most of my life in NYC, I just walked past so many folks like this that it became habit.

I witnessed another instance like this on Father's Day this year. Barry and I walked into a Publix and were getting a cart. As we walked away from the entrance, an Oriental family came over to where a down-on-his-luck looking gentleman was sitting on a bench. I guess he was trying to get out of the heat. The father of the family handed the man a boxed meal and the child gave him an iced-tea. They said, "Happy Father's Day" and the father shook the man's hand. The man was surprised and obviously moved by the gesture. He was also obviously hungry because he tucked in as soon as they walked away! I didn't even see him there and they thought to buy him a meal!! It makes me cry when I think about it.

Yes, a wonderful example for his children. I hope they never get as jaded as I have. I'm embarrassed to admit it :( I would never let an animal who needed help go unnoticed, but I didn't see that man sitting there.

08-04-2010, 07:33 PM
There are still some decent, caring people around. Please shake his hand for me? He did God's work!

08-05-2010, 09:54 AM

What a humbling story. We have alot of homeless people who use our back lobby to sleep in the winter when it's freezing out. I've bought them coffee, donuts, and given them money for the bus. Anyone, and I do mean ANYONE on this board can find themselves in the same situation. I was almost in that situation so I know exactly where he's coming from.

Like Momcat said, shake that man's hand for ME too, will ya??? What a wonderful lesson he has taught his children. I only wish more parents were like that.

08-05-2010, 01:19 PM
I of course gave 4 a hug and made sure he told every one in the office.
I will make something special for him to eat on Monday.
He is a fire figher and a paramedic but in the small town he lives in there are no jobs so he techs for us. His wife is a nurse.
They are good people.

08-05-2010, 01:30 PM
We need more people like him in today's world. No joke. Very humble guy! :)

Laura's Babies
08-05-2010, 01:58 PM
There are some good people out there! I saw that when Eddie was hurt so bad in that explosion. It restored my faith in humanity and so does this.