View Full Version : Lawry´s Louisiana Red Pepper Marinade...

08-03-2010, 12:53 PM
anyone that can help out shipping one or two over to me?.. lol.. I´ve checked a few sites and they only ship to USA and Canada.. including the Lawry´s store, ebay, amazon, kmart, walmart, and a bunch of other sites..

actually I want this for my sis... so any help is greatly appreciated.. thank you ;)

I´ll pay you beforehand for any cost.. the 6 pack is around 23-24 dlls.. not including shipping.. if you find individual ones great, if not, the 6pk will do too :D

08-03-2010, 01:30 PM
If I go to the store tonight I'll look for it. I know the store I go to has Lawry's marinade. Just need to check for this flavor.

08-03-2010, 01:54 PM
Is it good?

I have been meaning to tell you that one of our costco's has puppy pads for 120 for 14.99.

08-03-2010, 02:13 PM
@ taz: thanks!! I´d appreciate it.. ;)

@ caseys. I have no clue.. haha.. my sister asked me if I could help getting some.. she know I buy everything online and find almost everything.. but this one´s tough.. stuff I can find the tough is always the shipping..

the pads sound great.. I´ll keep em in mind next time as the others have already been ordered and sent to me by our very lovely Karen...

they were around 200-ish.. but this ones look pretty nice in price too.. would just need to look at size.. and the shipping thing too as we don´t have costo´s here either.. lol... hence most my buys are online.. lol.. thanks for letting me know though :D

08-05-2010, 09:50 AM
Hey Isabel,
I didn't forget about this. We didn't go to the store the other night. We ordered online instead (see how lazy we are?) and it's not available online. But not everything they carry in the stores is available online. I do plan on stopping possibly tomorrow morning on my way into work to pick up some lunches. I'll check then. :)

08-05-2010, 12:09 PM
thank you!! :D

08-16-2010, 12:25 PM
besides a lil bumping....

perhaps if not in stores near anyone.. can u order them for me and then get them reshipped to me?..

I´ll find out the cheapest.. hehe.. the 6pk is about 22-ish.. not sure about shipping.. but I read some were free shipping.. just need to find em again..lol

I don´t necessarily need the 6pk.. hence me asking if you found it in stores nearby ;)

Taz offered help but hasn´t found this specific flavor... red pepper.. I appreciate any help in finding this.. thanks

08-16-2010, 01:13 PM
besides a lil bumping....

perhaps if not in stores near anyone.. can u order them for me and then get them reshipped to me?..

Ya es tiempo que te haces una ciudana de los Estados Unidos.....

Las tiendas aqui tienen todo.;):eek:;)

08-16-2010, 01:32 PM
Ya es tiempo que te haces una ciudana de los Estados Unidos.....

Las tiendas aqui tienen todo.;):eek:;)

ya se.. jajaja.. y luego cuando busque algo de aca alla no hay.. jajaja

*I know..lol... and when I look for something from here I won´t find it over there..lol*

08-16-2010, 01:57 PM
How about the recipe for it instead? SIL gave it to me out of one of those 'Top Secret Recipes' books.

Lawry's Louisiana Red Pepper Marinade

* 1 cup lemon juice
* ˝ cup hot sauce
* 2 tablespoons dried onion
* ˝ teaspoon oregano
* ˝ teaspoon thyme
* 2 garlic cloves (minced)
* 2 teaspoons of honey
* black pepper to taste

Combine lemon juice and hot sauce. Combine dry ingredients and mix. Add to liquid mix along with garlic & mix well.

08-16-2010, 02:21 PM
awesome!!... I´ll pass it on to my sis.. as well I´ll try it myself and see what the fuss is all about hehe... she said it´s really nice..;)


08-16-2010, 02:34 PM
ya se.. jajaja.. y luego cuando busque algo de aca alla no hay.. jajaja

*I know..lol... and when I look for something from here I won´t find it over there..lol*

Yo tambien....Busco cajeta y nunca la encuentro......hijo de la guayaba!:D

08-16-2010, 02:46 PM
Sorry I couldn't find it Isabel. I did look in a couple different stores though.

If the recipe isn't good enough I wouldn't mind ordering it and shipping to you. Just send me the link and some money. :p

08-16-2010, 03:26 PM
Yo tambien....Busco cajeta y nunca la encuentro......hijo de la guayaba!:D

dime cual y te la mando ;)

Sorry I couldn't find it Isabel. I did look in a couple different stores though.

If the recipe isn't good enough I wouldn't mind ordering it and shipping to you. Just send me the link and some money. :p

many many thanks for looking.. I´ll keep it in mind in case the recipe doesn´t turns out "just as" the original one ;).. thnx

08-16-2010, 05:12 PM
many many thanks for looking.. I´ll keep it in mind in case the recipe doesn´t turns out "just as" the original one ;).. thnx

Ok, and I'll continue to look when I go to the store. :)