View Full Version : Micki is missing. *Found him!!!!*

07-09-2010, 09:38 PM
Today has been the worst day of my life.

I got home from work at 6 and am greeted at the door by my brother and sister. They went to feed the dogs their dinner and realized Micki was gone. They had been home all flipping day and don't remember the last time they saw him.

I fed him breakfast before I went to work. He was "in pain". He has a chronic back pain that is on and off that we and the vets have yet to figure out. We manage the episodes with pain pills and he's usually good in a day. Anyway, when he's "in pain" he does stupid things...like stand in the road, or go to a parking lot and sit behind car tires, it's freaky. It's the ONLY time he'll leave the yard (by opening the gate that we have 3 bungee cords on to prevent this) so we usually keep a close eye on him outside during that time.

Anyway, I called and put a lost dog report at the animal control immediately, called and left voice mails at the two local vets, and put up posters around town. We drove the golf cart around and beeped the horn (His FAVORITE thing in the whole world) and drove scouring the streets to see if he'd been hit.

In the morning I'm going to stop by the animal control, check in with both vet clinics and put up more posters with pictures.

I just want my grumpy old man back. :( And I was mean to him this morning because I was getting ready for work and all he wanted to do was sit on my lap :( :(



07-09-2010, 09:42 PM
I am so sorry could he be sleeping somewhere inside? I hope you find him real soon.

07-09-2010, 09:49 PM
He has been gone for 5-9 hours. He is not in the house, yard, sheds, garage or surrounding area.

07-09-2010, 09:54 PM
Oh no! :( Is he microchipped? I pray you are able to find him. ((hugs))

07-09-2010, 10:16 PM
Someone might've accidently left a door open :( I am so sorry Ash, I hope Micki is found quickly! Please update us.

07-09-2010, 10:17 PM
Oh no Micki! I really do hope he finds his way back to you. I couldn't imagine losing a dog... how scary it must be. I know you'll shower him with hugs and kisses when he comes back home. Prayers you find him.

07-09-2010, 10:31 PM
Pawsitive thoughts and prayers that Micki is home soon.

07-09-2010, 10:50 PM
I am so sorry. I hope Micki is home safe and sound soon. I can imagine what you are going through (I went through it once with my cat).

Come home Micki!!

07-09-2010, 10:54 PM
Are there any neighbors or businesses close by. The day before one of our guests found a puppy walking out in front of our business. He came in to tell us & we tied the pup up & one of our employees ended up taking the pup home for the night & next day even. It turned out the pup lived behind the place I work at. We had called the sheriff & even had it put on two radio stations. The bar across the street spread the word & the next day the owners came to claim their pup. There are good people out there someone will find your Micki don't give up hope.

07-09-2010, 11:13 PM
Prayers that Micki comes home soon!

07-10-2010, 12:05 AM
I'm so sorry to hear this.:( I hope he comes home soon. Lots of prayers and positive thoughts are being sent his way.

07-10-2010, 04:24 AM
Prayers for Micki to come home soon!!

07-10-2010, 05:47 AM
I'm so sorry Ashley. Please come home, Micki!!

07-10-2010, 06:14 AM
Micki come home. Your momma is so worried about you!

Cinder & Smoke
07-10-2010, 06:20 AM
HI, God ~

Prayer Pups here ... any word frumma Search Team that was out lookin fur Micki ??

Ohhh, Bowser had allua his Huntin Buddies out ALL nite, but diidn't spot Mcki. :(
They're gonna rest up an go look in daylight inna lil while.

Hey God ~
Maybe get someone to drop off sum Fliers atta Post Office ...
Be sure the local delivery Carriers and Drivers get one ... they're purdy
good at "noticing" stuff when they're out on the Route.

/s/ the Prayer Pups.

Don't give up, Ash!! We're all Praying Micki shows up A-OK!

:love: :love: :love:

07-10-2010, 07:54 AM
Oh no my heart sunk when i saw this :(. Lots of good 'hurry home' vibes coming your way.

07-10-2010, 08:34 AM
He's coming home today!!! :D

A lady saw our signs and called to tell us that she took him to the shelter yesterday. She found him across the street from our house. I bet he'll now be wearing a collar with tags. ;)

We can't go get him until the shelter opens, which is in 2 more hours. I can't wait to see him!

I called the shelter first thing yesterday. He would have been there already, and the lady said that no dogs had come in that day. It would have saved a lot of heartache and worry if she would've looked first...

Cinder & Smoke
07-10-2010, 08:34 AM
Blond Boy has posted that the Lost Micki is now
a FOUND Micki!!


Any details being released??


07-10-2010, 08:37 AM
LOL Phred! Posted the same time as you! :D

07-10-2010, 08:40 AM
YAY! I am so glad you found him. :)

Cinder & Smoke
07-10-2010, 08:51 AM
A lady saw our signs and called to tell us that she took him to the shelter yesterday.

She found him across the street from our house.

I called the shelter first thing yesterday.
He would have been there already, and
the lady said that no dogs had come in that day.
It would have saved a lot of heartache and worry if she would've looked first...

Hard to believe The Finder Lady wouldn't have stoppd & Knocked on a couple
of doors to inquire if anyone recognised the Foundling.

As for the "Shelter" ?? not knowing he was already in their lock-up ...
some things can't be explained ...
best bet is the GO FORTH Bearing PHOTOS of the lost child - and then
personally walk the cages and LOOK for yourself!

But let's be THANKFUL the Micki was Found and is awaiting a ride Home.


07-10-2010, 08:52 AM
Thank goodness!:D A worst nightmare, a missing pet.:( Yes Ashley, let's get tags on that boy.;)

07-10-2010, 09:42 AM
PHEW!!! That is awesome news! I'm veeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrryyyyyy happy that Micki is being reunited with you guys. :)

07-10-2010, 12:05 PM
Thank goodness!! Woo Hoo!!!
I'm very angry about the person not knowing he was brought in yesterday though. It kind of reminds me of Kuhio's story (the cat). She did look through the cages but they didn't let her look in ALL areas of the shelter. Kuhio's story didn't end so well. :( So glad Micki's is though! :)

07-10-2010, 12:14 PM
Thank goodness....I agree with Phred she couldn't knock on a few doors?? Sounds like a few people weren't on the ball but at least he is found.

07-10-2010, 12:22 PM
Thank goodness!

07-10-2010, 05:44 PM
Great News! So glad that Micki has been found.

07-10-2010, 06:11 PM
They wouldn't let us look in all the cages at first either. But we knew he was there (thank goodness the lady that took him got our number from our signs!) and so we were persistant and told them that we knew he was there somewhere. He was in the back in the isolation room, apparently he wasn't the nicest boy. :o We were told they would bring him up front for us but then the kennel attendant said, "well, you better come back and get him. He isn't very nice to us." He was so excited to see me and my mom, they said they didn't know that he could be so nice and sweet. Haha Good thing we got him back he would have NEVER passed his temperment test ;)

07-10-2010, 07:13 PM

07-10-2010, 08:40 PM
I'm so glad to hear that he was found and is now home.:) Hopefully he won't stray again and will now wear a collar and tags. Welcome home Micki.:)

07-10-2010, 10:23 PM
Hmm, wonder if he was mean to the lady that found him? Lol

07-10-2010, 10:47 PM
oh I'm so glad you found him!
I've never been in your shoes but from the zillion stories I have heard, if I ever am in your shoes, I will never trust the Humane Soc or the pound to see if my pet is there. Especially our Humane Soc b/c our director is such a lunatic that if the dog is a mixed breed its almost a certain death sentence.

but on a happy note - I'm so glad that the lil hooligan is back home safe and sound with Ash and family!
Micki STAY HOME! :D :love:

07-10-2010, 11:44 PM
Hmm, wonder if he was mean to the lady that found him? Lol

I don't think so, lol. When she called to tell us she took him there she said, "he looked old and was as sweet as can be, I couldn't just leave him there."

He's funny. He isn't necessarily mean but he does is make a bunch of noise. He growls a lot and when he's not growling he's barking. So I guess he may seem mean to some people, but he'll even growl as he leans in to snuggle with you. He likes to think he's tough, but he's a big ol' baby.

07-13-2010, 10:03 AM
Thank God!! When my Bean was missing, I went personally to the local humane society and looked in every cage; even the quarantined sections. I had heard (through Kuhio's mom) that you have to look for yourself; even though ours is really good and they did call me once with a "near find", it is still best not to let our animals lives be in the hands of others...it's up to their parents to find them.

07-18-2010, 06:24 AM
Whew! So glad to hear your man is home with you now:D

07-19-2010, 10:23 PM
I'm so glad you found Micki!!

When Zam went missing and I'd call the shelter, they'd tell me no cats were there matching her description. When I finally went in person, there were at least three calicos there. :\

07-29-2010, 02:51 PM

glad he you founds him safe an sound :D