View Full Version : Canada Day Trivia Quiz

07-01-2010, 11:00 AM
I got 18. :eek: I'll post the answers after a few folks give it a whirl. Copy and paste the questions, then fill in the answers.:)

ETA: make that 17. :o:D

Test your knowledge of Canadian history and trivia with this 20-question Canada Day quiz.


1. Name the Scottish immigrant, skilled lawyer and Father of Confederation who became Canada’s first prime minister.

2. How many provinces and territories are there in Canada?

3. In 1917, two ships collided in a harbour and caused the world’s greatest man-made explosion before Hiroshima. Where did this occur?

4. In 1759, where did General Wolfe and the British defeat French forces for control of Quebec?

5. Who is Canada’s head of state?

6. Who was the M�tis leader and founder of the province of Manitoba who was hanged in 1885 for his role in a rebellion?

7. What was the name of the route used by fleeing American slaves to get to Canada?

8. What famous schooner, commemorated on the 10-cent coin, was launched in Nova Scotia in 1921?

9. On June 6, 1944, Canadian troops participated in the invasion of Nazi-occupied France. What was the code name of the Normandy coast beach on which the Canadians landed?

10. Speaking in the House of Commons on June 10, 1942 about a controversial plebiscite, Prime Minister Mackenzie King explained his policy as "not necessarily ______, but _________ if necessary."

11. Which province is officially bilingual?

12. It was named by an act of Parliament as Canada’s national game.

13. Montreal hosted this international event in 1976.

14. Who is the songwriter who penned "Big Yellow Taxi"?

15. What is Canada’s highest mountain?

16. What is the capital of Canada’s newest territory?

17. What was the name of Canada’s flag before the Maple Leaf?

18. This Canadian won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1957.

19. Quebec cabinet minister Pierre Laporte was taken hostage and murdered in the crisis initiated by which extremist separatist group?

20. This writer of popular Canadian history died in 2004.

07-01-2010, 11:11 AM
Could you help some of us Americans out. Like a choice A. Scotti Hamilton B.Scotti from Star Trek C. Scotti Mc Kenzie D. All of the Above.

They are great questions but the only Canadian history we had in school is that Canada is north of Minnesota & we did have to learn the names of the provinces & that Canadians were our friends. :)

07-01-2010, 12:21 PM
Well there is only 2 that I know for sure. Hehe... the rest I don't even have a guess!! I am not Canadian but considering I lived most of my life 50 miles from the border it's pretty sad :o

07-01-2010, 12:24 PM
:) Well I can answer all the Quiz = Of I Dont Know..:D

07-01-2010, 12:46 PM
James Doohan, known as Scotty on the original Star Trek, was born in Canada - as was William Shatner.

Lorne Green, Jason Priestly, Dan Akroyd, Evangeline Lilly, Alanis Morissette, Kim Cattrall, Jim Carey...

And here's a list on Wikipedia, done by category:

07-01-2010, 01:32 PM
Just by the luck of the irish in me I accidently picked James Doohan. Now Dan Akroyd is one of me favorite comedians & now one of my favorite Canadians. :)

Killearn Kitties
07-01-2010, 01:35 PM
1. Name the Scottish immigrant, skilled lawyer and Father of Confederation who became Canada’s first prime minister. John MacDonald

2. How many provinces and territories are there in Canada? Thirteen

3. In 1917, two ships collided in a harbour and caused the world’s greatest man-made explosion before Hiroshima. Where did this occur?

4. In 1759, where did General Wolfe and the British defeat French forces for control of Quebec?

5. Who is Canada’s head of state? Governor General

6. Who was the M�tis leader and founder of the province of Manitoba who was hanged in 1885 for his role in a rebellion?

7. What was the name of the route used by fleeing American slaves to get to Canada?

8. What famous schooner, commemorated on the 10-cent coin, was launched in Nova Scotia in 1921?

9. On June 6, 1944, Canadian troops participated in the invasion of Nazi-occupied France. What was the code name of the Normandy coast beach on which the Canadians landed?

10. Speaking in the House of Commons on June 10, 1942 about a controversial plebiscite, Prime Minister Mackenzie King explained his policy as "not necessarily ______, but _________ if necessary."

11. Which province is officially bilingual? New Brunswick

12. It was named by an act of Parliament as Canada’s national game. Ice Hockey?

13. Montreal hosted this international event in 1976. Olympics

14. Who is the songwriter who penned "Big Yellow Taxi"? Joni Mitchell

15. What is Canada’s highest mountain? Mount Logan

16. What is the capital of Canada’s newest territory?

17. What was the name of Canada’s flag before the Maple Leaf?

18. This Canadian won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1957.

19. Quebec cabinet minister Pierre Laporte was taken hostage and murdered in the crisis initiated by which extremist separatist group?

20. This writer of popular Canadian history died in 2004.

I don't seem to have done very well. :o Of course I could always Google ...

07-01-2010, 01:49 PM
3. In 1917, two ships collided in a harbour and caused the world’s greatest man-made explosion before Hiroshima. Where did this occur? Halifax, Nova Scotia

7. What was the name of the route used by fleeing American slaves to get to Canada? The Underground Railroad

11. Which province is officially bilingual? Quebec (and vehemently so)

16. What is the capital of Canada’s newest territory?]Iqaluit is the capital of Nunavut

Those are the ones I can guess without Googling, though I did Google for spelling on Nunavut and Iqaluit - I always misplace the "u" in Iqaluit

07-01-2010, 02:50 PM
1. Name the Scottish immigrant, skilled lawyer and Father of Confederation who became Canada’s first prime minister.

2. How many provinces and territories are there in Canada? ummm... 11?

3. In 1917, two ships collided in a harbour and caused the world’s greatest man-made explosion before Hiroshima. Where did this occur?

4. In 1759, where did General Wolfe and the British defeat French forces for control of Quebec?

5. Who is Canada’s head of state? The Prime Minister? No, wait, that's not right. Pass.

6. Who was the M�tis leader and founder of the province of Manitoba who was hanged in 1885 for his role in a rebellion?

7. What was the name of the route used by fleeing American slaves to get to Canada? The Underground Railroad.

8. What famous schooner, commemorated on the 10-cent coin, was launched in Nova Scotia in 1921?

9. On June 6, 1944, Canadian troops participated in the invasion of Nazi-occupied France. What was the code name of the Normandy coast beach on which the Canadians landed?

10. Speaking in the House of Commons on June 10, 1942 about a controversial plebiscite, Prime Minister Mackenzie King explained his policy as "not necessarily ______, but _________ if necessary."

11. Which province is officially bilingual?Quebec

12. It was named by an act of Parliament as Canada’s national game. Hockey! I read about it in the Chicago Tribune after the Blackhawks won.

13. Montreal hosted this international event in 1976.The Olympics

14. Who is the songwriter who penned "Big Yellow Taxi"?

15. What is Canada’s highest mountain?

16. What is the capital of Canada’s newest territory?

17. What was the name of Canada’s flag before the Maple Leaf?

18. This Canadian won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1957.

19. Quebec cabinet minister Pierre Laporte was taken hostage and murdered in the crisis initiated by which extremist separatist group?

20. This writer of popular Canadian history died in 2004.

I know for s ure that I didn't do very well! Thank you, Catty1 for the quiz, though :D

07-01-2010, 04:31 PM

1. Name the Scottish immigrant, skilled lawyer and Father of Confederation who became Canada’s first prime minister.

Sir John A. Macdonald

2. How many provinces and territories are there in Canada?

Thirteen (10 provinces, 3 territories)

3. In 1917, two ships collided in a harbour and caused the world’s greatest man-made explosion before Hiroshima. Where did this occur?

Halifax (Nova Scotia)

4. In 1759, where did General Wolfe and the British defeat French forces for control of Quebec?

Plains of Abraham

5. Who is Canada’s head of state?

Queen Elizabeth II

6. Who was the Metis leader and founder of the province of Manitoba who was hanged in 1885 for his role in a rebellion?

Louis Riel

7. What was the name of the route used by fleeing American slaves to get to Canada?

The Underground Railroad

8. What famous schooner, commemorated on the 10-cent coin, was launched in Nova Scotia in 1921?

The Bluenose

9. On June 6, 1944, Canadian troops participated in the invasion of Nazi-occupied France. What was the code name of the Normandy coast beach on which the Canadians landed?

Juno Beach

10. Speaking in the House of Commons on June 10, 1942 about a controversial plebiscite, Prime Minister Mackenzie King explained his policy as "not necessarily ______, but _________ if necessary."

Conscription (This was also the first war where Canada officially declared war; prior to that, if Britain declared, Canada was in also).

11. Which province is officially bilingual?

Ready for this one? New Brunswick
Quebec is unilingual - French is the only official language. (That's vehement for ya, Karen! ;) )

12. It was named by an act of Parliament as Canada’s national game.

Lacrosse (Okay, it's a forerunner of hockey...I was close).

13. Montreal hosted this international event in 1976.

Summer Olympics

14. Who is the songwriter who penned "Big Yellow Taxi"?

Joni Mitchell

15. What is Canada’s highest mountain?

Mount Logan It contains eleven peaks over 16,400 ft. Second highest in North America, next to Mt. McKinley in the US.

16. What is the capital of Canada’s newest territory?


17. What was the name of Canada’s flag before the Maple Leaf?

The Red Ensign

There were three; this is the most recent and the one I remember :o :

18. This Canadian won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1957.

Lester Pearson

19. Quebec cabinet minister Pierre Laporte was taken hostage and murdered in the crisis initiated by which extremist separatist group?

FLQ: Front de Liberation du Quebec

20. This writer of popular Canadian history died in 2004.

Pierre Berton

PS - I forgot to mention that Michael J Fox and Wayne Gretzky are Canadian-born. As was Mary Pickford!:eek::)

07-05-2010, 11:30 AM
Lester Pearson, who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1957, has a Chicago connection- he worked here briefly in the meat-packing industry. He won the Nobel for his work on the resolution of the Suez Canal crisis.