View Full Version : Help identify my mutt?

06-29-2010, 03:00 PM
Hi all, I was wondering if anyone can help me identify my dog. He will be a year old in August and sadly, I'm his third owner!

As a pup, he is very playful and boisterous, but he does not listen very well. When I got him, you could not walk him on a leash without him dragging you all over the place. He's getting better with a halti-leash, but still needs a lot of work. He is very stubborn and has a mind of his own, training is proving to be very difficult. He's smart, no doubt about that, but he prefers to generally ignore you most times (I have another dog, a chihuahua/terrier cross which I'm sure doesn't help with attention). This dog has the attention span of a gnat, like he's got a severe case of ADD or something!

I was told he was a Norwegian Elkhound cross (with Shepherd I'm guessing?) but I don't really see elkhound in him from pictures I've found online? (first to admit I'm not a pro at this kind of stuff) I was hoping someone can help to identify him so I can read charictaristics of the breed so maybe I'll be better able to understand him and work with him.

Thanks in advance




06-30-2010, 11:13 AM
:) First of all Welcome to Pet Talk.. Enjoy all the Talks & Pics..

:love: Second of all I think you was told correctly.. Hey I for sure say your baby is a Cutie Sweetie Pie..

Pinot's Mom
06-30-2010, 11:23 AM

I'd say you were definitely told correctly! Cute pups - both - what are their names?

06-30-2010, 11:45 AM
Yes, he looks very much like the Elkhound part, but maybe Elkhound/Lab - something to account for the floppy ears and slightly golden, shorter coat. Are his paws webbed?

As Elkhounds are friendly but independent in nature, that's the stubbornness you describe. Keep working with him, be consistent but firm, and he will eventually learn that you are in charge - he's still a teenager now, after all, and will be a great dog. I am glad you are using the halti - that will help. Any classes you could take with him will help focus him, and especially as you are home #3, that might be a good thing to do, to help cement the relationship between the two of you.

Will he play fetch? Some tosses of a ball before the walk might tire him out some, and make walks easier!

06-30-2010, 02:03 PM
Thanks for the replies. I found this board yesterday while trying to identify him, have read a pile of stuff here, very informative!

I have not checked his paws, never even dawned on me to do that, I just figured he was crossed with shepherd because of his markings, but I see that elkhounds have similar markings too. Will check when I get home tonight :)

He's a big doofus! I really didn't want another dog but I figured my little dog Scooby (pictured with him, his name is Zeus) was lonely as we just had to give our husky up and they were best buds. I came across Zeus via an acquaintance, it was her teenaged son's dog but they had to move and couldn't take him. It was either find a home, or take him for a ride in the country:mad::mad:

I decided to take him. I love animals and couldn't bear to think they'd just dump this pup:(

So I took him and holy hell, what a bundle of energy. I had full intentions of working with him, but then my dad ended up in hospital and both dogs were neglected as I was running to the hospital every night after work and was just exhausted when I came home, so all I did is clean up poop, let them out of the dog run and that was it. He became very destructive, bugger chewed up my brand new hot tub cover even:rolleyes:

Can't blame him though, I know he's just bored and I just didn't have it in me to take them out after a long day like that. His destructiveness is 100% my own fault, I know this. My dad got out a couple days ago so we can get back into a routine again and I can spend more time with the dogs.

Doesn't help that at the last house he was banished to the backyard as the mother didn't want him in the house to disturb her little dogs:rolleyes: but now he's a lot better in the house, he's not ripping thru it at warp speed and destroying things lol

Obedience training is something I've thought of, will see in the next couple of weeks how he does now that I'm home more. I've been reading up on Elkhounds and he's definitely got the traits, as well as their weird high pitched bark. Either way, I'm glad I decided to take him, love my handsome guy to death, even if he does behave like a toddler! :p

07-01-2010, 09:15 PM
What a stunning looking pup :love:.

Daisy and Delilah
07-01-2010, 09:22 PM
I think he looks like maybe Shepard, Labbie and especially like a Norwegian Elkhound I used to have. My RB Sammy. He is so handsome!! Welcome to Pet Talk!! :D :D :D