View Full Version : Must-see documentary: Earthlings

06-17-2010, 11:48 AM
You can watch it online for free:
Narrated by Joaquin Phoenix.

I haven't been to Pettalk in a while (I think my last post was 2.5 years ago?) but I had to come back to post this here, as I know we are all animal lovers. For those who remember me, Major is doing well but missing me since I am in university now and don't get to see him as often. Anyway, check out the doc everyone! But warning: some parts are difficult to watch.

06-17-2010, 11:54 AM
Extremely disturbing video. Yes it might be reality but it's wicked. I didn't get past a moment or two.

06-17-2010, 12:53 PM
Yes, it is very disturbing. My reason for posting is to spread awareness, and hopefully help make a difference, even if it is a small one. I myself can barely stand to watch it. Knowing that these animals have to live it, however, makes it impossible for me not to try and do something.

06-17-2010, 02:24 PM
I have a habit of watching bits of documentaries while eating my lunch, so I was never able to get past part one of Earthlings when I attempted to watch it a few months ago. It really is a hard watch...

I wish there was a great, effective way to educate the public without having to use the "shock factor". I actually don't know of anyone I'm personally acquainted with that has been able to watch all of this documentary.

Anyway, I would recommend it to people who want to learn more about how some corrupt industries use animals for profit. Make sure you don't have a weak stomach, though! ;)

06-17-2010, 02:43 PM
Impossible to watch. I also feel that this is like a snuff film. There will be many sickies out there who get off on violence who are loving it. I watched a bit of the documentary and a small bit of the trailer and I've been a wreck for the whole day. It's so VERY disturbing I almost don't see the point.

Lady's Human
06-17-2010, 03:25 PM
Having read the comments, I refuse to click on the link.

I despise shock journalism, it has NO place.

If you can't get your point across using logic and reason, IMHO, you don't have much of a point to begin with.

06-17-2010, 06:14 PM
Yes, it is very disturbing. My reason for posting is to spread awareness, and hopefully help make a difference, even if it is a small one. I myself can barely stand to watch it. Knowing that these animals have to live it, however, makes it impossible for me not to try and do something.

I watched the video, all 1 1/2hrs of it. It is as chilling as it is informative.:(:(

I do believe we need to take the blinders off at least once in our lives.

06-17-2010, 07:37 PM
Thanks for watching Lizbud.
This wasn't really supposed to be a controversial topic but I guess it has become one. I know that it isn't the best approach for everyone, but I believe it does have value. The video caused Georges Laraque from the Montreal Canadiens (NHL hockey team) to go vegan. He then worked to dub the documentary in French so that it could reach a wider audience. I understand why some people choose not to watch it and that is fine, but like I said, even if it only has a small positive impact, it will be better than nothing.

07-01-2010, 08:07 PM
I received this email from the Humane Society today. I IMMEDIATELY remembered this video "documentary" and the comment that I made about it being fodder for crazies who enjoy this sort of thing. Appears I was RIGHT. DO NOT SUPPORT THIS FILM!!! This is NOT a documentary. It is madness.

Dear Catherine,
Last week, a bipartisan bill advanced in the U.S. House to ban the sale of animal "crush" videos catering to viewers who find it sexually stimulating to watch such extreme cruelty. Will you urge your two U.S. senators to sign on as co-sponsors of this legislation?

Please make brief, polite calls to Senator Bill Nelson (202) 224-5274 and George LeMieux (202) 224-3041 . You can say: "As a constituent, I'm appalled by horrific animal "crush" videos and want Congress to ban their sales. Please join as an original co-sponsor of the Senate version of H.R. 5566 that Senators Kyl, Merkley, and Burr plan to introduce soon. Thank you." After you call, send a follow-up message.

Together, we can confront this cruelty. Thanks for all you do for animals.

Wayne Pacelle, President & CEO

07-02-2010, 09:11 AM
This is NOT a "crush" video. You may not like the film, you may not watch
the film, that's your choice, but don't mislabel it.

There is no mistaking a crush video for what it is, obscene.

07-02-2010, 10:24 AM
This was also obscene and disturbing beyond my ability to deal with it. I'm a coward, sorry. But there has to be a way to get the point across WITHOUT this much graphic interpretation. If it is a real and valid documentary, they lost a big audience because many of us would deem it unwatchable and worry about exactly what the hell they were doing with this video.

07-02-2010, 05:10 PM
I watched the first 30 minutes and couldn't bear to watch anymore. I think the beginning makes a definite point, but I believe the cruelty the videos contain is something I could not watch another hour of.

Although it is obscene, and horribly disturbing, it is very REAL. Like Lizbud said, it's hard for us to watch, but these animals live it. It is very sad, but I do believe there are a place for these documentaries. It is up to the viewer whether they want to watch it or not.

So sad, I am sickened. :(

07-03-2010, 09:13 PM
I watched part of it and it always amazes me how evil humans are and how pure of soul animals are.
Burying one's head in the sand does not make it go away.
Many turned their heads away during WW11 and said "it's too horrible for me to watch" and yet it happened. The same for any major event that shows human suffering.
Only the brave of heart can change these things.
Thanks for posting.