View Full Version : Scout goes in for his neuter....

10-21-2002, 01:50 PM
Wednesday evening. My poor baby. I could have dropped him off tonight, they would have done it tomorrow morning and I could pick him up Wednesday...but I want to spend time after to make sure he is ok...so scheduling it for Thursday morning and picking him up Friday is better. I'll have the whole weekend with him.

anyway...why I'm posting...I just want to get everyone elses experiences/ opinions about neutering. My ferrets already were altered when I got them so this is my first time going through something like this. How long will he take to heal? Is it going to hurt him to go to the bathroom...on that note should he be eating soft foods in order to make it easier to go potty? Will the other kitties aggravate him? Should I keep him separate from them when I bring him home in order for him to rest? Did y'all have to bring your kitties back to have stitches removed? Did you notice a change in behaviour? good/bad?

He's almost 6 months old and I wanted to get this done before he starts spraying and looking for a lady friend. He never goes outside, but lately he's much more vocal and meows at the walls. I wonder if that's the start. Of course I will be asking my vet all these questions when I drop Scout off Wednesday evening. As you can tell I'm a bit apprehensive and would just like to know other's experiences. I just hate to think of my baby in pain.

10-21-2002, 02:07 PM
He'll be fine. You should have no problems and no worry. it is a routine and simple procedure and he may not even know anything happened to him by the time he gets home with you the next day. He'll be just fine.

10-21-2002, 02:47 PM
I know how you feel - Hanna's going in for her spay on Wed. morning. I am going to miss her so much overnight, but I know she will be happier. In my experience (although it has been a few years, Bo is 13 and my last male kitten) neutering is easier than what the females go through. It really didn't phase him at all, just a little sleepy the day after, then he was back to his old self.

10-21-2002, 02:58 PM
Lucky Scout! :) Basil goes in on Nov. 1st for his. Poor things...good thing they don't know in advance, huh?

When Noah had his done, he was fine! I was so worried all day until the vet called me and said he was awake and getting loving from all the vet techs. He did so wonderfully! I picked him up after work and he was completely normal! He didn't even lick "there" and he wasn't even tired....amazing little guy!

Scout & Hanna will do great! Especially since they'll be there over night and for a while after. They'll keep a good eye on them and they'll be ready to come home for some lovin'! :)

Take care!

10-21-2002, 03:17 PM
Poor Scout and Hanna! I'm sure they'll be alright. Since I always had female cats, I don't have experiences in neutering, but I don't think it's so bad! When I had Katz and Luna spayed, there was this problem that they did not want to rest, they crawled around until they could walk again. In Katz' case, this led to a hernia later, so better keep them in their carrier until their weakness has gone.

Good luck for both of them!


10-21-2002, 05:01 PM
Neutering is a much easier procedure than spaying. It is less invasive, that is why neuters get to go home the same day and spays have to stay overnight. Where I work, there are no stitches so you don't have to come back. My 2 male cats were fine by the time I picked them up. Just a little sleepy. I did not have to separate them from the others, but if you feel more secure in doing that, you can. My other cats did not try to go for the spot, and neither did the cat who got neutered. He should have no trouble going to the bathroom and you do not have to switch foods. Healing time is relatively short for neuters. My cats became a little lazy after they were fixed. However, they did not gain any weight, although some cats do.
hope this info helped!!

10-21-2002, 10:59 PM
All 3 of my male cats were already neutered before I adopted them so I don't know the after affects. I just want to wish Scout good luck. I'm sure that everything will be fine. :)

10-21-2002, 11:28 PM
My Butter Boy milked the whole experience for all it was worth. He lounged around for at least 5 days, which is very unusual, from what I've been told. I think he was so glad to get in out of the extreme cold temperatures that there was no way he was leaving my bedroom before he had to!

Good luck with Scout. He'll be fine!!!


10-22-2002, 12:27 PM
I think Scout will be just fine. Nuetering does seem to be less owie than spaying...and I think you should still be gentle with his nether regions for several days...extra supportive with the hind legs, etc. I think once the anesthesia wears off (24 hours) he will be ready to terrorize again.

But, lots of loving is in order, I am sure. Good luck!

10-22-2002, 02:56 PM
Thanks everyone. He's having it done Thursday morning and I can pick him up Friday afternoon. I hope he's not too sore after. Poor baby. Hmmmm... I think a trip to the petstore for treats etc.. is in order. That way he can home home to treats, maybe a new cat bed, toys...I love shopping for the kitties!

10-24-2002, 08:58 AM
Cross fingers and paws for my baby. I dropped him off last night at the vet. They told me the neuter would be done between 12 and 3 today and I should call around 3:30 to see how he's doing. I'm sure he'll be fine....and if I say that often enough maybe I'll convince myself of that. For the third time they asked me, Do you want him declawed also? Heck NO! What saddens me is that declawing is so routine that I guess the majority of the people who bring their cats in for altering want them declawed also. Poor babies.

With Scout away I noticed a difference in their eating habits. I put two large handfuls of food out each morning for each of them. That usually lasts all til the next morning. This morning, I noticed at least one whole sccopful left in the bowls. Scout was my rescue kitty that somehow managed to survive outside his first 11 weeks on his own until I found him. I wonder if he just gobbles down whatever food is left at night becasue he's not afraid of having enough? If judging by what I saw lleft in the bowl this morning is normal, then Scout eats much more than the two other kittens.

Anywhoo...I'll be watching the clock at work all day. When i find out how he did, I'll let you know.

10-24-2002, 09:27 AM
I have never heard of any complications with male cats being altered. Females have a much more complicated proceedure done to them and the recovery time is a couple to a few days. My two male cats were altered at around 6 months and they were fine the same day!

Keep us posted. Good luck with your Scout!;)

10-24-2002, 09:33 AM
Originally posted by Logan
My Butter Boy milked the whole experience for all it was worth. He lounged around for at least 5 days, which is very unusual, from what I've been told. I think he was so glad to get in out of the extreme cold temperatures that there was no way he was leaving my bedroom before he had to!

Good luck with Scout. He'll be fine!!!


I think some cats take longer to get over the anesthesia than others, too. Ritz was spayed, but seemed, as Butter, to take longer than what I read about this...she was just a mess for about 2 days, laying around, not eating or drinking for 24 hours after (the vet said to bring her back in if we couldn't get her to eat within 24 hours...but FINALLY the end of Sunday (we brought her home Friday morning) she managed to get a few kibbles down and some water)

After that day, she was fine and slept a lot more than normal and by about day five was back to her old self again. in the past, I've had tom cats neutered and they all seemed to bounce back very quickly

10-24-2002, 09:51 AM
ChinaDoll- everything will be fine with Scout! And, remember, he is in the best place for problems if they crop up. I like that they spend the night...it keeps them confined. Our vet doesn't keep them overnight..and while I am happy to have them home with me, I am a nervous nellie the first couple of days. So, all paws and tails are crossed here, and positive thoughts are on the way!

10-24-2002, 09:59 AM
Chinadoll - please don't worry he'll be absolutley fine. We got Dan - two days after his op., - so new home - no bits, whats a guy to do!!!! Make himself at home and that he did!!! He's never looked back and grown into a very handsome boy.
Give Scout a little nose kissy from me please xxxxx


10-24-2002, 08:08 PM
Good luck. I was a nervous wreck when my two boys were neutered, but they did better than I did. Our only problem was that their vet wanted them to use recycled newsprint vice litter for the first few days and they couldn't / wouldn't get used to this. :rolleyes: All's well that ends well, I guess. Good luck, and remember to take deep, calming breaths. {{{Scout and his nervous mommy, Chinadoll}}}

10-24-2002, 08:30 PM
Chinadoll, I know how you feel. I had to drop one of my boys off the night before due to work, so he had to spend two nights away instead of one. I hated that. But he could've cared less. In retrospect, I think he had fun there. All the cute girls who work at the vets just fell in love with him and played with him night and day. Better treatment than home. :rolleyes:
Seriously though, spaying and neutering is the KINDEST thing a pet owner can do for their furbaby. Neutering, especially, is a quick and easy recovery with very very little pain. I don't know if they have it in your area, but I opted to have Rocky's done with the new laser technology. He was a CHAMP! I highly recommend laser surgery for anyone with that option.

Lennie B.
10-24-2002, 09:39 PM
Our Vinny (whom we assumed was a girl for the first three weeks of his life) had one undescended testicle and one which had apparently migrated to parts unknown. The undescended one was removed without complication, but the other one presented a real challenge to the vet. He had a very hard time locating it, and he said it was one of the most difficult testicle retrievals he had ever done. Poor Vinny ended up with two incisions, while his sister, who had been spayed at the same time, had only one! Anyway, even though he had had complications, he was still jumping and running around the next day, none the worse for wear! :)

10-25-2002, 08:18 AM
Chinadoll - any news on Scout? Wondering how his 'sir jury' went and that he's home and well. :) :)


10-25-2002, 10:30 AM
Called the vet yesterday after surgery and again this morning. He's fine and ready to come home. I can pick him up any time today. Too bad I have to work until 4. 5 1/2 more hours...and I know watching the clock all day is going to make it go so much slower. *sigh*

10-25-2002, 10:49 AM
Hang in there China Doll!!! I am going to take my laptop home with me tonight, so...please be sure to update us! I know Scout is going to be just fine, and would appreciate it most if his mommy would stop worrying so much. If I was a doctor I would prescribe the following....an evening of rest, a nice friendly video (or watch Sabrina), and a snuggle with Scout. Since I am only a lawyer, I will just threaten to sue you if you don't do it!!! :D :D

10-25-2002, 12:58 PM
I'm glad he's doing good. I'll bet you can't wait to go get him. Now you will have the whole weekend to baby him.

10-26-2002, 12:14 PM
Picked up Scout yesterday. Vet said he did very well and needs no extra care...same food litter etc... and no stitches to take out. All in all I think Scout handled this much better than I did.

No difference in his behaviour at all. Still playing, eating and meowing for attention and affection as usual...but I haven't seen him actually sit down yet...he either stands or lays down. Poor baby, I guess he's a little sore.

10-26-2002, 03:22 PM
Oh Chinadoll - so pleased Scout is home and behaving normal. Hopefully he'll sit down very soon!! So pleased it's all over and YOU can relax :) :) :)


10-26-2002, 04:14 PM
WaHOOOOO for the Scout man! Glad to hear he is doing A-okey. I think he deserves extra extra love today for being such a brave fella' :D

10-26-2002, 04:39 PM
FINALLY, Mom can relax!!:D So glad you came through it without a hitch, Scout!!!:)

Miss Meow
10-26-2002, 07:22 PM
Yay for Scout, what a brave little boy! I'm glad he came through the operation OK and is recovering. Hope you found them some nice treats on your shopping trip!

10-26-2002, 07:26 PM
Chinadoll, I'm so glad to hear that Scout came through his surgery with flying colors. Now you can finally relax and Scout can get pampered. :)

10-29-2002, 08:09 AM
Hip hip hurray for Scout , for having been so brave at the vet !
And congrats to you chinadoll for having "fixed" your sweety ! This is the best you could do for him !
Hope he is all back to normal now ?

10-29-2002, 07:36 PM
YAY Scout!!! So glad this surgery is behind you now! What a wonderful little guy! :)

10-30-2002, 12:52 PM
Thanks eveyone! Scout's back to normal...well as normal as my noisy little baby can be :) I'll post some pics of him tonight. I'm so bad about downloading them off the camera..I must have about 30 from the last couple days. In about a month or so, Gigi and Bixby are next. Since Scout's neuter turned out ok, I don't think I'll be as nervous for Bix...but Gigi is going to have me so anxious about her spay. But...I'll worry about that in a month :)

10-30-2002, 02:51 PM
Glad Scout is feeling up to par. He's one cute kitie. Will be waiting for his pictures

10-30-2002, 10:13 PM
I'm so glad that Scout is back to normal. I can't wait to see new pictures. :)