View Full Version : It's Sky's 7th Gotcha Day & 8th Birthday!!!(6/7/10)

06-06-2010, 11:57 PM
I can't believe that I've now had Sky with me for 7 years and he's now 8 years old. He's still a big kitten at heart and he's such a wonderful addition to my household.:) In case some of you haven't heard his story I'll tell it again.

I was going to a cat show and I knew that the Humane Society would be there. I already had 3 other cats at home so I wasn't really looking for another cat or so I thought.;) I quickly looked at the cats up for adoption and they were all adults so I thought I was safe. Kittens really make my heart melt and are even harder for me to resist.

During the lunch break, they allowed the Humane Society to take over one of the judging rings and they brought up each cat one by one and they told the cats story. When they brought Sky,known as Herman at the time, up he acted like he'd been doing this for years. He was very comfortable in front of everyone and seemed to have a wonderful personality. His fur was all shaved down into a lioncut and even his face was shaved so he looked like a little lamb. They said his fur was very matted so they had to shave him. Little did I know how handsome he would become.:)

He had been found with some strays and had possibly been living with some ferals. When he was trapped, they realized that he wasn't feral at all so after he was treated for an URI and fleas, he was put up for adoption. I also found out later that another family had adopted him about a month before but they returned him because one of their cats started peeing inappropriately. When I saw Sky, I thought he looked like a very interesting cat and I was happy to see that a man seemed to very interested in him.:)

Later on they announced that a cat had been adopted so I went to go see which cat is was. Sky was still there so it was the male Tuxedo that a woman had fallen in love with. They asked me if I wanted to hold Sky and that was all it took. I was in love.:love: Between his gorgeous blue eyes and his wonderful playful, dog like personality I was hooked.:love:

They gave me a cardboard carrier to take him home in and he never cried at all in the car which was a first for me. Everyone at the cat show was thrilled to see him being adopted because he had become everyone's favorite.:) I immediately changed his name to Sky because of his gorgeous sky blue eyes and he really seems to love his name. I'm so glad that I adopted him that day.:)

More in next post.>>>>>>

06-06-2010, 11:58 PM
Here's how Sky looked when I adopted him.

This is Sky when his fur finally grew back. This is also him at his fluffiest. He's never been this fluffy since.

Here he is today.

HAPPY 7th GOTCHA DAY & 8th BIRTHDAY SKY!!! I hope you have many more happy and healthy years ahead of you. I :love: you Sky.:)

06-07-2010, 05:02 AM
Happy Birthday Sky!!!:D
You're gorgeous!

Pinot's Mom
06-07-2010, 07:37 AM
Awww! Happy Gotcha/Birthday beautiful Sky!! I know your Mom will spoil you rotten! Have a very SPECIAL day! :D

06-07-2010, 09:43 AM
He is so beautiful....uh, I mean handsome! I think he was adorable even all shaved down. :)

Happy Birthday and Gotcha day Sky! :D :D

06-07-2010, 09:44 AM
What a Huge Furry Purry Bundle of Furr :cool::cool:you are Sky, and even though you are a Senior Kittyzen, you are still a Kitten:):) at heart, you can see that mischief and fun in your eyes!!:love::love:
Happy Purrthday and Gotcha day Sky, the most important days in a Cat's Life and we know that there are going to be treats for You Tonight!!!:love::love::love:

06-07-2010, 09:56 AM
Happy Purrthday and Gotcha Day, beautiful Sky! :love: What a lucky kitty guy you are to have found the purrfect furever home where you're loved beyond measure. Enjoy your special day, sweetie, and I hope it's filled with all the things a kitty like you could possibly want.

Wishing you many more years of love and companionship with your wonderful family. Sending you tons of scritchies, lovies, and smoochies to help celebrate your very special day :love: :love: :love: :love:

06-07-2010, 12:29 PM
Sky, Happy Gotcha Day and Birthday!! You and your meowmie are both very, very, lucky to have found each other.

06-07-2010, 12:39 PM
:love: Happy Gotcha Day & Happy Bigg B-Day Sky & Have Many More.. hope you get belly rubbss & treats all day..

06-07-2010, 12:45 PM
Happy Gotcha Day, Sky!!!!
What a wonderful story- I am not sure I remember that.
Kisses to your handsome boy.

06-07-2010, 02:13 PM
Bless the Humane Society people for seeing how special you were, and taking such good care of you. :)

You are a truly gorgeous kitty, and you were definitely meant to live in this furrever home of yours.

Happy Birthday and Gotcha Day, Sky!:love::love::love:

06-07-2010, 03:14 PM
I remember when you got Sky, he certainly is handsome and he surely looks a lot more relaxed today - thanks to you. :)

I hope Sky will stay happy and healthy for many years to come, please give him some kisses from me. :love:

Happy Gotcha day, Sky!

06-07-2010, 03:39 PM

I'm sure mom is spoiling you and giving you a royal treatment today :cool:
With all my heart I wish you have many more years full of health and joy!!

Big hugs and kisses from your friends in Guatemala:love::love:

06-07-2010, 04:13 PM
looks at the hunky boy.. he´s always been one of my faves.. so handsome and fluffy.. and they way you describe him I wouldn´t have been able to let go either

06-07-2010, 05:47 PM
Happy Birthday AND Gotcha Day, beautiful Sky!!!!!

What a wonderful story of how you came home!



06-07-2010, 10:12 PM
Aww! Hippo Birdies Two Sky! :D

06-08-2010, 12:38 AM
Thanks everyone for all of the birthday/gotcha day wishes and nice comments.:) It did take him about a year to feel really comfortable in my home and now he's very relaxed and content to be here.:) He and Ziggy go to the vets this Sunday for their annual exams so I hope that everything goes well.

06-08-2010, 07:54 AM
Happy Belated 8th Birthday and 7thy Gotcha Day Sky!!

06-08-2010, 12:01 PM
Happy Belated 8th Birthday and 7thy Gotcha Day Sky!!

Thanks Melissa.:)

06-08-2010, 10:19 PM
Happy Birthday AND Happy Gotcha Day, handsome beautiful Sky! Big hugs and kisses to you! (and to Pearl, Storm and Ziggy, too)

06-09-2010, 12:26 AM
Happy Birthday AND Happy Gotcha Day, handsome beautiful Sky! Big hugs and kisses to you! (and to Pearl, Storm and Ziggy, too)

Thanks Elyse.:)