View Full Version : Pregnant?

06-06-2010, 03:20 PM
I adopted a cat from the local humane society almost a year ago. They told me that they would have to keep her for 2 weeks before taking her home so they could fix her. I got her two days later because she already had the surgery. Since then, she's been going into heat...and now I believe she's pregnant. She was always skinny, no matter how much food she ate, but recently, she's gotten really fat. Her stomach is hard, but I can't feel any bumps in it yet. Is there a possibility that she could be pregnant?

And can I have the humane society compensate me for the kittens vet bills if she is, because they made the mistake?

06-06-2010, 03:55 PM
I don't know whether the Humane Society lied to you, or something else is going on, but I hope the cat is healthy. Getting her two days after surgery seems a bit hasty. Take a look at this link:


06-06-2010, 04:33 PM
No no...they said that she didn't need the surgery because she was already fixed. Hence the reason I got to take her. But she wasn't...as far as i can tell.

06-06-2010, 05:07 PM
A quick trip to the vet, I think - if the Humane Society has a vet, make an appointment with that one.


06-06-2010, 05:50 PM
A quick trip to the vet, I think - if the Humane Society has a vet, make an appointment with that one.


I agree. If she is pregnant it's their mistake and you should be compensated in some way. If she isn't then there could be some other medical reason for her condition. So she's an indoor/outdoor cat then?

06-06-2010, 07:19 PM
I hope they'll compensate me. I'm going to give them a call tomorrow about it. She's an indoor cat, and my male isn't fixed. So I assumed when we got her, it would be okay to have the two together. I mean...you can't get pregnant if your infertile...Even if the male is in tact.... Guess not.

06-06-2010, 07:45 PM
I hope they'll compensate me. I'm going to give them a call tomorrow about it. She's an indoor cat, and my male isn't fixed. So I assumed when we got her, it would be okay to have the two together. I mean...you can't get pregnant if your infertile...Even if the male is in tact.... Guess not.
You should also look into getting your male cat fixed. I'm surprised that you haven't run into any spraying issues with him trying to mark things. Good luck with everything.:)

06-07-2010, 06:35 AM
I also believe that if it was their blunder, that they should pick up the tab AND find homes for the kittens. I like surprizes, I don't like being blindsided, and I think that's what they did. Stand your ground.

06-07-2010, 09:48 PM
Finding homes for the kittens isn't a problem at all. I'll end up keeping one I'm sure. I never thought I would have to get Landon fixed...he never sprayed or anything. I contacted them today and asked me a bunch of questions...but I think they realize that they made the mistake. I hope they'll help me out.

06-08-2010, 10:15 AM
There are other reasons to get a male cat altered. Mistakes happen, doors get left open, windows break, etc.

The best reason to have ALL cats altered? Then you don't ever have to think YOU are the reason cats and kittens are euthanized every single hour in the US. You know you are doing your part.

Please get your male altered. For HIS health and safety, and for all of the cats/kittens that get euth'd every hour. :(

06-08-2010, 11:31 AM
I understand the neutering. Currently though, It's not my biggest issue

06-08-2010, 12:00 PM
I understand the neutering. Currently though, It's not my biggest issue

I would tell you, softly and without judgment, that it WAS your biggest issue about 2 months ago. :o

06-08-2010, 12:12 PM
Cats can reproduce very quickly too. This is another reason to have your male cat fixed asap. If your female cat is pregnant she could easily become pregnant again before you have a chance to get her spayed. I know this from experience. When I was about 8 years old we had a female cat and we let her have kittens. We planned on getting her spayed after that but before we knew it she was pregnant again. Your male cat will also be less likely to run away and to get into cat fights if he does get outside. Good luck.:)

06-09-2010, 09:19 AM
well, had she been fixed when I got her, this wouldn't be a problem right now. The humane society said they wouldn't compensate me for the kittens vet bills because he's not fixed.

06-09-2010, 09:32 AM
they should at least help.. they also said she was fixed.. how come they donīt acknowledge that too.. they should also understans that you were confident she was fixed

06-09-2010, 03:58 PM
I've been following this thread and I also think they should help you in some way. Regardless of your male cat being fixed. That is totally NOT the point here. :mad:

But, have you figured out if she is in fact expecting?

06-10-2010, 04:55 AM
You should show her to a vet. Perhaps she has something else, worms, etc... Just go, it probably will answer your question.

06-10-2010, 09:09 AM
I would tell you, softly and without judgment, that it WAS your biggest issue about 2 months ago.

Screw the softness. Don't sugar coat it Johanna.

It's not your biggest issue right now??? That's it, close your eyes and the "issue" will go away. There is a line in my signature that I swear by "I'm tired of stupid, irreponsible pet owners".

It's people like you who leave us animal rescuers scrambling, trapping, spaying/neutering and vaccinating YOUR disposable pets out of our own pockets.

Disgusting. :mad: :mad:

06-10-2010, 09:43 AM
Screw the softness. Don't sugar coat it Johanna.

It's not your biggest issue right now??? That's it, close your eyes and the "issue" will go away. There is a line in my signature that I swear by "I'm tired of stupid, irreponsible pet owners".

It's people like you who leave us animal rescuers scrambling, trapping, spaying/neutering and vaccinating YOUR disposable pets out of our own pockets.

Disgusting. :mad: :mad:

thatīs a bit too harsh.. IMO... if the boy cat was her only boy and the girl cat was supposedly spayed.. she as many of us would assume theyīd be no problem if they were together... yes, he might have been neutered before but in her case that was not a problem (inside cat, not spraying, maybe in the future she was planning to...healthwise.. who knows)

but still THAT is not her biggest issue right now.. right now HER biggest issue is the possible mom cat and possible babies OR possible disease.. and I donīt think itīs nice to be rude with now...

IF both were unaltered and left together.. well thatīs another story... anyone knows what can happen then.. but she was TOLD by the SPCA the cat was ALREADY spayed...

06-10-2010, 11:35 AM
thatīs a bit too harsh.. IMO... if the boy cat was her only boy and the girl cat was supposedly spayed.. she as many of us would assume theyīd be no problem if they were together... yes, he might have been neutered before but in her case that was not a problem (inside cat, not spraying, maybe in the future she was planning to...healthwise.. who knows)

but still THAT is not her biggest issue right now.. right now HER biggest issue is the possible mom cat and possible babies OR possible disease.. and I donīt think itīs nice to be rude with now...

IF both were unaltered and left together.. well thatīs another story... anyone knows what can happen then.. but she was TOLD by the SPCA the cat was ALREADY spayed...

Very well said. I totally agree although I do believe in spaying and neutering all of my animals for health reasons and so they won't reproduce. Hopefully both cats will be fixed so this won't ever happen again.

06-21-2010, 10:32 PM
I'm not being an irresponsible pet owner...He was the only cat I had for about 2 years. When we got trixie i thought she was going into heat, but i wasn't sure. I've never owned a female cat before, so I was a little confused...thought she was just acting like that for some strange reason. I've had her almost a year now, and she just now got pregnant? landon doesn't even like her. And considering i thought she was fixed...fixing landon didn't seem like an issue...he wont even get within 5 feet of her.

moosmom, I understand where your coming from...i used to work in a shelter and I know how things are. But in my current situation...I have no control over whats happened. I can only make the best of it. I plan on keeping a kitten, and I have a bunch of amazing people who are willing to take some once they're born.

And there's no way she's not pregnant...she's doubled her weight and she's constantly looking for a place to have them. She waddles all over the place, and is being extremely affectionate...even more so than normal. I'm just waiting for her to pop now.

They, and the kittens will be getting fixed.

06-21-2010, 10:48 PM
So is it confirmed that she's pregnant? Did you take her to a vet? If she really is pregnant, I'm glad to hear that she'll be getting spayed after the babies are weaned and that you'll be able to keep at least one of her kittens and have other homes lined up for some of the others.:) I hope that everything will go well.:)

I do have one question though. Will you also be neutering your male cat? If not why? Even if he didn't like your female cat her going into heat made him want to mate with her since he's not neutered. He could also easily get outside and do the same thing to another female cat in heat or even get into a cat fight with another male cat. For his health and safety please neuter him.

06-22-2010, 09:57 AM
could it be a psycologial (sp?) pregnancy?... it shows all the symptoms too.. except for babies in an x ray or ultrasound...

06-22-2010, 10:11 AM
I think waiting a week or so will prove if she is pregnant or not...especially if kittens arrive! ;)

06-22-2010, 01:23 PM
Being a semi-burned out rescuer, here's my take on it. You understand where I'm coming.

Try getting up every 3-4 hours to bottle feed one of these unwanted "non-issues" and finding it a home, then come talk to me.

I believe ALL animals should be spayed/neutered. Everyone has their opinion. I'm entitled to mine. Didn't mean to piss anyone off here. A little edgy after a week's sleep deprivation.

Please get all your cats fixed. PLEASE??

06-22-2010, 02:33 PM
Don't worry, ALL of them will be getting fixed.

Moosmom, I understand the constant waking up to bottle feed. I've had Landon since he was a week old. However, I kinda liked when he would wake me up for food. I took him EVERYWHERE with me just so I knew he had his food and medicine. I was supposed to find him a home after he was old enough, but I couldn't let him go ;]

06-22-2010, 03:18 PM

I take Phoenix Destiny with me on pet sitting jobs, after getting permission from my clients. So far I've had no complaints because she's so mobile. All she does is eat, pee and sleep (we're working on the pooing part).

Isn't kitten motherhood wonderful??? I'm not sure if she's going anywhere either. Especially after all the hard work I've put into her to save her life. She responds to my voice, and her eyes are just starting to peek open. By 3 weeks she'll be driving Bad @$$ Buddy out of his mind.

I didn't mean to go postal on ya. It just seems that so much of this crap is happening lately, I'm burning out. I'm sorry.

06-22-2010, 11:47 PM
I love it :] My mom makes fun of Landon because he was stuck in a pile of wood during a rain storm, and his mom couldn't get to him before the rain started. She says he was defective and thats why he was left there, but I look at it as a blessing :] He was the most loving, precious thing i think i've ever owned. I didn't even mind having to stimulate him to pee and poop :p I'm excited for these kittens though. They're going to be so cute lol