View Full Version : Stressed cat?

Miss Meow
10-20-2002, 07:30 PM
Mini hasn't been eating much over the last few days. He is now giving his nickname Skinny Mini a bit of truth about it. He is still drinking, playing, talking etc as normal, but only eating about a quarter of his usual food. His coat is still glossy, eyes are fine, urinating fine, a small amount of faeces that look fine. Could it be because I'm at home during the days now and it's messed with his routine? (The timing seems the same as my change of routine.) Jasmine isn't eating as much either, but she's holding her condition better. He's pretty highly strung so I hope it's only stress. Has anyone experienced this before?

10-21-2002, 05:45 AM
Cats can get stressed from the smallest change in their routine. I would just keep an eye on him and if he stops eating all together, then take him to the vet.

10-21-2002, 06:21 AM
Cats that are stressed may resort to not eating. With all else being normal at this time, I'd try to give him something special for him to eat. Something you know he loves but maybe doesn't get all the time. (canned food for example). I always worry when my cats don't eat, so I try to keep them eating in this manner. (and then I watch them like a hawk for other "symptoms") Good luck.

10-21-2002, 10:37 AM
Hmmmm I probably would turn my 'worrier' on, and like JLB mentioned- become like a hawk. It is VERY rare that my cats don't eat. So, I would try to entice them with wet food, maybe a few treats (but not too many, cause they spoil the appetite), and most importantly...make sure fluids are going in.

One thing I have noticed...when I am down to the last bit of dry food...my guys kinda eat less. I am convinced that it is stale, though I keep it in a 'air-tight' container. So, is it stale? I can't see that your being home would be stressful...not like you being away all the time would be...Good Luck, and let us know.:)

10-21-2002, 11:17 AM
Maybe you could call the vet and just ask if they think its a problem?

Keep us updated. :)

Miss Meow
10-21-2002, 06:17 PM
Thanks! He had a bit of chicken last night, which was encouraging. His new favourite food is steak (boy oh boy Shane is in trouble for getting them onto that expensive treat!) so I just ran to the shop to buy some. Haven't touched it yet, we'll see. I'll let you know how we go.

10-21-2002, 11:55 PM
Nicole, I sure hope that Mini will be okay. He may be sensing that you're stressed out and so he also feels stressed out. I sure hope that it's only temporary. Please keep us posted. Good luck. :)

10-22-2002, 10:07 AM
Originally posted by Miss Meow
Thanks! He had a bit of chicken last night, which was encouraging. His new favourite food is steak (boy oh boy Shane is in trouble for getting them onto that expensive treat!) so I just ran to the shop to buy some. Haven't touched it yet, we'll see. I'll let you know how we go.

My favorite food has always been steak!!! :rolleyes: I'm sure Mini will love that! I do hope you will see an increase in appetite. I just think they're "off" sometime. My dogs and cats have decreases in their appetites at times (of course, I rarely do :o ).

Keep us posted. :)

10-22-2002, 06:36 PM
Bassett got really upset last year when my grandma died, and I had to put her on antidepressants. Hopefully it isn't too serious though. It sounds like he is starting to eat. Perhaps Phred can part with his clam juice in order to get Mini to drink?? ;)

Miss Meow
10-23-2002, 06:58 PM
Originally posted by Nomilynn
Bassett got really upset last year when my grandma died, and I had to put her on antidepressants. Hopefully it isn't too serious though. It sounds like he is starting to eat. Perhaps Phred can part with his clam juice in order to get Mini to drink?? ;)

I'm sorry about your grandmother. I lost one of mine last year too :(

Thankfully, we don't get clam juice in Australia. Please don't mail any with my Christmas card!!!

He had two small feeds of steak yesterday so he's starting to eat again. Now the challenge is to keep him eating on cat food :eek:

10-24-2002, 12:36 AM
Originally posted by Miss Meow

I'm sorry about your grandmother. I lost one of mine last year too :(

Thankfully, we don't get clam juice in Australia. Please don't mail any with my Christmas card!!!

He had two small feeds of steak yesterday so he's starting to eat again. Now the challenge is to keep him eating on cat food :eek:

Thanks for the condolences. And don't worry.. I wouldn't even TRY to send clam juice anywhere LOL!!!

Good to hear he's eating!! :D