View Full Version : Hmm, Justice finally served?

06-02-2010, 01:28 PM
Just saw that the kid in the Natalee Holloway case is on the run as a suspect in another young ladies death?

I say she ODed on drugs he gave her.

The down side to this?

NH's mom will be all over the tube again-with Nancy leading the charge....:rolleyes:

06-02-2010, 01:33 PM
Oh goody. We'll get sick of seeing her on tv real soon.

06-02-2010, 04:03 PM
Oh goody. We'll get sick of seeing her on tv real soon.


Just heard the gal died of a stab wound.:eek:

06-02-2010, 06:00 PM
This guy is a monster. When the story of Natalie first came about I felt deep in my gut he killed her and that he got away with murder. He reminds me of OJ, can't stay out of trouble. And now another poor dumb girl has lost her life, tis sad. Why any young women would want to hang out with him is something I don't understand, now she has paid for that decision with her life. How her family must suffer now. The pain is enough to make someone lose their mind. I feel so bad for them.
I still think about Lacey Peterson and the joy she was having before her death. Waiting for Connor to be born, Christmas was upon them, she was in love with her husband and he with her..............
Her mother Sharon the look on her face the pain it hurts to just think about it................
I hope they lock this creep up forever so he may never hurt another girl. Perhaps it will help Beth knowing this.

06-03-2010, 06:56 PM
LOL, I just saw the U.S. wants him for wire fraud.

These morons waited until he got tossed in the can for their chance to prosecute him fir wirefraud???

Double morons.

06-03-2010, 07:59 PM
It's sad that there had to be another death before something was actually done about the situation :(

06-03-2010, 08:18 PM
It's sad that there had to be another death before something was actually done about the situation :(

And I think that our media had a lot to do with that.

Remember how the island went nuts when newspeople started to talk smack about the murder?

I am sure the coverage was not conducive to the tourist trade!:eek:

06-04-2010, 08:23 PM
At least his days of killing are over.

06-04-2010, 09:01 PM
I was watching the tube and saw that the wire fraud charges were based on his wanting to be paid for info on the location of Holloway's body.

The case originated in NH's home state-where her mom still lives.


I get the feeling that the Holloways have been chasing this idiot since NH's death and they probably contacted JVS and offered him money-a plan to get him charged with the wire fraud so he could be brought to the States on those charges.

I haven't seen the mom on TV-probably waiting for a call from Nancy Grace?
She shot her mouth off in the press, she got to the point where she was annoying and blaming everyone but her own stupid judgement.

NH had a brother that went to Aruba on the same kind of grad trip, the year before? When NH bugged the crap out her mom to let her go, the mom asked the son and the son told her that the kids were out of control while there.

She o.k.ed the trip thinking that her daughter would be safe in a group. That, along with the shoddy job the chaperones did, led to her death.

So, maybe if the mom had a little spine, NH may be alive today?

No, no parent should bury their children, but NH's mom soured me on the case because of her stupidity and inability to accept her part in her daughter's death.

The world was to blame for her death.

Mark Fuhrman, late of the LAPD and the O.J. Simpson case is in Peru to investigate.

Another moron that has no shame.

06-04-2010, 09:33 PM
I knew it!!!! I had the TV on and Greta Van Sustren reported this story...

NH's mom paid money to JVS to reveal the location of her daughter's body.

He used that money to go to Peru and kill another girl.

Now the mom has two deaths on her hands.

What a tragedy.

06-05-2010, 06:09 AM
What a frigging idiot the mother is. The deaths aren't on her hands, their BLOOD is.

Can't they charge NH's Mother with being an accessory???

06-05-2010, 04:31 PM
I am not sure I follow your posts, Richard and Moosmom. Are you suggesting that the victim's mother, Natalie's mother, is somehow responsible for this?

That seems pretty harsh, doesn't it?

06-05-2010, 09:46 PM
What a frigging idiot the mother is. The deaths aren't on her hands, their BLOOD is.

Can't they charge NH's Mother with being an accessory???

Nah......justice is never served. Lawyers make sure of that for money. :mad:

06-05-2010, 10:07 PM
I doubt justice will be served in these cases.

06-05-2010, 10:17 PM
I am not sure I follow your posts, Richard and Moosmom. Are you suggesting that the victim's mother, Natalie's mother, is somehow responsible for this?

That seems pretty harsh, doesn't it?

JVS was wired 15k from a source -depending on who you believe- a private person, a organization, unnamed entity.

The 15k was a down payment for the 250k that JVS was offered/wanted for his info about the location of NH's body.

Van der Sloot also now faces criminal charges in the United States of trying to extort $250,000 from Holloway's family in exchange for disclosing the location of Holloway's body and describing how she died.


A criminal complaint by the U.S. Attorney in federal court in Birmingham also accused Joran van der Sloot in May 2010 of promising to describe the circumstances of Holloway's death in return for the money. According to a sworn statement, van der Sloot got a partial payment of $15,000 wired to a Netherlands bank soon after.

He has long been a suspect in Aruba in the disappearance of Holloway, an 18-year-old from Mountain Brook, Ala., who was on a graduation trip to Aruba with other seniors when she turned up missing as they flew home. Her mother still lives in Alabama.

The name of the person paying the money was not given.


According to ABC News, the extortion investigation began in late April, and on May 10, $15,000 was wired to van der Sloot in the Netherlands by someone in Mountain Brook, Alabama, allegedly for information regarding Natalee.


It could been the FBI too, but why would JVS take money from just anyone?

Someone contacted him and offered him the money with the intention of getting him to take the hook, that way they could have brought him to the States and prosecuted him for that crime and by taking the money, doesn't that implicate him in NH's murder?

That's why the DOJ came out with the arrest warrant so quickly, they do not want to lose the chance to have him tried in the U.S.

Either way? Why not name the person who sent him the money? If they had NOT SENT THE MONEY, he would have never gone to Peru and killed that girl.

The effers that did wire him the 15k are just as much to blame for the killing.

No money, no trip, no murder.

NH's mom has been on JVS arse and was never going to give up, the 15 was the enticement and part of a plan to put him in jail, once and for all.

The DOJ planned to arrest him on wire fraud charges and that blew up in their face when this story broke.

A wise move not to say who sent the money.....

06-05-2010, 11:13 PM
JVS was wired 15k from a source -depending on who you believe- a private person, a organization, unnamed entity.

The 15k was a down payment for the 250k that JVS was offered/wanted for his info about the location of NH's body.

Van der Sloot also now faces criminal charges in the United States of trying to extort $250,000 from Holloway's family in exchange for disclosing the location of Holloway's body and describing how she died.


A criminal complaint by the U.S. Attorney in federal court in Birmingham also accused Joran van der Sloot in May 2010 of promising to describe the circumstances of Holloway's death in return for the money. According to a sworn statement, van der Sloot got a partial payment of $15,000 wired to a Netherlands bank soon after.

He has long been a suspect in Aruba in the disappearance of Holloway, an 18-year-old from Mountain Brook, Ala., who was on a graduation trip to Aruba with other seniors when she turned up missing as they flew home. Her mother still lives in Alabama.

The name of the person paying the money was not given.


According to ABC News, the extortion investigation began in late April, and on May 10, $15,000 was wired to van der Sloot in the Netherlands by someone in Mountain Brook, Alabama, allegedly for information regarding Natalee.


It could been the FBI too, but why would JVS take money from just anyone?

Someone contacted him and offered him the money with the intention of getting him to take the hook, that way they could have brought him to the States and prosecuted him for that crime and by taking the money, doesn't that implicate him in NH's murder?

That's why the DOJ came out with the arrest warrant so quickly, they do not want to lose the chance to have him tried in the U.S.

Either way? Why not name the person who sent him the money? If they had NOT SENT THE MONEY, he would have never gone to Peru and killed that girl.

The effers that did wire him the 15k are just as much to blame for the killing.

No money, no trip, no murder.

NH's mom has been on JVS arse and was never going to give up, the 15 was the enticement and part of a plan to put him in jail, once and for all.

The DOJ planned to arrest him on wire fraud charges and that blew up in their face when this story broke.

A wise move not to say who sent the money.....

Wow !!! All of this hullabaloo.
$250 K ????
I'd take him out for free.
But a contribution for the lead would be ok. :D

06-05-2010, 11:15 PM
I doubt justice will be served in these cases.

It never does Blue.
I wonder how many lawyers know the truth in these cases, and their confidentiality is prostituted for dollars.

06-06-2010, 01:00 AM
Wow, this was a total circle jerk.

The FBI was in Aruba and set up a sting-someone hatched a plan to catch this jerk and it was to approach him with the offer of money for info.

On May 10th they met with him, as reps of the Holloways, to see what he wanted for the info.

He asked for 250k, They paid him 10k in cash, on the spot and wired the 15k to an acct in Europe.

Wire fraud and extortion. They could have arrested him at that moment. They let him go.

On May 13th he gave them the slip, there are reports of up to 30 FBI agents in Aruba to help with the arrest.

He used the cash to fly to Peru, to play in a poker tournament,

While at the casino, some singer from a country near Cent Am recognized him and reported it to security at the casino. They didn't do anything....

The NH killing wasn't a big deal down there and no one gave a flying handshake until they opened up the room and found the poor gal, three days after he killed her.

06-06-2010, 07:09 AM
I followed the money from NH mother part. Not the part that would implicate any blame on the mother, though.

As to what attorneys know and cannot share, that is "protected" by the attorney-client confidentiality, and one of the most basic and trusted aspects of the relationship. It can be an awesome burden at times (I do not speak from personal experience, I don't practice much criminal law).

As for attorneys making it big, or rich..well, it is their line of work. LOL. Any of you "work" for free much?

06-06-2010, 10:18 AM
I followed the money from NH mother part. Not the part that would implicate any blame on the mother, though.

Do you think that the feds or whoever went to JVS did so without telling that shrew what they were going for? No way.

As a matter of fact, NHs mom is the kind of person that would never be satisfied until she died, JVS was in jail or dropped dead himself.

As a matter of fact, she probably was working all the while with the feds, brainstorming ideas on how to bring JVS to justice.

She has always stated that the death of her daughter spurred her on to be an advocate for 'safe teen travel' and she turned her loss into a cottage industry. NHs stepfather also founded a website/business about lost and screwed up travel plans/travelers......


What better cachet than to have NH's mom make the plea and offer the money to JVS? Even if she was not "physically present" or having her name attached to the offer?

Natalee was her daughter, so at the very least? The people who contacted JVS invoked her name.

The reports are that the Holloway family, someone from NH's Alabama home town (roll tide), or an unnamed person paid the initial money.

The initial stories point back to her, the feebs using the Holloway brand and posing as reps for the family to broker the deal justs adds to my belief of her involvement.


Beth Holloway knew that Aruba was a 'party place' because her son had previously attended a grad vacation there and when NH had the opportunity to go, she bugged the mom until she relented and let her go on the trip.

She will never forgive herself for that and that is the basis of her angst and neverending crusade.


Lawyers dress nicer than prostitutes, then can claim clothes as a tax deduction?

06-06-2010, 06:25 PM
Wom, Lawyers dress nicer than prostitutes, then can claim clothes as a tax deduction?

Some. ;)

06-06-2010, 08:53 PM
I agree this seems a bit harsh. There comes a time when every parent has to let their child go out into the world and spread their wings.
It is one of the hardest things to do, to let go and let them explore but it has to be done for the child to learn, live and grow.
I am sure NH mom spoke to her before the trip about the dangers. Perhpas he spiked her drink, I find it hard to believe that she would lose judgement so quickley and either continue to drink until she had no idea what was happening or just leave with them.
These types of deaths occur all over the world and with all age groups. How many people get drunk and get behind a car and drive, millions I am sure.
Her mom is suffering more then you can ever imagine Richard not because you are mean but because you are not a parent. Her pain is deeper then most people know. Her judgement is not what it should be right now.
Many people break down from this type of stress, I feel she has suffered enough.
If it had been me I would probably have killed him in Aruba with my bare hands. She decided to trust the justice system and she is a better person then I for that.
I am not sure I follow your posts, Richard and Moosmom. Are you suggesting that the victim's mother, Natalie's mother, is somehow responsible for this?

That seems pretty harsh, doesn't it?

06-07-2010, 02:42 PM
Her mom is suffering more then you can ever imagine Richard not because you are mean but because you are not a parent. Her pain is deeper then most people know. Her judgement is not what it should be right now.

No, I am not a parent, but I have lost loved ones.

Both my dad and long time GF died w/in 6 month of each other. That may not qualify me as a 'grieving parent' but I think I can claim membership in the "Losing a Loved One Bar and Grill".

BH's neverending quest to get justice for her daughter must be eating at her soul right now. The news has reported that BH & family put up the money for the sting operation. They also say that JVS was broke, that BLOOD money he was paid gave him the chance to get out of Aruba and travel.

Yeah, it's a pretty sucky story, but if BH wasn't so focused on getting JVS to go to jail, none of this would not have happened.


Instead of getting info on what actually happened to her daughter?

He may clam up and she will forfeit any information of what really happened 5 years ago.:(

06-07-2010, 02:59 PM
Those high school trips are bad news. We went to Cancun several years ago and there were drunk teens all over the place, I tried to talk sense into some of them.

My kids knew not to even ask if they could do that. The parents have to sign a consent whether the kid is 18 or not since it is a school event. Natalee's mom could have grown a back bone.

I'm with Richard on this one its one thing to get independence its another thing to walk into a stupid, dangerous situation.

06-07-2010, 06:56 PM
If you gave someone a dollar to buy you a beer and they killed someone on the way home, would you feel badly?

If you had a party and let a guest drive home drunk and they got killed or arrested? Would you feel bad?

Better yet,

If you lost a child to a predator, that they met in a casino/bar, then bankrolled a sting to bring him to justice, which allowed them to go on to kill a woman in a casino in another country?

Would that absolve you of any guilt or blame?

I do not think I would have any problem feeling like poop for my involvement.:mad:

Edwina's Secretary
06-08-2010, 10:25 AM
Once again I read in the morning paper of some kids killed on the way home from prom.

This happens every year all across the country?

Why do parents still allow their children to attend prom when they know how dangerous it is and how often kids are killed? The parents know that drinking and other bad things happen?

The parents who allow their children to attend prom are responsible for the death of their child if that child is killed.

A parent who allows their child to attend prom is a bad parent even if the child is not killed.

And any attempt to make something better for other people as a result is nothing but grand standing.

And any children who are subsequently killed attending prom - their blood is on the hands of the mothers.

These are the things I learn on PetTalk.

06-08-2010, 12:19 PM

They got a confession from JVS re the Peruvian woman he killed.

Maybe NH's mom can bail him out with the 235,000 dollars she still owes him.

06-08-2010, 05:00 PM
Van der Sloot was charged Thursday in the United States with trying to extort $250,000 from Holloway's family in exchange for disclosing the location of her body and describing how she died.

U.S. prosecutors say $15,000 was transferred to a Dutch bank account in his name. In the Netherlands on Friday, prosecutors raided two homes in the case, seizing computers, cell phones and data-storage devices.

Holloway told ABC that only his ex-wife Beth Twitty had been told about the case by the FBI until shortly before the charges were made public.

"That was handled by the FBI and I knew nothing about it. I think the only person that was involved in this incident was Beth. The FBI indicated that only the people involved in it should know," Holloway told ABC.


Send any money that you bet with me to the American Red Cross.

06-09-2010, 08:07 PM

Dog Chapman is on the case now!!!:D:rolleyes::p

06-09-2010, 10:35 PM
I find the whole thing so incredibly sad.............. Two beautiful girls dead for what? I hope he gets the death penelty.

06-09-2010, 11:37 PM
Those high school trips are bad news. We went to Cancun several years ago and there were drunk teens all over the place, I tried to talk sense into some of them.

Next time you go, take me and I'll make you some money....I'll hold them up and you grab the wallet/purse.:eek:

You have a kid who is drunk in a frat house or party.

Someone will steer them to their room or leave them asleep on the patio furniture,

Now, take the same kid and put them in another state/country with more booze in their body? Nothing good wil come of that.

Not all kids are that loose/stupid when it comes to alcohol/vacations.

We only hear about he dead ones. I bet there are tons of people who 'only' get into trouble and are bailed out-money they could save by being responsible?

I find the whole thing so incredibly sad.............. Two beautiful girls dead for what? I hope he gets the death penelty.

No, DP in Peru, they max out a sentence at 35 years for murder. He may not even serve that.

The jails in Peru are screwed up from what they have said on the tube.

He may not make it out of there alive.

06-10-2010, 08:59 AM
My mom and I would have some pretty nifty conversations about news stories and this one was one of our most talked about.

We hashed this out for months.

I really miss her and would love to hear her spin on this part of the story..I am jealous that she may know what happened with NH and the real story behind her murder.....

Last night I saw two different stories on WHERE THE MONEY JVS was paid came from.
One says that the FBI financed the sting and another absolves them.

The FBI says that they didn't pay it and BH isn't coming forth to say anything at all.

Too sad.:(:mad:

06-14-2010, 09:40 PM

I don't like Greta Van Cistern, but she spoke to the parents of the gal JVS killed in Peru.

That family sure has grace under pressure.

Incredible and sad....

06-20-2010, 10:29 AM
I caught the end of an MSNBC program last night on JVS.

What a crappy set of circumstances this time around. Everyone is pointing fingers and playing knuckleheads.

The reporter talking to the gent who actually met with JVS in Aruba did a good job clearing up some of the questions about the case.

NH's mom was the source of the money that allowed JVS to split the country.

I had seen part of the interview before and BH had time to open up a traveler's center, but no time to try and get ing touch with the family of hte murdered girl.

She sent out a 'press release' instead.