View Full Version : Memorial Thursday Weekend #380.

05-26-2010, 09:34 PM
As usual lets take a few days to remember everyone this Memorial Weekend.

No sense in forgetting the people who we should remember this weekend.

Lately I have been a little melancholy about summer racing in. I have been thinking about all the good times out and about with the family and the people
who aren't here anymore.

No need to be reserved or too sad... Let's just take a second?


Open bar and anything you want.


Cinder & Smoke
05-26-2010, 10:58 PM
No sense in forgetting the people who we should remember this weekend.


Maybe we should mix the DoD as a Salute to the Military Folks ...
what's a good Partiotic Drink?

Whatever it is - I'll have one, please.


05-26-2010, 11:00 PM

Maybe we should mix the DoD as a Salute to the Military Folks ...
what's a good Partiotic Drink?

Whatever it is - I'll have one, please.


Let me look!:)

Some may have questionable names?:o

Lady's Human
05-26-2010, 11:22 PM
I'd suggest filling the boot, but I'm not sure Thursdays is ready for that. :p

05-26-2010, 11:25 PM
I'd suggest filling the boot, but I'm not sure Thursdays is ready for that. :p

Oh crap,

I wear an 11.....:eek::confused: I am scared.

05-27-2010, 06:42 AM
Not in a party mood.. .we have termites. :(

05-27-2010, 06:54 AM
Not in a party mood.. .we have termites. :(

OH no - that's awful and they aren't all that easy to get rid of. My brother had them several years ago when he still lived in FL. They had an exterminator do the regular spraying, but the critters were back in a few months. He ended up having to have the house "tented". What a pain that was.

Hoping yours are in the early stage and easily eliminated.

Richard - this girl REALLY needs a drink. She could probably use a double...:p

Lady's Human
05-27-2010, 07:06 AM
Richard - this girl REALLY needs a drink. She could probably use a double...

In which case the boot might be applicable.

05-27-2010, 07:35 AM
Size eleventeen

05-27-2010, 07:37 AM
Not in a party mood.. .we have termites. :(

Have they done any damage to the house ????

05-27-2010, 07:52 AM
We don't know yet. The exterminator guy is there with my husband as I type this. Possible that the damage at this point is minimal.

Well, boots up everyone!! :p

Here's to all our Veterans!! Looks like I will be a Veteran of the war between humans and bugs!! FLorida bugs are mutants from hell. Did you ever see one of the palmettos that live down here? You can put a saddle on them and ride them to work they are so big!! :(

05-27-2010, 07:59 AM
Get hold of em and get rid of em quick mate, before they DO some damage.
It doesn't take long for the little monsters to eat a house. :(

Pinot's Mom
05-27-2010, 08:00 AM
We don't know yet. The exterminator guy is there with my husband as I type this. Possible that the damage at this point is minimal.

Well, boots up everyone!! :p

Here's to all our Veterans!! Looks like I will be a Veteran of the war between humans and bugs!! FLorida bugs are mutants from hell. Did you ever see one of the palmettos that live down here? You can put a saddle on them and ride them to work they are so big!! :(

Just a cautionary note from someone who has been down this road: There are termites in every lawn (especially in Florida), they are not necessarily doing damage, and every bug guy's job is to sell you the full treatment. Health skepticism is a good thing. Just sayin'.... Good luck, though.

Round for the bar! At noon we're headed out camping for the weekend (with 20 or so friends) at a CAMPGROUND WITH A WINERY ON SITE!! How perfect is that?!!:D

05-27-2010, 08:03 AM
At noon we're headed out camping for the weekend (with 20 or so friends) at a CAMPGROUND WITH A WINERY ON SITE!! How perfect is that?!!:D

Drunkard !!!! :p

Pinot's Mom
05-27-2010, 08:06 AM
Drunkard !!!! :p

...and there's a problem with that??:confused:

05-27-2010, 08:17 AM
...and there's a problem with that??:confused:

Never. ;)

05-27-2010, 08:18 AM
They're not in my lawn, they are in my house!!! Waaaaaaah!!! :eek:

I'm coming to the winery with you, but in my case, make it a "whinery"!!

05-27-2010, 08:32 AM
They're not in my lawn, they are in my house!!! Waaaaaaah!!! :eek:

Oh dear........I hope they can get rid of them for you.

05-27-2010, 08:36 AM
Let's think positively now. And go on with the Memorial Day festivities!!! I will not allow those stinkin' bugs to put a damper on my FOUR DAY WEEKEND!! I'm off work tomorrow too!

Queen of Poop
05-27-2010, 11:52 AM
I'm sorry about the bugs. I hope they've been caught early enough so minimal damage has been done.

Our long weekend was last weekend so just a regular one here this coming weekend. Will be awesome if our rain does not turn to snow!

I've just finished reviewing the papers to take my divorce to court. A heart wrenching experience as they provided details of the horrible acts. So I could use a big, cold drink. How about a tall gin and tonic with double lime? And to go with that a cuddle with Lady on the couch!

05-27-2010, 12:38 PM
Q of P!! Snow!! OMG!! It was like 100 degrees here on Sunday!! Let's meet somewhere in the middle and have that drink!

05-27-2010, 12:39 PM
How about a tall gin and tonic with double lime? And to go with that a cuddle with Lady on the couch!

G&T, double lime and a dog!





I think the boot is necessary for this thread.



I swear to god I went out to feed the muffins and someone was BBQing..
At 6:30 this morning.

Now, I want BBQ....:)

Queen of Poop
05-27-2010, 12:59 PM
Q of P!! Snow!! OMG!! It was like 100 degrees here on Sunday!! Let's meet somewhere in the middle and have that drink!

Yes, our rain is to turn to snow tonight. Headlines of the local paper are telling everyone to cover the plants they put in on the long weekend as our temps are to bow to 1, 0 and -1 over the next few nights.

Where do you suppose the middle is between here and there, and next question, hows their weather???

A toast to no snow and no bugs!

05-27-2010, 01:27 PM
Yes, our rain is to turn to snow tonight. Headlines of the local paper are telling everyone to cover the plants they put in on the long weekend as our temps are to bow to 1, 0 and -1 over the next few nights.

Where do you suppose the middle is between here and there, and next question, hows their weather???

A toast to no snow and no bugs!

A toast.

I lit my fireplace an hour ago!:eek:


Montage Memorial Recipe recipe

1 shot vodka
1/2 glass pineapple juice
1/2 glass cranberry juice
orange slice
1-2 oz Grand Marnier® orange liqueur (optional)
maraschino cherries

Stir, add straw, and drink. This punch can also be made in a punch bowl. Simply put frozen pineapple juice and cranberry juice cubes in a punchbowl. Pour one fifth of vodka in bowl. Fill rest of bowl with pineapple and cranberry juice in equal parts. Add Grand Marnier to taste (optional).

05-27-2010, 01:35 PM
I've got the a.c. cranked up. It's only about 90 outside......
Back in the 70's tomorrow. I can live with that, for sure. :D

How about a nice tall, cold lemonade for me, please.

05-27-2010, 02:31 PM
RICHARD, what on earth are you doing feeding muffins at 6:30 am :confused::eek: ....... and what on earth do you feed them? Butter? Cream Cheese? :eek: I gawd RICHARD, you are one strange bartender :rolleyes::p:love:

05-27-2010, 05:29 PM
I will hoist a drink in remembrance of friends and family that didn't make it and to friends and family still in situations of war.

I am reading the book Maus (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maus) by Art Spiegelman. Even though it isn't about american soldiers war affects people in all corners of the globe and I think this Memorial day we should think about how war destroys lives EVERYWHERE. Remember, so that it may never happen again!

Queen of Poop
05-27-2010, 06:07 PM
Ho, ho, ho, Merry Christmas!!! It's snowing! Everything is white. Could I get a hot tea to celebrate, please?

05-27-2010, 06:12 PM
Ho, ho, ho, Merry Christmas!!! It's snowing! Everything is white. Could I get a hot tea to celebrate, please?

Goodness, it was 92F here yesterday, so I was glad it was only in the upper 60's today (thunderstorms last night). Can't believe it is snowing where you are!

05-27-2010, 07:51 PM
Barkeep, may I have coffee, please? It's my fourth day in the new job, and I am starting to wonder what the heck I've gotten myself into.

05-28-2010, 09:02 AM
I've got the a.c. cranked up. It's only about 90 outside......
Back in the 70's tomorrow. I can live with that, for sure. :D

How about a nice tall, cold lemonade for me, please.

Cold lemonade?


Cooler weather too!


The muffins are my porch kiddies!



Yes a toast and remembering!


One hot tea?


Global warming?


A hot coffee!


05-28-2010, 10:08 AM
:p Yup its getting warm enough now for us to get out the Mega Blaster Water Gunn.. Hello Orc come on bigg boy & lets start cooling everone off with the water..Hey I will haves a LIT & what ever is on the barbyy.. Yes Orc the bar keep will gets you ones too..:D:cool:

smokey the elder
05-28-2010, 02:54 PM
It was 95F Wednesday, down to the 70s today, back to 90 on Sunday! I'll try a sample of that punch; sounds good. Quiet at work today; lots of folks taking a 4 day weekend.

Snow!?:eek: It's almost June, for frak's sake!

05-28-2010, 03:12 PM
It was 95F Wednesday, down to the 70s today, back to 90 on Sunday! I'll try a sample of that punch; sounds good. Quiet at work today; lots of folks taking a 4 day weekend.

Snow!?:eek: It's almost June, for frak's sake!

One punch drink?


Leave work early!

A cold drink for you and the ORC!


05-28-2010, 03:36 PM
Hello everyone! Just checking in for a minute. I have a big pot of my home make chicken soup if anyone wants it. Lots of chunky chicken, carrots, celery and potatoes. I must say I do find it quite yummy.

Richard, I could use an ice cold Corona w/lime to wash it down with. Weather up here is ikky - dark and rainy. Mr. Sunshine peaks his head out now and then for a minute.

Can I retire yet?? Maybe - tonight's Lotto Max is $40,000,000. I could handle that. ;)

05-28-2010, 04:17 PM
Hello everyone! Just checking in for a minute. I have a big pot of my home make chicken soup if anyone wants it. Lots of chunky chicken, carrots, celery and potatoes. I must say I do find it quite yummy.

Richard, I could use an ice cold Corona w/lime to wash it down with. Weather up here is ikky - dark and rainy. Mr. Sunshine peaks his head out now and then for a minute.

Can I retire yet?? Maybe - tonight's Lotto Max is $40,000,000. I could handle that. ;)

Here's my bowl, a Corona with lime for you and a chance at the lotto!


05-29-2010, 07:27 AM
Richard, Can you make up a Montage Memorial Day drink for me? I know it is early in the morning but I need my vitamin C plus am horser then Horse Neck Harry this morning & have to give tours today. Ugh! Throw in a little honey in the drink too I need all the help I can get.

05-29-2010, 11:18 AM
**yawns - arms outstretched**
Tell me now, is there anything better than sleeping in with an orangie by your side on a cold, grey morning??? :cool:
Here are some home made blueberry/bran muffins - yes, I can cook muffins, I think. :rolleyes::o Anyone have some jam or jelly?

I'll take a Spanish Coffee please with lots of whipped cream on top. That's what I love about this bar - I can eat and drink junk all day long and not gain an ounce.

Here's to remembering.............:(

05-29-2010, 11:44 AM
Slick, I can't agree more, there is nothing better than sleeping in with an orangie by your side on a cold, grey morning - any morning in fact! :cool:

I made lots of rashberry jam, will that do for your muffins?

A cold Corona - brilliant! That will go down well with my chili chicken, so I'll have one of those, please! :)

05-29-2010, 01:39 PM
Richard, Can you make up a Montage Memorial Day drink for me? I know it is early in the morning but I need my vitamin C plus am horser then Horse Neck Harry this morning & have to give tours today. Ugh! Throw in a little honey in the drink too I need all the help I can get.

One MMD w/hunny..
Feel better!



Jam and a Spanish coffee


HI Randi!

A cold Corona, how's about a slice of lime with that?


05-29-2010, 02:50 PM
Randi posting about jam, gave me the hungries..........

I've been living on bland and blah for a month since that nasty food poisoning, so I was craving something bad. I found I still had some hot pepper jelly that I made ages ago, so indulged with some on crackers. It makes a great chicken glaze, too. It is soooo good - hot but sweet, and I swear it got hotter sitting in the pantry all this time. I only ate a little - didn't want to overdo - so there's plenty to go around if anybody would care to share some with me. A beer to wash it down would probably be good - if you like beer. I don't, so I'll take anything you care to mix up Richard. Thanks! :)

05-29-2010, 02:54 PM
A beer to wash it down would probably be good - if you like beer. I don't, so I'll take anything you care to mix up Richard. Thanks! :)

I'll drink YOUR beer and make a gin and tonic?


05-29-2010, 03:08 PM
I'll drink YOUR beer and make a gin and tonic?


Works for me - sort of. Can you just make it a wine cooler or Sangria?? Sorry - don't mean to be picky, but gin and/or vodka gives me a whopping headache unless it's very much diluted and disguised! :(
Thanks Buddy!!! :):):)

05-29-2010, 03:41 PM
Works for me - sort of. Can you just make it a wine cooler or Sangria?? Sorry - don't mean to be picky, but gin and/or vodka gives me a whopping headache unless it's very much diluted and disguised! :(
Thanks Buddy!!! :):):)

Here in The Dog House, alcohol not only has no calories, it has no unpleasant side effects, either!

Meanwhile, we've got a thunderstorm rumbling through, not a bad one, but just a nice "it's summer" kind of storm.

Maybe it's time for the first s'mores of the season, barkeep, does Orc have the fire going?

05-29-2010, 04:11 PM
Here in The Dog House, alcohol not only has no calories, it has no unpleasant side effects, either!

Meanwhile, we've got a thunderstorm rumbling through, not a bad one, but just a nice "it's summer" kind of storm.

Maybe it's time for the first s'mores of the season, barkeep, does Orc have the fire going?

Of course,

The ORC loves fire!

Let's five Mother Nature a chance to move aside?



Like Karen says.....anything is good her in the bar, just in case, you can have one of each!


05-29-2010, 05:26 PM
Tomorrow is the Indy 500 so need chili dawgs and root beer for that!!! :D

I'm so tired and my knees are hurting awfully but I'm happy. My cuz came down and took me to lunch and we went to the cemeteries. Got to go peek at Dad's grave. The flower I sent was there :D along with one my stepsisters put out for their mom who shares the same plot.

Now I have a splitting headache from the sun so could I have a root beer and aspirin now? :love:

05-29-2010, 08:41 PM
The flower I sent was there :D along with one my stepsisters put out for their mom who shares the same plot.

Now I have a splitting headache from the sun so could I have a root beer and aspirin now? :love:

Root beer and an aspirin.

Nice to hear about your flower.


Chilidogs tomorrow.

05-30-2010, 06:43 PM
Chili dawgs, cole slaw, chips and drinks?


05-30-2010, 06:54 PM
Can I get a burger and some chili on the side? I never could manage consuming a chilidog without getting it all over myself, and I like the shirt I'm currently wearing!

Come this time of year, when on some days I can smell grills going and the distinct tang of charcoal lighter fluid on the breeze, I do miss having a good burger. Thankfully, here at Thursday's everything is allergen-free!

Wonder if the party is winding down for the day in Findlay, let's have some watermelon, too. If we can find one with decent seeds, I'll change you all to a seed-spitting contest! They seem to only sell the seedless (or theoretically seedless) nowadays, so I miss that!

05-30-2010, 07:07 PM
Can I get a burger and some chili on the side? I never could manage consuming a chilidog without getting it all over myself, and I like the shirt I'm currently wearing!

Come this time of year, when on some days I can smell grills going and the distinct tan of charcoal lighter fluid on the breeze, I do miss having a good burger. Thankfully, here at Thursday's everything is allergen-free!

Wonder if the party is winding down for the day in Findlay, let's have some watermelon, too. If we can find one with decent seeds, I'll change you all to a seed-spitting contest! They seem to only sell the seedless (or theoretically seedless) nowadays, so I miss that!


You would pass out in California. If it's not the forest burning that you smell?
It's someone cooking.

I mentioned the store that I go to puts a giant BBQ in the parking lot and cooks chicken, this grill is about 5 feet by 3...

Today, I made the turn towards the market, down an alley? I could smell the chicken three blocks away!

I am going to say something that sounds racist?

Mexicans make the best BBQ!;)

In the poorest parts of Tijuana, they either cook off a propane tank-the kind you see on a gas grill or they BBQ.....

Hand made tortillas, some beans, rice, salsa and marinated skirt steak?:)


05-30-2010, 07:07 PM
I'll have a chili dog with a big bib to wear. That way I won't end up wearing my chili dog. Could you slip some sharp cheddar cheese into the chili dog? Could I have some Nacho's to scoop up what ever falls into my bib pocket. I don't like to waste food & a big cold glass of moo juice. Tanks :D

05-31-2010, 03:53 PM
I'll have a chili dog with a big bib to wear. That way I won't end up wearing my chili dog. Could you slip some sharp cheddar cheese into the chili dog? Could I have some Nacho's to scoop up what ever falls into my bib pocket. I don't like to waste food & a big cold glass of moo juice. Tanks :D



05-31-2010, 04:21 PM
I am going to say something that sounds racist?

Mexicans make the best BBQ!;)

In the poorest parts of Tijuana, they either cook off a propane tank-the kind you see on a gas grill or they BBQ.....

When I went to Tijuana, I was warned - don't eat the food and don't drink the water!!! That was back in the early 60's - have times changed down there??? :confused:

It's yucky hot and humid and too hot to eat as far as I'm concerned. Just us 3 adults today - my grandson is with his biological "mother" for the weekend, and my granddaughter's not here this weekend. She started her summer job before packing it away for college - works at an ice cream shop right on the boardwalk and gets to enjoy the ocean all the time she has to work. Poor kid - I feel so sorry for her. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
So - it's throw some cornish hens on the grill, toss a quick salad, and open up a jar of baked beans, and that will be the extent of our big holiday feast!

A big pitcher of lemonade for me and my DIL, and a couple of beers for my son (if you don't mind uninvited guests), if you could rustle that up, would be great Richard - please. I'll share some chicken with you..........;):D

05-31-2010, 04:48 PM
I have bbq chicken and some potato salad. I'll share.
Could I have a cherry rootbeer, Please???? :love:

05-31-2010, 05:04 PM
I have bbq chicken and some potato salad. I'll share.
Could I have a cherry rootbeer, Please???? :love:

Yes you may!

One CRB!

Chikin and PS?

I am there!



Uninvited guests? They don't need a special pass, they need special treatment!

Beer, Lemonade, simple stuff?


I have not been to TJ in years. My parents when often and said some areas have improved. IT's not the food to worry about, it's the drugs/smuggler idiots that need attention. Oh, that and the police down there.

Pinot's Mom
05-31-2010, 05:22 PM
Whew! You all have been busy while I was gone!

Richard:you claim Mexicans make the best BBQ?? I know many who would beg to differ! My ex-neighbor, of another ethnicity, used to start BBQ on the weekends at about 6am. My husband would go out to mow the lawn and come in STARVING, craving BBQ. Heavenly smell!:)

Wom: actually came back with a case and a half of wine from various wineries. Didn't drink it all! ;)

Catherine and QofP: My house is in the middle! Come on by! :)

Pom: glad your tummy troubles are settling down!

Barkeep: I'd like a glass of Pinot to celebrate a certain little one's third birthday (which was Saturday, but she's OK with that)! :D

05-31-2010, 05:57 PM
Whew! You all have been busy while I was gone!

Richard:you claim Mexicans make the best BBQ?? I know many who would beg to differ! My ex-neighbor, of another ethnicity, used to start BBQ on the weekends at about 6am. My husband would go out to mow the lawn and come in STARVING, craving BBQ. Heavenly smell!:)

Barkeep: I'd like a glass of Pinot to celebrate a certain little one's third birthday (which was Saturday, but she's OK with that)! :D

Are talking about a pit bbq?

That's a lot of work and an early wake up time.

People rate BBQ by how hungry they are.;)

Obne glass of Pinot, happy birthday wish.....DONE!

05-31-2010, 06:08 PM
For some weird reason, I'm having trouble with being depressed today. How anyone can be depressed when they have a kitchen full of kittens is a mystery to me. Hopefully, I'll be better tomorrow when my normal routine starts.

Please make my cherry rootbeer a double? :love:

05-31-2010, 07:37 PM
We have had smoke in the air all day from the Canadian Forest Fires. It's kind of scary how hazy it is, and we are hundreds of miles from the actual fires, which are burning in Northern Quebec.

No barbecue for me, please, bad enough breathing today!

Just some nice iced tea, please, and a gas mask!

05-31-2010, 08:35 PM
MOFF, don't be sad. I'm right here beside you and giving you a great big {{{hug}}}:love::love:

Oh boy, BBQ, chilli, cheeze dogs with the fixins, chicken, onion rings and all the rest - I'll take a boatload of it please. Started back on my diet today and I'm starving. :rolleyes:

Pom - do you feel better??

06-01-2010, 08:03 AM
Pom - do you feel better??

I'm gettin' there Slick - thanks. At least I'm not living in the john like I was. :eek:

06-01-2010, 08:07 AM
I wonder if you didn't have E-coli? Hope you get to feeling better.:)

06-01-2010, 12:21 PM
For some weird reason, I'm having trouble with being depressed today. How anyone can be depressed when they have a kitchen full of kittens is a mystery to me. Hopefully, I'll be better tomorrow when my normal routine starts.

Please make my cherry rootbeer a double? :love:

Here's a double CRB, everyone has a pity party once in a while.

IT's trying to keep the guest list and length of your "bash" short.

Hope ya feel better!



Ice tea and a gas mask! Hope the wind pattern has changed for you!


A Boatlaod!


I feel your pain, I had a severe bout of it a while back and cannot imagine being sick for as long as you have.

Take it easy one day at a time.

I have a 'friend' named John, too!:confused::o:mad:

Lady's Human
06-01-2010, 03:17 PM
Hot fresh donuts anyone?

06-01-2010, 03:37 PM
Hot fresh donuts anyone?

Me, me, me!

We had our first Krispy Kreme store open in the Valley a few years years back.

The wait to get a drive thru donut was pretty crazy, the lines were more than 30-45 minutes.


Now? Closed.:eek:

They were making money hand over fist....and I don't know what happened!:eek:

06-01-2010, 06:36 PM
Me, me, me!

We had our first Krispy Kreme store open in the Valley a few years years back.

The wait to get a drive thru donut was pretty crazy, the lines were more than 30-45 minutes.


Now? Closed.:eek:

They were making money hand over fist....and I don't know what happened!:eek:

The Atkins craze drove all the krispy kreme's out of business up here.

Lady's Human
06-01-2010, 06:59 PM
Krispy Creme was a victim of slightly overexhuberant franchising.........

About 2 years ago they started imploding on themselves. Some of the franchises were making money, but not enough of them.

06-01-2010, 07:14 PM
We would drive by and see the hot donut sign flashing when the kids were pre-teens and we would walk in and they would give you a whole hot donut to sample...it would melt in your mouth.

06-01-2010, 07:46 PM

it's a great product, in moderation....I guess sometimes big isn't always better?

06-02-2010, 07:12 AM
Doughnuts give me heartburn :(

But I'd like a chocolate chip macadamia nut cookie instead. . .very large, very soft. MMMMmmmm and a cup of coffee.

Today is termite warfare day!

smokey the elder
06-02-2010, 01:57 PM
There used to be this bakery across the street from my house that made the best donuts! I miss them. Stoopid Dunkin' Donuts went and drove them out of business.

06-02-2010, 03:27 PM
There used to be this bakery across the street from my house that made the best donuts! I miss them. Stoopid Dunkin' Donuts went and drove them out of business.

All the donut shops/chains are hard to find, now they are mom and pop shops.:eek:

06-02-2010, 03:53 PM
I always preferred Dunkin Donuts to Krispy Kreme. For some reason KK always tasted a little undercooked to me. DD has great coffee at a reasonable price, and their blueberry muffins are to die for. Sometimes I buy a dozen and just wrap them individually and put them in the freezer, altho they are much better fresh.

06-02-2010, 03:59 PM
Sometimes I buy a dozen and just wrap them individually and put them in the freezer, altho they are much better fresh.

Will you be home later on?:D

06-02-2010, 08:34 PM
Oh stop with all this talk of donuts. You are making me hungry and I've started back on my diet. :rolleyes:

Richard, I'll take a bottle of water and some celery sticks. I'm about to hit the treadmill - really.......:p

Only 20 more to go and we celebrate 400......... :)

06-02-2010, 08:42 PM
Oh stop with all this talk of donuts. You are making me hungry and I've started back on my diet. :rolleyes:

Richard, I'll take a bottle of water and some celery sticks. I'm about to hit the treadmill - really.......:p

Only 20 more to go and we celebrate 400......... :)

Here's some water and celery sticks....today is Wednesday....I lost a day someplace!


On to #381.