View Full Version : My Cat, my friend.

05-18-2010, 04:01 AM
I was thinking a lot today about Remus. The cat that went from an awkward little ball of striped and spotted fur to a huge bulk of a feline and in the process has worked his way into my heart. Over the years, I've gotten used to having him around, to the point of ignoring him a lot of the time. I think it is easy when you've been around someone (and yes Remus is a someONE, just because he is a cat it doesn't make him any less of a being) for so long to take them for granted. It really makes me wonder how many people do this. I also got to thinking about how much I would miss Remus if something were to happen to him. Does he know how much I appreciate his company? I spend way too much time being upset with him, at least it seems like it. He does what all cats do...gets into things he shouldn't and scratches things he shouldn't scratch. It seems like lately I've been yelling at him more than I've been telling him I love him. I know that I've been way stressed out but I shouldn't take it out on my friend. What if he isn't the only friend I've been abusing? It makes me think about how I've been treating the people around me.
I shouldn't take my stress out on my furry friend. In fact I should be showing him love and affection because in all his annoying catness, that is exactly what he is trying to show to me.

Laura's Babies
05-18-2010, 07:58 AM
At least you reconize what you are doing so you can change it. That's a start! Are you more stresed than you have been in the past? What's happened and what can you do about it? (Questions to ask yourself, not to answer here)

Our babies are not judgemental, all they want is for us to love and take good care of them. They know when we are sad/happy, sick/well, and when we are stressed.. He will forgive you.

I do not take mine for granted and I love them every single day, all day long, loving on them, telling them how pretty and sweet they are, how much I love them and how glad I am that they are with me. They are just being "cats" and doing what cats DO and that brings so much joy into my life, even with silly Giz with all her antics.

05-18-2010, 08:36 AM
I'm glad you recogized the problem. Bad A$$ Buddy is one of those characters. When I placed him in a home with an elderly gentleman who wanted a cat that reminded him of his RB kitty.

After 3 months I was ready to pull him from the house because the guy was over squirting him with the water bottle everytime he hopped up on top of the tv. I also think he swatted him with a newspaper, because everytime he'd pick one up, Buddy would squint.

Finally, after 6 months, Hal called me and said Buddy was a handful and he couldn't take it anymore. He's been with me ever since and can jump, knock things over and just be himself without fear.

I love that boy!!!!

05-18-2010, 09:27 AM
I had bad days too when I worked with smart asses who would nly start a conversation to prove that in least their own minds that they were cool and with it and I wasnt.:eek:
I appreciated My Cats love and silence even more on those days:love:
Its hard sometimes to let negative feelings go, and sometimes Our Cats do things that Cats do, but they dont mean to irk us. My Three Seniors are showing signs of age , so they are spoiled because I know what a void they will leave.:(
One Fine Day:(

05-18-2010, 10:36 AM
I agree, recognizing the problem is the first step, and now you may want to find out what is causing that extra stress you've been having lately.
(whatever it is I hope and pray you can fix it :) )

Maybe Remus is sensing and "channeling" your stress and that's why he's been more nawtee than usual OR maybe that's the way he's using to complain about the way things have been between you two...
Whatever the case I hope you can work things out, love makes it easy!

05-18-2010, 12:02 PM
The cat that went from an awkward little ball of striped and spotted fur to a huge bulk of a feline and in the process has worked his way into my heart. Does he know how much I appreciate his company?

Oh, I definitely think so. I believe that cats in loving, caring homes know how much they are wanted, loved and appreciated. I also believe that my cat doesn't hold a grudge - I have stepped on her tail a couple of times, almost closed her in a closet one time and yet she still greets me daily with tail up, flipped over her back, happy mews and murps to say "How are you, nice to see you, please pet me before you do anything else!"

05-18-2010, 03:47 PM
One should never take their problems out on the cat. Remember that all they want is a little love and care. if they are "being bad" there usually is a reason. I Some thing in the house or person.
I know that I would never leave the house in the morning with giving Lucky his hug, Boo Boo, Penny, and Bart, their her rub. When I get house I have to say hi to everyone. This includes the head rubs for Penny, Mits, Princess, Egypt, Roz, and Olivia. Then the hugs for Lucky, precious, Demitri and Bart.
They always make me feel better, no matter how hard the day.

05-18-2010, 08:16 PM
I feel bad when I yell at Remus lol. Sometimes I think I holler at him more and more lately but now that I'm thinking about it, I think his mischievous behavior is more of a sign of spring than anything else. Some days I think it gets to me more because of job stress but now that I realize it I think I wont yell as much lol. Most of the time a stern "Get DOWN!" gets him motivated. I really do love my boy, he actually got me into liking cats. Before I got Remus I wasn't much of a cat person...now I like them more than most people :D. I guess I was feeling kind of melancholy yesterday...and Remus being his normal Remus self hopped on lap and was happy to let me pet him for a while. Since I've been so busy it has been a while since I just sat back and gave him a few good scritches. Thats what I mean about taking him for granted. He is getting to be a loner in his old age and he doesn't beg for attention like he used to. Spook and Hoodini tend to take up more of the lap time.
Maybe I'm noticing he's not his younger self...but he is still my buddy.

05-19-2010, 10:41 AM
I know what you mean....when Charles and Wally (both RB) were youngsters they probably thought their names were NoNo and StopIt.....
That was at a really stressful time in my life...good news is they both lived long, happy lives and my stress level went down.... :)

05-19-2010, 01:36 PM
I love my boys and can't imagine my life without them. Still, Ming can scratch the furniture something awful and I have yelled at him when he does that because I have all kinds of scratching posts in the house. I feel kind of guilty because he is just being a cat. I will try to be more patient, he's a really sweet cat who brightens up everyone's day.