View Full Version : A little concerned...UPDATE #18

Pinot's Mom
05-17-2010, 05:56 PM
As some of you know, my Pinot eats bugs, goes after shrews, has eaten wasps, thinks about taking down white tailed deer, brings her Mom chipmunks...you get the picture. She tries to eat anything that moves. We try to get these things from her before anything is injested, but she's very quick. This may have caused a problem.

Friday evening on the deck. We go out with her on nice evenings, take a glass of wine; she is not allowed to leave the deck. Where we live, as you also may know, there is an abundance of wildlife of all sizes. At this time of year, there are toads called "spring peepers" that make a lovely song when they all call out. Some frequent the deck. You may know where this is going. Pinot tried to eat one of the toads. It didn't stay in her mouth; she spat it out, but her eyes got very watery, she drooled a bit, otherwise seemed OK. We cleaned her up and took her inside.

Several of her meals since then have been thrown up. She seems otherwise normal. I'm a bit concerned. Does anyone have experience with a kitty attempting to eat a toad?

05-17-2010, 06:27 PM
Oh Maggie, I'm so sorry to hear Pinot isn't feeling all that great. I'm no animal expert but have heard that some toads can be toxic. Have you called your vet? Since your vet knows Pinot that might be your best resource for a reliable answer. I share your concern about Pinot, please let us know what you find out? Please give her tons of scritchies and lovies from me?

05-17-2010, 06:36 PM
I think a quick phone call to the vet will help you feel better!

We had a dog as a child who used to "move" frogs. For some reason, they didn't bother her in the back yard, but she did NOT want them in her front yard! Frogs (and toads) do emit something from their skin to make predators drop them. It makes the animal drool etc. Princess learned to "tolerate" this as she was determined not to put them down until they were in the back yard. As I recall, she was fine in about 15 minutes or so; unless she had another frog to move. :rolleyes:

Your vet will know what those toads are that you have in your area, and can shed some insight for you.

Certainly hope Pinot feels better quickly!

Pinot's Mom
05-17-2010, 08:25 PM
Thank you both! I did wonder if there was something emitted from the toad to cause the immediate reaction of the eyes and drooling. I will call Dr. Huson tomorrow and get her take on things. She has known us through three kitties and knows when we call there is a real issue, so she won't think I'm just being crazy. I'll let you know!

05-17-2010, 10:31 PM
I hope Pinot feels better! Yes, toadies have nasty tasting stuff in their 'warts'. I would hope the vomiting got rid of the worst of it, and she will be ok and not dehydrated.

Prayers for Pinot!:love:

05-18-2010, 12:34 AM
I'm sorry to hear this.:( I hope she'll feel better soon and will now learn to not to eat any more toads.

05-18-2010, 07:11 AM
Poor Pinot! I'll bet it was some kind of toxin emitted by the toad, and that it will pass with no further issues.

Sparky likes to play with toads when he finds one in the yard, but he doesn't put them in his mouth. He likes to paw at then to make them hop away. And of course if he finds one dead that has been a victim of the lawn mower - then he will roll all over it, necessitating a bath to get rid of the smell! :eek::p

05-18-2010, 09:35 AM
Our Good Lord :love:gives all his Creatures :)a defense against predators and for the toad its a secretiion in their glands that make Cats and Dogs go YUCK!!!!!!!:eek:
We think that Pinot will be all right, but now she, like Tubster Panther has written Toads off her diet:cool::cool:

Pinot's Mom
05-18-2010, 11:46 AM
Thanks all for information and concern...the call is in to Dr. Huson, I'll report when she gets back to me! :love:

She got right back to me...love my vet...
According to Dr. Huson throwing up her food is not related to the toad. She has an appointment tomorrow. I have had kitties that threw up food before (and YUCK ate it again), so maybe this is nothing to worry about, but we'll see.

05-18-2010, 11:55 AM
Sweet, precious Pinot! Prayers and crossed fingers that all will be well.

Don Juan's mom
05-18-2010, 12:07 PM
This makes me think of the time my brother the herpetologist attempted to collect a toad from my mother's vegetable garden. Mom (a dedicated organic gardener of long standing) physically restrained him and made it quite clear that she wanted the toad to stay in the garden and eat insect pests, as God meant it to do. Glad to know God gave the toad a back-up defense. :cool:

05-18-2010, 12:14 PM
Maggie, I sure hope that whatever is causing Pinot to throw up her food isn't anything serious. My cats will sometimes eat too fast,scarf and barf, or it's sometimes due to a hairball that they just need to throw up. Good luck at the vet.:)

My Ziggy is one who will not only eat her own vomit but will also gladly eat her siblings as well.:eek:

05-18-2010, 12:24 PM
So...has Pinot turned into a princess yet?
I'm sure I have my fairy tale reversed but I couldn't resist :)

Pinot's Mom
05-18-2010, 01:56 PM
So...has Pinot turned into a princess yet?
I'm sure I have my fairy tale reversed but I couldn't resist :)

You already know she's a princess! :p

05-18-2010, 07:15 PM
Hey Pinot!
I heard Meowmie say you tried to eat a toad and now you don't feel good. Are you okay? Do you feel better now? We don't have toads in Trenton and I don't think I've ever seen one in real life. Well, Soncat is going on a trip on Sunday and he'll be gone for two weeks so I have to finish helping him get ready. I'm sure going to miss him! Feel better soon so you'll be okay for our next Catmobile adventure. I'll call you on your cell phone. Please say hi to your purrents for me?

Purrs and headbumpies,
Your friend,

05-18-2010, 08:31 PM
Toads do cause dogs to become lethargic and drool a lot so it might be the same for cats. One of our dogs licked a toad a few years ago and we had to keep him in the entrance on layers of sheets because the drool was so bad. It cleared up in less than a week and he was fine, but it did interfere with his eating and he did throw up quite a bit. No side effects, hope it works the same for cats, hope Pinot gets back to normal soon.

05-19-2010, 07:30 AM
My prays that everything will go well at the vet appt. or did she already have it??

Going after a toad...silly girl...:)

I bet it tasted pretty nasty.


Pinot's Mom
05-19-2010, 05:53 PM
Whew, vet visit done, Pinot's fine!:)

Dr. Huson looked her up and down (and put THAT THERMOMETER THERE!), talked to us for a good long time about her eating habits and anything that could be wrong. She said, "I see a healthy kitty", who may be eating too fast, or could have too much water mixed with the food... She also discussed something I've read about on this forum quite a bit, and that's gradually reducing carbs/grains. She may just not be fond of processing them. She supports the opinion that cats just don't need them, and some just don't have the system to support processing them.

So, we'll do this GRADUALLY, but we'll be, as Dr. Huson said, "cutting down on the kibble". Thanks y'all for being there for the princess; she's our healthy 11lb. beauty.:love:

05-19-2010, 05:56 PM
Good to hear!

05-19-2010, 05:58 PM
Great news!

My boys have been on Origen grain free for a long time. But I do have to change to the Innova Weight Management (ahem). It's also grain-free, and my guys like it better than the Origen!

See if a pet store has some sample bags.

Hugs and kissies to Pinot!:):love::love:

05-19-2010, 06:30 PM
Great news! WOO HOO!

I switched to grain free last Sept, and am so pleased. Three of the pudgier ones have trimmed down all on their own. I am using Taste of the Wild Rocky Mountain Feline Formula.

After the research I've done, I am surprised any vet says felines can do anything with grains! Their systems just aren't built to process grains.

05-19-2010, 06:36 PM
Whew, vet visit done, Pinot's fine!:)

Thanks y'all for being there for the princess; she's our healthy 11lb. beauty.:love:

Dear precious Pinot,
hughughughughughughughug kisskisskisskisskisskisskisskisskisskiss MMWAH!
Your admiring fan,

05-19-2010, 06:36 PM
Hi Maggie, I'm so happy and relieved to know that Princess Pinot Noir is feeling better and had a good check up with the vet. I'll let Groucho know the good news, he has been worried about his kitty friend. Sending lots of lovies to Pinot :love: :love: :love:

Queen of Poop
05-19-2010, 07:28 PM
So glad Miss Pinot is alright. Please give her a hug and kiss. :love:

05-19-2010, 08:28 PM
Wonderful news about Pinot! So glad to hear she's doing so well.. especially after the nasty toad-goop.

05-20-2010, 12:32 AM
I'm so glad to hear that Pinot is healthy but just needs a different diet.:)

I too have been feeding all of my cats grain free for several years now and they've all slimmed down except for Ziggy who just seems to keep on growing.:eek: I've been feeding them Innova Evo dry and some of their 95% canned duck and vension. I've also been feeding them Nature's Variety Instinct canned rabbit and lamb. Pearl's the only one who seems to only prefer dry food and she has to be on a grain free diet due her Eosinophilic Granuloma Complex condition or she'll break out on her lips and chin.

Hopefully due to Procter & Gamble buying out Natura Pet Products,which include Innova, Evo, California Natural, Healthwise, Mother Nature, and Karma, they won't change any of the ingredients. If they do, then I'll just have to switch my cats over to another grain free dry food. Good luck with Pinot's new diet.:)

05-20-2010, 10:47 AM
18 pound Moon says 11 pound Pinot is a lightweight!! :D

05-20-2010, 11:13 AM
Myndi and Sparky are doing the happy tail wags and they are so glad that their kitty friend Pinot doesn't have anything wrong with her.

Hi Pinot - M & S here to tell you that we have been grain free (well mostly anyway), since last Fall and we actually like it that way. Sometimes we pull the finicky act on Mom, just so she'll give us a break for a day or two, and that's when she breaks open a can of the old stuff we used to eat, but then it's back to the veggies and home cooked meat. She says that's better for us anyway, and she's "usually" right! :p

Glad you're okay - and stay away from those nasty toads! :eek: