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Laura's Babies
05-15-2010, 10:56 AM
Samantha's former "owner" has moved back into the neighborhood and came by. I had heard several months ago they were moving back and knew she would be coming by. I really wondered if Samantha would remember her and run hide from her like she use to. She was a terrible cat mom and did not take care of Samantha at all, darn near letting her starve to death. Had I not been living here, she woulds have died of thirst and hunger.

Anyway, she came by and all my girls came out to meet our company as they always do, even Samantha! Samantha let her pet her and was not afraid of her at all! I think in the 8 years she has lived with me, she has forgotten her first 2 years of life with that person. I am SO glad that she has forgotten her and won't be terrified every time this person drops by, which I hope won't be to often.

I had to dig out Samantha's paperwork from the vets to see how long she has been here and was stunned to realize she has been with me for EIGHT YEARS!:eek: Add the 2 years she begged at my front door to be mine, that makes her TEN YEARS OLD! :eek: I am stunned again! Where did that time go?:confused: She is so small and playful that I still think of her as a kitten, except when I look at those whiskers that have turned white.

I thank God she has forgotten the first 2 years of her life, how neglected she was and how she was mistreated. We are just SO glad we are together and she shows me every day how much she loves me.

My beautiful little blackie.

05-15-2010, 01:30 PM
I'm glad to hear that she's forgotten those horrible 2 years with this woman but I sure hope that this woman doesn't have any current pets. If she does I hope she'll take good care of them. I'm kind of suprised that you let this woman come over. I don't think that I'd be able to be as nice.

I'm sure that Samantha is very grateful that you took her in and now she gets to know what a true loving forever home really is like.:) The years do fly by quickly but she's enjoying every moment she has with you. Thank you so much for saving her.:) She sure is a gorgeous girl.:)

Laura's Babies
05-15-2010, 02:11 PM
KAK.. I don't think she has any pets but worse.... she has custody of a 15 month old real BABY! The baby looks well taken care of but OMG... she was a holy terror in my house! She was the busiest little thing I ever saw, constantly moving and pulling stuff down.. "SHE" never got off the sofa! I had to run after her and take stuff away from her the whole time. She grabbed the base for my cordless phone and "she" sat on the sofa saying "PUT THAT DOWN! ONE.......TWO...... " by the time she got to three she about had it ripped out of the wall! Arggggg..:rolleyes:

She is a beautiful child and I know it is not her fault.. I wonder if all she feeds that baby is sugar? My own grandkids and great grands have never acted like that in my house!

The only good part was the baby never once looked at or touched the cats..

(I let "her" back in because I wanted to see if Samantha remembered her, I will NOT invite her in anymore!)

05-15-2010, 03:49 PM
:love:It sounds as though that Child is growing up without discipline as most children are taught what is proper behavior.:(
I was talking to my friend who works at Wal Mart and she has horror stories about ill mannered brtas who get into snacks and then lie to their faces, even when theirs are covered in crumbs!!!:eek:
I am glad that Samanthas forgotten her past, and I know how you feel.
When I see my Ex Porch Cats Tubster Panther:love: and Scrappy Two:love:, I have that good feeling too.:love::love:

05-15-2010, 08:10 PM
Hi, beautiful Samantha! Your shiny, black coat is so beautiful, I hope a lot of good luck will come my way because you have crossed my path today. Here are some ((((HUGS)))) for you and Giz, Kitty Boo and Amy and your meowmie who loves you!

05-16-2010, 07:25 AM
Aw, Samantha has forgotten her old life b/c she's had such a good one w/you, Laura. She's such a tiny, pretty girl. :love:

05-16-2010, 08:20 AM
Samantha is beautiful! I can't get over her shiny coat. I'm glad she's with you.

05-16-2010, 09:38 AM
What a beautiful kitty girl you are, Samantha! As you already know, you are in the best furever home any kitty could hope for.

Laura, bless you for taking Samantha in and giving her the life every kitty deserves. What a relief to know she has forgotten those "unpleasant" early years. That woman sounds simply awful. The fact that she has custody of a little one is scary!

Could I ask you to give Samantha and each of her fur sibs lots of lovies from their admirer in Trenton? :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: