View Full Version : my elderly neighbour has passed away..

05-10-2010, 05:57 PM
I just wanted to start this thread in honour of my neighbour Myrtle.

I have only heard today that she left us for a better place, and i will be going down to her house to pay my respects.

Sadly she fell and broke her hip, and was in hospital for over a month, she got a lung infection,and it was decided not to intervene, Myrtle had wanted to leave earth some time ago really and often used to remark to me,' Gosh Carole what are they going to do with me, i am still going.'

She was indeed a very sweet old lady, who lives two houses down from me, both my children who are now grown, always used to take their friends when they were little down to her house to visit her.

She was indeed a real icon in the neighbourhood, and loved by many , i will miss seeing her sitting outside on her verandah and giving her a wave as we passed by.

RIP dear Myrtle, she was a grand age of 100 .

05-10-2010, 06:00 PM
Rest in peace, dear lady. There are still a few blossoms on the myrtle in my yard, when I seem them, I will think of you!

05-10-2010, 06:26 PM
100 years. Bless her. She is in a better place. :love:

05-10-2010, 06:48 PM
100 years! God bless you, Myrtle, and may you rest in peace.

05-10-2010, 07:22 PM
God bless you Myrtle! What a long full life you led, living to be 100. My grandpa lived to be 99 1/2. It's amazing to me that our bodies/minds can carry us that long. Sending prayers and thoughts to your family and friends during this hard time. :love:

Laura's Babies
05-10-2010, 10:45 PM
100 years! Bless her sweet soul, may she rest in peace. I am sure she will be missed by MANY! Can you imagine how many lives she touched in 100 years?!

05-11-2010, 04:38 PM
Actually i just read her death notice and Myrtle made it to 101, i knew she had a birthday soon, but thought she had not made it, but she did, she was amazing, still living in her own home, obviously she must have had some help, but still that is quite an achievement in it self really.

She was very well liked and loved, a friend to many it said in her notice, i thought that was very appropriate. RIP dear lady.