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View Full Version : New frustration on being sick....

04-29-2010, 08:21 AM
I called in sick again today (day #3)

I'm still coughing and it feels like each cough inflates my head like a balloon... if the cough is hard enough I start to throw up. Oh joy.

I called my manager and told him I still feel terrible and would like to stay home today to get healthy. I NEED to get healthy for my surgery in a couple weeks. I guess I'm being paranoid but I'm putting all my hopes of happy sinuses into this surgery. Anyway, the boss gave me a bit of attitude (which I expected and its not unmerited) and I told him I'd try to come in today but I need to be left alone to do my thing and not have anybody tease me about being sick (again)

You see, its the office joke that I'm always sick. Don't you think I want to be healthy? Do you think I enjoy having migraines that knock me flat for days on end? Do you think I'm not frustrated over never having energy. Of never knowing how my head will feel from one hour to the next?

WHY is it ok for THEM to get sick? One had kidney stones last month.... he was complaining of them for months prior. Did anyone tease him about his constant whining over kidney pains? Noooooo.

Another had surgery for diverticulitis (sp?) and he had a LOT of flare-ups before the surgery. Did anyone tease him for stomach pains? Of course not!

So why is my migraine/sinus pain something completely free and clear to tease? Is it because they can't understand why I'm always complaining of the same thing? Is it because they can't understand how I could constantly have the same pain week after week? Do they not believe me?

I'm going back to bed!

Pawsitive Thinking
04-29-2010, 08:25 AM
Can you get some sort of doctor's note to show your boss? Must be awful for you to have to deal with all this as well as not feeling your best. Hope you start to feel better soon :love:

04-29-2010, 09:30 AM
I'm so sorry to hear about you being sick. I'm so sorry work is giving you a rough time as well. I hope your upcoming surgery will help you.

Do you work with all males? Just curious. I work with a few females but it's mostly males and I don't think they have much compassion some do but not all. Anyway, with my back problems and yes I'm still overweight even though I've dropped 70 lbs but I can only do so much weight loss it seems at the moment with stress and everything else my body is going through but I feel at times they think I'm making up my back pain but I shared my MRI with my boss and the 2 main bosses so they know I can't do any lifting anymore. I've had a back few weeks here lately and unless you through it yourself you don't know how bad it can be.

I've learned this from myself and with my husbands Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome (CVS). He gets really bad migraines as well and he has to stay home in the dark and sometimes that isn't enough but it's better than being under floursent lights. Anyway I understand how it feels when people are just plan rude and cruel.

My boss gets migraines as well so at least she knows what my husband is going through in that regard.

Take care and I hope you feel better soon.

04-29-2010, 11:29 AM
:( I am so sorry your so sick.. I wish you to get well soon..

Now you kept saying he he was sick at work.. Well there you go it was a man & not a woman.. Thats why you got the hit & they did not..

04-29-2010, 11:33 AM
How do you react when they tease you? Like children on the schoolyard, people tend to only keep teasing when they get a reaction ... Be prepared to ignore or change the subject next time, okay?

04-29-2010, 02:12 PM
Rut-roh..... I just got caught eatging out!!!!

I went for blood tests and we were hungry so we went to Friday's down the street. My boss was there with his brother. Busted!

Thank goodness I look and sound as miserable as I feel... he asked if I even brushed my hair this morning :eek: & took a photo of me with his camera phone and will tell everyone about my hookie tomorrow.

Sigh.My boss might be cool, but my one coworker is AWFUL. I told my boss that one coworker is the main reason why I called in sick today. I told him how I can't take being ridiculed anymore and that if I went in to work today I would have given the coworkers a piece of my mind.

Oh, and the for the record: the food is not sitting happily in my tummy. I haven't eatned much the past few days, so I have no idea what I was thinking about eating out. The fever made me do it? :p

04-29-2010, 02:29 PM
Yeah that would stink. At least it sounds like your boss was nice to you. Plus you have to eat and when you don't feel well who feels like cooking..... next time maybe do take out so you won't run into him :)

04-29-2010, 09:04 PM
I haven't mentioned this on PT, but I was diagnosed with my 2nd and most serious gastric ulcer last month. If I don't recover with meds by June, I'll be missing a part of my tummy. Anyway, seriously, and not withstanding any religious, ethnic blah,blah,blah..chicken soup is the 8th wonder of the world. I lost so much weight from upchucking (John has crowned me the Queen :rolleyes:), the only thing I was able to eat in peace in ages was chicken soup. I hate soup. I am NOT a soup eater. But when push comes to shove...

When I get a migraine, if I were to eat at Fridays, I'd never make it out of there. I love their menu, but it hates me.

My situation at work, with my spine problems back in the day, came from women. That was until 3 of them began experiencing medical problems and missing work. Believe it or not, I got 2 apologies which will be etched in my brain forever. What goes around........

04-30-2010, 02:25 PM
I haven't mentioned this on PT, but I was diagnosed with my 2nd and most serious gastric ulcer last month. If I don't recover with meds by June, I'll be missing a part of my tummy. Anyway, seriously, and not withstanding any religious, ethnic blah,blah,blah..chicken soup is the 8th wonder of the world. I lost so much weight from upchucking (John has crowned me the Queen :rolleyes:), the only thing I was able to eat in peace in ages was chicken soup. I hate soup. I am NOT a soup eater. But when push comes to shove...

When I get a migraine, if I were to eat at Fridays, I'd never make it out of there. I love their menu, but it hates me.

My situation at work, with my spine problems back in the day, came from women. That was until 3 of them began experiencing medical problems and missing work. Believe it or not, I got 2 apologies which will be etched in my brain forever. What goes around........

I'm so sorry to hear about your gastric ulcer. I hope you do recover with meds by June. I love Giant's brand of chicken noodle soup, I don't know what it is but I think it's better than Campbells.

Take care,

04-30-2010, 04:29 PM
My manager sent me home early today.... I'm not gonna argue with that one! He said I sounded so awful that it would annoy customers. A customer said I sounded like I have whooping cough. Whooping Cough?!?!?!

I hope I sound better by tomorrow morning because I'm having my yearly yard sale.

05-03-2010, 10:22 AM
I hope you are feeling better. It's never easy to be so sick all the time.

My prays are with you.
