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View Full Version : Puzzle 497

Killearn Kitties
04-19-2010, 01:31 PM
New players! Read the rules before you join, please, and be prepared to host the next if you win!

These are the rules:

1. You may only guess one letter at a time.

2. After you have guessed a letter, you must wait for another player to guess a letter before you can go again. (see also rule #9)

3. The host of the game responding to a guess does not count as a turn. Should you choose a letter, then receive a response from the member host, you must wait for the next member to guess a letter.

4. One point will be awarded for each correct letter, 2 points for vowels.

5. Only six misses are allowed in the game.

6. If you wish to guess the phrase, send it to me via Pet Talk Private message. (This is accessible via the 'PM' or 'Profile' buttons on any of my posts). DO NOT post it on the forum. If you wish to guess a letter, post it on the forum.

7. You must have submitted a correct letter to submit your solution. Unlike letters, if you submit a wrong solution, you are disqualified from continuing in that puzzle.

8. The player who correctly guesses the phrase wins the game. If no one has guessed it correctly after six misses, then the player with the most points wins the game.

9. Only 5 guesses allowed in total until the host updates the puzzle. Any guess after 5, before the next update, won't be counted as a guess. And as always, someone else has to guess a letter before you can guess another letter.

And here is what you win ... you get to create the next puzzle.

(Should you win the game and do not care to host the next puzzle, you may pass it to the member with the next highest points)

-- ------- -- --- ---- ----. ------ ---- - --- ---- -----. --- ------- --- --- - ----- ---- -- ------------ -------- ----- --- --- ------- ------'- ------ ---- ---- - ------, -- --, --- ---- -- ----- ---- ---- -- ----- ------ --- - ------, --- ---, --- -- --. ----- ------- ---- --- ------- ---- ----- ----- -- ------. ---- --- ------ -- ---- ------- --- -- --- ------- ---- -- -- ------ ------ --- --- -------- ------- -- --------- --- ------- --- -------- -- ----- --- ---------- -- --. -- --- ------- --------- ------ -- --- ---- ----- -------- ---- -- ---- ------- ~ -- ---- ---------. ---- ---------- --- ------ ---- --------- -- - -------- ---------- -- ------ ------, ------- ------, -------- ------, --------, ---- ---- ----- ------ -------, ----- -----, --------- --- ----- ------- ------- ----------- --- -- ------- ------. --- ------- ------- ------ ------- --- ---- -----, --- ------ ---- ------- -- -- ------- -- -- --, -- -- -- ---- ----- ------ --- ------ -- --- ------- -------- -- -- ---- -- --------- ---------- -------- ------ ---- --- -----.

------- ------- ------- - ----- -----

Pinot's Mom
04-19-2010, 01:35 PM
E please!

04-19-2010, 01:44 PM
Goodness that's a long one!

A, please!

Pinot's Mom
04-19-2010, 01:50 PM
I know - I'm glad I'm not hosting it!! ;)

04-19-2010, 03:02 PM
Will you give me the I's please, Karen. :)

Killearn Kitties
04-19-2010, 03:37 PM
Yes, I'm not quite sure what I was thinking!

I- E---a-- i- -a- -e-- ----. ----e- --a- I -a- e-e- -----. --e ------- -e- -i- a --ea-
-ea- -- -ea--~-a--e- --a--i-- a---- --- --- ----e-- ------'- -ea--- -a-- --i- a -i--e-,
-- --, a-- --a- -e ----- ---- -i-e i- --e-e -ea--- -a- a -i--e-, -a- -a-, a-- -- --. --ei-
a--e--- -e-e -a- ----ie- --a- --ei- -e--e -- ------. --e- a-- -ee-e- -- -a-e --e--e- ---
-- --e -ea---e -i-- -- a- Ea-i-- ---e-- --- --e --e-i-i- ------e -- ---a--i-- --- ----a-e a--
--a--i-- -- e---a --- e-e----i-- i- i-. -- --- ----a-e ----i--e- -ai--- -- --e -e-- -a--e
--i--a-e -a-e -- ---- -ea--e- ~ ie -ea- -a----a--. --i- ----e--i-- -a- ----e- i---
------i-- -- a -a--a--e ----e--i-- -- -e--i- ------, ----i-- ------, -a-aiia- --i---, -~--i---,
---- ---- ----- ----e- -a--a--, ----- -----, -a-----e- a-- ---e- a--a-e- e--a---
a------ia-e --- a- E---i-- -i--e-. --e ------- ---i-e- -i--e- ------- --e -ea- --i-e, --e
-e---- -i-e ----i-- a- -e i---ea- -- a- i-, a- i- -- -a-e ----- -e--a- --e -e--e- -- --e i--i-i-
------e- -- -e -a-e -- ------i-- ----i-a--e -----i-- a----- -a-- --e -----.

-a--i-- ---a--- E---a-- ~--i-e -a-e-

Letters remaining

Pinot's Mom E(96)=192
Karen A(76)=152
Randi I(56)=112

04-19-2010, 04:02 PM
:) "T" please

04-19-2010, 04:06 PM
S, please!

Pinot's Mom
04-19-2010, 05:47 PM
O please!

04-19-2010, 06:59 PM
N please

04-19-2010, 10:18 PM
U please

Killearn Kitties
04-20-2010, 05:03 AM
Some complete words now!

In En--an- it -as -e-- -o--. -o--e- t-an I -a- e-e- -no-n. T-e -usto-s -en -i- a --eat
-ea- o- -ea--~-an-e- --a--in- a-out -o- -ou –o--e-s -ou--n't -ea--- -a-- t-is a -inte-,
-o -o, an- --at -e -ou-- -oo- -i-e i- t-e-e -ea--- -as a -inte-, -a- -a-, an- so on. T-ei-
a--ents -e-e -a- -unnie- t-an t-ei- sense o- -u-ou-. T-e- a-- see-e- to -a-e ste--e- out
o- t-e -eatu-e -ist o- an Ea-in- -o-e-- -o- t-e s-e-i-i- -u--ose o- un-a--in- ou- -u--a-e an-
--a--in- us e-t-a -o- e-e--t-in- in it. -- o-n -u--a-e -onsiste- -ain-- o- one -e-- -a--e
suit-ase -a-e o- -o-- -eat-e- ~ ie -ea- -a---oa--. T-is -o--en-iu- -as -o--e- into
-otun-it- -- a -a-ua--e -o--e-tion o- tennis s-o-ts, -unnin- s-o-ts, -a-aiian s-i-ts, T~s-i-ts,
-on- -on- t-on- -u--e- san-a-s, s-o-t so--s, san-s-oes an- ot-e- a--a-e- e-ua---
a---o--iate -o- an En--is- -inte-. T-e -usto-s o--i-e- si-te- t--ou-- t-e -ea- t-i-e, t-e
se-on- ti-e -oo-in- at -e instea- o- at it, as i- -- -a-e -ou-- -et-a- t-e se--et o- t-e i--i-it
-o-tunes to -e -a-e -- s-u---in- unsuita--e --ot-in- a--oss -a-- t-e -o---.

-a--in- to-a--s En--an- ~--i-e -a-es

Letters remaining

Pinot's Mom E(96)+ O(69)=330
Karen A(76)+S(54)=206
Randi I(56)=112
Lvpets2002 T(69)=69
Asiel N(61)=61
Kokopup U(30)=60

04-20-2010, 05:59 AM
Karen, I think I'll have an H now, please. :)

Do you have nice weather over there, like we have?

Killearn Kitties
04-20-2010, 06:22 AM
48 H's coming up Randi! We have beautiful sunshine again today, but a cold, cold wind. It must be blowing all the ash back to us because the airport has closed again for a third time!

In En--an- it -as -e-- -o--. -o--e- than I ha- e-e- -no-n. The -usto-s -en -i- a --eat
-ea- o- hea--~han-e- -ha--in- a-out ho- -ou –o--e-s -ou--n't -ea--- -a-- this a -inte-,
ho ho, an- -hat -e -ou-- -oo- -i-e i- the-e -ea--- -as a -inte-, ha- ha-, an- so on. Thei-
a--ents -e-e -a- -unnie- than thei- sense o- hu-ou-. The- a-- see-e- to ha-e ste--e- out
o- the -eatu-e -ist o- an Ea-in- -o-e-- -o- the s-e-i-i- -u--ose o- un-a--in- ou- -u--a-e an-
-ha--in- us e-t-a -o- e-e--thin- in it. -- o-n -u--a-e -onsiste- -ain-- o- one -e-- -a--e
suit-ase -a-e o- -o-- -eathe- ~ ie -ea- -a---oa--. This -o--en-iu- -as -o--e- into
-otun-it- -- a -a-ua--e -o--e-tion o- tennis sho-ts, -unnin- sho-ts, Ha-aiian shi-ts, T~shi-ts,
Hon- -on- thon- -u--e- san-a-s, sho-t so--s, san-shoes an- othe- a--a-e- e-ua---
a---o--iate -o- an En--ish -inte-. The -usto-s o--i-e- si-te- th-ou-h the hea- t-i-e, the
se-on- ti-e -oo-in- at -e instea- o- at it, as i- -- -a-e -ou-- -et-a- the se--et o- the i--i-it
-o-tunes to -e -a-e -- s-u---in- unsuita--e --othin- a--oss ha-- the -o---.

-a--in- to-a--s En--an- ~--i-e -a-es

Letters remaining

04-20-2010, 06:48 AM
D please

Pinot's Mom
04-20-2010, 07:05 AM
G please!

04-20-2010, 07:20 AM
I'll take an R, please. :)

Karen, it seems that a new cloud is developing, so Danish airports are still closed. Looks like my sister and BIL will get an extra week or so in Thailand. :cool:

Killearn Kitties
04-20-2010, 07:24 AM
I'll have to come back with the R's Randi!

In Eng-and it -as -e-- -o-d. -o-de- than I had e-e- -no-n. The -usto-s -en did a g-eat
dea- o- hea--~handed -ha--ing a-out ho- -ou –o--e-s -ou-dn't -ea--- -a-- this a -inte-,
ho ho, and -hat -e -ou-d -oo- -i-e i- the-e -ea--- -as a -inte-, ha- ha-, and so on. Thei-
a--ents -e-e -a- -unnie- than thei- sense o- hu-ou-. The- a-- see-ed to ha-e ste--ed out
o- the -eatu-e -ist o- an Ea-ing -o-ed- -o- the s-e-i-i- -u--ose o- un-a--ing ou- -uggage and
-ha-ging us e-t-a -o- e-e--thing in it. -- o-n -uggage -onsisted -ain-- o- one -e-- -a-ge
suit-ase -ade o- -o-- -eathe- ~ ie -ea- -a-d-oa-d. This -o--endiu- -as -o--ed into
-otundit- -- a -a-ua--e -o--e-tion o- tennis sho-ts, -unning sho-ts, Ha-aiian shi-ts, T~shi-ts,
Hong -ong thong -u--e- sanda-s, sho-t so--s, sandshoes and othe- a--a-e- e-ua---
a---o--iate -o- an Eng-ish -inte-. The -usto-s o--i-e- si-ted th-ough the hea- t-i-e, the
se-ond ti-e -oo-ing at -e instead o- at it, as i- -- -a-e -ou-d -et-a- the se--et o- the i--i-it
-o-tunes to -e -ade -- s-ugg-ing unsuita--e --othing a--oss ha-- the -o--d.

-a--ing to-a-ds Eng-and ~--i-e -a-es

Letters remaining

Pinot's Mom E(96)+O(69)+G(28)=358
Karen A(76)+S(54)=206
Randi I(56)+ H(48)=160
Lvpets2002 T(69)=69
Asiel N(61)=61
Kokopup U(30)+ D(35)=95

Killearn Kitties
04-20-2010, 09:11 AM
In Eng-and it -as -er- -o-d. -o-der than I had e-er -no-n. The -usto-s -en did a great
dea- o- hea--~handed -ha--ing a-out ho- -ou –o--ers -ou-dn't rea--- -a-- this a -inter,
ho ho, and -hat -e -ou-d -oo- -i-e i- there rea--- -as a -inter, har har, and so on. Their
a--ents -ere -ar -unnier than their sense o- hu-our. The- a-- see-ed to ha-e ste--ed out
o- the -eature -ist o- an Ea-ing -o-ed- -or the s-e-i-i- -ur-ose o- un-a--ing our -uggage and
-harging us e-tra -or e-er-thing in it. -- o-n -uggage -onsisted -ain-- o- one -er- -arge
suit-ase -ade o- -o-- -eather ~ ie rea- -ard-oard. This -o--endiu- -as -or-ed into
rotundit- -- a -a-ua--e -o--e-tion o- tennis shorts, running shorts, Ha-aiian shirts, T~shirts,
Hong -ong thong ru--er sanda-s, short so--s, sandshoes and other a--are- e-ua---
a--ro-riate -or an Eng-ish -inter. The -usto-s o--i-er si-ted through the hea- t-i-e, the
se-ond ti-e -oo-ing at -e instead o- at it, as i- -- -a-e -ou-d -etra- the se-ret o- the i--i-it
-ortunes to -e -ade -- s-ugg-ing unsuita--e --othing a-ross ha-- the -or-d.

-a--ing to-ards Eng-and ~--i-e -a-es

Letters remaining

Pinot's Mom E(96)+O(69)+G(28)=358
Karen A(76)+S(54)=206
Randi I(56)+H(48)+ R(56)=216
Lvpets2002 T(69)=69
Asiel N(61)=61
Kokopup U(30)+ D(35)=95

04-20-2010, 10:20 AM
:) "L" please

04-20-2010, 11:32 AM

Pinot's Mom
04-20-2010, 11:45 AM
W please :)

04-20-2010, 12:57 PM
M please

Killearn Kitties
04-20-2010, 01:32 PM
In England it was -er- cold. Colder than I had e-er -nown. The customs men did a great
deal o- hea--~handed cha--ing a-out how -ou co--ers couldn't reall- call this a winter,
ho ho, and what we would loo- li-e i- there reall- was a winter, har har, and so on. Their
accents were -ar -unnier than their sense o- humour. The- all seemed to ha-e ste--ed out
o- the -eature list o- an Ealing comed- -or the s-eci-ic -ur-ose o- un-ac-ing our luggage and
charging us e-tra -or e-er-thing in it. M- own luggage consisted mainl- o- one -er- large
suitcase made o- moc- leather ~ ie real card-oard. This com-endium was -orced into
rotundit- -- a -alua-le collection o- tennis shorts, running shorts, Hawaiian shirts, T~shirts,
Hong -ong thong ru--er sandals, short soc-s, sandshoes and other a--arel e-uall-
a--ro-riate -or an English winter. The customs o--icer si-ted through the hea- twice, the
second time loo-ing at me instead o- at it, as i- m- -ace would -etra- the secret o- the illicit
-ortunes to -e made -- smuggling unsuita-le clothing across hal- the world.

-alling towards England ~Cli-e -ames

Letters remaining

Pinot's Mom E(96)+O(69)+G(28)+ W(18)=376
Karen A(76)+S(54)=206
Randi I(56)+H(48)+ R(56)=216
Lvpets2002 T(69)+ L(46)=115
Asiel N(61)+M(18)=79
Kokopup U(30)+ D(35)+C(33)=98

Pinot's Mom
04-20-2010, 01:58 PM
PM sent - and it better be right!! ;) I'm actually not entirely sure about just one word....

Killearn Kitties
04-20-2010, 02:11 PM
I am devasted to say it, after so much effort, but that word Pinot's Mom was not sure about was not right. So the puzzle goes on.

04-20-2010, 02:15 PM
v, please.

Killearn Kitties
04-20-2010, 02:23 PM
Hi Freckles, 8 V's for you. :)

In England it was ver- cold. Colder than I had ever -nown. The customs men did a great
deal o- heav-~handed cha--ing a-out how -ou co--ers couldn't reall- call this a winter,
ho ho, and what we would loo- li-e i- there reall- was a winter, har har, and so on. Their
accents were -ar -unnier than their sense o- humour. The- all seemed to have ste--ed out
o- the -eature list o- an Ealing comed- -or the s-eci-ic -ur-ose o- un-ac-ing our luggage and
charging us e-tra -or ever-thing in it. M- own luggage consisted mainl- o- one ver- large
suitcase made o- moc- leather ~ ie real card-oard. This com-endium was -orced into
rotundit- -- a valua-le collection o- tennis shorts, running shorts, Hawaiian shirts, T~shirts,
Hong -ong thong ru--er sandals, short soc-s, sandshoes and other a--arel e-uall-
a--ro-riate -or an English winter. The customs o--icer si-ted through the hea- twice, the
second time loo-ing at me instead o- at it, as i- m- -ace would -etra- the secret o- the illicit
-ortunes to -e made -- smuggling unsuita-le clothing across hal- the world.

-alling towards England ~Clive -ames

Letters remaining

Pinot's Mom E(96)+O(69)+G(28)+ W(18)=376
Karen A(76)+S(54)=206
Randi I(56)+H(48)+ R(56)=216
Lvpets2002 T(69)+ L(46)=115
Asiel N(61)+M(18)=79
Kokopup U(30)+ D(35)+C(33)+98
Freckles V(8)=8

04-20-2010, 02:50 PM
:) "Y" please

04-20-2010, 03:31 PM
How frustrating, I almost got it, but there's one or two words I don't know.

04-20-2010, 06:54 PM
P please

04-20-2010, 08:03 PM
PM sent ???????? probably missed two words

Killearn Kitties
04-21-2010, 04:10 AM
Kokopup correctly guessed one of his queried words, but not the other. So the puzzle goes on.

In England it was very cold. Colder than I had ever -nown. The customs men did a great
deal o- heavy~handed cha--ing a-out how you co--ers couldn't really call this a winter,
ho ho, and what we would loo- li-e i- there really was a winter, har har, and so on. Their
accents were -ar -unnier than their sense o- humour. They all seemed to have stepped out
o- the -eature list o- an Ealing comedy -or the speci-ic purpose o- unpac-ing our luggage and
charging us e-tra -or everything in it. My own luggage consisted mainly o- one very large
suitcase made o- moc- leather ~ ie real card-oard. This compendium was -orced into
rotundity -y a valua-le collection o- tennis shorts, running shorts, Hawaiian shirts, T~shirts,
Hong -ong thong ru--er sandals, short soc-s, sandshoes and other apparel e-ually
appropriate -or an English winter. The customs o--icer si-ted through the heap twice, the
second time loo-ing at me instead o- at it, as i- my -ace would -etray the secret o- the illicit
-ortunes to -e made -y smuggling unsuita-le clothing across hal- the world.

-alling towards England ~Clive -ames

Letters remaining

Pinot's Mom E(96)+O(69)+G(28)+ W(18)=376
Karen A(76)+S(54)=206
Randi I(56)+H(48)+ R(56)=216
Lvpets2002 T(69)+ L(46)+Y(17)=132
Asiel N(61)+M(18)+p(13)=92
Kokopup U(30)+ D(35)+C(33)+98
Freckles V(8)=8

04-21-2010, 06:17 AM
J please

Pinot's Mom
04-21-2010, 07:06 AM
I'll just sit here and sulk....:(

Killearn Kitties
04-21-2010, 07:30 AM
Aww sweetie, don't sulk. :D

In England it was very cold. Colder than I had ever -nown. The customs men did a great
deal o- heavy~handed cha--ing a-out how you co--ers couldn't really call this a winter,
ho ho, and what we would loo- li-e i- there really was a winter, har har, and so on. Their
accents were -ar -unnier than their sense o- humour. They all seemed to have stepped out
o- the -eature list o- an Ealing comedy -or the speci-ic purpose o- unpac-ing our luggage and
charging us e-tra -or everything in it. My own luggage consisted mainly o- one very large
suitcase made o- moc- leather ~ ie real card-oard. This compendium was -orced into
rotundity -y a valua-le collection o- tennis shorts, running shorts, Hawaiian shirts, T~shirts,
Hong -ong thong ru--er sandals, short soc-s, sandshoes and other apparel e-ually
appropriate -or an English winter. The customs o--icer si-ted through the heap twice, the
second time loo-ing at me instead o- at it, as i- my -ace would -etray the secret o- the illicit
-ortunes to -e made -y smuggling unsuita-le clothing across hal- the world.

-alling towards England ~Clive James
Letters remaining

Pinot's Mom E(96)+O(69)+G(28)+ W(18)=376
Karen A(76)+S(54)=206
Randi I(56)+H(48)+ R(56)=216
Lvpets2002 T(69)+ L(46)+Y(17)=132
Asiel N(61)+M(18)+p(13)=92
Kokopup U(30)+ D(35)+C(33)+98
Freckles V(8)=8
Wombelina J(1)=1

04-21-2010, 08:06 AM
PM sent

04-21-2010, 09:22 AM
:) "F" please

Killearn Kitties
04-21-2010, 12:42 PM
Wombat got it right! (Mind you, he could be said to have an advantage. :D) I have asked him if he will host the next puzzle, but he is probably in the land of nod at the moment. It was -

In England it was very cold. Colder than I had ever known. The customs men did a great
deal of heavy-handed chaffing about how you cobbers couldn't really call this a winter,
ho ho, and what we would look like if there really was a winter, har har, and so on. Their
accents were far funnier than their sense of humour. They all seemed to have stepped out
of the feature list of an Ealing comedy for the specific purpose of unpacking our luggage and
charging us extra for everything in it. My own luggage consisted mainly of one very large
suitcase made of mock leather - ie real cardboard. This compendium was forced into
rotundity by a valuable collection of tennis shorts, running shorts, Hawaiian shirts, T-shirts,
Hong Kong thong rubber sandals, short socks, sandshoes and other apparel equally
appropriate for an English winter. The customs officer sifted through the heap twice, the
second time looking at me instead of at it, as if my face would betray the secret of the illicit
fortunes to be made by smuggling unsuitable clothing across half the world.

Falling towards England - Clive James

04-21-2010, 06:11 PM
Yes folks, I had the advantage of being an Aussie....hee hee.
AND....may I take this opportunity to thank everyone for all their hard work in trying to gather heaps of points and in trying to solve this puzzle when I took it out at the last moment with only 1 point. :p:p:p

Pinot's Mom
04-21-2010, 06:20 PM
Yes folks, I had the advantage of being an Aussie....hee hee.
AND....may I take this opportunity to thank everyone for all their hard work in trying to gather heaps of points and in trying to solve this puzzle when I took it out at the last moment with only 1 point. :p:p:p

I know - ONE POINT!!

04-21-2010, 06:29 PM
I know - ONE POINT!!

So what was the word you had trouble with ????

Pinot's Mom
04-21-2010, 06:34 PM
So what was the word you had trouble with ????

'cobbers' - what the heck is a 'cobber'??

04-21-2010, 06:43 PM
'cobbers' - what the heck is a 'cobber'??

A mate !!!! :D

Pinot's Mom
04-21-2010, 06:45 PM
I called them 'coppers' - who knew??

04-21-2010, 06:48 PM
Coppers are police....cobbers are mates. :p

Killearn Kitties
04-22-2010, 03:42 AM
In amongst all this teasing, Wom did say that he would host the next puzzle.
I await with bated breath!

04-22-2010, 04:31 AM
I also had "coppers" and didn't know the words "rotundity" and "chaffer". :o

A challenging puzzle! :D