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View Full Version : New Nike Ad with Earl Woods' Voice

04-07-2010, 10:30 PM
What do you think?


04-07-2010, 10:46 PM
What do you think?


I heard about, won't go out of the way to watch it.

It's rumored his dad was the 'same way' w/his marriage.

If they somehow edit his dad's hand appearing from the sky and slapping him in the head after the line, "I want to know what you are/were thinking?"

I'd buy stock.


04-08-2010, 08:55 AM
I agree with Richard, and the whole thing is a cheap shot. But then, can we expect anything different from this jerk!!!???

And yes, he came by his ways rightfully, as his father was as big an a$$ as Tiger. The apple didn't fall far from the tree. No big deal was made about Earl's actions, since he was a small fry and not big game.

04-08-2010, 09:08 AM
I wonder if doing an ad like this was the only way Nike would give him another chance. :confused:

04-08-2010, 09:13 AM

We were asked to comment on the AD, not about 2nd chances.

04-08-2010, 10:16 AM
That's crummy.....the worst ad I have ever seen in my life. :rolleyes:

04-08-2010, 10:23 AM
I wonder if anyone on the planet believes in second chances?

A few million recovered alcoholics and addicts do, because they had one and made good on it.

It can happen. And does happen, every day.

I hope Woods and others like him hang around people that are 'winners' - who have made good and/or can encourage him to stay on the right path.

Being around bashers and naysayers would make taking the right road all that much harder.

04-08-2010, 10:42 AM
I wonder if anyone on the planet believes in second chances?

A few million recovered alcoholics and addicts do, because they had one and made good on it.

It can happen. And does happen, every day.

I hope Woods and others like him hang around people that are 'winners' - who have made good and/or can encourage him to stay on the right path.

Being around bashers and naysayers would make taking the right road all that much harder.

And if the world made it easier for him to take the right road, how long before he took the wrong road again ???

04-08-2010, 11:35 AM
I think the video is creepy. I would love to know their thinking behind it.

But, they have stuck by Tiger where his other sponsors have dropped him.

04-08-2010, 01:14 PM
wom - I have 14 years in...and I know that I am just one drink away from a drunk.

Addictions are never cured. One can recover - and the condition can be managed - but that takes a LOT of work. Recovery has to be a way of life.

Tiger's in the first few months...at least if he goes out of town, he can find meetings to go to!

04-08-2010, 01:54 PM
No one is beyond forgiveness.

It's the way it's achieved. Sometimes you have to go within yourself to make sure you forgive yourself, then you work on your family, co-workers.

Forgiveness/Sobriety/Living is the one-day-at-a-time project.

This guy has enough money to stay at home and work on his life/family/relationship. Instead? He chooses to claim Hunky Dory-ness and
after a few months decides to go and play golf again, the same lifestyle and enviroment that got him into trouble.

It has nothing to do with forgiveness. For him or from us.

IT has to do with character.

It's not Gatorade, Gillette, Nike or condoms....ba dump.

This guy pulled a scam on everyone and forgive us if we fell for the simple joy of watching something to get us away from our boring life.

We do watch sports to escape and for some of us it's a critical part of our being.

You want to yell, scream and cheer. If your team/man/woman loses? You should feel good that they performed well.

So, now TW has put himself into the position of being human- He's the same jackass that left your sister, left her head spinning and became the talk of the town by making everyone look stupid because they thought he was a great guy.

We may not have the right to feel indignant because he cheated on his wife? But, people that truly thought he was a class act as a golfer are the ones that he has to win back.

5 months of press conferences and rehab do not make a clean slate. and the people who want to separate the golf from his marriage are the same people who will look at a spouse or SO and say, They would never cheat on ME!!

Everyone has the "Flaming Bag of Tiger Poop" left on their doorstep, one time or another.

It's resisting the urge to stomp it out barefoot that makes us all unique.;)

04-08-2010, 05:00 PM
RICHARD, I totally agree with you that 5 months of it all does not make a clean slate...if a newbie with 5 months in the program was my sponsee, I would be staying in CLOSE touch to make sure she was getting there. Takes a while for the head to clear.

Golf IS what Tiger is good at and loves, so I applaud him for going back to it. In his off course life, however, he will be watched carefully...the media will look for any small thing to jump on and spin.

Here's an interesting article I found yesterday - one of Tiger's colleagues making some statements and giving another inside look at the pro golf life. He claims that Europeans don't make it at American golf because it is soo lonely a life - no camaraderie.



The unbearable heaviness of being Tiger

Only one professional golfer dares to take a swing at the game’s weightiest topic

By Cam Cole, Vancouver Sun April 7, 2010

Tiger Woods of the U.S. looks at his iPhone before using it to take a picture of playing partner Mark O'Meara on the 10th green, during a practice round for the 2010 Masters golf tournament at the Augusta National Golf Club in Augusta, Georgia, April 6, 2010.
Photograph by: Hans Deryk, Reuters

If the ratings are to be believed, half of North America stopped what it was doing Monday to watch Tiger Woods answer questions on live television from the media room at the Augusta National Golf Club.

The other half, evidently, included all the players in the Masters field, who seem to have decided upon a common, harmless lie to fend off further queries about Tiger – namely: “Didn’t watch it. Sorry. So I can’t really say.”

And then there is Ireland’s Padraig Harrington, professional golf’s MVP – most voluble player – out of whose mouth so many pearls of wisdom spill each week, golf writers can just collect, collate, and regurgitate them, and presto! A column.

The words “no comment” are not in his vocabulary, bless his heart. So while practically all 94 other players not named Tiger Woods had little to add Tuesday – and hoped fervently not to be asked, ever again, about the scandal that has touched them all in one way or another – Harrington climbed down from the dais after his formal pre-tournament news conference, and happily fielded questions from a small knot of mostly European writers.

And waded right in to the unbearable heaviness of being Tiger.

It was a point of view few of Woods’s peers have dared to put forward, lest they appear to be sympathetic, which would take some explaining at home.

Harrington, winner of three majors in a span of 13 months – two of them, the 2008 British Open and PGA Championship, while Woods was rehabbing from knee surgery – had no such reservations.

His theory? Tiger Woods was driven to a secret life by the loneliness of his real one. Some of it self-imposed, some out of self-preservation.

“At the end of the day Tiger has always struggled to mix with the players purely because anywhere he goes people want things from him,” said Harrington, who has never been, especially, a friend of Tiger’s but sympathizes with the relentless demands on his time.

In the locker-room, he said, players always have something for Tiger to sign – his locker is frequently jammed with articles other players have put there to be autographed – so he tends to spend as little time as possible in what is supposed to be a sanctuary for the golfers.

“I think everyone has found that he was difficult to know. I would say over the years that Tiger Woods, other than in a rain delay, would use one out of 10 locker-rooms,” Harrington said.

Outside, the demands, and the dangers, are exponentially greater.

“I was playing in Houston last week and it was a reasonable week but it took me about 30 minutes each day signing autographs,” said Harrington. “If Tiger Woods did that it would take what? Five, six hours? You would have 20,000 people queuing up for that autograph.

“And he can’t stand there for half-an-hour and then walk away. You’re the worst in the world for turning down the next person in the line.

“That would be the same with the media and giving interviews to some but not others. There are just different levels all the way through and because Tiger is at a different level, he has to draw a line and stop.”

The temptation here is to roll our eyes and say, “Yeah, what an awful life, being adored everywhere.”

But Harrington is quite serious.

“Tiger just can’t walk into a restaurant and sit at the bar and have sushi,” he said, laughing. “It just can’t happen. He can’t just go out with his mates. That’s the good thing about the European Tour because you can wander down to the hotel foyer at 7 p.m. with no plans whatsoever but there would be three or four different groups of guys who you could go to dinner with.

“You’d meet the first guy you bump into and off you go. That does not happen much on the U.S. tour and happens even less for Tiger and that must be very frustrating.

“The reason the Europeans haven’t done that great in the States over the years is that life is very lonely for them. So in many ways Tiger is living his own life. There is no way I could sit in a hotel room in the evenings. That is no way to live your life, but in many ways he was forced into that lifestyle.

“Obviously, he found a social aspect in a different ...”

Ahem. Yes, obviously.

Even Harrington wasn’t about to open that can of worms.

Like the players, the tournament committee had hoped that by staging Tiger’s one and only pre-event press availability on Monday, conversation would turn to other things and a more or less normal Masters would unfold as the week progressed.

But Wednesday is predictions day, and guess who will be heavily featured? And then play begins Thursday, and Woods tees off in the next-to-last group of the day, with Matt Kuchar and K.J. Choi, at 1:42 p.m. EDT.

He should be playing the back nine during ESPN’s two-hour window from 4-6 p.m., barring a thunderstorm. Probably a coincidence.

But whether he flirts with missing the cut or challenges for the lead on the weekend, there will be nothing normal about this Masters. It will be all Tiger, all the time.

The fishbowl in which the, er, lonely Lothario lives has never been more transparent.

[email protected]
© Copyright (c) Canwest News Service

04-08-2010, 06:47 PM

Fnlly got out of houz an cn tlk to U
Need 2 wayt ntil heet is off - M plyin Mstrs
now 2 win bck fns.

LOLOLOLOL, This is another stupid move on his part.

THere are tons of his messages to his harem, WHY IN THE WORLD would you be seen screwing about with a cell phone.

04-09-2010, 06:39 AM
wom - I have 14 years in...and I know that I am just one drink away from a drunk.

Addictions are never cured. One can recover - and the condition can be managed - but that takes a LOT of work. Recovery has to be a way of life.

Tiger's in the first few months...at least if he goes out of town, he can find meetings to go to!

Well, I certainly hope he can hang in there for his family's sake.
I wish him well....I really do.
I'm still not sure about that commercial tho.
As gini said "I would love to know their thinking behind it." I gotta go with that to. ;)

04-09-2010, 08:11 AM

Fnlly got out of houz an cn tlk to U
Need 2 wayt ntil heet is off - M plyin Mstrs
now 2 win bck fns.

LOLOLOLOL, This is another stupid move on his part.

THere are tons of his messages to his harem, WHY IN THE WORLD would you be seen screwing about with a cell phone.

I heard it reported that he was taking a picture of the golf ball with his cell phone!:confused:
You mean, that after all these years, he can't remember what a golf ball looks like??? :confused::rolleyes::eek:
And the phone's not even pointed at the ball.........:rolleyes:

04-09-2010, 11:25 AM
http://www.popeater.com/2010/04/08/tiger-woods-nike-commercial-parodies/?icid=main|main|dl2|link3|http%3A%2F%2Fwww.popeate r.com%2F2010%2F04%2F08%2Ftiger-woods-nike-commercial-parodies%2F

04-09-2010, 12:04 PM
I think I get it now - Nike is laughing and laughing! Everyone is talking about their commercial - exactly what they wanted.

04-09-2010, 12:09 PM
As Oscar Wilde said: “The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about.” :cool::D

04-14-2010, 07:34 PM
Now that I've seen it, I don't like it. I'm also surprised at Nike's decision not to drop Tiger from sponsorship.

04-14-2010, 10:20 PM
My husband heard on one of the sports radio shows that the commercial is a fraud. It was not simply one conversation that Earl Woods had with his son - it's made up of clips of things he said over time - to and about others, not Tiger.

04-14-2010, 10:22 PM
I have never owned a pair of Nikes, and do not intend to start now.

04-15-2010, 06:50 AM
I heard that Tiger and Elan are in the process of working out divorce details. I hope all those flings were worth it, because he sure is losing so much. Elan will stay in FL for an unspecified amount of time, but then is supposed to be moving back home to that house she recently bought. Sure makes weekend visitation with the kids for Tiger, somewhat inconvenient!!! Yup - those flings must have been worth it.......:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::mad:

04-18-2010, 02:04 PM
Isn't this story sad? And we have Sandra Bullock in the same situation.

What in God's good name are these dudes thinking? I guess just from the waist down.

04-18-2010, 02:19 PM
Isn't this story sad? And we have Sandra Bullock in the same situation.

What in God's good name are these dudes thinking? I guess just from the waist down.

While I want to defend all 'manhood'?:eek::rolleyes:

I have to agree.

I have met/talked to many women who have had their 'belief in man' ruined by the previous guys in their lives. Guys like Woods, James and Rothlisberger
ruin 'it' for the rest of us guys.



THAT Earl's comments were taken out of context was the biggest 'problem'-along with the fact that poor Earl is dead.

Nike's prez was walking the course with Tiger's mom, he was stuck on her arse like a barnacle. When he was approached about the ad he deferred to the marketing director who was with them. In essence he too no responsibility for the ad-he just passed it off as not his doing.:rolleyes:

I have a pair of Nike shoes I bought 4 years ago and have no problem stepping in dog crap when I go on my walks....:eek:;)

04-21-2010, 10:40 AM
I have met/talked to many women who have had their 'belief in man' ruined by the previous guys in their lives. Guys like Woods, James and Rothlisberger
ruin 'it' for the rest of us guys.

Takes two to tango.