View Full Version : Weirdest Fears

10-17-2002, 05:28 PM
Ok... Tell us those deepest darkest fears of yours (they can also be our guilty pleasures or our obsesssions)! We must know!

~ I am DEATHLY afraid of moths. If on is in our house I litterally start screaming and my friend goes, "Stop screaming or I won't catch it..." LOL you guys do NOT know how much I HATE moths.

~I hate driving next to semi's. Especially log hauling ones. Can't you just see all those logs come tumbling off that semi and smashing your car? (Yikes!)

~Yes, this applies to all of you, but I LOVE THE INTERNET! It's like my new best friend! LOL! I don't know what I would do with out the internet. My parents HATE me chatting to people I don't know, and that brings me to my next hate.

~I hate my parents when they say "OMG don't talk to people online! You never know! They could be child rapers!" I mean jeez people, I don't give out my address or even my full name for that matter!

~Another obsession I have is O-Town. All you 20 or younger people out here might know em, but the have got to be THE HOTTEST BOY BAND EVERRRRR! I have over 200 pics of em on my walls! (If anyone out there is about to say they hate boybands, DONT! Thats another pet peeve!!!!)

OK I wanna hear yours now! Cmon don't be afraid!

10-17-2002, 05:33 PM
I have a phobia of...this is SO embarrassing :o ...puking. I can talk about it when it's not happening, I can stand it when my dog pukes...but another person never. I just go crazy inside, almost like my mind goes black, and I go into complete panic attack mode. I can't believe I just told you that! :o

10-17-2002, 05:34 PM
OMG That is like one of my biggest fears! I can't believe i forgot that one! Don't worry i hate it tooo YUCKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

10-17-2002, 06:22 PM
My fear~:eek: SPIDERS:eek: I just cannot stand them, they totally freak me out!
Guilty pleasure~I'll have to second the internet! I love surfing & just playing on the computer...period!

Aspen and Misty
10-17-2002, 06:32 PM
My biggest fear is.....gulp.... CHEWY HYPER! LOL :D

I would have to say my real biggest fear is someone braking in, I can't stand it, half the reson why I got protection, my little guard dog.....Juts look at this you wanna mess with this????

10-17-2002, 06:44 PM
My fear~ SPIDERS I just cannot stand them, they totally freak me out!
Guilty pleasure~I'll have to second the internet! I love surfing & just playing on the computer...period!
Me too :o

10-17-2002, 07:04 PM
One of my deepest fears is deep water it's all because of a childhood truama type thing. Hence the fact that I don't go swimming.

there's a couple of other things I'm sort of paranoid about but I can't remember what they are right now...they just sort of creep up ya know?

Guilty pleasures would be musicals either old ones or the cheesey 80's ones...love the cheesey 80's ones.

Oh and agility but I like to think of that as more of an adiction then a guilty pleasure.

10-17-2002, 07:11 PM
I hate Cockroaches. I'm fine with all other bugs, wild rodents, snakes just about anything. Cockroaches just creep me out, I saw this show on the discovery channel once about how they will outlive all animals and it really creeped me. They are just like these weird aliens that can't be destroyed, any living thing that can be put in a microwave and survive is just weird.

I'm also scared of driving by semis, I always get the chills when I pass one up on the freeway.

10-17-2002, 07:12 PM
I'm terrified of spiders also, and really anything that buzzes so bees, flies.. etc.. I hate the way they buzz around my head.

I don't know if I have any guilty pleasures.. I guess because I'm a student I would have to say TV because when I'm watching TV I SHOULD be doing homework :o

10-17-2002, 07:13 PM
Originally posted by Cookiebaker
I have a phobia of...this is SO embarrassing :o ...puking. I can talk about it when it's not happening, I can stand it when my dog pukes...but another person never. I just go crazy inside, almost like my mind goes black, and I go into complete panic attack mode. I can't believe I just told you that! :o

Me too! I will gag or almost throw up,if I see or..Smell someone elses puke!

One time I was walking to a small store with my bro,and When we got there,there was this guy throwing up in the parking lot!!! It was just coming out!! (I`m getting weak! :D) I saw AND Smelled it! Ewww...I can still smell it ,it smelled like beer! I`m guessing the guy had a hang over! The whole way home ,I was gaging,And My brother`s like Are you ok? I didn`t feel good for the rest of the day!

10-17-2002, 08:00 PM
My biggest fear is snakes! I don't know what it is they just creep me out.

My guilty pleasure is talking on the phone til the wee hours of the night (even though I have to work at 3/4 or 8 the next morning) I can't help it I can't sleep unless I talk to Dustin and he doesn't get off work til 11 at night!

10-17-2002, 08:45 PM
I pretty much have a phobic personality, so I will just list a couple...I'm really quite afraid of birds and mice and rats (sorry rat lovers) and I won't ride in an elevator if I can help it and never alone. I refuse to fly anymore. Got this one later in life.

10-17-2002, 08:53 PM
Spiders, definitely spiders! Anna, even your little signature thingy is creepy. LOL! If I should walk through a web I become totally unglued!

10-17-2002, 09:08 PM
Originally posted by Rachel
I refuse to fly anymore.

I have this one, too!! People just talking about it, or a movie scene in an airplane give me the willies. My hubby says that if we ever have to fly somewhere he will take me to the Dr. and get me Valium. I think I will need about 20 of them!! :eek:

Aspen and Misty
10-17-2002, 09:14 PM
I'm afried of steps and the second story of buildings. I'm always afreid they will collaps. Scary! I'm glad I'm going ot be living in a one story hosue soon! No more scary attic or basement. Alivators scare me but stairs are scarier.

Also other peoples plates, bowls, silverwear, cups anythign like that ::cringes:: ya never know where they have been! :o I never eat over at other people's houses. I just can't bring my self to. And then everytiem I do I gag or almost throw up, its disguist me so much! LOL..



10-17-2002, 09:32 PM
Originally posted by ILoveMyAbbyGirl
~Another obsession I have is O-Town. All you 20 or younger people out here might know em, but the have got to be THE HOTTEST BOY BAND EVERRRRR! I have over 200 pics of em on my walls! (If anyone out there is about to say they hate boybands, DONT! Thats another pet peeve!!!!)

Oh, but you wanted to know my deepest darkest fears... and well,,,, it's boy bands!


Actually, i'm guilty of having a picture of Ashley from o town on my wall ;x

10-17-2002, 09:33 PM
My pleasures... Well.. Nelly, and Simba. The two loves of my life. I couldn't live without them.

PJ's Mom
10-17-2002, 09:41 PM
My fear is a simple one really, and there's not much I can do about it: dying. :eek: :o

My pleasures: my kids and my pets. A person doesn't need much more than these things to be happy. :)

10-17-2002, 09:49 PM
Originally posted by PJ's Mom
My fear is a simple one really, and there's not much I can do about it: dying. :eek: :o

My pleasures: my kids and my pets. A person doesn't need much more than these things to be happy. :)

Awwww...I feel loved now!! :D

10-17-2002, 11:37 PM
I'm a little scared of birds too, they have big scary beaks. WHen I was little my dad had a red headed amazon parrot that HATED everyone but him. She would bite everyone except for my dad who she loved. I also got attacked by a Turkey that my grandparents owned. So with those two incidents I've been scared of birds. Occasionally I meet a bird that I like, when I worked at Petco I fell in love with an african grey named Digger, I would hold him but sometimes I would still be a little scared.

10-18-2002, 12:18 AM
I'm afraid of birds when they are flying. I went to Saskatchewan with my mom and we went to her old house from when she was a little girl, and it is all hollowed out and pigeons have taken over the house. When we walked in they all flew out and were all diving and swooping.. it was very scarey!! :eek:

10-18-2002, 07:27 AM
Originally posted by Cookiebaker
I have a phobia of...this is SO embarrassing :o ...puking. I can talk about it when it's not happening, I can stand it when my dog pukes...but another person never. I just go crazy inside, almost like my mind goes black, and I go into complete panic attack mode. I can't believe I just told you that! :o

I thought I was the only one who had this phobia until just now! Wow. Yes I go into panic mode and I avoid places like theme parks with lots of rides because of it. The thought of knowing that a rollar coaster car that I sit down into has been thrown up on makes me beyond grosed out...more like phobic. I won't even go to places like that anymore. And when my husband has the sickies I am usually a bad wife because I run out of the door and drive away as quick as I can....and it's never quick enough! I get beyond grossed out at the thought of it, and never realized it was a phobia until just now :eek:

I am severely phobic of needles, even the kind that simply prick fingers. That phobia is so out of control that I would almost rather die then have a needle stuck in me. When I was on my honeymoon in Jamaica, I was stung by a jellyfish and I had a severe allergic reaction. I have never felt that kind of pain in my life, and I was sobbing uncontrolably all the way to the medical station at the resort. The pain was so bad that I wanted to die. It felt as if the affected area was ingulfed in flames. I had huge blisters under my arm and the blisters grew and grew and spread and spread. Pretty soon the blisters were covering 5 times the area and it just kept spreading. My breast was covered in them, I could not put my arm down because my armpit was covered in them...and the pain...my God was it unbearable! The worst part is that the nurse wanted to give me a benedryl shot in my bum, she said that the shot would work MUCH quicker then any liquid or tablet, but I resisted getting the shot, a painless, stupid little needle to stop the intense and growing pain and to stop the ever growing blisters!

Finally, after my husband nearly forced me to decide to get that damn needle, I did it, but it was too late and it did not make the pain go away, so a doctor had to be called in and I had to get another two shots in my bum of drugs to help my pain and to get the swealing down.

After it all, I felt like such a fool. I am usually pretty brave, but the pain from that jellyfish was so incredible that for the first time in my adult life, I sobbed like a baby. I could not believe pain could be that intense. And to resist a teeny needle is just obsurd, but it's a phobia and I feel like I have no control over that phobia.

Bees are another phobia. I have been stung twice in my eye. Once in one eye when I was just a little kid, and once in high school, in the other eye. Both times were a complete surprise and I did nothing to anger the bees. The time I was stung in the eye when I was a little kid is not strong in my concencious memory, but the high school eye stinging is still so fresh in my memory that it could have been yesterday. I still occationally have nightmares that relate to the bee sticking to my eye stinging that most sensetive area. The worst part was that I could hear and see everything close up. I remember pulling that little yellow thing off my eye and I remember screaming at the top of my lungs and a few neighbors came running up to the house to see what was wrong. Wow it was terrifying and so painful. I guess my psychie had enough and now bees are near the top of my list of phobias. I avoid them and I actually am afraid to go to cider mills and places like that which attract bees. Bees can sence fear and so I become more of a target because I am TERRIFIED of them.

Although I am not fond of some other bugs (mosquitos, flies, fleas, leaches, silverfish, earwigs), I am not at all afraid. I actually love spiders and earthworms. Spiders catch the mosquitos and earthworms aerate the earth. I like most bugs, but the bees, wasps & hornets have crossed themselves off the good list of bugs!

My husband's job flies their employees to Germany on a pretty regular basis, and other countries like England and Ireland on occation. The company is German. He said that he wants to take me on his trips since they would pay 1/2 of my airfare and I would get to stay free of charge at the resort/hotel and if we were careful, we could both eat on his daily food allowence. So it would be next to nothing to have me travel with him, but there is one catch...I don't know if I can fly anymore. I was never comfortable on airplanes, but now I am downright terrified. I could probablly do a trip to Chicago or someplace close, but I just don't think I could do a trip overseas! I don't know if it's developed into a phobia yet, but it's deffinately a fear.

PJ's Mom
10-18-2002, 08:32 AM
Originally posted by Rottieluver45

Awwww...I feel loved now!! :D

Of course you're loved, you big ninny. :D ;)

10-18-2002, 10:19 AM
My biggest scares :- I am terrified of spiders and big insects like
cockroaches ...
- I'm have a mild form of claustrofobia ... : I hate it to be in
a tunnel , in a small elevator ! When an elevator stops
with no reason , I really freak out and scream my longs
out then ..!:mad: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

Miss Meow
10-18-2002, 07:32 PM
Clowns (OK, that's the weird one)
Open observation decks at the top of tall buildings
Seeing someone not wash their hands after going to the toilet
I would never sky dive or go in a helicopter or small plane
Flying (maybe I've already said that :) )

10-18-2002, 07:40 PM
Oh I just remembered a rather unusual one that I have. I can't stand to watch someone high up on a ladder or on a rooftop. I am always afraid that if I look at them I might see them fall. Even when my husband has gone up a ladder I have to come inside. (Lots of good I'd be to him if he did fall! :rolleyes: )

10-18-2002, 08:51 PM
Originally posted by AdoreMyDogs

I thought I was the only one who had this phobia until just now! Wow. Yes I go into panic mode and I avoid places like theme parks with lots of rides because of it. The thought of knowing that a rollar coaster car that I sit down into has been thrown up on makes me beyond grosed out...more like phobic. I won't even go to places like that anymore. And when my husband has the sickies I am usually a bad wife because I run out of the door and drive away as quick as I can....and it's never quick enough! I get beyond grossed out at the thought of it, and never realized it was a phobia until just now :eek:


LOL LOL I'm sorry, but this made me laugh out loud...:D I think mostly because I'm the same way! :eek: I just can't handle it...I break out into the cold sweats if someone pukes...or if someone is 'feeling sick'. The worst was when I was on a plane...and I tell ya...there's nowhere to go! LOL This kid puked on the floor right beside my chair!! I think the look of horror on my face made the poor flight attendant wipe up what she could as fast as she could, then she dumped a bunch of coffee on it so it wouldn't smell! I was so tense until we landed and squeezed my eyes shut and prayed to god..."don't get sick...don't get sick...don't get sick..."

Another time, (sorry people...this is gross...be warned!) I was down in Monterey with my hubby and one of my friends. We had been to the Aquarium and decided to go and have lunch at Bubba Gumps!! I had been there before and it's great! Anyway, when we were leaving, we saw an old lady in a wheelchair, that had just eaten at Bubba Gumps and left a few minutes before we did, going accross the street. Well, she ended up turning to the side and just started puking up everything she ate. I swear it was clam chowder! :eek: Of course, that was the way were were headed and I said NO!!! We'll go around the long way...so we actually went around the block to avoid the scene. What makes it worse is, when she was done and safely accross the street, a whole flock of birds came down and started feasting!!! :eek: gross!!!

Adore, I can so understand why you're afraid of bees and stinging insects! Yikes!! Being stung in the EYE??!!!!!!! I can't even imagine!!!! **hugs** The jellyfish sounds dreadful too! Bless your heart!!
I have a needle phobia too. Most of the people I know can't believe I've never had blood drawn or anything like that. I'm too chicken! I can't even remember when my last shot was! Well, OK, it was probably right before I went to college...but still!! Forget it! That's why I'm afraid of having kids!! I just don't do pain well. That's where cats and dogs come in! LOL

LOL LOL Miss Meow...I think it was you that said CLOWNS! Add me to that list. LOL That's a strange phobia of mine...
Of course cochroaches....ick...spiders...yikes!

Driving by semis makes me nervous too, because I notice there is a pull on my car towards the semis when I pass that freaks me out. Those concrete dividers they put up on highways when they're doing construction also make me nervous. For some reason it feels like that lane is so much narrower and that I'm going to scrape the side....:rolleyes:

Anyway, I'll stop for now before I write even more of a book! Keep those phobias coming! Some of them had me chuckling...no offense of course!

10-18-2002, 09:56 PM
I have a fear of crowded elevators. I won't go in the elevator if it is crowded. I even hate going in them when it i just me.!!

I also have a fear of tunnels that go underwater. Last April my family and I drove to Florida from CT and we had to go in a underwater tunnel. I thought I was going to die. And the worst part was that I had to do it twice!!!

10-18-2002, 10:59 PM
When I was much younger, I hated puking so much, my body learned how to stop it. I last puked in 1990. I regret not being able to puke at times, like when I get food poisoning the flu, more food poisonings & more flus... but I don't miss the taste at all... & I have to run if someone else pukes near me, I get the puking feeling, but it never comes up. oh that horrible feeling & cold chills... ewww

I also have a fear of hights at times, planes r ok after they take off I like the sights, but the take offs & landing r really hard on me, I keep the window blind closed & close my eyes, Oh & turbulances (lots of wind) r terrifiing. Short ladders r ok, none wobbly.

Not being able to move for long periods of times, when I do my training & when I lose (I always lose cause my partner is strong & weighs 270 pounds) I always get pinned & I have to keep struggling to get free (which never happeneds), after about 5 mins of being pinned & not being able to move my arms, head, legs, I go into a panic & lose complete body control (& I gain strength). While I'm in this panic, my partner slowly lets me go (which is his mistake) trying to calm me down, the first time this happened, I ended up punching him in the face, clawing him & kicking him hard in the well u know where.
Now were trying to get me to stop going into a panic, its working slow, but its working.

my guilty pleasure is nothing.

10-18-2002, 11:32 PM
I hate clowns too!!! If you think clowns are scarey don't watch Poltergeist.. I've never seen IT but the Poltergeist clown is evil!! :eek: