View Full Version : schnauzers

10-16-2002, 07:34 PM
Hi to those of you who think schnauzers are not good for kids I can't really say that I have a very adoreable schnauzer cross her father was a schnauzer and her mother was a schnauzer/bichon crosss,she looks like a schnauzer and loves kids other dogs ect and since i have had her i have met other owners of schnauzers and they all say they are very loving dogs.not a mean bone in her body.

10-17-2002, 12:47 AM
Who said schnauzers were mean? :confused: I have a schnauzer myself, and I love schnauzers. He's never been bad with kids, actually he seems to like them most of the time. He loved the kids when he was younger, although I think he prefers the adults now....of course, now he's pretty old (9 years)...and has no patience. He is not good with other dogs besides our other older dog, Smokey (16 years). We didn't socialize him as a puppy, so I guess it's really our faults. I still think terriers are a bit on the snotty side. It's that "terrier terror" attitude. lol.

My husky, Nebo, loves kids...but I can't let him get around them much. He likes to play bite, and he tends to jump on them. He's obviously not trying to hurt them, but the kids don't know that...lol. I don't think any child should be left *alone* with any dog, no matter the size.

10-27-2002, 07:00 PM
My schnauzer dosnt get along with Kids,though he is 6yrs almost 7yrs if im correct.......
He CAN NOT Stand my lil 5yr old brother Joshua "Josh".......



PS-But hes not like that to all kids though he has shown agression towards other kids as well but not all.......

11-04-2002, 09:22 PM
I do not have a Schnauzer but from what I hear they are pretty good with kids. But every dog is different, what can I say.:)