View Full Version : 1-800 Pet Meds

10-16-2002, 02:39 AM
Has anyone ordered from this website? https://www.1800petmeds.com/ Are they really less expensive then getting it from the vets? I have 2 months (including october)of heartworm tablets left for Nebo, so I know I'm going to have to get more soon.

10-16-2002, 06:50 AM
Haven't tried them yet, but I'm almost out of stuff too! iwas going to post the same question! They sure do a lot of advertising!

10-16-2002, 07:32 AM
I have found that you can save a lot of money ordering through the mail. Heartworm medication and some of the others have to have a prescription accompanying them, but you can get your Frontline and other things without a prescription. I found one recently called www.EntirelyPets.com and the heartworm medication was about half the price of what I had just paid at the vet's office. I have also ordered from www.healthypets.com .

10-16-2002, 07:35 AM
Wow, Logan!! 5000 posts! I just noticed!!! Congrats!! :D

10-16-2002, 07:40 AM
I didn't notice either!!! Of course, there's almost 1000 under my old sign in name (lhg0962), so I'm a HUGE blabber mouth! :o

10-16-2002, 07:52 AM
I didn't notice you had 5000 posts!! Congrats to you, Logan!!

10-16-2002, 10:52 AM
Thanks for the great links!! :D

The prices at entirelypets.com for rimadyl and frontline/plus beat what the vet charges me. Looks like I may be shopping there for those things.

10-16-2002, 11:15 AM
Compared to what our vet charges there isn't much difference between the vet and pet meds. In fact pet meds is a dollar more than our vet.

10-16-2002, 12:32 PM
It depends on your vet & the meds. At my vet the advantage is cheaper but the interceptor is not. But by the time I add S&H charges my vet still comes cheaper. My friend on the other hand says pet meds is cheaper than her vet. Also you do not have to leave your house for pet meds.

06-16-2007, 04:04 PM
I found this thread from 2002, as I was wondering about ordering from Pet Meds.

Does anyone have any recent experiences?

My vet told me something like . . . if you get a price from Pet Meds, have it faxed to us. If we can meet it we will call you. If we can't, we will order from them and you can get it from us for that price.

Granted, I'd still have to run over to the vet's office; but he will pick up any shipping and handling fees.

Any other sites folks suggest?

I need: dogs - Interceptor, and Frontline Plus; cats: Revolution.

Thanks anyone with recent experiences!

06-16-2007, 04:22 PM
I remember looking up the pricing for the 1-800 petmeds site and
at that time their price was about $5 less than my vet's price. I never followed through on ordering then, but also would like to here more current experiences with online ordering.These meds seem more expensive than ever.

Cinder & Smoke
06-16-2007, 04:52 PM
Dunno, folks ... I've asked our Doc Mike about these mail-order "bargins" ...
and he repeats the same cautions:

* If the price is only a couple dollars less, WHY bother?
* If the price is a LOT less - he'll guarantee it's not the "same stuff" as he sells!

Both Doc and the Staff Girls have had clients bring in the meds they've "mail-ordered" -
and the Packaging is NOT the same as the known Brand Name drug!
They showed a less than half price Heartgard Plus to the Factory Rep ...
He pointed out the many differences in the packaging graphics, then they looked
at the "chewies" ...
Not even a faint resemblance to the Real Thing!
"No WAY those things came from the Merial production line!" he said.

Doc has assured me the same things happens with the Flea & Tick meds ...
you only get the REAL Name Brand stuff if you PAY for it!

I've read of enough well documented cases of "knock-offs" being sold to make
me value the "extra cost" to buy from my Vet and KNOW the FurKids are really
getting what they need.

And that Same Doc Mike has NEVER had a problem telling me to go to Wally's World
and buy a generic, over-the-counter drug when he feels it's suitable!
And he's written scripts to have filled at WalMart when the plain ole Human drug
will work or be the same as the "high-priced Vet flavour" he has to sell is.

/s/ Phred

06-17-2007, 07:15 PM

I get my pet supplies from Ryanspet.com. They are much cheaper than the vet. :)

06-17-2007, 07:39 PM
Where I work petmeds we generally beat petmeds prices by a few dollars and that's not counting petmeds s & h charge.

I dunno about everywhere, but in my area there is no prescription needed for Frontline. Around here some vets claim you have to have an appt. to get frontline rather than just pick some up, but that's alot of baloney, they're just trying to suck your money without reason. Although most vets do require that you are a client there at some point in the past.

As to the 'knock off' brands, there is ALOT of truth to that!! Just think of the recent Colgate recall!

I would never buy any drug (for my cats or my family) from an internet pharmacy regardless of the price difference (if any). When I buy from my local pharmacy/dr/vet I know the meds are authentic, stored properly, have proper instructions (as well as those dispensing it can help explain the dosages/application) AND they are backed with the full guarantee of the manufacturers. NONE of that can be said for any internet pharmacy.

Excerpt from the FDA's website...

If prices are dramatically lower than the competition, or if no prescription from your doctor is required. As a result, FDA strongly cautions consumers about purchasing drugs from any of these Web sites which may be involved in the distribution of counterfeit drugs and reiterates previous public warnings about buying prescription drugs online.

Other sources for info on internet sales of medicines.





06-18-2007, 01:13 AM
I might go this kind of route for Bear, as it'll save me over 10.00/100 pills!! FOr me 10.00 is a gret savings!
Shes on Hypothyroid meds at 0.8

06-18-2007, 02:18 PM
I order from PetMeds for my Border Collie Mix, Mickey. They've always been very pleasant to work with. When I told them what I was paying at the vets they came in quite a bit under that price. I have a year's prescription and just go on-line and reorder with a couple clicks.

Mickey's Mom

06-18-2007, 02:35 PM
I was horrified at my 2002 response. :( I would never use the mail order thing again for any of my own pets, these days. My vet will not provide prescriptions for anything "online", either. He is so good to us that I will just rely on his generosity and pay full price to insure that the Frontline Plus (for our dogs), Revolution (for our cat), and heartworm meds come from him and no one else.


06-18-2007, 02:42 PM
My vet charges $16 for a 6 months supply of heartguard for a 40 pound dog.

I had heard that frontline, advantage, and heartguard claim they do not offer their products for sale through 1800petmeds. The stuff is there, but the companies say they have nothing to do with it.

pet meds also offers a free dog bone or catnip with their orders. They ship it in the box free with the meds. I have heard of dogs smelling the treats and getting into the boxes when they box is left where the dog can get it. Its not in the best interest of any animal with a nose to send treats and medicine together. So when you get the box, make sure you open it right away and put the medicine where the pets can't get it rather than leaving it sit.

Cinder & Smoke
06-18-2007, 03:37 PM

Question for the 1-800 and Internet Purchasers:

Where do you get your Prescription from??
* Does your regular Vet give you a signed Rx: Prescription for the medicine
* Does the selling pharmacy NOT require a written prescription
* Does the selling pharmacy "provide you with a Doctor's prescription

/s/ ?? Phred

06-18-2007, 04:38 PM
I order Interceptor and K9 Advantix from Drsfostersmith.com. They DO require a perscription for Interceptor, which my vet signs. They DO NOT require a perscription for K9 Advantix.

The Interceptor is significantly less expensive. It looks the exact same & works great.

My vet doesn't offer K9 Advantix, so I buy online. Neither Frontline or Advantage worked for my pups, so I decided to try K9 Advantix & am very happy with it.

06-18-2007, 06:45 PM
The Interceptor is significantly less expensive. It looks the exact same & works great.

Hmmm, at our hospital Interceptor is THE most expensive heartworm med you can get. We typically use Heartgard Plus or Tri-Heart Plus and can beat PetMeds price by a few dollars.

06-18-2007, 06:47 PM
I had heard that frontline, advantage, and heartguard claim they do not offer their products for sale through 1800petmeds. The stuff is there, but the companies say they have nothing to do with it.

They get their products from either unethical vets in the US that sell it illegally for a profit not caring how it's used/prescribed/sold, OR they get it from foreign companies and it's not approved for use in the US by the FDA.

06-18-2007, 10:15 PM
I'm a cat person, and I do order Revolution online - from Canada.

PET DRUGS (http://www.petdrugs.com/)

I was looking for a place to buy the Revolution cheaper. We give it year round to 4 cats, and that got quite pricey. I found it at Pet Drugs for a significant savings (we save about $300/year) over my Vet. And, best of all, no prescription needed in Canada for this med.

I called to double check, then ordered. Product came within 14 days - from Australia. It's made by Pfizer, same as here. Same packaging, same everything. Have been buying from them for just over a year - no trouble, and our Vet knows.

06-19-2007, 10:36 AM
Hmmm, at our hospital Interceptor is THE most expensive heartworm med you can get. We typically use Heartgard Plus or Tri-Heart Plus and can beat PetMeds price by a few dollars.

I meant costs less on-line than at my vet. :)

06-19-2007, 10:37 PM
I meant costs less on-line than at my vet. :)

Well I suppose not all vets have as competetive pricing on those items as my boss does. We go out of our way to keep prices down on medications, which is why we very rarely use either Sentinal or Interceptor, but rather use Heartgard or Tri-heart.