View Full Version : Bali Bombings

10-16-2002, 02:17 AM
I think that it would be good if us PetTalkers acknowledged the bombings in Bali this weekend that have killed hundreds of Australians, as well as some British and New Zealand citizens. This was a horrible attack, and I think we should show them the same respect and encouragement that so many people showed us Americans during 9-11.

I hope everyone is well and unaffected by this tragedy.

10-16-2002, 02:54 AM
I totally agree. It's been on the news here a lot because two Canadians were injured and one is still missing (I think.. I saw the news report a while ago) so I have heard quite a bit about it. It's so very sad :(

10-16-2002, 03:12 AM
You're right, it is tragic. I am praying for the victims, the missing, and their families. What an appaling occurance.

Miss Meow
10-16-2002, 06:02 AM
Here here. One local football team lost seven members and one newly-married woman lost most of her family and wedding party.

The latest word is that the Australian Government received intelligence re the attacks two weeks ago but didn't issue a warning ...

10-16-2002, 07:41 AM
It is so sad. Scary, yes, but sad, so many people, so horrible a death, and so pointless. Our thoughts and prayers are with everyone affected.

10-16-2002, 09:08 AM
Oh my, so sad:(. I hadn't even heard about this, but I will be thinking of all the ones that have been lost & their families.

10-16-2002, 09:12 AM
It makes me so sad ... ! This was especially done to kill as much foreigners as possible .. ! This is so terrible for tourism in Indonesia too ; those people live from this !!

My special thoughts go to all the people who are killed or injured and to their families !

10-16-2002, 11:06 AM
Soledad, you are so right! Australia was right beside us after 9/11 and I recall being deeply moved by their compassion. At the time I had friends vacationing in Australia and everyone they met had a kind and consoling word for Americans.

These bombings are so senseless and so many innocent people have lost their lives. The horror of these events is almost more than the mind can take in.

How can the world be breeding such hate?

I offer my prayers and condolences to Australians and all other nations that have lost souls in this senseless bombing. I also have compassion for Indonesia because, as Lut said, tourism is their livelihood.

10-16-2002, 11:51 AM
you are so right!

10-16-2002, 02:05 PM
It's terrible! :( I still never understand how anyone can do these things....

They will all be in my prayers.

10-16-2002, 02:10 PM
It just sickens me that people are so incredibly heartless. Soledad...that was an excellent suggestion. I guess terrorism knows no boundaries. I'm so sorry for the people who lost family members. Also, there were 2 Americans also. It truly is an international tragedy.

10-16-2002, 03:23 PM
that we realise that Australia lost just as many citizens in this attack in proportion to their population, as the American loss from 9-11. This is a huge attack against them, and though other nationalities were involved, it was most likely meant for the people of Australia. I wish that there was more coverage about this in America, as I don't think it's fair that people don't know about this but everyone knows about 9-11. We're all interrelated these days.

10-16-2002, 03:53 PM
It really is an terrible thing. There were 33 Brits feared killed, but there were three people from here in Wales who, thankfully, were able to come out alive and not badly hurt.
Here is a story about them
Bali blast hero plays down role (http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/wales/2330603.stm)
And this is the latest news from the BBC online.
Bali bombings (http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/asia-pacific/2331781.stm)

Edwina's Secretary
10-16-2002, 04:09 PM
Just this morning as I was reading the newspaper coverage of the bombing in Bali I asked the same question...where is the outrage???? Unfortunately to paraphrase "all politics are local" it tends to be that the closer to home the greater the outrage.

This bombing, the attack on the French tanker, all work to reinforce (one hopes) the idea that no man is an island.

Soledad, my heartfelt sympathies are with the people of Australia, all the familes affected by this horror, victims of senseless violence (is there any other kind???) everywhere.

10-16-2002, 04:13 PM
One of the things that really feed my desire to be a journalist is the horrendous lack of information given to the average person. The fact that this is so lacking in coverage is irresponsible and sickening. It is unfortunate that the media has decided that the American people do not care, and has neglected this story at the expense of having ad naseum coverage of the sniper. This sort of thing does not make our country look good, and it is sad, because Americans are extremely generous and caring people. Too bad the media doesn't see things the same way.

10-16-2002, 04:33 PM
The media...........don't get me started!!

10-16-2002, 04:34 PM
I hadn't heard about this until this thread. I asked my husband and he said that he has only heard a little bit about it. It is sad that so many different countries and nationalities reached out and helped comforted us in our pain following Sept. 11, and it's not really a big thing here. I agree with you, Soledad. :(

10-16-2002, 05:03 PM
Soledad, I have to disagree just a tiny bit about one thing. I think it is very natural that the coverage of the sniper story would be taking a prominant role in the news coverage, I know if it were happening here it would make top coverage too. The people in the areas concerned must be living in daily fear for the safety of themselves and their family, scared to even go out to the supermarket or get petrol. My thoughts are of them too.

10-16-2002, 05:13 PM
I'm not saying there shouldn't be coverage of the sniper incidents. They're horrible, shocking and of great importance to US citizens. My point is that the US media tends to hype one or two stories at the expense of others. This sniper is getting FAR more attention than is necessary, as he no doubt revels in this. That is not to say that there shouldn't be coverage of it or even a large amount of coverage on it. I thought that after 9-11 we'd be far more aware of our community at large, and this is just telling me that the media is continuing to operate as usual. Other countries (such as NZ) manage to print quite a bit about the sniper, and it's no direct threat to them. Why there is not even a basic general knowledge of the Bali even in the US is simply intolerable.

10-16-2002, 05:30 PM

Boy do I agree with you about the sniper. I dare say that if the media would just shut up about it and let the law enforcement do their thing, they'd probably stop....no attention.....no shootings, but the media isn't bright enough to figure that out I guess. I do think that it's important to cover news, but spread the wealth and let us hear ALL the news, not just what the media deems worthy of a story.

What I don't get is that the media has made this world so small it's not even funny, but yet, only cover little bits and pieces. I know that most Americans are VERY interested in that Bali bombing. Terrorism doesn't seem to be particular about it's victims and we all need to realize that.

Why do you think that the attack was aimed at Australia? Why are they mad at you guys? There are truly some sick people in this world....and people wonder why most of the time I prefer the company of my dogs to most people.

Btw...Soledad....are you in the States now or in New Zealand? What's your birthplace? If I'm being too nosy, just tell me to go away! lol

10-16-2002, 05:37 PM
I'm actually an American citizen. I was born in Puerto Rico, raised Stateside and then married a UK/NZ citizen. We've started our life together in NZ, but I do bounce back and forth quite a bit. No problem with the info, I'm glad you took an interest!

I'm not sure if the sniper shootings would stop as a result of no media attention, but I do not see why we should glorify this man. It's awful. There is definitely a duty to report and keep people safe, but the excessiveness of it all is irresponsible.

The suspicion is that Australia was targeted because of it's support to go to war with the US against Iraq. There is a group here that has connections to Al Qaeda (remember them?), and it is suspected that it was a protest against targeting Iraq. NZ has not supported going to war with Iraq, so NZ is not thought to be a target.

Of course, this is all conjecture at this point, but the evidence does look like it's heading in this direction.

10-16-2002, 05:40 PM
that Bali is a popular vacation site for many Australians. The bar that was bombed is known to cater to specifically Westerners. There were few Balinese killed in the event.

10-16-2002, 05:46 PM
Well, it sounds like your a recently married person, so congrats if it fits! I've always been interested in visiting that area.

I don't know if I agree that the shootings wouldn't stop....has anyone noticed that if media coverage dies just a bit, that almost immediately there's another shooting? These guys seem to be living by the media coverage, if it stopped, and stayed stopped, then maybe something could be done. I'm not saying not to inform the public of a danger, just don't harp on it.

Well, I guess, the Aussies have now gained the status of evil along with the Americans....I suppose the next target will be in England somewhere. Will this insanity ever stop?? Perhaps it would slow down some if Saddam Hussein would be removed from power. I loved how they "voted" to keep him in power.

10-16-2002, 06:01 PM
I have read every word printed about the Bali incident, so there are some Americans that are very up to date! It has headlined the coverage at MSNBC (which is where I read my "news" during the day), plus has headlined every newspaper even here in SC. It is atrocious that all over the world, people are losing their lives for no reason at all.

I keep these countries and people (yes, even Iraq, Palestine, Israel, etc) in my prayers each and every day. We are all affected. :(

10-16-2002, 06:07 PM
I don't think the rest of the world perceives America/Australia as evil (besides the countries that support this terrorism, obviously), but I think every country and its people has the right to decide where they stand and whether or not they want to contribute. Regardless if you're pro-war or pro-peace or whatever, I think we can all feel badly for any people losing their lives in such a senseless way.

I'm just trying not to politicise this thread too terribly much :) !

I know that there are many Americans who will seek out coverage and read about things more often or more frequently like you Logan, but there are others out there who haven't even heard about this. That's just not okay with me.

Miss Meow
10-16-2002, 06:17 PM
Originally posted by Soledad

The suspicion is that Australia was targeted because of it's support to go to war with the US against Iraq. There is a group here that has connections to Al Qaeda (remember them?), and it is suspected that it was a protest against targeting Iraq. NZ has not supported going to war with Iraq, so NZ is not thought to be a target.

Of course, this is all conjecture at this point, but the evidence does look like it's heading in this direction.

There are several terrorist groups in Indonesia, one of which has ties to Al Qaeda, so this is indeed the prime suspicion.

But Tony Blair has also been a public supporter of the US's policies as well, and the UK has not been targeted as such yet. Let's hope this never happens.

Also, our (Australian) government allowed more than 300 Indonesian boat people drown earlier this year in a dreadful cover-up. Their boat sank and was within salvageable distance of an Australian military ship but by the time action was taken, the ship sank, losing hundreds of lives.

Australia's involvement in the independence of East Timor from Indonesia may also be a reason.

I can only hope the truth is uncovered.

10-16-2002, 06:20 PM
I do remember that boat drowning. That was absolutely disgusting and I could definitely see that as being a motive for the bombings. Thanks for reminding me about that!

10-16-2002, 06:20 PM
I just turned on my local news that comes on at 4 p.m. here, and the lead story is about the bombing in Bali - the second was about the recent serial shooting in Virginia. At least here in Los Angeles, I know that we have had extensive coverage on the bombing as well as the serial killer.

I know that the New York Times (online) has had both covered quite well each day.

There are those people who just cannot stand all of this bad news - or they are busy - and they don't turn on the television for news or read the local paper.

10-16-2002, 06:23 PM
I realise that there is only so much bad news a person can take. Truly, I do. My point was, that this was as big of a hit for Australia as WTC was for us Americans. Yet, I did not see the out pouring for Australians. Not that it needs to be on par, but I think it's a bit unbalanced.

10-17-2002, 12:43 AM
Soledad, this would be just a grass roots effort, but perhaps there is something each of us could do to change that.

I will make a point to write a letter to our local Australian Consulate's office...............

I fear a letter to the local paper would only end up in the trash.

Anyone else have ideas?

Miss Meow
10-17-2002, 01:31 AM
I am in two minds as far as raising awareness of this attack. If we keep it low key, many people will never find out what happened which is a tragedy in itself. But if it's publicised heavily, then the attackers are achieving yet another goal. It's a tough one.

I think the best thing we can do at this stage is to send good thoughts to the victims and their families, and find a way to support the Balinese people. Their nation is heavily reliant on Western tourism and they are a very poor nation which will be decimated by this event.

On the 'bright' side, America had issued a strong warning against travel to Bali, which reduced the number of American casualties.

10-17-2002, 02:56 AM
   I thought of posting about the bombing in Bali. However, I did not for two reasons. I thought it was a tragic event unrelated to pets and I thought there was nothing we could do. Upon reflection I should have posted about it because it is part of al Qaeda's war. Sadly, I think this war will effect almost everyone in some way.

   Indonesians have been visiting the home page of Pet of the Day everyday since 1997. However, we rarely receive pet nominations or see Indonesians in Pet Talk. It has been a long time since I looked at our statistics. It has always surprised me that far more Indonesians visit than some European countries such as Ireland.

   I see there were four bombings in Karachi, Pakistan yesterday. And two bombing in Zamboanga, Philippines today.

   If there is anything we could do to help in some way, it would be wonderful to hear about it.


10-17-2002, 03:25 PM
If people want, I think it would be a good idea to write the Australian Embassy and also letters to the editor. Embassy info is here:


I may be wrong, but three to four Indonesians died in the bombings, leaving many orphans. It is tragic for Bali as they are quite dependent on tourism. A bright spot is that there has not been any problems between Hindus and Muslims in the area. Yay for peace and understanding!