View Full Version : digging

10-15-2002, 07:44 PM
Well, as most malamutes are, my Belle is a big digger. She's dug a bunch of holes in our backyard. Now I don't mind it, but some of the other members of my family(Who shall remain nameless :-) ) don't like it, and want it stopped. Well, I don't think there is really any way I CAN stop her digging, unless I follow her around outside 24/7 and tell her No everytime she starts to dig. Does anyone have some suggestions?

10-15-2002, 09:44 PM
Deisel is a big digger too and we haven't been able to stop him. I have tried everything that has been suggested to me...

putting pepper in the hole....he just eats it

putting hot sauce in the hole....well he likes that too

(sounds grose) but putting his poop in the hole....he just digs it out with the rest of the dirt

So I even got them a sandbox.....well he does dig in there but he still does everywhere else too!!! Don't know some of these things may work for you...

10-16-2002, 08:53 AM
The only thing we've found that works is putting Roxey's poop in the hole. But...then she finds somewhere else to dig! Good luck!

10-16-2002, 09:01 AM
Sorry I am laughing turner,
but reading about the trials of Deisel's digging and
him liking all your deterents had me laughing.

Rocky pretty much grew out of digging
but still digs once in awhile, in 2 spots where the
dirt is moist and soft.
When my dogs where younger and went through
their digging fase.
I use to try to catch them in the act and stick their
face in the whole and say No.
But most the time I did not catch them so I would
stick a brick in the whole and cover it with dirt.

I now count my blessing after reading both your posts. :)

10-16-2002, 12:13 PM
My parents dog used to do that. He stooped after we neutered him. I think that he dug to go and find FiFI.

10-16-2002, 07:20 PM

Now that its in the past......we can laugh too! It was pretty funny. Everything we tried Deisel seemed to like it.
We have had some tough times with Deisel....We had to give him "Tough Love" as they say. As he gets older, he doesn't dig as much but still does every once in awhile. He is only 2yrs old, so I guess for a rotti, he's still a puppy!

10-16-2002, 07:47 PM
turner, I still got a good laugh even if Deisel has
grown out of his terrible puppy stage.
Isn't it amazing how a dog seems to mature and
cease most of their bad habits around 2-21/2 years of age. lol

Dakota's Mommy
10-21-2002, 08:30 AM
I haven't had a chance to try these things, but I really need to! For some reason, our dogs love to dig. However, they usually stay in the same hole, at least they have been lately!

11-06-2002, 03:33 PM
I've read that dogs dig because they are bored. Can yours spend more time with you, or be taken places sometimes? To keep our "diggers" from tunneling under the chain-link fence we got some field fence from the local feed store (chicken wire fence also worked). We dug down under our chain link fence about 6 inches & laid down a section of field fence flat on the ground & covered it up with dirt. Our dogs dug at the edge of the chain link fence a couple more times but finally stopped when they kept hitting the field fence. It kept them from getting out of the yard, which was the most important thing. This was a couple of years ago. Now grass has grown back in those places & you would never know there is a section of fence buried there. This also worked for a friend of mine. It's not expensive either. Good luck.

11-06-2002, 08:43 PM
Thank you for all the suggestions! We've put some chicken wire under the fence, but she really hasn't dug that much lately! We tried a few...tobasco sauce (she ate it like diesel) and we put Poop in there, and that seemed to stop her for a while. We have this old garden that we're going fill with sand in the summer so she can dig there. We're really excited for snow, also. It will stop her from digging. she's such a goofball :rolleyes: I am trying to get some pictures of Belle loaded on here so you can all see her! She's grown up so much since the little puppy we got her as (Or maybe not so little hehe) Well, thanks again for all the great advice!!