View Full Version : Calcium Oxalate Crystals

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
02-24-2010, 10:42 PM
Hi all :)

Robin has been diagnosed with the calcium oxalate crystals in her bladder and in her kidneys. From what I've read, this type of crystal can't be dissolved, but it can be managed with diet. Interestingly enough, when I googled calcium oxalate crystals in cats, this thread came up from 2008:


I was wondering if I could get updated info from everybody on what diets have worked and which ones may not have since this last thread. I would prefer the no-grain diet KAK mentions, but there also has to be no fish or seafood in it since CJ will also be eating it and he's allergic to so many things. However, I thought I also read somewhere that the diet for the calcium oxalate crystals should be a low protein diet, which contradicts the no-grain diet..... So as you can see, I'm a little confused.

To exacerbate things, i'm not 100% confident in the vet I have. I really don't like any of the vets here in the Coachella Valley in California. They all seem like big box stores run by corporations with the get-em-in-get-em-out-bring-in-the-cash mentality. So....I'm taking her to a vet who is primarily a horse doctor who works on small animals in his horse-down-time. He does seem knowledgeable....kind of.....but when I mentioned something I saw online he seemed surprised that I knew what I knew and it almost seemed like it was something he didn't know....I don't know, it's just kind of weird, but it's all I have to work with until we get back to Chicago in May when I can take her to my trusted vet that "salvaged" Tubby and did Peanut's bladder surgery...

Anyway, any updates on the above thread or any advice on how to handle all this would be greatly appreciated. :)

By the way, this vet told me to drop Robin off so he could do x-rays and take blood for a complete blood panel. He said she would be there about an hour or so. Well.....6 hours later, her finally calls and tells me I can pick her up. Seems an emergency arose and poor little Robin had to sit in her carrier and wait while he took care of the emergency, so she spent all day there. She's sleeping comfortably in her own little bed right now, so I know she's happy to be home, and I'm extremely happy to have her back! Poor little girl. :(

02-25-2010, 08:09 AM
I don't have any info on the diet for crystals.

Wanted to comment: I often have done research on line and bring up issues with my vet. Sometimes it is not something she is aware of either. That doesn't make her a "bad" vet, in my mind. The Internet brings so much info right to our homes. Things change so quickly. We become "expert advocates" for our pets. Unless you are seeing a specialist, it is likely you will have more up to date info on a specialized topic than most vets will. Remember, they are generalists, like a general practitioner or family doctor. You are doing a great job it you brought info to the vet's attention.

Apart from that, when you don't have confidence in your vet, and something other than the routine develops, it is a frustration!

Paws crossed you find a diet which will work well going forward!

02-25-2010, 09:57 AM
I have not had experience with Calcium oxalates in cats but I had a bout with kidney Stones when I was younger that were made up by calcium oxalates. My doctor then had me restricted from calcium and Green leafy vegetables. Vitamin k (leafy vegetables) combined with calcium create the oxalate crystals. The crystals may have a different trigger in cats but restricting calcium and vitamin k did the trick for me.

02-25-2010, 10:07 AM
All I have to offer is the fact that there are getting to be more and more grain-free choices. Look for "limited ingredients" diets - you can get them in chicken, turkey, even venison and duck for cats who are allergic to everything else.

Get well soon, little Robin! Drink plenty of water - maybe your Meowmie might consider getting you a drinking fountain, to remind you of the tempting free-flowing streams your ancestors drank from?

Love, Columbine

02-25-2010, 11:50 AM
Debbie, I'm so sorry to hear that Robin has calcium oxalate crystals.:( I'm still currently feeding all of my cats Innova Evo dry which does have some fish in it but it's not the main ingredient. I also feed them a lot of the canned Innova Evo in 95% Venison and 95% Duck. They used to like the 95% Chicken/Turkey but now that don't for some reason. I've also started feeding them Nature's Variety Instinct Rabbit and Lamb in the cans. The all seem to love the Rabbit which of course is the most expensive. I always mix some water with it so they get extra moisture and I add a bit more water to Storm's. So far it's been helping Storm with his urinary problems.:) I hope that you'll find a great food for both Robin and CJ. They do make a lot more grain free food than they used to but many of them do have fish in them. Good luck.:)

02-25-2010, 12:33 PM
Someone on PT also mentioned that they found a great difference in giving their cats filtered water, not straight from the tap (or well). Filtered water has way fewer minerals in it - that could be why!

Oscar had a UTI about a month or two after Cole joined the household - about a year into his stay. However, he had VERY few crystals...the blood in his urine stayed at least a month! So this was due to stress, the new kitty - even though they got along!

They have both been on filtered water since they lived with me...dry is Origen, wet is Royal Canin (now Medi-Cal) SO.

Hope little Robin feels better soon!:love:

02-25-2010, 02:20 PM
Sorry to hear this! When I saw the post, I went back and re-read my thread about Dakky and the crystals. And, I am glad to see that KAK posted her information. THEN, I clicked on your link and saw it was my post.

Daks still continues to do well on this, we have had a suspected URI or two in the 2 years since the surgery. According to the vet, that is cause his private parts are more open now, like a girl's. Dunno. He still licks, licks, licks a lot down there. I think it might be cause he dribbles a bit, and is stinky.

I never made the switch from Hill's C/D. BUT, I intend to after reading that KAK's boy is still having sucess on it.

Water intake is key. I still mix Dak's wet food with water. Like a mush, and he drinks it up.

good luck!

02-25-2010, 02:24 PM
Just popped in again to see what info was coming through.

If it is limited ingredient diets you need (and I don't know, just going from the postings here), Dick Van Patten's Natural Balance has a new line of LTD foods, canned and kibble.

I've heard really great things on the dog foods, as bichons typically have a LOT of food allergies.


Tubby & Peanut's Mom
02-25-2010, 05:09 PM
First of all, the snots (aka CJ & Robin) already have a water fountain. I've had one for many many many years now, and I'm actually on my second one since the first developed "issues" after so many years of use. ;) Secondly, the snots also get only bottled water. After reading all the stories here on PT about male cat urinary issues (Fister being the first one I ever heard of having the PU surgery), I've always been afraid of CJ getting crystals and blockage, so they've always gotten bottled water. Terry and I drink out of the tap, the snots get bottled. ;)

As much as I like the idea of a grain-restricted diet, after doing more research, it sounds best to restrict protein, at least until the crystals are gone, then we can see what happens from a maintenance standpoint.

The one last issue I have to deal with is that we live a mobile lifestyle. In other words, I'm not always in the same location to just run to the vet to restock cat food. I need a food that is somewhat readily available everywhere in the country from places like Petsmart. Specialty pet stores are sometimes hard to come by in some of the small towns we frequent. Although.....I did find a place online that I can order food such as Science Diet, Royal Canin, etc., so I may just go with those brands, especially if some have had good success with them, like Dakky.

Thanks for the suggestions - keep 'em coming and thanks KAK and Jo for the uppydates as to what is still working for you.