View Full Version : Paaws

10-15-2002, 09:21 AM
Has anyone ever heard of these? If so, what do you think?
Please check it out, there is even a video you can watch PAAWS (http://www.800webmall.com/cgi-bin/tame/webmall/product.txml?cart=02J15mlc.gho&uu=12716524&BtnOnAccept=EE-@2HyDQbtqW8Gwuh8spKovda&%69temname=%50AWSAMN&%73hopname=%50AAWS%20-%20Pet%20Anti-Aging%20Wellness%20System)

Since Sunday, Angus has been in pain when he gets up. He cries & just stands there. I have to coax him into walking, then he seems to feel a little better. But he has just mostly been in the house sleeping. I give him a low dose asprin & it seems to help, but I had to give him 2 yesterday. So this morning, I just gave him a regular asprin. I guess he's hurting because how excited he got over the retreiver being in our yard. It just makes me hurt to see him in pain like that.

I was just wondering if anyone had tried these vitamins, & if they work, or if you think they would work.

10-15-2002, 09:36 AM
I've never heard of this, but I sure hope that Angus is okay!!!

10-15-2002, 09:40 AM
Hi Anna,

I've never tried this vitamin, but I hope ANgus feels better... He's such a sweetie..

Give him {{{HUGGS}}} from ME and a slobbery kisses from MISSY!

10-15-2002, 09:54 AM
I've never heard of PAAWS either.

I sure do hope Angus feels better soon.

10-15-2002, 10:07 AM
Poor Angus! :( I hope he feels better soon!! No, I haven't heard of this product before, either.

10-15-2002, 11:06 AM
I seen an infomercial (ahhhh the joys of working @ 3:00 am :rolleyes: ) for them the other day and thought about buying some but I didn't so I can't really help.

I do hope Angus feels better!!

10-15-2002, 01:01 PM

Sorry I've never heard of this supplement either.

Would your vet okay giving Angus a larger dose
of aspirin. My Buddy had arthritis in his spine
along with the hip & knee problems. His vet had
Bud take 2 350mg enteric coated aspirin once in
the morning and once again at night.(with meals)
It did help him with the stiffness for a long
while. How old is Angus? He sure is a Handsome
boy.Hope he can get to feeling better soon. Liz.

10-15-2002, 01:38 PM
Liz, Angus just turned 11 this month. It seems like I've heard people say that too much asprin isn't good for them? But it seems like this is the only thing that makes him feel better. I give him the low dose everyday, but the last couple of days it just hasn't been enough. He felt so bad this morning when I went to work that he went in the kennel with the girls & wouldn't come out:rolleyes: So, I just left him there! I just hate when my babies hurt.
Angus says thanks for all the well wishes.

10-15-2002, 01:46 PM
Yes, you're right about too much aspirin, but
this stuff Bud took was coated, so less stomach
upset. Sorta like buffered aspirin.Since dogs
can't take ibuprofin, buffer aspirin or RX of
pain meds seems to be the only way to help his
aches & pains. Gosh, I hope others can offer
you more suggestions. Best of luck helping dear
Angus. Give him a big ole bear hug from me.:)

10-15-2002, 01:53 PM
I sure will give him a big ol' hug! You give your cutie a hug for me!

I make sure I do give him coated asprin & so far it seems like it doesn't hurt his stomach. Hope is stays like that, I'd hate to have to put him on any meds. We had him on Rhymidil (sp?) for a little while, but it didn't seem to do any better than the asprin did.

10-15-2002, 04:20 PM
Sorry to hear poor Angus isn't feeling well. I haven't heard of the product but have seen different Joint products in the Drs. Foster & Smith catalog (peteducation.com) Don't know if they would be any more help then aspirin or not.
Give Angus a big hug for me!

10-15-2002, 04:58 PM
Poor Angus :( I am so sorry to hear that he is hurting.
My GSD Penny suffered like that too, she used to love lying upstairs on the landing and I used to have to help her come down and as it went on had to stop her going up in the first place. I just knew about the oil supplements then, this was a few years ago, but I think products for dog health and wellbeing have come a long way since then, in the supplements area especially. I know I would be tempted to try things like Pawws if Penny were with me now. The only thing that bothers me is that there isn`t any ingredients listed, but thats just me, I like to find out what is in stuff whether for human or animal use.

I did look on the pet symptom solver place to see what advice they had Difficulty getting up, what you can do for your pet (http://www.ivillage.com/pets/petsymptomsolver/leggs/pages/0,13523,413231_500943,00.html) and scolling down towards the bottom they had some advice on asprin and supplements that may be useful.
I know there is a lot of advice out there and before my computer crash I had most of them bookmarked! I am sorry I can`t be of more help, but be sure if I come across anything that I think may help my hero Angus I will be sure to let you know. Please give him a big hug from me and Bob. :)

10-15-2002, 05:19 PM
Thanks for the link! I will try the massage & warm heat. Maybe these combined together will ease his pain a little.

10-15-2002, 05:29 PM
I'm so sorry that sweet Angus is hurting:( I know how upseting it is to see your baby ache. I have never heard of the vitamins, but I hope they help. Have you asked your vet about the correct aspirin dosage for Angus? I have always given my girls the enteric coated aspirin Liz mentioned...much easier on the stomach. When my Jing (RB) started having such aches and pains, I got her a heated, orthopedic doggie bed and that, along with glucosamine and aspirin and massage helped a lot. Please give Angus a great big feel better hug and kiss from all of us. Love, Sandra, Cody and Star.

10-15-2002, 09:30 PM
Where did you get this bed that you mentioned at? Does it plug in, or is it heated by their body heat? And glucosamine, I was reading about this in the link ChrisH gave to me. Would I have to get the correct dosage from the vet also to give him this?

10-15-2002, 09:52 PM
Here is some infor on Glucosamine (http://www.peteducation.com/search_action.cfm) and heated beds (http://www.DrsFosterSmith.com/product/prod_Display.cfm?siteid=12&pCatId=3505)

Well, the Glucosamine link doesn't work quite right, but if you follow the link and tye it in, it brings up several articles...

10-16-2002, 01:34 PM
Anna! I found this tonight :DArthritis pain relief (http://www.easysource.com/synflex/syn_pets.htm?id=)
Please take a look, the product has both the Glocosamine and Chondrotin in it (plus other stuff that I have read good reports about) they explain dosage fully too. Looks good to me. Don`t know about cost value because it is your currency not mine. LOL.

10-16-2002, 04:04 PM
Our Peach (chesapeake) has arthritis and a degenerative disease of the hips. At the vets urging, we were giving her one aspirin per day to ease the pain. He cautioned about using too many because of stomach problems.

Just recently he saw her again and we told him the aspirin was just not helping her anymore so he put her on rimadyl. We asked about glucosamine and he said it couldn't hurt - may help. So every morning she gets one 75 mg rimadyl and 3 gluco-tabs. I got them from Drs. Foster and Smith-the instructions on the container said to give her that many for her weight. In the evening she gets one 75 mg rimadyl. Has really seemed to relieve the pain - she's still stumbly.

Looking into a cart for her from www.doggon.com Kind of expensive, but I think she's more than worth it.

10-16-2002, 04:19 PM
WOW ChrisH! This looks like a pretty good product, if it does everything it says it does! With Angus's weight (120 lbs.) he would use 1 bottle/mo, with a cost of around $30/bottle, which is really only $1/day! I think my boy is worth a $1 a day! I will have to show this to Mark & see what he thinks of it!
BTW...thanks Amy, I checking on the beds right now.

Which do you think are the better beds for older dogs (easier on them & easier to get up & down from), the foam or they also have one with baffles, keeps everything in place so they don't make a nest in it?

10-16-2002, 08:51 PM

I'm so glad you found something that might help Angus.
A joint supplement plus the bed should help him feel more
comfortable. My Buddy took a suppliment called Cosequin
for years & it did extend his life & made him feel so much
more playful & alive. That's the upside of medicine these days
so many advances are being made now to help with the aging
process in animals & humans. I know how much it hurts your
heart to see a beloved friend in pain & want so much to help
them. Hope Angus gets to feeling better soon. Good Luck
with your search. Liz