View Full Version : Today was Bobs first walk wearing a muzzle.

02-15-2010, 01:47 PM
For over eleven years walking Bob has not been relaxing at all. How could it be when I had to spend the whole time watching him in case he picked up and ate yet another of the myriad of discarded items that are found on our walking route. Not to mention the worry if and when he did managed to grab and swallow something, which was far to often.

Today was wonderful. For me. Bob, not so much, though he was much more relaxed about it than I expected.

I've attached a photo of the type muzzle I'm using.

02-15-2010, 02:42 PM
Oh Bob, I bet you weren't very thrilled with that, but it give it gives your mum peace of mind. :) You'll soon get used to it sweetie! :love:

Chris, at least it has some big holes to breath through.

02-15-2010, 03:05 PM
Yes, Randi, it does he can even take a drink with it on. I looked at reviews before I bought it and I was kind of heartened to see that most of the people who bought it did so for the same reasons as me. I am not alone! :D

I do feel bad making him wear it but need must as the saying goes.