View Full Version : Re-Crate Training--HELP

02-11-2010, 08:29 PM
So I have decied to re crate train Mister. Here's a quick background..When I first got him home at 8 weeks he was crate trained. Up until the age of 9 months. THen I had him fixed and one night when he went to go to bed in his crate I caught him licking his stiches sooo I had him sleep with me in the bed. Ever since then (he's almost 4 years now) he hasn't spent one night in a crate let alone when I go out. He gets run of the house :rolleyes:
I am a HUGE softy but I need to do something cause he is slowly becoming way too aggressive...SO any help would be highly appericated!!! Thanks in advance..
Here's a photo of the face I have to say "no" to:p

02-11-2010, 09:34 PM
Here is what we tell people when they adopt at the shelter. Leave the door of the crate open and feed him his meals in the crate (with the door open). Do that for a week or so. Then just start putting him in the crate with the door just held closed for a minute. Gradually increase the amount of time he stays in there. Then put him in, close the door and leave the room. Baby steps like this.
BUT, the most important thing is consistency and don't give in to that cute little face!
Maybe other people will have other ideas for you to try as well.

02-11-2010, 09:47 PM
Feeding is good. You can also try a kong in there. Once he's done, let him out, build up the time. It's all about building up to leaving him in there for awhile.

02-11-2010, 09:50 PM
Oh, another thing....not that you'd do this, but don't use the crate as punishment. Associate it with only good things.

02-12-2010, 01:28 AM
well im having the same issues with the new one marley what has been working out with us is putting a chew toy in there and also putting a shirt in the front kinda like a bird....once that shirt is up she doesnt make a peep till she hears us getting out of the bed