View Full Version : Who Else Is Getting Ready for Yet Another Nor'Easter Snow Storm?

02-05-2010, 06:58 AM
Sections of the East Coast(USA) are gearing up for another pretty bad snow storm.
It's been such an odd winter.
The Pocono areas in PA have gotten about 15" of snow this season, the sea shore town of Cape May, NJ, has gotten 31"! and another foot or more to come tonight into Saturday.

I'm just hoping the wind doesn't get too bad in my area for us to lose power. Not to mention wind just freaks me out.

Last I heard on Thursday evening weather (I'm afraid to look this morning incase it's gotten worse) we are in the area to get 8-14" of snow and wind gusts up to 40+mph between 9am and 3pm Saturday. Shore areas in NJ may have an actual blizzard and are under blizzard warnings last I knew. Our poor coastal towns & beaches have been getting hammered once or twice a month with these storms since September(rain or snow with each storm; beach erosion & flooding).

They say it's all because of the El Nino year, it's an "upside down winter" and it's "southern snow"...I think this El Nino year has lasted long enough and it's time for it to go away! Our area often doesn't get hit with ONE snow storm that brings a foot or more of snow...In December we had 23" and now probably another foot, maybe more.

I hope any of you on this board who are in the storms path will remain safe. Stock up on what you need, settle in at home and stay there!

I can't wait til Spring gets here!

02-05-2010, 07:10 AM
I'm right in the line of fire here. We've had blizzard warnings up since yesterday, with up to 24" of snow in this area. It's supposed to start snowing later this afternoon, but looks like it could start at just about any time.

This is year 7 since the last really bad winter, and it seems to happen like clockwork every 7 years. Some years we get barely any snow at all, and not too many years ago, got none. I knew this year would be a bad one, and I guessed it right. :(

Just gonna stay home where it's warm, and hope the power doesn't go out!

02-05-2010, 07:14 AM
Indeed, we're just not used to heavy snow falls, and especially not 2 in one season around here!
Lets keep those prayers/vibes/meditations going that neither of us lose power.
If we lose power we have no water:eek:, no heat:eek:, the pipes that carry the water for the baseboard hot water heat upstairs could burst and flood the house:eek::eek:...not to mention losing the modern conveniences like lights, tv, and computer!

02-05-2010, 07:42 AM
No power = no nothin'!!! This house is all electric. I have a fireplace, but it hasn't been used and years, so I would be leery of using it - even if I had any firewood! :eek: I could always drag the gas grill into the garage for cooking if need be I suppose.
Living in the country isn't all that great when it comes to snow storms. Clearing main roads is a priority, so we are on the bottom of the totem pole. I have a hair appointment on Tuesday, but that might be "iffy" if we get dumped on like they say.
I like snow, but we've had enough to suit me this year.

02-05-2010, 08:07 AM
We're outside of Ocean City MD and we're supposed to get a ton of snow; quite unusual for this area. We moved down from Baltimore to get AWAY from winters like these, but our 8 year charm has been tarnished.:rolleyes:

I've dug out of a lot of storms, but this one looks MEAN!:eek:

Just hope our heat pump holds on.......................:(

Stay tuned.

02-05-2010, 08:10 AM
I know! We aren't exactly country, although originally this location WAS many years ago. We're considered rural for this area.
But try explaining to city folks why power failure means nothing. Many city folks can still have heat if they lose electric because of gas heat, most won't lose their water due to electric loss.
We have our own well so no electric means no pump to pump the water to the house, so you can't even flush the toilet.
Our stove is gas but electric fired, but we CAN at least light it with a match if we have to.
Our furnace is oil fired but ignited electrically!
We used to have kerosene heaters for emergency heat but not anymore...we learned no matter how well you maintained them, they just created too much soot.

02-05-2010, 08:11 AM
We're on the edge of the snow system. We'll either get 6" or missed completely. But based on the way the outside looks and feels at the moment, I honestly think we're going to be slammed. We were missed by every storm so far this year.

I'm hoping we get slammed - that way I get to go home from work early tonight and off tomorrow! hee hee hee.

02-05-2010, 08:13 AM
Neither my husband or I can shovel and we have no snow blower nor any neighbors who can shovel for us...unless my tenants son is home this weekend, then we can get him to at least shovel a path to the mail box. Our driveway is fairly big and even with 4-wheel drive truck, the plows doing the road creates an issue for us getting out onto the road.

The thought of losing power really makes me nervous, and as I mentioned, wind is not my friend. I don't know what it is about wind...it can be a beautiful sunny day but if the wind is strong, I am just a bundle of nerves. Add it to cold and snow and possible power loss in winter months, and I'm a basket case.

02-05-2010, 08:15 AM
catnapper, I'll tell the storm to skip us and hit you, then! LOL!

When you get older, can't shovel, fear power loss and pipes bursting, snow is no fun anymore.

There was a time we'd welcome snow, when we were young and still had our snowmobiles.

02-05-2010, 08:16 AM
Here in the Pittsburgh area they're predicting a grand total of 8-12" of snow by saturday midday. We haven't had that much snow at one time in at least ten years! Being a resident has it's advantages in that I don't have to drive in this stuff or SHOVEL IT!! However I do worry about the people who have to travel and clean their sidewalks. On our local news, they are calling this storm "Stormzilla"!

02-05-2010, 08:24 AM
catnapper, I'll tell the storm to skip us and hit you, then! LOL!

When you get older, can't shovel, fear power loss and pipes bursting, snow is no fun anymore.

There was a time we'd welcome snow, when we were young and still had our snowmobiles.

Heck, I don't have to be older to worry about no heat and exploding pipes! I'm just lookingforward to a lot of snow that keeps people in their homes so I can work on the house some more.

I am NOT looking forward to the snow melting, and then dripping into the computer room. We have repaired that roof several times and its not fixed. :(

02-05-2010, 08:26 AM
We're on well water too, and what I have done in the past if it looks like we might lose power, is to fill a bathtub with water. Then at least you have water to flush toilets and brush your teeth. I have 3 full baths, so I might fill at least one tub, just to be on the safe side.
No snow blower here either, and the driveway is 100' long. My son was tempted to buy a blower yesterday, but there are none to be had anywhere. Seems almost like a waste of money since it could be used so seldom, but this year has him rethinking the issue!

02-05-2010, 08:27 AM
We won't have to drive, but the other worries are still there. We should be just fine as long as we don't lose power. But losing power is a real possibility if the wind is too bad.

02-05-2010, 08:28 AM
catnapper, sorry to hear about the leak! Must be very frustrating! I will wish you "no drips" then!

02-05-2010, 08:31 AM
Pomtzu, we never made the expense of a snow blower either because it was so rare we'd need one. Sitting unused is not good for those kinds of things so we figured it would be a waste to have one.
It's why we got rid of our snowmobiles. It just seemed like winter didn't mean snow for this area anymore...or very little, certainly not enough to use the snowmobiles in. And we didn't have the luxury of being able to travel to places that had snow.

02-05-2010, 08:36 AM
It will all be South of us. Yup, very strange!!!

02-05-2010, 08:57 AM
We are usually able to say "the worst will be West and North of us"...not this year! Definitely an "upside down winter"!

Some folks have told me El Nino usually gives them a somewhat warmer winter but it hasn't been the case this year.

02-05-2010, 08:59 AM
I'll let everyone know when it starts snowing here in State College. They said 1-3 p.m. it could start then I've heard 3-4 p.m. I just hope I'll be home before it all starts.

Then tomorrow....more snow.

02-05-2010, 09:07 AM
Melissa, if you have to drive, I, too, hope you are to your destination before it gets bad!
Here in my area (I'm approx. 17 miles slightly east but mostly south of Philadelphia), the time frame for starting is anywhere between 4 & 9pm, depending on what tv station you listen to. They did say only 40% chance of snow during the afternoon hours, steadier stuff after 9pm I think. Supposed to end around 7pm Saturday, with the worst occurring between 9am & 3pm Saturday.

Laura's Babies
02-05-2010, 09:32 AM
All that started down here on the gulf! We had rain yesterday, all day long up to 4 inches in places. They explained on the news last night (and I could be using the wrong terms for it) but there was a high pressure area northwest of the rain and a low pressure area southeast of the rain and that was going to push it right on up to all of you.

For all the storms we have down here and the hurricanes, I think what happens up there is worse. At least our bad season is during the summer where we CAN go outside to get in the shade and cool down a little bit and get relief at night when it cools down. Even if we have to use bottled water, it isn't FROZEN so we can drink it.

The power up there goes out during one of these winter storms and ya'll are freezing with no way to get warm and everything in the house freezes and worst of all (to me) is you are confined inside the house because of the freezing weather. I can't handle the cold! I HATE it! Reason # 1 why I left Virginia and live in the south...

One of the guys I work with was in the middle of that winter storm last year and he said it was awful. They could hear the trees breaking and falling at night and were terrified. The power went out and they had no heat and like to have froze, had to keep bottled water close to their bodies to keep it thawed and drinkable. He lived in a rural area and it took them weeks to get power back on at his house.

I was in that area just days after that storm and I couldn't believe the damage and destruction it did.. It actually looked a lot worse than it did around here after Hurricane Gustav.

02-05-2010, 10:18 AM
Ohio is expected to get hit, so I suppose this is the snowstorm that will be moving through the state to the east side of the U.S.

Boo! I am sick of snow.

02-05-2010, 10:27 AM
Ohio is expected to get hit, so I suppose this is the snowstorm that will be moving through the state to the east side of the U.S.

Boo! I am sick of snow.

I believe you're getting snow from a different system. The one we are getting here, is coming up the Atlantic coast from the south. Looking at the weather map, the snow in your area is coming in from the west.

Hey - snow is snow any way you look at it. And I say enough already!!!

02-05-2010, 11:09 AM
I believe you're getting snow from a different system. The one we are getting here, is coming up the Atlantic coast from the south. Looking at the weather map, the snow in your area is coming in from the west.

Hey - snow is snow any way you look at it. And I say enough already!!!

Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the storm from Ohio is heading your way, Ellie - combining with the one coming up the coast. That's why you all are going to get hit so hard.

Two for the price of one :D

Pinot's Mom
02-05-2010, 11:34 AM
I'm not far from Ellie, so we get essentially the same forecasts. The storms coming up from the south this year have been hitting us hard. It has just started to snow, there will only be a couple of inches on the ground this evening, but by 3pm tomorrow, they're saying 15-22" (average) with blizzard conditions tomorrow morning. They've been prepping for this one for a WEEK!!:rolleyes:

02-05-2010, 11:42 AM
We had six inches of snow last weekend and for a place that it hardly ever snows, that's A LOT for us. And we've had 3 2 hour delays, 2 early dismissals, and 2 snow days. Our school NEVER EVER lets out. It has to be hardcore awful for us to get out.

And now we're expecting another inch of snow this weekend.

smokey the elder
02-05-2010, 01:08 PM
We can't buy a snowstorm this year.:D

02-05-2010, 01:16 PM
Being a stupid Cah lee fuh nee ah makes me ask this question!

Is it called a Nor'easter because if it's said with the "TH" sound, your tongue freezes to your upper lip?:rolleyes::confused:;)

02-05-2010, 01:44 PM
Being a stupid Cah lee fuh nee ah makes me ask this question!

Is it called a Nor'easter because if it's said with the "TH" sound, your tongue freezes to your upper lip?:rolleyes::confused:;)

Could be that the person who coined it, had no front teeth, and had no way of pronouncing the "th" part of north, so it just became "nor".
OK - so does anyone else have a better explanation???? :confused::D
If so - let's hear it!!! :D

02-05-2010, 01:53 PM
Send it here! I LOVE snowstorms!

"Nor'easter" - I am thinking of the Irish accents of those in Newfoundland, some of whose traveling partners might well have made it to the NE of the USA. That might explain the pronunciation...

Gonna Google this...

Interesting...something to read while the snow flies...

02-05-2010, 02:00 PM
Ok it's starting to snow here now!

State College snow starting at 3 p.m.

It's not coming down fast just wet.

I went out to the grocery store at lunch time today and wouldn't you know it, everyone else in the world was there. Go figure.

Well I'll be putting out some food for my outside boy and hope he has a warm place to go to.

I wish he would be more friendly so I could find him a forever home but he wont' even go in the trap now.


02-05-2010, 02:02 PM
Maybe it was the Newfoundlanders. They probably came up with "down east Maine" too. :p

Pinot's Mom
02-05-2010, 02:13 PM
....starting to build....

02-05-2010, 03:01 PM
Checking the radar map for out there - it does not look pretty, even with all those colors :(


02-05-2010, 03:04 PM
Ok it's coming down at a good speed now. I'll leave work maybe 15 mins. early today.

:) Take care everyone and be safe on the roads.

02-05-2010, 03:13 PM
It's snowing here, too, but not sticking yet. I looked at the Baltimore Sun's webpage and it says they could get 30".....or more!:eek:

We're going to get a lot, over a foot, maybe two.:(

I hate the stuff.:mad::mad:

All the banks in the area are closed and will be closed tomorrow. YAY!

02-05-2010, 03:42 PM
I hate losing power as much as the next person, but I DO love snow and taking Mikey out in it. It's quite fun. Not to mention, the "inclement weather" also cancelled my auditions - so I am VERY happy about that too! I have a whole 'nother week to practice.

02-05-2010, 03:45 PM
It's supposed to pass South of us, but I am still kind of hopeful we'll get some.

And Richard, it's call a Nor'Easter because of the directions of the winds in the storm. The weather mass from the south come up and meets cold air cycling in from the North Atlantic, and it spirals counter-clockwise, syphoning more moisture in off the Atlantic, adding to the snow or wind totals. It tends to wreak havoc on the shoreline as well.

I hope everyone stays safe and warm.

02-05-2010, 03:46 PM
It started snowing about an hour ago here, and it's just starting to stick.

I'm afraid it's going to be a very looooong weekend!

02-05-2010, 03:52 PM
It's supposed to pass South of us, but I am still kind of hopeful we'll get some.

And Richard, it's call a Nor'Easter because of the directions of the winds in the storm. The weather mass from the south come up and meets cold air cycling in from the North Atlantic, and it spirals counter-clockwise, syphoning more moisture in off the Atlantic, adding to the snow or wind totals. It tends to wreak havoc on the shoreline as well.

I hope everyone stays safe and warm.

Hey Karen - I think he was wondering why it's called a nor'Easter and not a north'Easter. :D

02-05-2010, 04:11 PM
Hey Karen - I think he was wondering why it's called a nor'Easter and not a north'Easter. :D

Ah, we New Englanders have us a peculiar accent for some things, and leave of sounds and letters all the time. North Easter sounds too, I dunno, precise and sedate for the lumbering, precipitating mess that a good Nor'Easter is.

02-05-2010, 04:21 PM
It is snowing here, but not sticking at all. I still see the tips of the grass.

The transport for our little foster, Gretchen, was cancelled for tomorrow (since it goes way north to NY). It was postponed til Sunday thinking the roads will be clearer. Safer, surely.

I am all too happy to have it delayed a day....letting go of this little shepherd is turning out to be harder than we thought. :(

02-05-2010, 04:26 PM
Well we are right on the line between 12-18 inches and 18-24 inches.

but we are ready :)

02-05-2010, 04:27 PM
Ah, we New Englanders have us a peculiar accent for some things, and leave of sounds and letters all the time. North Easter sounds too, I dunno, precise and sedate for the lumbering, precipitating mess that a good Nor'Easter is.

I'm an export from RI, so I used to talk funny too!!! :p

02-05-2010, 04:51 PM
It's really coming down here. I was just getting used to most of the snow having melted, too. We're supposed to get 5 or 6 inches tonight. The roads are already a mess. I prepared for it, stocked up on groceries. Guess I'll do the cleaning thing tomorrow and make spaghetti sauce. I'm having some girlfriends in on Sunday. None of us are interested in the Super Bowl, so we're going to eat spaghetti and just enjoy each other's company. The roads should be ok by then. It's funny, I don't mind staying in when it snows if it's my choice but if I have to stay in b/c I'm snowed in, I get panicky. :confused:

Cinder & Smoke
02-05-2010, 04:52 PM
The transport for our little foster, Gretchen, was cancelled for tomorrow ...

I am all too happy to have it delayed a day....
letting go of this little shepherd is turning out to be harder than we thought. :(

There's a very easy solution to the problem >>>


Pinot's Mom
02-05-2010, 05:37 PM
....really sticking now, and coming down hard! All flights cancelled..saying we're going to beat the 24" storm in December...

02-05-2010, 05:50 PM
Hope you all are safe and warm!

Regarding the nor'easter - there is an outfit, hat and coat, made of oiled skin called a souwester. Usually spelled wit'out the apostrophe! The word usually refers to the hat, at least in Newfoundland.


Is this used in the USA east coast area? Would be interesting to know.

02-05-2010, 05:59 PM
....really sticking now, and coming down hard! All flights cancelled..saying we're going to beat the 24" storm in December...

Darn - I knew I should have headed out early this afternoon for your house and all that good Super Bowl Food............:eek:

It's coming down like crazy here now too. Could see 30" before it's over - so they say. I had just put my boots away - and just had to drag them back out. It wouldn't be bad if I didn't have to go out, but the pups will want to go out come 2 or 3 in the morning for a potty break. Wish they would use the cat's litter box!!! :p

Laura's Babies
02-05-2010, 06:12 PM
Reports in from Eddie's wife in Virginia close to Norfolk, says it snowed, sleeted, and is snowing again. Eddie has a wood heater and lots of wood so at least they will stay warm, she said they got lots of supplies but her brother somewhere along it's path forgot toilet paper! :eek:

02-05-2010, 06:55 PM
Well they just changed our forecast to 1-3 inches of snow.

I wish I was getting a foot of snow. I'm jealous even if you all don't like it hehe. You can just send it down this way ;)

02-05-2010, 07:01 PM
well... it didn't get really started until just recently. Last time I looked was around 6 or a little after and there wasn't much going on.

Just went out now to check and we have this so far




02-05-2010, 07:06 PM
I'm in the middle of the storm now. Snowed all day, sleet earlier this evening and now I believe it's just rain. Snow is expected to start back here in am. Another weekend w/ Cabin FEVER!!! ;)

02-05-2010, 08:03 PM
Everyone caught in this storm is making headlines out our way. Sure doesn't look good. My friend from Jersey called and it looks like they're stocking up and waiting for it to hit out there too. They're expecting 30 inches of snow. This is usually par for the course up here but this year we have very little snow and so far no big storms. We won't be safe till end of April so I shouldn't get too secure, although it wouldn't affect us the same way, as our plows work 24 hrs a day to keep the roads open and we're used to it so we usually can go about our business. They're even predicting snow for Britain again by next week according to my cousin, they haven't had snow like this that he can remember.
The British pronouce it Nor'Easter, so do the Aussies. I know in Britain it's just the way they speak, they would say Nore instead of North so it's shortened to Nor'. I think they pronounce it the same in Newfoundland.

Pomtzu, your fur puppies might choose to sleep through the night instead of wandering in all that snow.......:D

02-06-2010, 01:55 AM
Holy crap!!!! We are buried, and it's far from over. Blowing and drifting really bad. The pups got me up - they want to go out - but no way!!!! I put down a couple of puppy piddle pads (we use them under the litter box), and I'm hoping for the best. They are just going to have to make do with that till daylight.

Looks like we might get that possible 30" after all. :( Oh joy..........:rolleyes:

02-06-2010, 06:52 AM
I don't know how much snow we got during the night but I can tell that there's well over a foot and it's still coming down. Tomorrow we're supposed to get the high winds. My snow plow guy didn't even come and he's usually here by 5:00 AM. Hopefully, by tomorrow the roads will be good enough for travel. I'm having a spaghetti party and I sure don't want to eat all that spaghetti by myself. (Sadly, I could probably handle it. LOL)

A tiger cat has been coming around and I feed it and hope it will go into LBK's shelter but no dice. There weren't even any tracks in the snow this morning so it's probably underneath my tarped grill. I feel bad for it but I wish it would stop spraying! My patio stinks!

02-06-2010, 07:28 AM
It's still coming down. Hard to tell how much we actually have since it's blowing and drifting so bad. Easily about 18" right now I would think. I won't be going anywhere for a while, that's for sure.

The pups were so good. They finally got to go out about an hour ago, after not being out since late yesterday afternoon. My son forced the back door open (the snow was drifted up against it), and he shoveled the porch off and a place for them to do their business. Poor little ones - they must have been ready to bust! :eek:

The snowfall seems to have lightened up a bit, so maybe it's winding down earlier than predicted. But - more snow in the forecast for Tuesday.

02-06-2010, 07:54 AM
Well we're definately snowed in for the day. It's going to take us at least that long to shovel out:eek:
They say on TV that Piqua got 13" but up to 5 ft of drifting snow (looks like pretty close to what I have in my drive)
YUCK, YUCK, YUCK...I hate snowstorms. The only good thing is I'm not going to work today:D

02-06-2010, 08:05 AM
We got off pretty darn easy here. We are at a Level 2 snow emergency, but I don't think we got more then 3-4". Nothing compared to 40 miles south of us! Some blowing and drifting, but the winds they were showing at 10-15/hr less then 40 miles south.

We are supposed to go see Colin Mocherie and Brad Sherwood (from Whose Line) tonight. We are wondering if they will be able to get in...not becuase of the weather here as much as wondering where they were coming from....

Pinot's Mom
02-06-2010, 08:16 AM
Round 1 - morning...and we're in the middle!

I like the last picture....MOM I can't see out my door!!:(

The first picture, by the way, is the first cut of our snowthrower-what a BLESSING that is!

02-06-2010, 08:38 AM
Right now in the Butler/Cabot area of Pennsylvania we have AT LEAST 24" of snow with more in drifts. The driving here is almost impossible and it's still snowing. The snow is supposed to stop later today with about 3-5" more to come. I'll have to give credit to the staff here at Concordia. Whoever could have possibly made it in did so and were able to help with essential services.

02-06-2010, 08:55 AM
I slept in knowing the store would be closed :) I woke up to 14" outside my back door.

I haven't needed to shovel a doggy pee path in years. Callie apparently had to pee so bad that she couldn't wait for the path and darted outside as soon as I opened the door. The steps were completely obliterated and she dove into the snow. Oh my.... if only I had my video running as I opened the door!!!! The look on her face as she turned around was priceless! She darted to the yard, peed faster than I ever saw her pee, and RAN back to the door and looked at me as if to say "are you INSANE? Lets go back inside!" (Man I miss Nicki, she adored snow!)

Oh, and as I type this, the roof is leaking into the bucket. Sigh. Hey, at least I knew to expect the leaking! :p

Laura's Babies
02-06-2010, 09:13 AM
Gosh, I am reading all this and feeling so bad for all of you! The sun is shinning here and it is 48*..

02-06-2010, 09:45 AM
Just came in from feeding the birds, squirrels and stray cats and I sank down in the snow past my knees. That was fun. :rolleyes: Those dumb cats just won't go in the shelter that I've provided for them. They'd rather sit on the cold concrete underneath my grill. What's their deal?

Pinot's Mom
02-06-2010, 10:33 AM
We are in the heaviest band (again) of snow. We are at 32" now and it's coming down at 2" per hour at this moment. This really is epic; seriously.

02-06-2010, 10:52 AM
I just took Mikey out, he was doing his little frolick thing he does when the snow's too deep for him. He also couldn't pick his leg up to pee. He was ALSO trying to go in the middle of the street where the snow was shallow, but I was being cautious about ice. I have funny videos of him frolicking.

02-06-2010, 10:53 AM
We are in the heaviest band (again) of snow. We are at 32" now and it's coming down at 2" per hour at this moment. This really is epic; seriously.

You've got us beat. First it looks like it's clearing, then it snows like crazy again. It's such a heavy snow too. I was looking out the front window and noticed that a couple of big limbs on the cedar tree by the garage have snapped under the weight of the snow. I sure wish Steve had been able to find a snow blower when he went looking for one a few days ago.

How in the world do you make it up that hill by your house to the main road? My little car would just slide back down!!! Living in the "flatlands" here has it's benefits!

02-06-2010, 11:14 AM
Well we've got about 2 1/2 feet so far and it's still snowing. although not as hard

Well here are some pics.











Pinot's Mom
02-06-2010, 11:20 AM
You've got us beat. First it looks like it's clearing, then it snows like crazy again. It's such a heavy snow too. I was looking out the front window and noticed that a couple of big limbs on the cedar tree by the garage have snapped under the weight of the snow. I sure wish Steve had been able to find a snow blower when he went looking for one a few days ago.

How in the world do you make it up that hill by your house to the main road? My little car would just slide back down!!! Living in the "flatlands" here has it's benefits!

I was out this morning with a really long pole clearing the blue cypress and japanese cedar - they just cannot take this weight! It was my first priority. Now we're in for a meal break - next order of business is the deck. The snow is up to my waist. Way too much weight.

As far as the hill? Thank goodness for an all wheel drive Subaru and a four wheel drive Toyota truck! :)

02-06-2010, 12:29 PM
There's still a state of emergency declared in Pennsylvania so all of the media is asking everyone to stay off of the roads unless it's an absolute necessiity.

02-06-2010, 12:29 PM
The transport for our little foster, Gretchen, was cancelled for tomorrow (since it goes way north to NY). It was postponed til Sunday thinking the roads will be clearer. Safer, surely.

I am all too happy to have it delayed a day....letting go of this little shepherd is turning out to be harder than we thought. :(

Awww, my prayers may be working.:D

It snowed all day yesterday & most of the night. It's stopped today. We
are not to bad off, only 8 or 9 in". I will have to clear off my driveway if
I want to go anywhere.

Pinot's Mom
02-06-2010, 02:26 PM
It's OVER!!!

The snow is done!!!:D

02-06-2010, 02:30 PM
What is your official total??

02-06-2010, 02:51 PM
I live in Central NJ and we got about 6" which is a lot less than we thought. Here are a couple of pics taken around 12 noon today:

This one is taken from my front door showing the porch steps,


This my car and as you can see the tires aren't even covered but there was plenty on the car,


Stay safe everyone.

02-06-2010, 02:56 PM
When Brian went out to shovel he took a few pics of the front of the house and the vehicles



that big white lump... is our minivan LOL


The birds are enjoying the feast we put out for them




02-06-2010, 03:15 PM
Pinot's Mom-
I'm in Richmond VA and it's snowing still really hard here. I don't know if this will make it to you or not. It's been snowing all day...We've probably gotten about 8-10 inches.

02-06-2010, 04:26 PM
Finally - it's over here too - now that it's too late to start digging out today. That was 26 straight hours of snow. Officially we only got 19", so Maggie hit the jackpot. Of course, there's 4 foot drifts between the house and cars to get thru, and we still can't get to the front of the house yet. Oh well - tomorrow is dig out day here. :(

02-06-2010, 04:32 PM
Pinot's Mom-
I'm in Richmond VA and it's snowing still really hard here. I don't know if this will make it to you or not. It's been snowing all day...We've probably gotten about 8-10 inches.

Our son lives in Midlothian, and we've been teasing him about all the snow he's had this year - compared to the paltry amount we've had here in Michigan.

02-06-2010, 05:16 PM
Paltry describes the snow we've had up to date. Looking at all the pictures reminds me of what we usually get every few days during a normal winter but this isn't a normal winter and everyone is happy. Please God, let it stay this way for once, we appreciate the break. And our high today was -6 so still very mild. It only goes down in the -20's overnight too....lucky us so far this year.

02-06-2010, 06:04 PM
The snow has finally stopped. Thank Goodness! Maybe tomorrow I can get out of here. And yes, Grace, this is the most snow I've seen here in ages.

Pinot's Mom
02-06-2010, 06:15 PM
What is your official total??

Sorry, I was off line for quite a while helping with the dig out. BWI will issue a final total at some point this evening, but we were running about 11-12" over them all day here in Howard County. The last tally here was 34", but we started digging out before taking another one. Ellie, the snowthrower was a workhorse today! The main driveway is done, the driveways to the houses are done, my car is fully accessible, but the main road is still not plowed.

For the record, this is the heaviest snowfall in one storm ever in Maryland, and it's the only time in history there have been two storms over 20" in the same season. My arms are killing me.

Oh, and for those digging out tomorrow, I wish you luck and really strong arms. The temp will be 12F this evening and that stuff is going to be like a ROCK tomorrow.

02-06-2010, 07:59 PM
We have survived.
Thankfully we did not get any of the high winds. We did not lose power.
However, we went from an 8-14" prediction to a 12-16" prediction to a 18-24" prediction.
We easily have drifts of 3ft. out in our yard. Our house is on a hill and it drifts crazy.
Neither my husband or I can shovel, we have no neighbor kids to hire to do it. Hopefully my husband can get the 4-wheel drive truck out of the driveway and we won't have to hire someone to plow and can just let it melt.
We bring our outdoor dog, Nellie, in the house during these storms. She stays in the kitchen as she has no house manners, has been an outdoor dog all her life. Walking her is a chore. I had to walk her through the deep drifts to the packed-down road to do her business!:eek: There just is no place for her to squat to do it anywhere else!
It started snowing around 7:15pm Friday night and by 8pm we had an inch already. It didn't stop until around 3pm Saturday(today). The heaviest came down overnight.

8pm Friday night after less than one-hour of snow falling:

8am Saturday morning...you can't tell it's still snowing in this pic, it came down heavier and lighter though the day:

Kitties watching birds outside the window at feeders:

Snow on the outside window sill, most our windows had no view except the piles of snow on the ledges & drifted and stuck on the screens:

Around 1pm Saturday afternoon:

Looking out our basement door:

My car is under there somewhere I think!

3pm Saturday, the snow finally stopped...our back yard:

The sun setting as if there'd never been a wicked snow storm the last 18 hours:

02-06-2010, 11:44 PM
I read something about 300,000 people being without power??!!?!

Everyone here ok?

Laura's Babies
02-07-2010, 07:06 AM
OK, everybody report in! Who has power this morning?

Pinot's Mom
02-07-2010, 07:09 AM
I read something about 300,000 people being without power??!!?!

Everyone here ok?

We never lost power, but many of our friends have had problems with service. We're just wondering - can we possibly ship the snow we plow to Vancouver for the Olympics? It sounds like they need it. I'll post more pictures when I can get out - our door is frozen shut!

02-07-2010, 07:11 AM
Never lost power here, just ambition. ;)

02-07-2010, 07:18 AM
Our total I think was around 13-14" but the blowing and drifting was the worst.
I'm SO glad I'm not some of you who got in the 20"+ area!
We got lucky while shoveling. A plow came by and for $35 plowed the other half of the drive. Well worth it to me that's for sure!

02-07-2010, 07:25 AM
No loss of power at my house.
We don't get a newspaper and I purposefully did not watch any news or weather reports yesterday because I was tired of hearing it as well as dealing with it. I knew it snowed a lot, so I watched pleasant stuff when I watched tv!
I do know that my on-line friends from North Jersey got very little snow. That's about all I know as far as reports on totals, etc.

02-07-2010, 07:27 AM
I'm here and doing fine, but already have cabin fever. :eek: Thankfully, we never lost power, and the only damage is some tree limbs snapped under the weight of the snow.

It's a bright, clear, cold morning, and everything looks so beautiful - fresh and clean - for now anyway.

We got a revised total - closer to 2 feet now, but the drifts are terrible. Temps are supposed to stay below freezing all week, so we won't get much melting. And joy-joy-joy - another snow storm Tuesday night/Wednesday. The forecasters are tiptoeing around that one, but I heard one say that it could be another nor'Easter. We've already broken old records - this is the first winter ever in this area, to have 2 storms in one season that exceeded 20" per storm.

When does it all end??? - April maybe?????

02-07-2010, 07:31 AM
Oh please, not another Nor'Easter!!!!!
I've had enough!
Now I'm even MORE afraid to listen to any news or weather reports.

02-07-2010, 08:26 AM
I read something about 300,000 people being without power??!!?!

Everyone here ok?

I'm fine here, Candace. However there were a lot of power outages in the Pittsburgh area due to the heavy, wet snow breaking tree limbs and the limbs knocking the lines down. About 100,000 still without power.

02-07-2010, 08:32 AM
It finally stopped here around 7 last night. What a MESS!

We walked out around the house to clean out around our heat pump and it was up to my knees! We're never going to get outta here!

BTW, here is a pic of the big one in '96 when we lived in Balto. Kinda like what we have now, and what we never expected to see again.:rolleyes:


Looking back on this, why was I smiling?????

02-07-2010, 08:38 AM
Yesterday around 2 PM. The worst hadn't hit yet...................


02-07-2010, 08:52 AM
When I got home from work Friday, it started snowing. By Saturday morning, we had maybe 12" of snow! This is looking out my backdoor Sunday morning!:D

02-07-2010, 09:53 AM
A few pics from Delaware............

02-07-2010, 10:01 AM
A few more from Delaware:

02-07-2010, 10:23 AM
Officially, outside of the Concordia buildings, the total snowfall is 22" of this ##@!%^%& white stuff! Thank goodness we have a great maintaintance crew ( and my hat goes off to them!!), to being out in this weather to try to keep the roads clear, b ecause a lot of times we have ambulances coming in and out. When I first looked out at the back parking lot everything was white and there were shapes that vaguely resembled cars!!

02-07-2010, 11:26 AM
we didn't lose power here at all although we were prepared to. But all our wiring is underground in our neighborhood so we don't lose power too often. The worst of it hit overnight so I don't know how signal was during the night but during our waking hours we didnt' even lose satellite signal lol

02-07-2010, 11:36 AM
So glad you all came through the storm without serious consequence.

I'm thinking I'd rather have the thigh-high snow, rather than the knee-high mud like they're having in southern California right now.

02-07-2010, 01:26 PM
Just got done shoveling, scraping, and chopping up snow! We got Jeff's car cleaned off and running, his van cleaned off, but my Mustang will probably sit until spring.:rolleyes: Our street has been plowed, but it's still slippery.

Filled the bird feeders and we have a lot of visitors!:love:

Pinot's Mom
02-07-2010, 02:05 PM
The big dig is done!:D For those that have heard Ellie refer to my driveway, picture 2 is the main drive, and picture 4 is the small driveway next to our house. The snowthrower paid for itself! Picture 3 is the main road at the top in the neighborhood.

02-07-2010, 02:15 PM
That first picture - is that your husband on your back deck - the place you were all sitting during the recent gathering?

Amazing amount of snow :)

Pinot's Mom
02-07-2010, 02:24 PM
That first picture - is that your husband on your back deck - the place you were all sitting during the recent gathering?

Amazing amount of snow :)

That's exactly where it is - we have only cleared pathways up there. It's just too much!

Pinot's Mom
02-07-2010, 02:36 PM
It finally stopped here around 7 last night. What a MESS!

We walked out around the house to clean out around our heat pump and it was up to my knees! We're never going to get outta here!

BTW, here is a pic of the big one in '96 when we lived in Balto. Kinda like what we have now, and what we never expected to see again.:rolleyes:


Looking back on this, why was I smiling?????

What neighborhood is that? It looks like where Coop and I lived a long time ago - that was Westowne.

02-07-2010, 03:12 PM
The big dig is done!:D For those that have heard Ellie refer to my driveway, picture 2 is the main drive, and picture 4 is the small driveway next to our house. The snowthrower paid for itself! Picture 3 is the main road at the top in the neighborhood.

WOW - clear roads!!!

Those pics don't really show how steep that incline is up to the main road tho.

Our very neighborly (NOT!!!) neighbor next door cleared his place out yesterday with his snowblower. Wouldn't it have been nice of him to offer the use of it to Steve today? Oh well - maybe some day he will need a favor from us.

Steve, DIL and grandson shoveled all day with about an hour break for lunch, and it's still not done. The driveway is 100' long and 2 cars wide, and they got to about 5' from the end and where the snowplow plowed it closed, so nobody can get out yet. Of course my car is all the way at the opposite end by the garage, and they never dug that out, so I'll be going nowhere in a hurry. Of course, I have 2 appointments this week that I'll have to reschedule. :mad: It never rains, but it pours - or maybe that should be, it never snows, but it blizzards. :p

02-07-2010, 06:35 PM
getting ready for up to 10 inches to start falling sometime tomorrow in Chicago

02-07-2010, 09:25 PM
I've been following this thread and I'm so glad that none of you lost your power and that everyone survived this horrible snow storm. I used to live in PA many years ago and then I grew up in S.C. so I know a little about snow but I was young and didn't have to drive in it. We've been having rain and wind here. Hopefully you won't get another big snow storm any time soon.

02-08-2010, 08:06 AM
Is everybody ready for round 2??? Potentially another foot or more Tuesday night and all day Wednesday...............:(

Laura's Babies
02-08-2010, 08:19 AM
I bet by now, I am not the only one ready for summer to get here! Man! :rolleyes: When is it going to end.....?

02-08-2010, 08:19 AM
Is everybody ready for round 2??? Potentially another foot or more Tuesday night and all day Wednesday...............:(

Thats what we were watching at work yesterday. Since we're commission sales people, we're all worried about our budgets and goals! Our sales are pitiful so far this month.... everyone's been at the grocery store loading up on TP and potato chips, then they've been digging themselves out of the house. I'm just thankful the next round is planning to hit on my days off! :p

02-08-2010, 08:24 AM
Oh, whoopie! They're predicting ANOTHER 4-8" for our area tuesday and wednesday. I can't wait to see green grass again!

02-08-2010, 11:26 AM
Guess I'll head out to the grocery store. Again. :mad:

02-08-2010, 11:45 AM
Yep round 2 on the way. This time our friend is gonna come over with his snowblower for us LOL

I don't have anywhere to go Wednesday so I don't mind :)

02-08-2010, 12:09 PM
:eek: Boy Howdy you all have been getting Hammered up on the East Coast.. We are to get Freezing Rain & Sleet & possible snow by the end of the week.. Ok I will trade you all for a bit of snow for my freezing rain..:D

02-08-2010, 12:11 PM
The 2nd storm has been working its' way into our area today & is suppose to run into Tuesday evening. Hopefully it will die down by the time it reaches the East. We are use to getting dumped on here & call the storms Alberta Clippers when they come down from Canada. The winds are suppose to pick up later today & schools are already being called off early. Good luck everyone & stay warm.

02-08-2010, 12:13 PM

02-08-2010, 12:33 PM
My crew went out this a.m. to finish digging out the end of the driveway that they didn't get finished after nearly 7 hours of shoveling yesterday. Lo and behold, along comes a guy down the road on a front end loader, and he stopped and finished the job up for them in less than 10 minutes!!! Talk about bad timing - where the heck was he yesterday???? He could have done the whole thing in about a half hour!! I sure hope he's around after this next storm. :)

Of course it didn't help me any - my car is still sitting with snow up to the hood. :mad:

02-08-2010, 12:55 PM
You guys should have asked for his number so you can have him come out again lol

02-08-2010, 01:03 PM
We are supposed to get hit for real this time...we shall see. 6-10inches if they are right. I just hope if we do it is enough for a Level 3 Snow Emergency (which means it is illegal to be on the roads unless your job is vital, like a doctor,police, etc) so I can stay from home!

02-08-2010, 07:51 PM
Oh come on guys, I love the snow. The prestine beauty, the wonder of a single fake, the hush in the air, the soft way the snow melts in your hands, the way it hugs the tree branches, especially pines, the cool. fresh air in your lungs, the crunch as you walk across the frozen snow.
The world is white and beautiful and full of promise and glory. :D

02-08-2010, 07:56 PM
We're expecting another 2 inches tomorrow and we're supposed to start getting snow after midnight, around 3am probably tonight. EEEE, I love snow.

02-08-2010, 08:41 PM
We are supposed to get a combo of snow and ice here starting midday tomorrow. I love snow but I don't like it messing up every weekend. :)

02-08-2010, 09:47 PM
Oh come on guys, I love the snow. The prestine beauty, the wonder of a single fake, the hush in the air, the soft way the snow melts in your hands, the way it hugs the tree branches, especially pines, the cool. fresh air in your lungs, the crunch as you walk across the frozen snow.
The world is white and beautiful and full of promise and glory. :D

I agree. I LOOOOOOOOOOVE snow. and this amount is nothing new for me... although this area is not equipped to handle it effectively without shutting the city down....

but I love and always will love the snow. the more the better

but I also don't have to shovel it :)

Pinot's Mom
02-08-2010, 09:55 PM
Latest forecast: 14-22 inches. I am so excited...

02-09-2010, 06:49 AM
Yes, I am so excited.:mad: My enthusiasm knows no bounds. I love how it sits in a frozen immobile mound, covered with dirt and trash, crunching under my cold feet.

Lovely, my *ss.:rolleyes::D

02-09-2010, 07:52 AM
Yes, I am so excited.:mad: My enthusiasm knows no bounds. I love how it sits in a frozen immobile mound, covered with dirt and trash, crunching under my cold feet.

Lovely, my *ss.:rolleyes::D

LOL! Don't forget about slipping on ice and doing the lovely flailing arms thing! I slipped several times and hurt my knee (waaaaaahhhhhhh)

Poor Callie is having SUCH issues with pottying outside. She wants to go on grass, only its all hidden under huge mounds of ice and snow. She climbs to the top of the snow plow mounds, sinks, climbs some more, sinks, climbs, sinks.... gives up and poops in the house. I can NOT blame her or yell at her; she tried to go outside and kept having issues.

02-09-2010, 07:57 AM
Oh come on guys, I love the snow. The prestine beauty, the wonder of a single fake, the hush in the air, the soft way the snow melts in your hands, the way it hugs the tree branches, especially pines, the cool. fresh air in your lungs, the crunch as you walk across the frozen snow.
The world is white and beautiful and full of promise and glory. :D

Sure - all the above is true - as long as you can admire it from the warmth and safety of your own home - if you have been fortunate enough not to lose power.

On the flip side, the above has a totally different perspective.

Snow starts to melt - it gets dirty and ugly - it's a thaw and refreeze process, with slush during the day which promptly freezes to solid ice when the sun goes down. Eventually it will melt, but with the ground still frozen, it has nowhere to go so all that water just lays there, and waits for some thawing - then you have wall to wall mud.

Walking and driving in it - hazardous to your health for MANY reasons too numerous to mention. Just a few - motor vehicle accidents, heart attacks from shoveling, broken bones from falling.

No power? There are people that will not leave their homes to go to a shelter, because they are fearful their empty house will get vandalized, or they don't want to abandon their pets. Damage to their residence from frozen pipes that burst. Some of these folks will end up dead from hypothermia, or end up burning their house down from trying unsafe methods to generate heat in their home.

Impact on the economy - Stores, malls, the government shutting down all but essential services. Lost wages for those that don't, or just can't get to work - a staggering figure. Schools closed and parents of younger children trying to figure out who will take care of the kids if they themselves manage to get out to work.

Got an emergency - need an ambulance to take you to the hospital or the fire company to put out that fire? I wish you luck there.

Oh yes - it is soooo lovely!!! :rolleyes: I can hardly wait till I see that first flake fall later today, since it's a repeat performance of the show Mother Nature put on for us this past weekend.

02-09-2010, 08:09 AM
It's on the way - started snowing here about 0700. The worst is due after sundown. We're only scheduled for 6 - 10 though.

02-09-2010, 08:55 AM
Here in NE PA, we haven't gotten ANY of the last 2 storms. How wierd is this weather? It has been COLD though. We are expecting 6-12 tonight and into tomorrow but I'm thinking it's all going to VA :)

02-09-2010, 08:57 AM
Stay warm everyone! I know what it's like to get that much snow and it can be a major pain, especially when it keeps piling up like that.

02-09-2010, 10:21 AM
It's snowing here now.:D:D I have to get ready for work. Today is my birthday and the snow make a lovely gift. Yes I have to drive and shovel it but it beats 80* at least for me. I know I am an odd one. But that is what makes the world an interesting place the odd folks. We make the rest of the world laugh sometimes with us, sometimes at us but at least we are not boring.

02-09-2010, 10:23 AM
Stay warm everyone! I know what it's like to get that much snow it can be a major pain, especially when it keeps piling up like that.
Your daughter is so cute.

02-09-2010, 10:33 AM
Our snow is very light and fluffy - so far. I was able to just sweep it off the porches.

02-09-2010, 10:33 AM
ours isn't supposed to start until this afternoon. hannah is at daycare today so I will likely be picking her up early so I can get her and back home before the snow starts. I'm used to snow but I've only been driving for less than a year so I'm not ready to tackle snow driving yet :)

02-09-2010, 10:38 AM
Just drive slow, no need to rush and a good tip is that your hands follow your eyes. So if you are sliding and you want to go left and car is going right look at where you want to go and your hands will follow.
Stay safe.

02-09-2010, 10:44 AM
Yeah I kinda drive slow as it is lol but I'm worried about driving around other people in the snow. people's brains kinda fall out around here when snow hits the ground lol.

one thing I am really enjoying... since we got all this snow I have a lot of litle birdies visiting our backyard. Over the past few days I've watched a male cardinal trying to attract the eye of the lady cardinal that stops by. So far she is NOT impressed lol. and just now I had a lovely male cardinal singing me his pretty song. OK it wasn't a song for me but I got to hear it :)

02-09-2010, 11:11 AM
Yeah I kinda drive slow as it is lol but I'm worried about driving around other people in the snow. people's brains kinda fall out around here when snow hits the ground lol.

one thing I am really enjoying... since we got all this snow I have a lot of litle birdies visiting our backyard. Over the past few days I've watched a male cardinal trying to attract the eye of the lady cardinal that stops by. So far she is NOT impressed lol. and just now I had a lovely male cardinal singing me his pretty song. OK it wasn't a song for me but I got to hear it :)

I love the Cardinals - they look so wonderful against the snow and pine trees. We normally have 20 - 30 in our yard. They are the first to arrive in the morning, and the last to leave at night.

02-09-2010, 11:53 AM
I love the Cardinals - they look so wonderful against the snow and pine trees. We normally have 20 - 30 in our yard. They are the first to arrive in the morning, and the last to leave at night.

They're my favorite, and we have a lot here too.

I'm out of bird seed, and can't get to the tree with the feeder anyway. I noticed the birds have been raiding the dry cat food on the porch that is Sherbie's. We always have a problem with the crows doing that in the Spring and early Summer, but never saw any others doing it.

I crumbled up some bread and a stale bagel, and added some rolled oats to it, and tossed some out in the snow for the poor hungry little ones. They have been eating it, so at least they are getting some food. I remember when I was a kid, my mother always took bread that was getting stale and crumbled it for the birds. :)

02-09-2010, 12:00 PM
I've actually just been spreading the seed on the railing of our porch since I don't actually have a real bird feeder.

02-09-2010, 12:07 PM
They're my favorite, and we have a lot here too.

I'm out of bird seed, and can't get to the tree with the feeder anyway. I noticed the birds have been raiding the dry cat food on the porch that is Sherbie's. We always have a problem with the crows doing that in the Spring and early Summer, but never saw any others doing it.

I crumbled up some bread and a stale bagel, and added some rolled oats to it, and tossed some out in the snow for the poor hungry little ones. They have been eating it, so at least they are getting some food. I remember when I was a kid, my mother always took bread that was getting stale and crumbled it for the birds. :)

I'm glad you're doing the crumbs. I've read that once you start feeding the birds in the winter, you shouldn't stop because they have become dependent on that food. But it gets real hard sometimes.

We have one suet feeder and two hanging tubes. There are 5 - 6 places where I scatter seed on the ground for the ground feeders. When it snows, I'm out there a couple of times a day, brushing the snow from those areas so the birds can get to the seed.

02-09-2010, 01:11 PM
I don't have any seed, but I have some stale bread that I wanted
to throw out for the birds. Trouble is, I have to wait till it stops snowing
or it will just get covered up.

A lady I used to work with sent me a little take off of the Who Dat
song. It's pretty good.:D

"This is what i wanted to yell at people on the way home this evening.

Snow on da' ground.....snow on da' ground..... Drivin' like a fool wit da' snow on the ground....look at ya now - car spinnin' around.....drivin like a fool wit da' snow on Da ground!!!... Slow it down .... "

Pinot's Mom
02-09-2010, 01:14 PM
Here we go! It's SNOWING!

02-09-2010, 01:42 PM
hasn't started here yet... said it should start after 3. so I'm gonna head out soon to the bead store and then go get hannah so we can hunker down, keep warm and watch the snowfall :)

smokey the elder
02-09-2010, 01:59 PM
We totally missed out the last storm; we're supposed to get some this time.

02-09-2010, 02:14 PM
Here we go! It's SNOWING!

Yikes! Good luck to you all up there; I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!!!

02-09-2010, 04:13 PM
The snow has started. I timed it perfectly HAHA. I went to the store and to pick up hannah and it started snowing when I was under 2 miles from home. perfect :)

now they've upgraded us to getting 20 inches possibly more

02-09-2010, 04:38 PM
Hasn't started in south Jersey yet.
I'm trying to avoid the sensationalism on the tv because all that does is increase my nervous anxiousness over the whole mess.
This one is going to last longer than the last storm, it sounds like.
Hopefully the fact that the temps aren't going to be quite as cold will facilitate melting quicker afterwards, but at the same time that increases chances of heavy, wet snow sitting on wires.
Cape May County was pretty crippled with power outtages and they still haven't finished fixing things down there...so if other areas lose power, it's going to be a while before things get righted. I heard Cape May County asked for Federal Assistance but it couldn't get there before this Storm Part Two gets started.

Be safe everyone! I hope it passes quicker than they think and is less powerful than they think! Our expected accumulation is anything from 8" to 20"...hoping for something much closer to 8" for sure!

02-09-2010, 04:54 PM
Nothing here - yet! They're saying could be sleet and snow mixed before changing over to all snow tomorrow. I'm hoping it's all snow, since sleet will make it treacherous. Any where between 6"-20" of snow depending on who you listen to, so I'm not listening to anybody. We get what we get, and go from there!

Stay safe everyone - it's gonna be a long day again tomorrow! :(

02-09-2010, 05:12 PM
It started snowing here this morning and it's now after 6:00 and it's still snowing. We're expecting another foot. Sigh. :mad:

02-09-2010, 05:22 PM
In my neck of the woods, we're expecting around 6-10" of that white stuff overnight tonight and tomorrow. My thoughts and prayers go out to the people in the D.C. and eastern Maryland area who will be hard hit again.

02-09-2010, 05:27 PM
yeah we're in the 12" to 18" range "possibly more" they say.

We've got just over an inch already and it started just after 5pm

02-09-2010, 05:33 PM
Nothing here - yet! They're saying could be sleet and snow mixed before changing over to all snow tomorrow. I'm hoping it's all snow, since sleet will make it treacherous. Any where between 6"-20" of snow depending on who you listen to, so I'm not listening to anybody. We get what we get, and go from there!

Stay safe everyone - it's gonna be a long day again tomorrow! :(

We could have mixing as well. Nothing yet.
Definitely going to be a loooong next 24 hours. For South Jersey it isn't supposed to wind down until the later evening hours on Wednesday.
My main worry is power loss, as usual. I also hate wind, it just freaks me for some reason.

02-09-2010, 05:35 PM
yeah we're in the 12" to 18" range "possibly more" they say.

We've got just over an inch already and it started just after 5pm

They are giving us about the same song and dance about totals...could be this, could be that.

It hasn't started here yet.

02-09-2010, 05:38 PM
It was supposed to start snowing here last night, but I don't think it did. Now they're saying we could get 1-4 inches here tonight. But I don't know. The weather people around here seem to always be WRONG lol.

02-09-2010, 05:55 PM
We are getting rain and sleet. I think they are calling for light snow here tomorrow. I'm sick of this weather. Got a call today while at work from my neighbor, my damn pipe burst in my outside storage. Luckily, I have a great neighbor who is a jack of all trades and he cut the water off for me and will sauder (spelling?) the pipe for me soon. No rush since water isn't spewing out and flooding my patio :rolleyes:

02-09-2010, 07:09 PM
<object height="339" width="420">

<embed src="http://www.dailymotion.com/swf/xc4ixx" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" height="339" width="420">[/URL][URL="http://www.dailymotion.com/swf/xc4ixx"] (http://www.dailymotion.com/swf/xc4ixx)</object>
Weatherman Freaking Out Over DC Snowpocalypse (http://www.dailymotion.com/swf/xc4ixx)
by TheDlisted (http://www.dailymotion.com/TheDlisted)

I believe this is/was many of the people whom have posted in this thread thus far.

02-09-2010, 07:21 PM
<object height="339" width="420">

<embed src="http://www.dailymotion.com/swf/xc4ixx" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" height="339" width="420">[/URL][URL="http://www.dailymotion.com/swf/xc4ixx"] (http://www.dailymotion.com/swf/xc4ixx)</object>
Weatherman Freaking Out Over DC Snowpocalypse (http://www.dailymotion.com/swf/xc4ixx)
by TheDlisted (http://www.dailymotion.com/TheDlisted)

I believe this is/was many of the people whom have posted in this thread thus far.

Come back and talk to these folks when you actually have to drive in it.

02-09-2010, 07:27 PM
According to the 6pm news we had 5.5 inches then. They are saying it is supposed to continue until at least 2am, maybe 4am. And in that time 1/2in to an 1 inch per hour, so 4- 7 more by morning. And when it stops is when the wind is supposed to pickup. Could be interesting!!

02-09-2010, 07:59 PM
It's snowing but the roads were fine when I left work at 7pm. They are doing a great job keeping the roads clear. I am a bit worried about tomorrow morning getting out of my driveway as I have to be back at the office at 8. Hubby gets to stay home the rest of the week. :rolleyes:

02-09-2010, 08:04 PM
<object height="339" width="420">

<embed src="http://www.dailymotion.com/swf/xc4ixx" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" height="339" width="420">[/URL][URL="http://www.dailymotion.com/swf/xc4ixx"] (http://www.dailymotion.com/swf/xc4ixx)</object>
Weatherman Freaking Out Over DC Snowpocalypse (http://www.dailymotion.com/swf/xc4ixx)
by TheDlisted (http://www.dailymotion.com/TheDlisted)

I believe this is/was many of the people whom have posted in this thread thus far.

I find it funny that you post this, considering you live down south, in Georgia or something if I recall, and rarely if ever have to deal witht he inconviences snow causes. Flight delays and cancelation, very annoying for people whom are traveling to go see family, on business or have to be at a destination at a specific time. Driving, black ice - very dangerous. He is not freaking out over nothing, Washington DC is in a very big mess right now. They already have well over a foot of snow - and they are not well equipped for it. Everything is closed, no one can get to the captiol, the whitehouse, all trains are down..I don't see how you think he's freaking out over "nothing". My brother cannot even walk out of his apartment right now in DC, he said his road isn't even salted or plowed yet from the first storm. Power outages are probably the worst thing right now, there isn't heat or ways to prepare food. Sorry, we're not all sitting in nice 60 degree weather with shorts on down south right now, although I wish I was.

School was just canceled here, oh happy day. :D My dad already told me I'll be helping him shovel tomorrow, gotta love parents. :p

02-09-2010, 08:12 PM
Where everyone lives, how much snow does it take for y'all to get before school closes? My school is the one school that doesn't close unless it's REALLY bad. If we have bad roads and a lot of snow, we get out. If they're predicting bad snow, sometimes we get a two hour delay...

02-09-2010, 08:20 PM
Yeah I think it's a little hypocritical to sit and talk about how people deal with the snow (many people with two feet or more while having another possible two feet piled on top when the first storm hasn't been cleared out) while sitting in nice weather.

I always have to laugh when my MIL calls and makes mention of how it's supposed to get down below 50 degrees and refers to that as cold. LMAO cold? that's still t shirt weather for me

Now I am from Canada and I am well used to this amount of snow. BUT it is a completely different affair here. In Canada this is expected and well prepared for because it is a common occurance. But here? VA, DC, MD etc etc... not so much.

Last year we were lucky if we got 6 inches of snow TOTAL through the entire winter. this year we've had at least 5 feet of snowfall already. This area is just NOT equipped to deal with this kind of snow let alone two storms within a couple of days of each other.

so sit back and laugh all you want I'm used to this amount of snow and even I am well aware how crippling it can be to an area that doesn't have the resources to handle it.

You know after tonight Philly will have broken RECORDS for snowfall in one winter EVER. Not much of a laughing matter even to a seasoned snow goer.

that being said... I'm so SICK of the news. "special accuweather update" *cue dramatic music* What is the update? it's snowing? Yeah we know. more snow? YEAH we FREAKING KNOW. lol

02-09-2010, 08:22 PM
<object height="339" width="420">

<embed src="http://www.dailymotion.com/swf/xc4ixx" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" height="339" width="420"></object>
Weatherman Freaking Out Over DC Snowpocalypse (http://www.dailymotion.com/swf/xc4ixx)
by TheDlisted (http://www.dailymotion.com/TheDlisted)

I believe this is/was many of the people whom have posted in this thread thus far.

I have to admit, I was freaking out a bit like that on Monday when I saw the forecast for the "near blizzard like conditions for Wednesday with possibility of 50+mph winds".

02-09-2010, 08:23 PM
I have to admit, I was freaking out a bit like that on Monday when I saw the forecast for the "near blizzard like conditions for Wednesday with possibility of 50+mph winds".

that too. it's not so much the snow... that's dangerous for driving conditions on it's own. but the 50 MPH winds is NOT cool at all for anyone.

02-09-2010, 08:32 PM
Yeah I think it's a little hypocritical to sit and talk about how people deal with the snow (many people with two feet or more while having another possible two feet piled on top when the first storm hasn't been cleared out) while sitting in nice weather.

I always have to laugh when my MIL calls and makes mention of how it's supposed to get down below 50 degrees and refers to that as cold. LMAO cold? that's still t shirt weather for me

Now I am from Canada and I am well used to this amount of snow. BUT it is a completely different affair here. In Canada this is expected and well prepared for because it is a common occurance. But here? VA, DC, MD etc etc... not so much.

Last year we were lucky if we got 6 inches of snow TOTAL through the entire winter. this year we've had at least 5 feet of snowfall already. This area is just NOT equipped to deal with this kind of snow let alone two storms within a couple of days of each other.

so sit back and laugh all you want I'm used to this amount of snow and even I am well aware how crippling it can be to an area that doesn't have the resources to handle it.

You know after tonight Philly will have broken RECORDS for snowfall in one winter EVER. Not much of a laughing matter even to a seasoned snow goer.

that being said... I'm so SICK of the news. "special accuweather update" *cue dramatic music* What is the update? it's snowing? Yeah we know. more snow? YEAH we FREAKING KNOW. lol

You are so right on all accounts. We are NOT used to this...the people who have to live through it, the workers who have to try to clear it, the officials that have to organize the work, etc. If every winter were like this, we'd be prepared with generators for power failures, snow blowers for easier removal, etc.
We used to have snow mobiles years ago and one major reason we got rid of them is because it seemed like snow just didn't happen anymore...at least not enough to use the snow mobiles. Because of such a lack of snow, we're just not equipped--mentally, physically or with the right equipment.
Places are running out of salt and what not for treating roads, etc.

02-09-2010, 08:36 PM
that too. it's not so much the snow... that's dangerous for driving conditions on it's own. but the 50 MPH winds is NOT cool at all for anyone.

I know I'm not alone in my situation, and I know others are worse of, but I am me and I have my own worries and fears.
We're rural, we don't have houses close to us helping to block wind, our lines are in the open for the winds to get a hold of. And EVERYthing in our home runs on electric. The only thing we'd be able to do if power goes out is light our gas stove with a match. We have our own well so therefore don't just lose hot water, we lose ALL water. We have baseboard hot water heat, the pipes upstairs run through unheated crawl space. We go without heat for too long, the pipes can freeze and then burst.

I didn't worry this much when I was younger...experience has shown me what can and might go wrong if situations are right for it all to go wrong! I'm not oblivious to what can go wrong anymore, so these weather conditions are not just something to "get through" anymore...they care a cause of a lot of nervous apprehension and worry.

02-09-2010, 08:42 PM
We also are in a rural area, with a well. Shortly after we moved in, 21 years ago, we bought a generator. Not one of those whole-house units, but we are able to plug it into the side of the house. Inside is a panel with 5 switches. We can run the furnace, well, fridge, hot water heater and assorted lights around the house.

It's been a God send over the years. Yes, it's not much fun to drag around in the snow, but at least we can have heat and water - flush and shower :D

02-09-2010, 08:44 PM
I agree. Our heat is all baseboard heating and our stove is electric. if the power goes out it's gonna get cold in here... FAST. We;ve got a lot of clothes, a lot of blankets and a butt load of candles LOL but no fireplace. at least the van is fully gased up lol and we do have the grill if we need to cook :)

right now we are just wondering how sturdy our roof is

02-09-2010, 08:46 PM
We also are in a rural area, with a well. Shortly after we moved in, 21 years ago, we bought a generator. Not one of those whole-house units, but we are able to plug it into the side of the house. Inside is a panel with 5 switches. We can run the furnace, well, fridge, hot water heater and assorted lights around the house.

It's been a God send over the years. Yes, it's not much fun to drag around in the snow, but at least we can have heat and water - flush and shower :D

I need to get my husband to look into one of those. We had a small one at one time and we used it in a warm weather power outtage just to run lights and the tv.
In fact, I told my husband that since he doesn't want to leave "the farm" and I want to move into an easier living situation like a 55+ community, that he has 2 choices:
We move or we get generator and snow blower!

Would you mind sharing what kind of generator it is or a link to it or something so I can show and tell my husband about it?

02-09-2010, 08:49 PM
I agree. Our heat is all baseboard heating and our stove is electric. if the power goes out it's gonna get cold in here... FAST. We;ve got a lot of clothes, a lot of blankets and a butt load of candles LOL but no fireplace. at least the van is fully gased up lol and we do have the grill if we need to cook :)

right now we are just wondering how sturdy our roof is

The pipes in the crawl space really should be wrapped in that thermal stuff. The kind that heats electrically wouldn't help in power outtages but just some wrapping would help some.
I think our roof is okay.
We've got plenty of clothes and blankets, too, but I'm ALWAYS cold, even with the thermostat set at 68 or 70! So a power failure is going to equal me getting cold real quick. I guess I could always have a marathon cooking and baking session in the kitchen to keep warm since we can light the stove with a match since it's gas.

02-09-2010, 08:54 PM
Pat here is a link (http://www.hayesequipment.com/eu6500is.htm) to our generator. There is a Gentran panel inside, near the breaker box, and the generator connects to that. You can get ones similar, but cheaper, but this one is very quiet.

Douglas said the prices of whole-house generators is going down - you might want to look into one of those.

You said you have a gas stove - do you have natural gas, or propane?

The nice thing about the whole-house - they turn on and off automatically when the power goes off.

02-09-2010, 08:57 PM
Pat here is a link (http://www.hayesequipment.com/eu6500is.htm) to our generator. There is a Gentran panel inside, near the breaker box, and the generator connects to that. You can get ones similar, but cheaper, but this one is very quiet.

Douglas said the prices of whole-house generators is going down - you might want to look into one of those.

You said you have a gas stove - do you have natural gas, or propane?

The nice thing about the whole-house - they turn on and off automatically when the power goes off.

THANK YOU! I will show this info to my DH in the morning, he's gone to dreamland already!

Our stove is propane.

02-10-2010, 06:22 AM
We got some freezing rain last night, but they are calling for additional snow today with high winds. It has to be bad if the bank is closed!:eek:

Guess we'll just hunker down and pray that the power doesn't go out.:(

02-10-2010, 06:36 AM
We got some freezing rain last night, but they are calling for additional snow today with high winds. It has to be bad if the bank is closed!:eek:

Guess we'll just hunker down and pray that the power doesn't go out.:(

Same here. Our vehicles in the driveway have a pile of snow on them again but on the ground we had cleared there is only about 2-3" of crunch sleet/snow. Our road is actualy still clear. It's barely doing a slushy-sleet out there right now....The calm before the storm I suppose.
I did hear one encouraging report...no mention of 50+ mph winds so far, all I heard was "gusts up to 25"...that's a whole lot more comforting than what they had been saying at first.

02-10-2010, 06:48 AM
We're under another blizzard warning and the governor has called a state of emergency again. We got about 6" last night before it turned to rain, so it was a couple of inches of slush on the porch this a.m. when I let the dogs out. It just started snowing again and is supposed to much of the day, with periods of extremely heavy snow. We are on the south edge of the storm, and they are still saying we could get 20", but I doubt that we will.

02-10-2010, 06:52 AM
We're under another blizzard warning and the governor has called a state of emergency again. We got about 6" last night before it turned to rain, so it was a couple of inches of slush on the porch this a.m. when I let the dogs out. It just started snowing again and is supposed to much of the day, with periods of extremely heavy snow. We are on the south edge of the storm, and they are still saying we could get 20", but I doubt that we will.

I don't even want to look at the tv for a report...I HOPE we aren't in a blizzard warning but I wouldn't be surprised if it's a state of emergency by the afternoon.
We are also in the up to 20" band last I knew, but I'm hoping we'll get whatever the minimum for that particular band is and not the 20"!

Hang in there....12 hours or so and we should be on the other side of this storm! I plan to take lots of naps and watch tv and keep busy on the computer to keep my mind off it! Might have to shut the living room drapes so I don't see what is on the other side of the big picture window!

Pinot's Mom
02-10-2010, 06:59 AM
**sigh** It's snowing **sigh** hard! It snowed about 8" to this point. We drop the winter storm warning at 10am - then we go into blizzard conditions. It's officially the snowiest winter ever.

I really wouldn't have any problem with it if I were retired, but I'm not. I work in customer service for a manufacturing facility and this has been hell for us and our customers. We have had to close again today; this will be devastating for production. OK-I've vented. **sigh**

02-10-2010, 07:28 AM
I don't even want to look at the tv for a report...I HOPE we aren't in a blizzard warning but I wouldn't be surprised if it's a state of emergency by the afternoon.
We are also in the up to 20" band last I knew, but I'm hoping we'll get whatever the minimum for that particular band is and not the 20"!

Sorry to break the news to you, but you've got blizzard warnings too. I checked The Weather Channel site and used Cherry Hill as the city reference point, and sure enough, you've got it too. :p

02-10-2010, 07:45 AM
Super. I just watched the local TV update. We already have about 8 inches extra on the ground. "But the worst is yet to come", he says. What a JERK! LOL

They showed a map... With Lancaster county as a base (where we are) there is a "12-18" inch line that runs diagonally towards NYC that ends in the upper poconos. Plus, 30mph sustained winds this afternoon, starting around 3-4pm.

God.... We offically cry "UNCLE!" You da man, OK? So stop already. :)

02-10-2010, 08:32 AM
Up here, 40 miles north of Pittsburgh, we have 5 more inches of fresh snow on top of the 22" we've gotten in the BIG snow. Maybe an additional 1-3' possible today, too. Our big problem is the wind, which is gusting up to 40 mph, causing drifts and low visibilty. I can't wait for spring to come!

02-10-2010, 08:48 AM
Bri, my school closes much later then all the other schools, it's hard to get off school here. :P

02-10-2010, 08:50 AM
I guess I don't need to look at the tv reports after all the updates and reports here!;)

02-10-2010, 09:07 AM
It's over here in S.E. Michigan. We had about 8" from start to finish. The winds have picked up - about 25mph this morning.

02-10-2010, 09:42 AM
I've noticed a lot of people have to clean off their cars, then driveways,
etc, does any one keep their cars inside the garage. You'd still have to
clean off the drive way, but still, It would help if at least the car wasn't
covered with ice & snow.:confused: Inquiring minds want to know.:)

02-10-2010, 10:23 AM
Very observant I must say. A car in the garage - what a novel idea!!! LOL We have 3 vehicles in the driveway that have never seen the inside of the garage. There's no room with the Harley, garden tractor, freezer, work bench, etc, etc, etc! Hopefully there will be a snow blower in there next year too.....:p

Right now we are getting hammered - whiteout conditions - wind has picked up. I'm so sick of snow - and I actually like it - but enough is enough!

Poor kids will be going to school till July at this rate. They lost 4 days with the snow before Christmas, and out all week this week so far, and they'll be out for sure tomorrow too, and probably Friday. :(

Pinot's Mom
02-10-2010, 10:50 AM
I've noticed a lot of people have to clean off their cars, then driveways,
etc, does any one keep their cars inside the garage. You'd still have to
clean off the drive way, but still, It would help if at least the car wasn't
covered with ice & snow.:confused: Inquiring minds want to know.:)

Our garage belongs to 1) the pop up camper, 2) the snowthrower, 3) the lawn equipment, 4) the potting bench, 5) the bicycles ... got the idea?

Neighborhood regulations do not allow for campers in the open - the pop up (and it's not a small one) has to claim the garage. This is not a problem for us, we chose to have things that way.

The ones I do NOT understand are my neighbors across the way. We have a common drive with four houses which is a decent length and a steep descent, BUT, as previously posted, we also have a powerful snowthrower and keep the drive clear. They chose, in both storms, to take their vehicles up to the top, on the main street, and leave them there. This makes it so the plow can only make a single width path instead of being able to plow all the way to the curb. There is a mountain of snow in the middle between the plowed path and where the car is. THAT does not make sense!!:rolleyes:

02-10-2010, 11:31 AM
our garage is storage space... not car space lol. We don't have a lot of storage areas in this house so the garage is where we put everything. Plus we can't fit the van and the car in there even without all the boxes so we'd still have to clean at least one off and they take up 3/4 of the drive way and I think it's easier to clean snow off a car than to shovel that 3/4 because under the cars there isn't much in the way of snow.

Well we've probably got about about 15 inches of snow right about now but they said the snow is supposed to start to taper off here soon.

But... we've lost satellite signal. booooooourns lol. oh well at least we have some shows on the DVR that we haven't watched... but I"m gonna miss Y&R... the HORROR

02-10-2010, 11:37 AM
our garage is storage space... not car space lol. We don't have a lot of storage areas in this house so the garage is where we put everything. Plus we can't fit the van and the car in there even without all the boxes so we'd still have to clean at least one off and they take up 3/4 of the drive way and I think it's easier to clean snow off a car than to shovel that 3/4 because under the cars there isn't much in the way of snow.

Well we've probably got about about 15 inches of snow right about now but they said the snow is supposed to start to taper off here soon.

But... we've lost satellite signal. booooooourns lol. oh well at least we have some shows on the DVR that we haven't watched... but I"m gonna miss Y&R... the HORROR

Did you lose the signal because of snow on the dish? Can you reach it, to remove it? We've lost for that reason just twice. It's a pain in the neck, but we hauled a ladder over and used a long handled broom to knock off the snow. Goes to show, we should have had it mounted on a ground post.

Pinot's Mom
02-10-2010, 11:43 AM
Did you lose the signal because of snow on the dish? Can you reach it, to remove it? We've lost for that reason just twice. It's a pain in the neck, but we hauled a ladder over and used a long handled broom to knock off the snow. Goes to show, we should have had it mounted on a ground post.

I love where our dish is for that very reason. It's mounted under and next to the living room window on the side of the house. During storms, we just open the window and brush it off. :)

02-10-2010, 11:46 AM
Did you lose the signal because of snow on the dish? Can you reach it, to remove it? We've lost for that reason just twice. It's a pain in the neck, but we hauled a ladder over and used a long handled broom to knock off the snow. Goes to show, we should have had it mounted on a ground post.

We used to lose signal in a heavy rain storm, and we had the same happen with both Dish Network and Direct TV. We went back to cable - better lineup, less money, and we don't lose signal.

It might be clearing - it's brighter out than it was. I can wish I guess.........:)

02-10-2010, 12:01 PM
Well God loves me :) the signal came back just in time for The young and the restless LMAO

I guess the snow was just really heavy so the signal couldn't get through because the dish is clean :)

02-10-2010, 12:04 PM
Just a couple pictures. Brian went out to shovel a new path for the dogs so they could tinkle lol





the roof only had a couple inches left on it from the last storm this is the roof now


02-10-2010, 12:08 PM
:eek: WoW girl you all do have the Snow.. Just think when it all starts melting.. There could be some flooding going on.. It is pretty.. How many inches do you have now?? Boy Howdy dont take Hanna out or you might not find her..

02-10-2010, 12:18 PM
:eek: WoW girl you all do have the Snow.. Just think when it all starts melting.. There could be some flooding going on.. It is pretty.. How many inches do you have now?? Boy Howdy dont take Hanna out or you might not find her..

Well it's hard to say how much we have total now lol. But up to Brians waist and he wasn't all the way down to the ground... there was still more snow udner his feet. that drift there is probably about 4 feet at least.

The report says we've gotten 13 inches so far and still snowing and now the wind is starting

That's what I said. if we took Hannah out we'd have to tie a rope to her so we don't lose her lol

02-10-2010, 12:30 PM
It's blowing here like a son of a gun; whiteout conditions for sure. I am so sick of hearing/seeing/reading/talking/watching/worrying about the weather I could SCREAM!:eek::eek:

WE all need a normal life! This cabin fever stuff is getting real old.

I can't imagine how the folks in Baltimore feel right about now. I survived blizzards there before, but this one is unbelieveable.:eek:

02-10-2010, 01:02 PM
We had a break, but it's snowing again. I hope my car doesn't end up being a casualty!!! :mad:

ETA: Good news for me! My son and DIL got enough shoveled out in front of my car to move it forward and out of the path of the tree - should it decide to go down. I was sweatin' that one - especially since the car is paid for and it's ALL MINE!

02-10-2010, 01:44 PM
We used to lose signal in a heavy rain storm, and we had the same happen with both Dish Network and Direct TV. We went back to cable - better lineup, less money, and we don't lose signal.

When did you last have satellite? We had DISH about 7 years ago, and most every time it rained, we would lose signals for a short period of time.

We have DIrect now, and rarely lose during rain, and only a couple of short times for snow. The dishes now, at least those of Direct, seem to be much better than the older ones. And even if we should lose the HD channels, the SD are always on.

We went back to cable between the satellites - lousy picture quality; the HD/DVR boxes kept burning out; not enough HD channels.

I will stay with Direct as long as they are the ones with Mega March Madness :love: I wouldn't give that up for anything :)

02-10-2010, 01:58 PM
I've noticed a lot of people have to clean off their cars, then driveways,
etc, does any one keep their cars inside the garage. You'd still have to
clean off the drive way, but still, It would help if at least the car wasn't
covered with ice & snow.:confused: Inquiring minds want to know.:)

I live in a Cape, with the garage underneath the house. So, I have to shovel the driveway before I move the car or risk a ice rink with rock sides. :eek:

While in the warmer months I park outside, once cold weather comes (October for J's sake), we move inside. That means I have about 2 inches clearance on each side, once you factor in a lawn mower, hoses, 3 bikes, a jogger, garbage cans and the pots from the yard. Plus more! It is TIGHT. In fact, you can only open the drivers side of the car's doors. But, no way do I want to park outside with a garage at my use.

02-10-2010, 01:59 PM
yeah we only lost the signal for a short time. it's been back on for a while now strong and steady :)

So I just decided to go out and play in the snow LOL. It's up to my belly button in some spots :O I went and jumped into the biggest drift and for a brief moment thought "uhoh... I'm not gonna be able to get out of this" because everytime I put my arms down to push myself up they would sink down lol so I couldn't get any leverage. But as you can see... I made it.

It didn't help that Beezer was so excited by the whole thing that he was right on top of me lol

02-10-2010, 02:05 PM
When did you last have satellite? We had DISH about 7 years ago, and most every time it rained, we would lose signals for a short period of time.

We have DIrect now, and rarely lose during rain, and only a couple of short times for snow. The dishes now, at least those of Direct, seem to be much better than the older ones. And even if we should lose the HD channels, the SD are always on.

We went back to cable between the satellites - lousy picture quality; the HD/DVR boxes kept burning out; not enough HD channels.

I will stay with Direct as long as they are the ones with Mega March Madness :love: I wouldn't give that up for anything :)

I'm not sure which is the last one we had - the snow is covering the dish. They leave the dish but take the boxes. It's been a couple of years since we had the dish.

The reason my son dropped them in the end, was because of one of the salesmen. He was quoted a price to upgrade, and then when it came down to the nitty-gritty, said it was an error on his part, and couldn't honor that price. So Steve told him where to put his dish!!! :eek: We have 3 t.v.'s on cable (2 on HD), On Demand, both Phila and Baltimore stations and tons of channels, tho he doesn't subscribe to HBO or Showtime, plus the internet too. It comes to a lot less than he was paying for the dish service.

02-10-2010, 02:18 PM
Yep here in Central NJ we're getting lots of snow. It was really blustery a little while ago and now the snow has reappeared, for a while it had stopped and was just blowing around. I have not attempted to do any shoveling since we'll probably get pretty much covered up again during tonight. Not liking this Winter so far :(

02-10-2010, 02:45 PM
This is ridiculous! It won't stop snowing! It has snowed steadily since yesterday morning!

Pinot's Mom
02-10-2010, 02:50 PM
It's blowing here like a son of a gun; whiteout conditions for sure. I am so sick of hearing/seeing/reading/talking/watching/worrying about the weather I could SCREAM!:eek::eek:

WE all need a normal life! This cabin fever stuff is getting real old.

I can't imagine how the folks in Baltimore feel right about now. I survived blizzards there before, but this one is unbelieveable.:eek:

The folks in Baltimore (14 miles from Baltimore, but we work in Baltimore) are pretty darned tired of this, too!:rolleyes:
The snow is sideways yet again, the wind is absolutely howling, we've gotten just incredible numbers in snow totals, and I'm just hoping our lovely blue cypress trees can withstand all this. They're rather delicate are weighed down with snow, and this time I can't get to them...:(

02-10-2010, 03:13 PM
Stay safe everyone, the now is about an hour and a half from my place and I definetely don't like to drive in it.

02-10-2010, 04:00 PM
Driving was awful here today. In East Tennessee, it's usually the people in the mountains that get the snow and we usually get like an inch or two max in the city where I live. But today, it's been snowing ALL DAY, and it hasn't STOPPED snowing and it's STILL snowing.

It looks like a freaking blizzard outside. We have winds up to 20mph and it's pretty pointless for the city to come clean the roads because they get covered up again in an hour or less.

We didn't have to go to school today and we have 70% chance of snow again for tonight... If it keeps up like this we probably won't have to go to school tomorrow either.

If it's this bad here, I can't imagine how awful it is for everyone up north. Hope everyone is staying safe and warm.

02-10-2010, 05:11 PM
The folks in Baltimore (14 miles from Baltimore, but we work in Baltimore) are pretty darned tired of this, too!

I know, I've been watching channel 11 all day. The Sun also has some incredible pictures that people have submitted. Cars totally covered with snow, snow covering entire decks, trees bent over, and on and on.

This storm was supposed to be out of here this evening, but it's changed course and is hanging around for a while.:rolleyes:

(wish I could see my old neighborhood to see how it looks about now)

02-10-2010, 06:21 PM
*Whew* I think it's over for us, maybe just a few fluries here and there but that's about it. I'm so excited:D

Now as long as it stays cold for a while and doesn't melt all this snow and cause flooding I'll be a happy camper!

Hope it's over soon for the rest of you too.

02-10-2010, 06:38 PM
As I have said I adore the snow but I too grew up in the country and know what it is like to worry about electricity going out, and having animals to take care of in a snow storm cows, horses, pigs etc. Nowadays they do take better care of the roads then 40 some years ago and we have better cars with cell phones, GPS, ON Star.
My best advice to all is to get a gas grill a good one and put it in the garage to heat food with. That way if all else fails you can still have a warm meal which is half the battle I think, a hot soup, a hot dog and a hot cup of cocoa do wonders.
I know many have fire places alas I have never had one even in this new home we built.
Am looking forward to the Home and Flower Show tomorrow at the IX Center with my daughter and third son. Son works for a local nursery and has a keen interest in all things green of course. I love going and since it is my birthday well yesterday they usually let me pick something out that I find. I am a seed freak, since I plant my own tomatoes and hundreds of flowers are already growing in the basement with the grow light. I love looking outside and seeing tons of snow and then seeing my little pepper and tomato plants poking their head out of the grew flat, same with the sunflowers. Spring will come when it's ready and when mother nature thinks we are ready to enjoy it with open arms, right now we have to enjoy father winter first. I am rambling, time to pour another glass of wine.

02-11-2010, 09:52 AM
I live in a Cape, with the garage underneath the house. So, I have to shovel the driveway before I move the car or risk a ice rink with rock sides. :eek:

While in the warmer months I park outside, once cold weather comes (October for J's sake), we move inside. That means I have about 2 inches clearance on each side, once you factor in a lawn mower, hoses, 3 bikes, a jogger, garbage cans and the pots from the yard. Plus more! It is TIGHT. In fact, you can only open the drivers side of the car's doors. But, no way do I want to park outside with a garage at my use.

I'm glad I am not the only crazy person who actually parks my car in
a garage.:D I have a detached garage that is actually 2 1/2 car wide.
People around here with 1 car garage use a storage shed for all the
extras.:) I hate frozen car doors & ice buildup on car windows.

02-11-2010, 10:40 AM
:eek: Woo Hoo We are getting Snow here in Tx today.. It is to last until Friday Morning.. We are to get 6 to 8 or 9 inchss.. It will for sure all be Ice in the morning after it freezes the roads tonight.. Company noted us to come into work late tomorrow..

02-11-2010, 11:07 AM
I'm glad I am not the only crazy person who actually parks my car in
a garage.:D I have a detached garage that is actually 2 1/2 car wide.
People around here with 1 car garage use a storage shed for all the
extras.:) I hate frozen car doors & ice buildup on car windows.

We have a 1 1/2 car detached garage for all our "stuff" - a shed wouldn't cut it!!!

What we need now is a 3 car garage for the vehicles. :D Good idea but not in the budget.........:( And since this snow we're having this year isn't at all typical for this area, those big bucks could be put to good use elsewhere. We probably won't see another crazy winter like this again for a long time. I hope anyway. :eek:

02-11-2010, 11:21 AM
:eek: Woo Hoo We are getting Snow here in Tx today.. It is to last until Friday Morning.. We are to get 6 to 8 or 9 inchss.. It will for sure all be Ice in the morning after it freezes the roads tonight.. Company noted us to come into work late tomorrow..

Have fun. Just keep it down there please - we have more than enough. We're still in a state of emergency, so everybody is home - again. :( I didn't realize just how much I liked having the house to myself - until everybody is forced to stay home from work and school, and off the roads. School has been closed all week - the kids don't go back now till Tuesday, since Monday is a holiday. My grandson is bored to tears and driving us crazy - or more crazy than usual - just a typical 13 yr old I suppose........

Many stores are voluntarily closing for fear of roof collapse, even before the state of emergency. There have been several such incidents at schools and a fire station. The flat roofs just can't take the weight of the snow and ice, and don't drain off like a pitched roof. This has been a winter that won't be forgotten around here for a very long time!

02-11-2010, 11:53 AM
I'm glad I am not the only crazy person who actually parks my car in
a garage.:D I have a detached garage that is actually 2 1/2 car wide.
People around here with 1 car garage use a storage shed for all the
extras.:) I hate frozen car doors & ice buildup on car windows.

If I had a storage shed, I would have no back yard left. LOL. I am on a city lot, with about 1/4 'landscaped'. Poor J would have to take to playing in the street! :D

Cinder & Smoke
02-11-2010, 01:03 PM
get a gas grill, a good one, and put it in the garage to heat food with.


Please, NO Grilling **Inside** the garage!!

Charcoal or Gas grills ALL give off DEADLY Carbon Monoxide fumes (CO) in large quantities!

A Little CO *IN* a garage can make everyone present DEATHLY ill ...
and that CO can and will seep into the living areas of the house! :eek:

The SAFE way is to clear a little spot OUTSIDE of the garage;
push, pull, or drag the grill OUTside the garage and cook in the open air.

When finished, shut off the gas OR allow the charcoal to COMPLETELY
go out (to where you can touch all the ashes and remaining briquettes)
and then store the grill inside till it's needed again.

/s/ FireFighter Phred

02-11-2010, 01:17 PM
Trenton got another 13" yesterday on top of the 17" we got over the weekend. Our local news is saying more snow is due on Monday.....YES!!! This winter has been a winter lover's dream come true. I'll take this over spring and summer any day, they both come too soon and stay way too long. I detest both of those seasons with an absolute passion! :mad:

02-11-2010, 01:47 PM
The snow was fun until I had to help shovel *grumble*

Now I think snow is STOOPID. LOL

justkidding I still love it. but my aching back doesn't agree

smokey the elder
02-11-2010, 01:57 PM
So, it's going to snow...for a change?:p;)

02-11-2010, 02:08 PM
So, it's going to snow...for a change?:p;)

Someone is playing a sick joke on us in the Mid-Atlantic region this winter. I'm not amused..........:mad:

And I heard about the possibility of more on Monday too. I'm going to FL to stay with relatives till this is over. Just kidding - but wish I could!! :(

02-11-2010, 02:20 PM
Round 2 results....





I shoveled a path to the mailbox. Our mail person said that as long as she can walk to the box, she will deliver. Also, that light pole is 5 feet tall on top of a 1 foot raised planter box.

Anybody know a good chiropractor? LOL

02-11-2010, 04:46 PM
Please heed what Phred said about grilling or trying to cook inside ANY structure when unable to use "regular" stoves. ALSO... try to find (as we did through 5 ft drifts) your nearest fire hydrents ("drents? drants?) you know... :rolleyes: clear them out and dig a path to the street. That is more important than a driveway if you ask me. Thankfully we don't have to clear a path outside for doggy biz. The big ones have made lovely maze type paths throughout the yard and the smaller ones love to follow. On one silly note, this is the first time I've ever known cats (the two younger rescues at least) to LOVE playing in the snow. It's the silliest, most absurd thing I've ever seen) :D:D:D We only lost elec for several hours this a.m. and still have plenty of firewood. It's a chore for sure to uncover the huge wood pile and trudge back with armfulls of logs. I can build a fire and stoke it but I have to draw the line at carrying armfulls at a time. Too old, too sore and too damned tired :rolleyes:


02-11-2010, 05:10 PM
The snow was fun until I had to help shovel *grumble*

Now I think snow is STOOPID. LOL

LOL :D Just think of it this way, you can skip any planned exercise for the
next two days.:)

ps. Hi Laurie.:)

02-11-2010, 05:27 PM
I have no idea how much we got, but we lived through it!
We never got bad winds.
We kept our electric and phone but something made our internet and cable tv go out around 8pm Wed. and it didn't come back on until 11 this morning.
It was so nice to wake up to a beautiful blue sky today!
Someone in another post mentioned having animals to take care of...boy am I glad we don't still have pigs, chickens and rabbits to tend to with what we had here!
My nephew did all our shoveling and let me tell you, he had LOT to do between our drive & walk and his drive way.
Here are some pictures from Wednesday through the day and also from Thursday morning:
Around 11:30am the 10th:


Around 5:30PM the 10th:

Looking up our road in one direction 5:30pm the 10th:

One small area of our back yard morning of the 11th:


Our house and yard this morning:
Looking down the road this morning:

Our barn:

Another view of our house:

02-12-2010, 06:43 AM
We've had off school wednesday, thursday, and have a delay opening today. This is pretty rare this happens and kinda shows just how bad the storm is.

02-12-2010, 02:45 PM
:) Ok Ok we did not get as much as you all in eastern states got.. But we here in Tx ended up with 12" of Snow.. That is alot for Tx.. We broke records.. WooHoo..:p

02-12-2010, 03:50 PM
:) Ok Ok we did not get as much as you all in eastern states got.. But we here in Tx ended up with 12" of Snow.. That is alot for Tx.. We broke records.. WooHoo..:p

I dare say that 12" in Texas is on a par with 24" in the Northeast. Especially as you see snow so seldom.

02-12-2010, 04:04 PM
I dare say that 12" in Texas is on a par with 24" in the Northeast. Especially as you see snow so seldom.

Probably a lot worse than 24" - don't ya' think??? ;)

Hey Helene - do y'all have snow plows down in them-thar-parts???? :confused::D

02-13-2010, 08:17 AM
:rolleyes: Snow Plow = Mmm What is that?? :p Yup we use our Feet & Hands.. :D Hey I had to get out my Vehicle Scraper.. LOL
Probably a lot worse than 24" - don't ya' think??? ;)

Hey Helene - do y'all have snow plows down in them-thar-parts???? :confused::D

02-20-2010, 04:06 PM
I'm getting for a "mid-wester" -- 6 to 10 inches headed for Chicago late Sunday into early Monday. I'd prefer six over ten!

Pinot's Mom
02-20-2010, 04:23 PM
I refuse to discuss it. I just cleared the deck for the first time in over a week and made a path from the driveway to the deck. There is more predicted here, too, on Monday evening (when we'll be driving to a concert in Delaware!). I'm just NOT going to think about it...."I'll think about that TOMORROW" :)

02-20-2010, 04:41 PM
I refuse to discuss it. I just cleared the deck for the first time in over a week and made a path from the driveway to the deck. There is more predicted here, too, on Monday evening (when we'll be driving to a concert in Delaware!). I'm just NOT going to think about it...."I'll think about that TOMORROW" :)

I heard a mix or all rain. Please Lord - spare us.

At least it's supposed to be in the 40's for the next 5 days. Lots more melting - to freeze to solid ice every night. Still no bare spots in the yard yet, and the mountains of snow in parking lots and along side the roads from the plows, will still be here in April at this rate. :mad:

02-20-2010, 06:08 PM
I'm getting for a "mid-wester" -- 6 to 10 inches headed for Chicago late Sunday into early Monday. I'd prefer six over ten!

They are saying 3 - 6 here in S.E. Michigan. I decided to do my grocery shopping today - maybe that will mean we only get an inch on Monday :D

02-20-2010, 07:02 PM
Our next system is supposed to be rain, Monday into Tuesday. Hopefully not too much...I don't feel like having to suck up water in our basement. I hope those of you in for the snow don't get hit too hard. Just remember, anything under 45" in 2 storms a couple days apart is a piece of cake! LOL!;);)

02-21-2010, 02:05 PM
They're forcasting freezing rain and then rain overnight tonight into tomorrow. That means there will be a lot of flooding for the Pittsburgh area over the next couple of days. The rivers will rise and some low-lying communities could be hit. Pittsburgh won't be looking forward to that!

02-21-2010, 02:12 PM
They're forcasting freezing rain and then rain overnight tonight into tomorrow. That means there will be a lot of flooding for the Pittsburgh area over the next couple of days. The rivers will rise and some low-lying communities could be hit. Pittsburgh won't be looking forward to that!

Oh no, I hate to hear that. I know a couple people in the area who have already been devastated by past floodings.

I hope it doesn't get too bad.

The amount of time the rain is going to fall over here and the predicted amount wouldn't be too bad if there wasn't 45-50" of snow melting out there and still 8" or so left on lawns and mounds upon mounds on the sides of roads and in parking lots.

02-21-2010, 04:41 PM
I wait and look out the window. I swear these meoteorologists are over paid and totally under-trained. I don't think I've seen one "on the money" weather report in my 5 years back from Michigan!!

02-23-2010, 04:48 PM
Oh boy - oh boy. Do you believe it?????

Yet another Nor'easter for us on Thursday - blizzard conditions - 60 mph winds. What the devil is going on here? Haven't we had just about enough???? And I was enjoying today's rain since it was taking out some of the snow.

I think I'll just hibernate like a bear until Spring gets here. :(

Pinot's Mom
02-23-2010, 04:55 PM
Thursday could be interesting. We're supposed to fly to Canada at 7am. Weather right now is looking dicey. Keep your fingers crossed this thing turns another direction.

02-23-2010, 05:04 PM
Thursday could be interesting. We're supposed to fly to Canada at 7am. Weather right now is looking dicey. Keep your fingers crossed this thing turns another direction.

You and plans and snowstorms - just don't mix.

Want snow??? - just have Maggie and Coop make plans for a party or to travel and you'll be sure to get some.

When did you say you're planning the next PT Gathering???? Your track record is getting scary! ::eek::p

02-23-2010, 05:06 PM
Oh boy - oh boy. Do you believe it?????

Yet another Nor'easter for us on Thursday - blizzard conditions - 60 mph winds. What the devil is going on here? Haven't we had just about enough???? And I was enjoying today's rain since it was taking out some of the snow.

I think I'll just hibernate like a bear until Spring gets here. :(

I think they are saying this one is going to be a Nor'Western storm???
For us, they aren't promising an accumulation prediction...it could be 6+" (PLEASE!) or 12+" (NO!)
It's going to last from Wednesday eve/night into Friday sometime.
I'm trying not to listen to the weathermen sensationalizing it.
I'm just praying we get through it like the last ones. This one shouldn't be as bad snow accumulation wise but the winds could be worse than those.
It's sounding like it isn't going to snow every minute of the time the storm is in the area.

I'm hoping' and wishin' that it'll track way North and out to see and not give these PA/MD/DE/NJ areas another pounding.

We certainly HAVE HAD ENOUGH!!! I was hoping we were out of the woods. When the heck is this stupid EL NINO causing these systems going to be over with????

02-24-2010, 09:27 AM
Oh no -- now they are predicting a storm that acts like a hurricane!!!! :eek: :eek:

We are right smack dab in the firing line. I know a couple others are too :(

Hubby went out in the mad hopes for a new shovel yesterday. No shovels to be found but a lot of snow blowers. too bad we don't have a spare $400 laying around for a snow blower.

From accuweather: http://beta2010.accuweather.com/blogs/news/story/25316/monstrous-damaging-storm-looms.asp

Pinot's Mom
02-24-2010, 10:33 AM
You and plans and snowstorms - just don't mix.

Want snow??? - just have Maggie and Coop make plans for a party or to travel and you'll be sure to get some.

When did you say you're planning the next PT Gathering???? Your track record is getting scary! ::eek::p

I know, I know....we really are harbingers of bad weather this year! Get this...the storm is coming FROM TEXAS, and since we're flying American Airlines, we're flying THROUGH DALLAS FORT WORTH AIRPORT to go to Canada!!:eek: This really is getting ridiculous...

I'm waiting to plan the gathering until spring is really here...maybe we'll just get a thunderstorm! :rolleyes:

02-24-2010, 12:34 PM
According to the latest weather report, here in Trenton we can expect 12" to 18".....YES!!!!!
I absolutely love winter and the snow this year has been great. Almost like it's making up for those winters in recent years that the snow passed us by. Spring & summer always come too soon and stay way too long.

Come on, snow ;)

02-24-2010, 02:50 PM
WHOOPIE! In my area we'll be blessed, if that's the word, with another half foot of snow. One good thing, it'll keep the flooding away for now.

02-24-2010, 05:48 PM
They're predicting blizzard like conditions for our area and another possible 6 in. of snow. Yay. Temp has already dropped. I'm freezing! Time for the Jacuzzi.

02-24-2010, 06:01 PM
3 to 9" here by Friday morning and then heavy accumulation possible Friday!:eek: I love snow, but come on!:rolleyes:

02-24-2010, 06:08 PM
They're predicting blizzard like conditions for our area and another possible 6 in. of snow. Yay. Temp has already dropped. I'm freezing! Time for the Jacuzzi.

Jacuzzi - I was thinking more like the Bahamas!

Storm warnings up here all the way thru Friday a.m. with an ever changing forecast. Last night it was 3-6, this a.m. they downsized it to 1-3, now it's back up to 4-8. Heavy, wet, blowing and drifting snow with winds 50-65 mph at times. We're on the southern end, and in upstate PA they are calling for a possible 2 feet.

This time, my car is parked away from the tree that almost went down last time. I don't want to push my luck - just in case. :(