View Full Version : Help me with a comeback...

01-27-2010, 07:50 AM
So my good friend and handyman Bill says my cats love me because I feed them and that is the only reason. Whenever I talk about my cats loving me up and getting into my lap he says, yes they want food. I keep trying to explain to him the bond between owner and cat and that it is more than just for food. He doesn't seem to get it. How do I explain this to him so it will sink into his brain? We go round and round about this.

Pinot's Mom
01-27-2010, 07:54 AM
Does he have any point of reference? Does he have/has he ever had any pets? Does he have any children? Is there anything he could use to compare? There's got to be some relationship you could use.

Laura's Babies
01-27-2010, 08:29 AM
It is something you have to experience so it is useless to explain it to him. That is what he WANTS to believe so there is nothing you can say to change that.. WE know they have emotions and feel love and love themselves so why bother with this?

Several of my Mom's sayings come to mind here "It's OK to be stupid, but you don't have to open your mouth and let the world know it!" and the other was "It does no good to argue with drunks and idiots".. Remember those the next time and ignore him..

I worked with a guy that knew I love cats and he spent a lot of time cutting them down, trying to get a rise out of me.. I always smiled at him and his stupidity as I walked away from him... He eventually gave up on getting a rise out of me because he saw it was useless.

01-27-2010, 09:25 AM
"Several of my Mom's sayings come to mind here "It's OK to be stupid, but you don't have to open your mouth and let the world know it!""

Oh I like that one, Laura!

I don't know how you make someone realise cats love us for more than just food. I guess if someone could see how my Kit runs to comfort me if I cry it might change their mind.

There are plenty of times my cats snuggle with me and obviously show me love that have nothing to do with feeding time.

01-27-2010, 09:35 AM
"Bill, believe what you want, but I know it isn't true. Maybe your world is a sadder place, but my cats love me even when their tummies are full, and even if someone else feeds them. Did you only love your mother because she made sure you were fed?"

01-27-2010, 09:35 AM
To those who do not believe no explanation will suffice.:(
To those who do believe in the power of Love :love: no excuse is necessary.:love:
I know that My Cats LOVE me, and I LOVE THEM in return!!:love::love:

01-27-2010, 09:48 AM
[COLOR=Blue][I]I don't know how you make someone realise cats love us for more than just food. I guess if someone could see how my Kit runs to comfort me if I cry it might change their mind.

There are plenty of times my cats snuggle with me and obviously show me love that have nothing to do with feeding time.

That's so true!!!
I remember our RB Chester who used to stay in bed with me when I was sick. He stayed by my side the whole day, sometimes he didn't even eat at his regular times if I couldn't get up, and he walked me to the bathroom and stayed with me until I felt better. He was an such an angel!!

Sophie did that too some time ago when I stayed home. She stayed in bed with me the whole day.... That's priceless!!! That has NOTHING, NOTHING to do with feeding!!!

But as Laura said it's useless to argue with those air-heads who'll simply never understand, don't waste your time, just think of all the wonderful love and the beautiful simple little things his life is missing.... poor Bill.

01-27-2010, 09:57 AM
Let him explain why when my wife does all the feeding and I have my CREW all over me. When I am not well they stay with me in bed and will sit on me if I try to get up.

smokey the elder
01-27-2010, 10:17 AM
Diamond didn't start coming around almost 10 years ago just for food, I don't think.

01-27-2010, 10:23 AM
I knew I could count on my PT friends to come up with some suggestions. Actually, he is a very nice guy, he raised two sons (wife left him for another man) and had pets of his own when he was younger. However, he grew up on a farm and they depended on it to survive. I guess you could almost compare him to Amish now that I think about it, in his thinking of animals.

I think he tries to hide behind his gruff exterior. He always pets the cats when he is at my house and talks to them. He has had sort of a rough life too. I have been trying to soften him up over the years. We have been friends for about 6 years. He may actually be jealous of the cats too.

Loved the saying..."It's OK to be stupid, but you don't have to open your mouth and let the world know it!" I am adding that to my Facebook quotes.

Love you guys!!! :) :love: :)

01-27-2010, 10:34 AM
Do you free feed by any chance? I've always done that b/c of my work schedule so my cats don't love me up for food. When I come home, my Creamsicle runs to me as a child would and I have to get down on all fours and let her rub up against my face and give me kisses. And believe me, she loves her food. She's happy to see me. If your cats react this way, you might tell him that, however, I've learned that people love to remain in ignorance. It's comforting to them.

01-27-2010, 10:44 AM
Here's an oldie and perfect one: "What about the way to a man's heart is through his stomach???" :D (get in line, buddy! lol)

01-27-2010, 11:12 AM
If all they love me for is food, explain this to me; why is Mac sitting in the window every night when I come home? Not sometimes, EVERY night! My son does most of the feeding in our house, so it's not food. Both of my cats will lay by your side when you are really sick and refuse to move until they know you are better. How many times have they sensed I was sad and came over and sat in my lap and purrred and purred. We need pets, and they need us. It's about food sometimes, but there is also a lot of love being shared.:love:

01-27-2010, 11:15 AM
"When ignorance is bliss, it's folly to be wise"

This also is true when people argue about religion or politics...;)

01-27-2010, 12:40 PM
there have been numerous studies on this very subject, believe it or not. I remember at one point it was determined that a cat wasn't being affectionate unless it rubbed against you with certain parts of its body (I can't remember which). Other parts were just scent marking.

....so I do see where the guy is coming from. He probably saw the same show about it that I did. That was years and years ago though. The whole show pretty much said that the cats were manipulating us for their own personal gain.

01-27-2010, 01:16 PM
I have a rude comeback but will not post it....

Ignore him, when it comes to defending yourself?

When he says something say, "O.K." then drop the subject.

He'll get the idea one way or another-should he try to bait you into answering? Don't give him an inch.

People that do not want to let a subject die are very passionate (or mean) about the topic. This dude sounds like he's a bobo and does it to get under your skin.

Don't even patronize him wth a smart arse answer.


If Ed is manipulating me to get food?

I would love to see him open his own cans!;) Seriously?

It's a nice 'give and take' situation here.

He gets fed, I clean up his box and hairballs.

Plus, I have someone to talk to that isn't a smart arse.:);)

Queen of Poop
01-27-2010, 01:38 PM
Maybe he needs a cat of his own to find out for sure!

01-27-2010, 03:43 PM
A priest at one church I attended followed the religious teaching, and insisted to all of us pet owners in the pews that our pets were animals acting on instinct, nothing more.

So we pet owners stopped attending Mass when he was scheduled, as it was just instinct not to attend to someone we didn't like. :D

The other priest, as well as the pastor, would always clarify, "the official church teaching is . . . "

So of the 3, guess which one had never owned a pet in his life? Yup, the first one.

But you say your guy HAS owned pets. Um . . . I don't get it! It should be obvious at that point!

Don Juan's mom
01-27-2010, 05:35 PM
In a similar vein, a friend overheard me telling Don Juan (who was checking the linen cupboard for terrorists) that "if you find Osama Bin Laden in there, you have my permission to bite him." He maintains that if Osama Bin Rotten gave Don Juan a cat treat, my beautiful baby boy would lose any allegiance he has to the USA. :mad: Oh, well. :rolleyes::p