View Full Version : Lily: Blood urea level slightly increased! (update #19, to the vet tomorrow)

01-27-2010, 05:52 AM
For a couple of days, I noticed a urine like smell on Lily. I perceived it only in her fur, not in her breath, that's why my first thought was that Luna has peed somewhere outside her litterbox (you know, that happens), and Lily was lying on that spot. It's been confusing though that I couldn't find any spots in my entire apartment, usually I can smell it immediately when Luna had an "accident".

Anyway, I perceived the urine scent on Lily again this morning, and my gut feeling told me something wasn't right. My vet hardly perceived the scent on her which didn't surprise me because I know my sense of smell is very well developed. My vet suggested a quick test for urea in the blood, and that's what we did. To my dismay, the test showed a slightly increased urea level in the blood! It's nothing serious at this point, but an indication that she may develop a renal insufficiency at some point. As a precaution, my vet suggested to inject Renen for four weeks, twice a week. I have to do that at home, and I gave her the first shot at the vet's office today, so I could get some practice. Lily cried while I did that, and I seriously doubt that I will be able to give her the shots at home! :rolleyes:

I will also change her diet, will try a kidney diet from now on. In four weeks, when Lily got all her shots, we will draw blood from her again and send it to the lab, to check her kidney values. This is definitely something we have to keep an eye on!

It's kind of a strange feeling for me that something's not right with Lily. In her six years, she has never been ill, not once! It's always been Luna I had to worry about. Lily was always fine! But I'm more than glad I have this very sensitive sense of smell!!

Lily was a very good girl at the vet's btw! Even though she cried and screamed while the blood was taken from her, she calmed down quickly, and even ate some treats in her carrier while we were waiting for the test result. And as soon as we came back home, she was in good spirits, as usual. But I'm sure she will fight when I'll try to give her the next injection on Sunday...


01-27-2010, 09:25 AM
Prayers with love for little Lily's health!!!
(And for Luna's as well)

Love and kisses for them:love::love:

01-27-2010, 10:20 AM
Thanks! :)


01-27-2010, 11:36 AM
I hope that everything will go well and that she won't have any more problems. Prayers and positive thoughts are being sent her way.

01-27-2010, 02:33 PM
I hope all goes well with sweet Lily.:love: Your girls are so precious and I don't like to think of either of them being ill.:(

01-28-2010, 04:49 AM
Thank you! Well, I hope she'll be alright. Guess it's a good thing that this was detected at such an early stage!


Scooter's Mom
01-28-2010, 10:47 PM
I hope that Lily is feeling well today. Hugs to you for having to give her the shots.

01-29-2010, 08:52 AM
I am sorry to hear this. 30% of kitties over 10 years old have renal problems so you may have caught a very early problem.
But don't forget: especially in the early stages the levels will react to treatment and get lower again. With Filou he may well have been about the same age when the levels were not ok for the first time. Then it took 3 more years before his weekly sub-q fluids started and now he will be 14 next week - being old and not healthy but happy.
With the TLC Lily will get from you she will most likely live a long life.

01-29-2010, 11:58 AM
Thanks! :)

I am sorry to hear this. 30% of kitties over 10 years old have renal problems so you may have caught a very early problem.

I know! :( And in most cases, it's detected at a very progressed stage because cats usually don't show any symptoms before 60 or 70% of their kidneys are no longer working.

But don't forget: especially in the early stages the levels will react to treatment and get lower again. With Filou he may well have been about the same age when the levels were not ok for the first time. Then it took 3 more years before his weekly sub-q fluids started and now he will be 14 next week - being old and not healthy but happy.

Lily is 6 now, will be 7 in May. So Filou was about the same age when the kidney problems have started?

With the TLC Lily will get from you she will most likely live a long life.

Hopefully!! It's still an odd feeling to know that something isn't right, Lily has never been ill in her entire life, not once!!

01-29-2010, 06:49 PM
Sending good thoughts and prayers your way for you and Lily. Good luck with the injections, I hope you have someone to help you or at least hold her. Trying to medicate Cricket is like fighting an alligator. :D

01-30-2010, 06:01 AM
Thanks! :)

I just gave her the first shot at home! I was considering to ask my neighbor to hold her, but then I thought I'd try it on my own first. She wasn't happy and screamed as soon as the needle touched her skin, and she run away twice, but in the end, I was able to inject most of the liquid into her. All in all, in worked better than I expected, because giving pills to her is impossible (that's why my vet suggested to try the shots).

I gave her some treats afterwards, and catnip, but she's still a bit upset with me. I hope she'll get over it!!


02-13-2010, 06:20 AM
Here's an update: Lily is still getting her shots, always on Wednesdays and Saturdays. In the meantime, she really began to hate it, and last Wednesday, I even had to ask my neighbor to hold her. She still fought terribly! Today, I was alone, but to my surprise, she was a good girl, and even though she was whining again, she let me give her the injection. But the most amazing thing is that she's not bearing any grudge against me, only moments after the shot (when she got her treats, and catnip), she's sweet and loving as usual. To me, it seems we're even closer now, isn't that strange?

And for a couple of days now, I do not perceive that urine smell on her, she's having her old, fresh scent back! I hope that means that the urea levels are down!


02-13-2010, 06:48 AM
So glad that Lily isn't holding a grudge. We always feel so bad when they do that, don't we? She's being a good girl again and letting you inject her so things are looking up! :)

Pinot's Mom
02-13-2010, 06:54 AM
I missed this whole thing, I'm sorry!:(

Kirsten, I hope Lily is OK and the shots do their job!:love: Kisses to Lily (and Luna too!) from me and Pinot.

02-13-2010, 09:33 AM
I'm absolutely convinced that the levels are down- they usually do that in the beginning.
Filou doesn't hold a grudge although it is now close to 5 years that we drag him to the vet once a week for his fluids. But every Tuesday morning he looks for new hiding spots;)

02-13-2010, 09:50 AM
It does sound as if the urea levels are down since she doesn't have that smell anymore. :) I'm glad she lets you give her the injection without too much fuss. Here's some positive thoughts that she'll get better and better! :love:

02-13-2010, 10:00 AM
Thanks! :) I hope you're right! And I hope she knows that I'm just trying to help her!

After she got her last injection next Saturday, her blood will be tested again! :)


02-13-2010, 09:01 PM
I'm glad that she's not holding a grudge. She's probably feeling better and hopefully her levels are down and will stay down. I'll keep her in my thoughts and prayers.

03-14-2010, 12:51 PM
Well, Lily got her last shot yesterday, and tomorrow, she's going to see her vet for another blood test. Hope that one will show some improvement!


03-14-2010, 01:09 PM
Sorry Kirsten that I am a bit late in reading this thread! Hope Lily is on the road to recovery!

03-15-2010, 06:09 AM
Thanks! :)

Well, took her to the vet this morning where they took the blood sample. She complained all through the entire procedure, but she was a good girl and let the vet do her work. :)

Now I'm waiting for the test results, they'll probably arrive on Wednesday.


Edit: Forgot to mention: Lily's such a courageous girl also! While we where in the waiting room, three dogs (two of them really big) came to look inside her carrier, and she did NOT back off, and did not panic, she just hissed and told them off that way. I was so proud of her! :D