View Full Version : Pleaz read!

10-13-2002, 06:43 PM
Millions of dogs die a year for unresponsible breeding. There are too many dogs in the world. If you are breeding a dog for...

1.) You want cute lil' pups around da house

2.) You want to sell them for money

3.) You want your kids/you to experience the miricle of birth.

...then you are doing the wrong thing. PLEAZ! Spay or neuter you dogs!

10-14-2002, 05:21 AM
I read this somewhere online and I loved it! In response to the "I just want my Johnny & Susie to experience the miracle of birth"--

Get them a Nature Video...Just like Disney World they aren't going to remember it in six months anyway!!!

10-14-2002, 05:22 AM
P.S. Welcome to Pettalk SarahEvans. I hope you enjoy it here. What pets do you have, and do you have any pictures?

10-14-2002, 05:33 AM
Yes, a big WELCOME to PETTALK!!!!!!!!
hope that you enjoy as much as we do!!!!!!!

do you have pets??????
what kind??????
photos are good!!!!

10-14-2002, 03:26 PM
Thanx for the welcome :)

10-14-2002, 03:32 PM
Thanx for the welcome :) I have a dog named Pebbles. She iz soooo cute! She is a cock-a-poo. She is very energenic. She loves people. I should be posting pictures soon. I also have a cat named hope. She is a black cat. She is 12 and a half years old. She is very shy. I cannot get pictures of her 'cause she is so shy; she will be mad at me if I put a 'flash' in her face.

My 'curious' dog is trying to make friends with my cat. Pebbles is sill young, but not too young. (10 months). Everytime she gets near hope, hope will hiss at her. Twice, she even tried to wack her with her claws! Once or twice she has sniffed my dog... I think she is getting used to pebbles (pebby for short)

keep reading.....

10-14-2002, 03:38 PM
I used to have another dog. Her name was Dreamer. It was a little after we mover her. (Florida) Dreamer lived in Rhode Island all of her life. She had never moved this far. She was getting very old.

So one day right out of the blue, she went crazy! She picked the bed as her territory. Every time that I went near the bed, she showed me her teeth and barked and tried to bite me.

We had to put her down. :( I am so sad....... She was a great dog...

I think that is why my cat is so shy... I mean think about it; all of a sudden your best friend dissapears and does not come back. Well, you can tell she misses Dreamer. I am goin to go now... bye

10-14-2002, 04:58 PM
I am sorry about Dreamer :( I know there will always be a place in your heart for her.

Pebbles and Hope sound precious! I look forward to hearing more about them.

Welcome to Pet Talk!!!

10-14-2002, 05:27 PM
Hello and Welcome to Pet Talk!!! I hope you will enjoy it here!!

And I'm so sorry to hear your loss:(

10-14-2002, 06:37 PM
I switched my screen name to make it easier to remember... I switched it to Puppylover_4_ever

10-15-2002, 07:21 PM
I have pictures of Pebby now. I scanned them, and I have them on the computer. I only have 3 right now because all of the rest are put away in an albulm or given away. Please explain to me how to put pictures on your thread! I have no clue :confused: I am lost. Please take the time to explain it to me... I 'think' I might know how to do it. If you cannot see this, than HELP!!! PLEAZE!!!!!!!

Thank you so much,

10-15-2002, 09:27 PM
Welcome to Pet Talk! Looking forward to seeing pics of your babies!!!

10-21-2002, 05:26 PM
I started a different thread with pictures of my Pupp.