View Full Version : Woodster

01-11-2010, 11:37 PM
Wut a beautiful shepard u are....i love ur markings and i give kudos to ur human mommy for taking u in.....are ur step-sisters as beautiful as u are.....well happy DOTD to u a well deserved dog.......

01-12-2010, 12:28 PM
Woody, I've had many GSDs in my life and you are just so handsome with your long coat. :D
Congrats on being Dog of the Day today! :D

01-12-2010, 02:01 PM
Hello there handsome Woodster! Happy Dog of the Day to you, beautiful boy!:) What a magnificent GSD boy you are; a gentle giant of a lamby pup with a heart of gold!:cool: Those soft, warm, brown eyes of yours are the ultimate heartmelters, as well your awesome photo spread! Any 90 lb pup gentle enough to catch snowflakes, yet "manly" enough to tackle the biggest of branches is truly one of a kind!:D It's always sad to read of a pup needing to be re-homed, but thankfully your first family had the good sense to know they were unable to meet your needs, placing you in most wonderful and loving of forever homes, complete with 2 GSD sibs to pal around with!:cool: What a life, and what a lucky family, having been blessed with a furkid as sweet and loving as you!!!:love: Bless you sweetheart, for helping to heal your human's heart after the passing of your beloved predecessor Weylin; for bringing so much joy, love and laughter to your family's life! Hope you and Minky and Gretta are all being spoiled rotten today, enjoying the happiest day of celebration! Big hugs and kisses to you beautiful Woody, and to Minky and Gretta too!:love::love::love:

01-12-2010, 04:24 PM
Oh my gosh Woody! You're one gorgeous boy!:love: Congratulations on DOTD!:D

01-12-2010, 04:31 PM
Hello Woody,

It is great to meet you today handsome boy.:love: I loved your
picture carring in the tree branch.:D My RB Buddy loved to do the same.
You remind me of a big bear sweetie. Congratulations on being our specal
DOG OF THE DAY. Sending you lots of cyber hugs & a kiss for your furry face.:)